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Old 09-26-2001, 11:48 PM   #16  
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Carla - Sorry about the gain, but way to go not giving in to the "what the heck" attitude. Hope you were able to get in a walk tonight.

Judy - I can't imagine how hard it was seeing all the destruction up close. I know in so many of the interviews I saw people were saying that the pictures didn't prepare them for what it was like in person. Do try to get to the Employee Assistance session. Thanks for posting the beautiful tribute. Good job not snacking the night away.

Jennifa - Enjoy your books.

Jenn- Congratulations on the pound gone. I know it can be frustrating sometimes when we think we should have a bigger loss, but unfortunately that isn't something we can control. Just know that you are doing great and will be rewarded for your hard work.

I did really well during the day today, but have been struggling since I got home. I'm getting aggravated with myself for not staying OP in the evenings. My goal for tomorrow is to stay OP ALL day. I did get in a walk tonight.

Talk to you tomorrow.
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Old 09-27-2001, 09:36 AM   #17  
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Hi everyone.

Jennifa - Thanks for the banned book site. I'll check it out and make a point of reading one. I take it you see a handsome man every day. Hey, we take incentive where we can find it. I see a handsome man everyday - my husband - but unfortunately, it hasn't done much for me incentive-wise.

Jenn - Congratulations on losing that pound. It might seem frustrating to have a small loss after a good week, but remember it sometimes takes the scale a week to catch up to your efforts. Stay on track and you'll see a good loss next week. Good for you for reading a book instead of raiding the fridge. Nothing like a good book to take our minds off food. (Unless of course it's a cookbook.)

Pat - Good for you for getting in your walk. I'm sending you positive vibes to arm yourself with this evening. You WILL stay OP all day, I know it.

Well, despite my best intentions, my day yesterday went south in terms of eating. Being exhausted, crabby, and on the verge of coming down with something just doesn't work well for me. So I'm picking myself up and hauling myself back on the wagon. Pat, looks like I'll have to re-up for that exercise challenge next week. this week has just been too goofy schedule-wise.

Talk to you all later.

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Old 09-27-2001, 11:53 AM   #18  
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Hi all,

Carla, hang in there! Food is just food and you might as well eat OP if you are going to eat, right? I don't see that man daily but he is an incentive.

Jenn, good for you for reading! That is a good one. Really interesting also to look into the Salinger's letters fiasco...I won't ruin it for you but it is fascinating.

Judy, I'd go to the EAP, too. Right now I do not know how to stop the insomnia/nightmares thing. It is really hard to find help right now - take it where you can get it. Good luck.
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Old 09-27-2001, 01:59 PM   #19  
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Hi Everyone,

I scratched my cornea and haven't been able to read or do really anything, drive, sleep, exercise, watch tv, you name it. The pain was so awful I actually got sick to my stomach, so didn't eat much of anything. Today I feel like a new woman, and I realize just how lucky I am to be able to see, to exercise with relatively little pain, to eat without getting sick, and to get a couple hours of sleep without waking up in pain. So, I'm going to take it one day at a time, and each day will be a new beginning, No matter what happened yesterday, it will not interfere with my enojoyment of today. No matter what lies ahead, today is the most important day of my life. So how's that for a new attitude?

Judy, you are in my prayers. Get all the help you can to deal with your reaction to going back to work in a world that has horribly changed. I live way out in the country and should have no fear of terrorists stiking here, yet when it thundered the other day I thought we were being bombed. It must be much more troubling for you since you have to face it on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing the tribute, it brought tears to my eyes.

Jennifa, I'm an avid reader, and really missed being able to read these past few days. Thanks for the challenge.

Carla, hang in there, maybe you should have a new challenge each day?

Pat, YOU CAN DO IT! Stay on program!

Jenn, Congrats on the pound lost! Hang in there, it will show up eventually. Thanks for sharing the memorial service.

Hope I haven't forgotten anyone, but if I have, this is for you: stay on program, exercise, drink that water.

