Sat/Sun Jan 5 & 6

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  • Morning!

    No time to post really. Only to say, I'm w/you, Ruth...Still decorated and dang proud of it! (And though I am admittedly in the minority on this, I personally think Christmas lights should stay up until all chance of snow has disappeared from the weather forecasts!)

    Later, ladies!

  • Tree is still up but that is about it. have tons of things to do so I am off.

    Pooky hate them septics!!! UGH!! if it gets too stinky get some chelated lime and sprinkle it LIGHTLY over the top. DO NOT THINK THAT IT IS TO SOAK IT UP (can you tell that i did that) It will help with the odor.
  • Good afternoon, chicks!
    Just came back from the grocery store and am so I had to leave the dumb groceries and go home, I didn't bring enough money with me! Duh!!!!

    Ruth, my tree is still up as we speak and it is on my to do list today! I'm frankly sick of looking at it, to tell you the truth. DD loves it, though, and will probably cry when it goes!

    Pooky, the septic here overflowed last year. It is in the middle of the front lawn and it was grooooooooooosssssssssssss! In fact, it ran out of places to overflow to, so it came back up in the sink drains and in the tub! YUCK!! Was only $150 to have it pumped out, though, thank goodness! Do they have a product called
    Rid-x in Canada? They recommend using it here to "keep your septic healthy" I have a hard enough time keeping the family healthy!

    Hey, Ruth, this is just commercial and testimonial day! Give us a break, huh?

    Have a great last day of the weekend, everyone!
  • Afternoon all!!!

    Skipped church was cancelled due to snow!!! Snow in Tennessee. We have about 6 inches and it is still falling, kids are in heaven.

    We rescued 2 beautiful German Shepards this morning wandering around our neighborhood... they are currently residing in my garage until their owner can locate a 4 wheel drive to venture up my hill to get them.....they apparently bolted in the snow and got lost they are quit a ways from home. I guess I am repaying the debt I owe for the man who found and cared for my dogs.....

    Have done some cleaning this weekend, I am hoping that this mess melts so I can get off this hill tommorrow....although no work would not be that bad I guess?

    Have a great Sunday everyone!!!
  • Here's the best story...
    My dh fixed this guy's computer this morning and lo and behold he is a plumber!!! Basically they traded off services and didn't charge each other a thing! Don't ya just love that?? Anyways, the problem turned out to be a faulty floater (sensor) in the septic well and it wasn't telling the pump to go--hence the back up. More good news on that front too--turns out that only the basement fixtures go through the pump--the upstairs fixtures go straight through to the septic tank. That means the flooding should only happen in the basement and never the upstairs!! Big sigh of relief here......
  • Sunday afternoon, nice and quiet here; anyone care for a cup of tea?
    I feel so productive! I did all my paper sorting and filing for 2001, you know, statements, and insurance stuff and cleaned out the files, and got some tax stuff ready. I did the last 2 loads of wash, I paid the bills, and balanced my checkbook, and went to the bank(to withdraw what little cash remained!). Then I got gas in the car, went to Target, then to the grocery store, then home to start pizza dough for DH for dinner! Called my mother like a good DD, and now I am ready for a cup of tea, a book, and an afgan on my lap!

    Does that count for exercise? Only up and down the basement stairs, I suppose!

    A big week ahead at work, I am doubled up covering another area, and planning a move for my own. January will fly by!

    Baylee, CALP is Carbohydrate Addicts Lifeplan Program. It is the LC plan where you have no carbs all day, but one balanced meal with portions of carb foods balanced with protein, salad and veggies. A lot of people here do great with it, and I have liked it myself. It is a good read, too, for the information about LC dieting and the body.

    Hi to everyone else, wow, it's so great to have so many people posting, it is really inspirational to have the board be so busy!

    Have a great rest of the weekend- and plan the week to come!

  • Ok, so now I have squirrel guilt! These are strictly suburban squirrels...not quite city and not quite country. So I spread a little seed around for them and I feel MUCH better.

    Getting ready for some kind of weather event this evening and into tomorrow

    The little guy is running around nakey again and lost a tooth today....hope that tooth fairy shows up and is still not out bangin back beers with the woosh fairy

    Oxy clean!!! I always wanted to try that but the guy on those commercials annoys me. I will pick it up next time I see it tho! There sure are a lot of things around her that need cleanin up!!!


    Tomorrow is another day right?

    This is quite a dis-jointed little ditty isn't it? sorry, probably the effects (or affects? of all the junk I ate today!

  • Sundays! So busy around here! We have a septic system in our new home (rental), but I have no idea how it works. So far, no problems! But, I think I'll look for that Rid-x to keep it healthy!

