300 + Weekly Thread # 1184

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  • I woke up to a foot of snow this morning. No golf. I mean I could play, but the primate I live with won't let me go. He says it will be too slippery on the hills. I wanted to go because my water aerobics class was canceled today because of the holiday. I can go tomorrow, but the Mon. Wed. instructor isn't nearly as good. Last time I took her class, we both pulled muscles because her routine is bad. I'm pouting right now. I'm going to buy a portable basket, and set it up in the vacant field at the end of the block, and play disc golf all the way down the alley, and he won't be able to stop me.
  • Catherine, That's a great idea to make meals in bulk. It's quick and easy and fast. Just what I need. I'm going to give it a try. Your's sounds really yummy too and I love chicken anyway. I want to make some soups up too. I've got to stay away from breads, that my downfall. Thanks for the tip!
    Sorry the snow came in but the idea of the basket down the alley sounds like a good idea. Go jump on himself and tell him to quit being an ogre!

    Carol, ah, it's so sad when we see our parents declining with age. You're doing a great thing though by just enjoying him and being thankful for having him right now. My Mom isn't as sharp either and it's a bit scary for me since she was always such a quick thinker. Now it's like she stalls out at times. All we can do is be there for them and love them.
    Yes, throw a hand, an arm, a leg, a lifeline to get me back in the game!!!!

    Debi, the water is right there in front of me and I'm so involved, I just don't drink it. I'm so obsessed with beading now it's ridiculous. I go to sleep thinking about them and wake up thinking about them. I wish I could get this way about losing weight!
    Your meals sound scrumptious!

    We are expecting high winds and flooding rivers today. We have a 1-2 punch of storms coming in. It's wierd to sit here and see the winds kicking up and moving the storm in. Usually when they are coming in from the east, they are alot worse than coming in from the west.
    Did better with food yesterday because I kept pretty busy last night. Hopefully it will continue. Goal for today is to get my water in.
    have a wonderful day
  • I also wanted to take a minute for Remembrance Day here in Canada to remember those that I love who have served so that I can complain about not getting to play golf.

    My son John, Navy, Iraq War
    My brother Dail, Air Force, Vietnam
    My brother Chris, Army Artillery, Vietnam
    My brother Ray, Navy, Vietnam
    My father, Army Air Corp/OSS, WWII, DFC
    My uncle Bruce, Marines, WWII, Purple Heart, Iwo Jima
    My uncle Jimmy, Navy Seabee, WWII, POW
    My aunt Jenny, Marines, WWII
  • Annie-I am doing Jewels by Park Lane....around here they are relatively new in the area.....they have an awesome plan for not only Directors but hostesses & customers as well! I'm loving it! I have a show tonight and hope I can get some more bookings from it!

    Catherine I like what you did so I am going to copy your idea hope you don't mind......

    My Father Hector....Navy WWII (he lied about his age to go)
    My brother Hector Jr.....Navy
    My brother Andy.....Army Vietnam
    My brother Manuel.....Army
    My Husband Joe.......retired Army Desert Storm
    My son Anthony.....Army
  • Hi guys,

    I feel so sad. I went to the Dr. and dropped off my perscriptions. I just went back to get them and saw a doggie get hit by a car. It made me almost sick to my stomach. The car that hit him kept going! Luckily the lady behind her stopped and put the doggie in her car to take him to a vet. It looked like his leg was broken. I actually cried about it. I came right home and hugged my doggies and said a prayer for that other dog.

    The Dr. took tests but he is pretty sure I have walking pneumonia. He is treating me with meds for it and gave me an inhaler. I am running a pretty good fever so feeling not so hot right now and could use the extra prayers. Luckily I have tomorrow off work because it was volunter and I asked to be excused from it because I was feeling so poorly during work before I went to the Dr. The Dr. wanted me off work for at least a week but I told him I'd be okay after tomorrow's day off because my job isn't too active. lol.

    Christy: Welcome back. Glad to have you here. It sounds like your plan for night snacking is a good one. If I can suggest also, have some clean celery you can eat with some peanut butter, carrots, brocoli etc. I usually have those things cut up for my night snacking hubby and lots of salsa for him to use as dip. It has very low calories and he says tastes great. Good luck to you hun.

    Debbie: DId you have to close your old Etsy store? I tired to go there and couldn't get on so I'm just wondering if it is closed?

    Catherine: You be a good girl now and mind your man. lol.

    Carol: I think you are right that I finally broke through that plateu. I did my measurements and lost a total of 13" in 2 months time because I forgot to do it in Oct. lol. Hopefully it will keep up. Sorry that you are missing your Daddy being younger. I hear ya. My Daddy is 74 and I don't get to see him very often and every time I do he is looking older and older and seeming more and more tired. It is a sad thing but thank God they are healthy otherwise. Hugs.

