New Year's Resolutions for 2009

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  • My New Years Goals are to:

    1. Lose weight
    2. Eat less red meat
    3. Walk for exercise
  • My resolutions for 2009:
    1) meet my first short-term goal of getting under 300 lbs
    2) exercise at least twice per week - a walk or work out
    3) be able to find and fit into a decent dress for my son's wedding on Jan 2, 2010
    I believe we will all be able to work hard and meet our goals this year! Good luck to all!
  • My weight loss/fitness resolutions:

    I will journal daily and explore what is going on inside me. What is keeping me fat and oftentimes unmotivated? I will be 100% honest with myself.

    I will plan my food. No more grabbing what is convenient at the last minute.

    I will keep the junk out of the house!

    I will surround myself with positive messages by visiting 3FC, listening to Jillian Michael's podcasts, watching episodes of Biggest Loser Australia on the web, reading success stories on The Weigh We Were, etc.
  • Here are some things that I will be working on in 09.

    1. Track what I eat. When I don't do this, it gets completely out of hand. Right now I'm trying out SparkPeople and I seem to like it so far.

    2. Drink more water. I usually only get 17-34 oz of pure water day. I'm aiming to increase this to 51 oz, eventually 68 oz.

    3. Exercise for 20 minutes or more at least 3 days a week. It's not a lofty goal, but it's a place to start.

    4. Make a quilt that's actually quilted. I love looking at quilting books, magazines, websites, anything quilting, but I have yet to actually make a quilt (that wasn't tied).

    5. Take my vitamins every day.

    6. Make appointments for checkups at the doctor and dentist.
  • OK, lets do this!!

    1. Take my spiritual life seriously. Read the Bible in a Year and commit serious time to prayer!

    2. Lose 49 -69 pounds this year. Eat a proper diet of fruits, veggies, grains and etc. Less candy and sweets. Exercise 4-6 times a week (cardio and strength)

    3. More financially secure/stable/responsible. Get out of credit card debit (paid off my summer) Attach my long term debt (car and school loan).

    4. Get life situation together to become a Foster Parent. Look into the detail. Perhaps be a parent by summer.

    5. Look for employment that has less stress (same pay or more ) and allows me time to my family Church and (possible) child.

    6. Start to date. Find out where the men are and how to get one!

    7. Dedicate time to my art and writing - two hours a week. (Thanks Jessica for the reminder!).
  • 1) Get down to 240lb by the end of the year
    2) All A's and maaayyyybe 1 or 2 B's in classes this year.
    3) Walk a trail up on Sandia Peak
    4) Stick to my budget!!!!!
  • 1. control my temper/attitude
    2. be nicer to my boyfriend
    3. lose 50lbs.
    4. get a job as an MA

  • #1 - STOP cussing! I have been cussing like a sailor for 10 years now and it has to stop. The F-bomb and I have officially parted ways. I will pay $1 for everytime I mess up.

    #2 - Study for at least 1 hour every day. (this shouldn't be to hard becuase I usually do well over an hour a day, but then, some days I do nothing. I need to make this happen).

    #3 - To exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes at a time.

    #4 - Log my food on my fitday account. every. single. day. starting tomorrow. I promise.

    #5 - Get at least 7 (preferably 8) hours of sleep a day.
  • 1. take 10 minutes for myself EVERY SINGLE MORNING to put in contacts (instead of glasses) small amount of make-up, perfume, hair done and flower in hair (my signature look)
    2. Lose another 100 lbs this year. Bringing me down to 220.
    3. continue to log food in journal and fitday every day
  • I have been thinking about this for a couple of days, here goes..

    1) Get my spiritual life in order. I am good with devotions but I need to read the Bible and journal daily.
    2) Get my physical life back together. Start (monday) writing everything down again and be a good example for my girls.
    3) Pay down credit card debt - at least 70% down by summer time.
    4) Journal (on life/kids) regularly 2-3 times a week.

    (Athena, it looks like we have similar goal for 2009! )
  • My resultions for fitness/health in 2009 are:

    1. Lose 80 lbs by Dec. 31, 2009. That is 1.53 lbs a week, which is very doable. I will then weigh 170 and will decide at that point how much more I need/want to lose.

    2. Consistently go to the gym no less than 4 times a week and try to work it up to 6 times a week once my work schedule allows.

    3. 95% of the time, I vow to not eat anything that I can't account for the calorie content. I understand there will be moments when I won't be able to count the calories but those days will be few and far between.

    4. Drink lots and lots of water!

    5. To stop the negative talk, and focus on how much I've accomplished in my life. There is no reason whatsoever that I need to be fat!

    2009 will be my year!!
  • I resolve not to make resolutions LOL. I refuse to declare (in public no less!) that "I WILL lose XXX pounds" or "I WILL NOT eat XXX ever again" ha, because it's silly and unrealistic and doomed to failure -- I can't even say "I"m STARTING again today" starting what? I'm IN it, this is it, this isn't a diet, this is my life so what's to start right? just be in it, be aware of it, be glad you're healthy enough to do whatever you need to do, recycle a bit more, go for walks, there I'm done
  • 1) Recycle more!

    2) Run in a 5K!

    3) Pay off all credit card debt.

    That's all.
  • I declared that I was not going to make any Resolutions for 2009 but realized that I have but just had not formalized it by writing them down.

    1 - Weigh at least 30 pounds less on Dec 30, 2009. Will be thrilled if I lose 52 to 100 pounds.

    2 - Exercise so that I can comfortably walk at least 2 miles. Shopping for Christmas 2009 should be much easier.

    3 - Start saving for a trip to England.

    4 - Get in shape for that trip to England!

    5- Make a video every month of reading a book for my grandkids - long distance grandparenting!
    1. reach my goal weight (135)
    2. continue exercising and increase my fitness level
    3. log every day on the daily plate
    4. get to the dr's that i keep putting off.
    5. encourage my family to eat healthier and be more active.
    6. be more social
    7. take better care of my skin.
    8. try to get my sleep/work schedule under more control.