    We did the grocery store today too. We drive 15 miles each way to McChord AFB and it's always an adventure. I am strict "go by the list" kind of woman and DH and both DD's are NOT! So, we spend most of the time with me telling all of them no. (I do occasssionally give in.

    Came home and made some chili. It's that time of year. I can only have about a cup of it and still be OP, but a cup is better than none!

    Right now I need to make more coffee since dh drank the last of the pot. Actually, maybe that means I need to go down some water!

    Have a great day Chickies!
  • Hi Everyone--Quick late Sunday afternoon post. Combination busy/lazy weekend-something for everyone. DS had a basketball game-which they won-Yippee!! He did go to school with me on Friday and the kids so enjoyed having him there. (me too)Then yesterday he had a 6 month dentist appt in a town about 30 miles from here. We have dentists closer, but this guy has been his dentist since he first went age 5 and they have a good relationship. Probably because DS has been blessed with NO cavities ever. He did NOT get my molars!!!Then we ran a bunch of errands. Ashamed to say that we had pizza for supper last night. DH and I took down the outside lights yesterday since it was in the 30's and we still hadn't had any snow. Then last night we got a little skiff of it--that is our first snowfall and it is gone already. Today was laundry, picking up the house, organizing our lives for the school week. My DS has 3 games this week, of course all are away--far away. I have my annual gyno appt. tomorrow. I get so uptight about them---the least that will happen is that he will tell me I weigh too much and my BP is a little high. I always dread the worst---just the type of person I am. As a youngster I would just breeze in and out--now that I am in my 40's I WORRY!!! Oh well, wish me luck. Beef stroganoff in the crockpot for supper tonight. I did my first "Walk Away the Pounds" video and loved it!!! Hope it is a sign of things to come.

    Jenni--I sent you a PM, but will ask here too--did you use that Oxyclean right on the cushions of the furniture--I have a set I would love to take the slipcovers off of and use the original covering on, but it is stained in places. Do you have the 800 number. Thanks for any info in advance--I have thought about ordering that stuff before, but didn't know anyone who had used it.

    Take care everyone and have a good week!!!!
  • Happy Sunday evening ladies!

    I must say that I got DH some Oxyclean at Christmas (kind of a joke, he is a clean freak) and I think it's great stuff! I used it to get some stains out of a satin dress my daughter wore in a play and it worked so well I was amazed. And, it was less than $5 at Wal-Mart. Okay, so it wasn't the whopping 6 pound tub (love that phrase on the commercial!) but not too bad. End of testimonial.

    I am sure I'm about to cough up a lung any minute now. I'm so sick of being sick. If I don't see some improvement soon I guess I'll break down and go to the doctor. I absolutely hate going to the doctor, but Ruth's diagnosis made me think it might be a good idea.

    Speaking of doctors, here is a reason why you should drink your water. My FIL had to spend a night in the hospital this weekend because when he went to a scheduled doctor's appointment, they found that he had dangerously high potassium levels. His levels were so high because he refuses to drink water, so he had to be hooked up to IVs for a night. He drinks coffee all day and has a couple of beers in the evening with maybe a couple of ounces of water during the day. He claims he doesn't drink water because he feels bloated if he does. Of course he won't listen to me when I tell him how drinking more water will make him less bloated, but I'm going to keep nagging about it. So drink, girls, drink!

    Dotti Wow! How many cups of coffee did you have this morning? You're one productive woman today, and I sit here in sluggish awe!

    Pooky So sorry I missed your birthday. Even though you guys didn't get rich at the casino, I hope it was fun anyway. I'm glad it wasn't the whole system. We had a similar situation a couple of months ago. There are times I wish I was a city girl - but not many!

    Baylee Dottie is right about CALP. I think the main difference between CAD and CALP is that CALP puts much more emphasis on how balanced your Reward Meal is.

    I gotta go cook something for my family. I get tired of it, but I'm a big believer in sitting down together for family meals, so I better get crackin'.

  • Oh my, I have used oxy clean and it didn't seem to do much for me I bought it because of Peanut (my peeing dog) thinking it would lift up stains from guessed it, white carpet. I didn't see much change at all, so never bought anymore

    It was a kit which included, stain remover, laundry powder and a liquid for stains for clothes etc. Darn kit cost me 30 bucks!

    Sure hope it works for you ladies

    Got my cards done, although I didn't get home until well past 6 pm. No time to relax, order more cards, call in hours, made dinner, clean up, did banking, clean wallet, get bills ready for paying....oh well, at least I feel better that I am once again organized.

    Night, Night