    Debi: Aww shucks! (kicking foot in dirt). You are so sweet! I can't drink coffee but I do enjoy sf hot cocoa and I add a tiny drop of "Watkins" brand liquid chocolate flavor. No sugar in it but it really makes the cocoa taste excellent. Your home made chicken pot pie sounds yummy.

    Toni: Woo hoo on all that walking you are doing. See exercise has a way of working itself out. Sorry your truck is out of commission or being used by other family members but what a wonderful thing that has come out of it. Hugs.

    Bernice: One of my sister in laws used to sell that. They have some beautiful stuff. I hope you do fantastic with it.

    Okay to follow through with what Catherine and Bernice did for their family but I don't know their ranks
    My Dad Frank US Navy during Korean War
    My brother Bob Marines during Vietnam
    My Uncle Joh US Airforce WWII
    My Uncle Fred US Army WWII
    My Father in law Bill US Army WWII
    My Brother in law Gerry US Army during Vietnam

    Thank you to every Vet and their families for all the do and sacrifice!

    Well all, I'm really tired and need to go rest now. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • Thanks to everyone for your warm welcome! I think I've found the right place to help me along.

    Something happened at work today that bothered me. A lady in my office was stuck in the elevator for 1 1/2 hours, poor thing. I would have been climbing and clawing the walls! This woman annoys alot of people and my direct coworkers always have alot to say about her. When we found out who was stuck my coworkers had a field day making fun of her. When the fire department arrived one comment was made that "they better not try to get her through the trap door, she won't fit". Now that is just plain wrong. She is a larger woman but why is there always a negative thing to say about a person size? I guess always being big has put me on the defensive but that was uncalled for. Just had to get that off my chest.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions about eating at night. I made it thru last night with no snacking! One down and the rest of my life to go!

  • Annie, it's so hard when we see an animal get hit and some people just don't even stop to see how it is. I'm so glad a lady stopped and picked up the poor dog. I hope it found a new home with her too! I would of been bawling my eyes out too. It's so sad.
    Nope, didn't close my Etsy shop. I even got picked to be in someone's treasury! I'm opening another shop now with just jewelry. I'm starting off with earrings. I'm calling it Sugar Shack Jewelry. I should be opening it in the next couple of days. I'm really excited about it!
    Prayers are coming your way to get over that terrible pneumonia!

    Christy, it really is a shame for people to make fun of us heavier ones. They don't realize how hurtful it is. How come they don't make fun of anorexics or bulimics? No, instead they feel sorry for them when they are harming their bodies as much as a heavier person is, if not more.

    Bernice, good luck to you on your jewelry party. I hope you get tons of bookings and sell lotsa stuff!

    Well, that's it for me. Today is another good day. Just not so hot on my water, but I'll go start drinking it right now!
  • I know I should, but I don't want to
    Evening all,

    TOM has arrived, with kicking cramps, etc. It makes me grumpy. I am daily weigher....ok, I am a weigher mulitple times a day. I am watching my weight go up, and I am hoping it is water retention. I know I should be downing water, but I just don't feel like it. Have any of you seen water wash away water retention? My eating today hasn't been great, but definitely not that bad either. I have an aggressive (for me) goal of 10 pounds a month, and I fear TOM will make at least one of those weeks very hard to hit.

    Annie - I am so sorry you are feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.

    Not too much else to report, so I will close here.

    Take care and be well,
  • Annie-I'm so sorry about the dog. I can't even watch a movie where a dog gets pretend hurt.

    Thought since I had some more time, I'd finish my veterans list.

    My Grandfather Jesse, Army WWI
    Cousin, Aquilla, Indian Wars, Medal of Honor, 1877
    My Great-great Grandfather Edward, 11th Missouri Infantry, CSA
    His Brothers, George, 4th Regimental Calvary, Union; and William, 7th Missouri Calvary, Union Army
    My (4) Great Grandfather George, War of 1812
    My (3)Great Grandfather Asa, General Harrison's Regiment, War of 1812, POW in Canada
    My (4)Great Grandfather Edward, Colonel Virginia Militia, Revolutionary War
    My (5) Great Grandfather Robert, Colonel Virginia Militia, Revolutionary War, Battle of Yorktown
    My (4) Great Grandfather John, South Carolina Militia Revolutionary War
    My (6) Great Grandfather Georg Adam, French & Indian War and Revolutionary War
    My (8) Great Grandfather Thomas, Lieutenant, Massachusetts Militia, King Phillip's War
    My (10) Great Grandfather Thomas, First Commander of Topsfield Militia 1668, Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Angie - I gained 8 pounds overnight and flushed it out with water in 2 days - it works!
  • Ok so I wanted to post this earlier however I was short on time then........
    Just got back from my show....pretty good show....but, no bookings this month....one for the first part of next year.