Last edited by Phoinix; 09-27-2001 at 02:02 PM.
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Old 09-27-2001, 11:17 PM   #20  
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Carla - Sorry to hear you had a rough day yesterday. Hope you are able to fight off whatever bug is trying to get you down. I didn't do too well on the morning exercise challenge either. Tuesday was the only day I got out. I just have to go to bed earlier.

Jennifa - You are right about eating OP. There are so many great things to eat and still be OP.

Karen - That is a great new attitude. I need to keep it in mind and quit worrying about the future. Sorry about your eye. My BIL's dog scratched his several months ago and he said it was really painful.

Well I did much better staying OP today. I haven't counted up the points, but didn't snack at all during the day and ate a light dinner. I had a little snack tonight, but I'm sure it didn't put me over. Now to do it again tomorrow. I didn't get out for my walk this morning. I stayed up way too late last night on the computer and when I got up this morning my back was hurting. I have to get a new chair. My back was feeling better this evening and I was able to take a walk.

Talk to you later.
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Old 09-28-2001, 11:59 AM   #21  
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Thank you everyone for your kind and supportive words and wishes!

Jenn - congratulations on losing the pound - any lose is a good one!

Pat - way to go on getting the walk in. My achilles heel is snacking in the evenings - I'm with you on a challenge for this evening to saty OP.

Carla - sorry to hear that you had a rough day. You are right about the scale taking a week to catch up. So far my sneak peek is not encouraging but I'm pluggng away.

Karen - sorry to hear about your cornea - I'm glad to hear that it seems to be better. Awesome attitude!

I'm doing OK today. Yesterday's services were very helpful. I'm working from home today since I decided to take a half day off this afternoon. The unfortunate part of that is not getting to an Employee Assistance session but they will be having them next week so I'll work on talking to someone then. The whole work thing is a little sour for me right now. On Wednesday I found out that another colleague pre-merger was fired - it was his 3rd day back at the office downtown. I guess I'm a little angry about that which is one of the reasons I'm taking the afternoon off - that and things are not hectic today and after the last few weeks, I could use some time to relax, read, etc. I did OK foodwise - the "break fast" was delicious - all salty foods though. I have about a 3 point deficit that I hope to make up for with some exercise. I have to be careful of my foot though. My sneak peek wasn't very good but I'm sure a lot of that is water and I'm planning on guzzling it today.

Have a great weekend if I don't get back here today!
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Old 09-28-2001, 01:10 PM   #22  
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Default Finally Friday. Yay!

Hi everyone.

Jennifa - You're right - might as well eat OP. Hope you're able to conquer the insomnia and nightmares soon.

Karen - Oh my goodness - what a wretched experience with your cornea. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I love your new attitude!

Pat - Glad to hear that you had a good OP day yesterday. And good for you for getting out for that walk.

Judy - Mergers are the pits. It's hard to see co-workers go. I'm glad you're taking the afternoon off. I hope its relaxing. Tell me, are there traditional foods that you eat after breaking the Yom Kippur fast? Keep drinking that water today and put a little lemon juice in it. I've read lemon juice is a diuretic.

I had a much better day yesterday. A decent night's sleep certainly helps. No particular challenges this weekend, other than its a weekend. No particular plans either, which is fine by me.

Have a great day, and if I don't get back on, a terrific weekend.

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Old 09-29-2001, 12:47 PM   #23  
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Hi all,

Phoinix, I hope your eye feels better. That sounds really painful.

Cece, Judy, Pepper, it sounds like you are settling back into your WOE. Good job.

I don't know if I speak for the rest of you but I have been a little lax on the OP thing due to the tragedy. Somehow I have still kept a lot of weight off over the last 3 weeks. It is amazing. I need to get strict quick!

Food is food and it's only food. It doesn't have any magic to it to do anything but give nutrition.

See you all on a NEW thread next week! Have a good weekend!

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