    My DH was working at his part time job (car sales) and he was calling some people he had on a list.....one of the office girls came up and gave him just one slip of paper with a husband/wife name on it....this slip was from a drawing the carlot had....the boss had previously told this lady NOT to give out any of the slips yet.....so DH was NOT suppose to have even called these people yesterday.....well he picked up the phone and called......a little kid answered........proceeded to find out if parents were there....the kid told him Dad was in Korea....mom had packed all her things and left that afternoon and that the kid & an older brother were there by themselves......DH left his name & number and told the older brother (10...the younger one was 5 or 6) to call him if they needed anything....DH felt uneasy about these kids being alone......since he had talked to both of them seperately and didn't hear them discuss what the other said....no laughter so he thought these kids were telling the truth......DH after hanging up with them....called the Military Police since they were on the Army post ..........they sent a car over..........Dh called the Military police back after an hour and not hearing anything...........they said mom was there the whole time outside in the car..........DH still felt like something wasn't right..........then he got a call from a neighbor lady of the kids.......she said that she got the number from the boys....and that she wanted to call just to tell him thank you for following up on the boys and calling the MP's......then a few mins after this call she called back and explained a little more in detail.........she said the mom was found in the garage in her van and that she had committed suicide......Today DH got a call from the MP's for him to come in and fill out some paperwork about the calls he had with the boys...........when he went in they told him she had not died....but that she had sliced her wrists several times.....she is commited and has lost her boys..........the boys are staying with the lady that called DH untill their Dad can get home from Korea.....the Army is shipping him back ASAP! Talk about God moving in mysterious ways! DH would of never called that house had that lady not given him that slip like the boss had said...............if you think about it.......please pray for those boys!
  • Bernice, thank God that it all happened the right way & your hubby was there & had the sense to worry & get help for those boys. What kind of a woman does that to her kids? I've been suicidal before but I would have taken my boys to a family/friend's house, imagine if those poor boys had found her? Hug your hubby, he's a hero!xxxxx
    Annie, yep poor kids & animals, I can't even read about anything bad happening to them without being upset. There's been a 17 month old boy in the news here, he was killed by his mum, dad & their lodger (I won't go into detail but I cried last night it was so awful what they did to him over his lifetime) social services failed to protect him. I really hope there is a **** for those people & heaven for por little children. I hope the dog gets better & gets a good home; in the UK it's illegal to run over a dog & not report it to the police. I hope you feel better soon, pneumonia sounds REALLY serious, you look after yourself! BTW hope you don't mind, Ammi sent me a pic of you, you look AMAZING!!! Much less than 200lbs!xxxxx
    Well got on the scales & they aren't budging, tomorrow is my first weigh-in at my new slimming club, I've been good, so I'm hoping to lose SOMETHING.
    Well I have to go & eat then tidy then the dentist for a filling to be re-done, it won't be good as it's an awkward one & quite big. YIKES!!
  • Just wanted to say "Good Morning to my chickies"

    also that I posted that picture of me in the photo thread.......with one more recent....so you can see a comparison.

    I really never knew I looked that HUGE till looking at this photo!
  • Good afternoon chickies!

    Water was good yesterday and food was so so. Keeping busy and doing better today though.

    Bernice, you look great!!! What a difference. I look back at one of my pics from before I started and I look disgusting. I can't believe I let myself get that way. I don't look human, just like a big lump of something. I'm sure when I lose more weight, I will look back at the present pics and think the same thing. The things we do to ourselves.
    God Bless your hubby!! What a guy!! Thank goodness! Those poor boys.

    Have a great day!
  • Hello all-

    Off to my son's cub scout meeting. It's outside tonight. BRRRRRRR!!!!!!

    Berniece - your story broke my heart. I agree that God works in mysterious ways. I feel for your husband, it must be very hard. I keep thinking of this father on the other side of the world getting this news. I can't imagine what is running through his head right now. Those poor babies. I want to go and hug my boys now.

    Angie - I'm a daily/multiple weigher too. I know I shouldn't but that scale screams for me. Do you get depressed if there is no change or heaven forbid a small gain? I beat myself up over that. How do I mentally stop myself?

    I have a question I'm hoping someone can answer. I'm new, a few days in, and I know I can't do a signature yet. It says that I have to have so many posts? Do anyone know how many I have to have?

    I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all better and please if you have any questions for me lay them on me. I'm a open book

    Take care!