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Old 08-16-2006, 06:43 PM   #16  
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Well, with all that setup, now I have to go read Val's end of thread post -- I only didn't cause I saw there was only 1 new one, and why bother reading the end of thread post...
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:50 PM   #17  
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Originally Posted by AmmiUK View Post
Sabrina - did your new scales arrive? Did you weigh more, less or the same as what you weighed on your last scales?
Yep, it's here. And I tested it out. It's about 11 pounds more than what I estimated. Though the estimate was based off of the last time I was weighed which was back in April. So, sucks, but at least it's not worse than that I suppose. Maybe it'll be less first thing in the morning and buck naked.
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Old 08-16-2006, 07:31 PM   #18  
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Talking Hello everyone!

Gosh, but these threads go quick! I logged on, saw everybody talking about Highlander and had to go back and get caught up! Love Highlander, by the way. I miss seeing it! *sigh* Is it even being shown anywhere anymore? I would just dieeeeeeee!

Everyone is so supportive on here and doing so good. You all are a great bunch! I wish I could remember everyone's names and post comments to each of you like some of you you have a secret? Oh well, give me time.

It's my 3rd week OP and I haven't cheated. BUT I felt like I was eating a LOT of food, even though it was different food (following South Beach). The first two weeks, I lost 15, but today it shows I gained. *Horror* The ONLY thing I have been doing differently is I have not been eating all the portions like the plan says, not having the snacks like it says. But I'm still eating LF/FF, no sugar, fresh veggies, nothing fried, etc. you all think I'm sending my body into "starvation mode" because I'm not eating enough???? That's the only thing different that I have been doing. But, you see, I used to eat NO breakfast, rarely ate lunch, and only at dinner and stuff at home. And it was all wrong---lots of processed, fast food, full fat, sugar, etc. So, to me, eating breakfast, snacks, etc. is like eating all the time to me! Has this happened to any of you? By the way, I went to the store, got snacks and stuff and am going to try following the program exactly for the rest of the week and see if that makes a difference.

Everybody keep up the good work! You even inspire me to get off my butt and move! I'm even exercising! Yaaaay!
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Old 08-16-2006, 07:50 PM   #19  
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Boy did I crave sugar today. I am presently under a lot of stress at work with one of my co-workers. Everytime she opened her mouth all I wanted to do was shove something in mine *L* Unfortunately, I didnt realize it until I had a butter tart and a naniamo square. The bright side of this was that I realized what the problem was.

Crap. I lost my post and that was all that I could recover. grr.

anyhoo I am having some special K tonight as cravings are constant from all the sugar today. I have some left over watermelon too if this doesnt cut it. I am a terrible snacker when I am watching tv and ROCKSTAR is on soon.

ammi how exciting that you are going clothes shopping! My favorite thing!

Melissa ~ Sorry you were feeling icky! I get migraines too so I can relate

misti~ Watch the lbs fall off!! Congrats!

Sue ~ 15 your first week? WOW! South Beach wasnt nearly THAT kind to me *L* Dont feel bad about not showing much of a loss this week. Did you eat any type of processed stuff? I had a hotdog one day while I was doing SB and gained that week. Don't give up

ok gone for now. I am SO having to head to bed early. I was late this morning and didnt have time for breakfast (enter buttertart stage right)

Night girls!
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Old 08-16-2006, 08:03 PM   #20  
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Hello all!

Just wanted to thank you for the pats on the back today. I needed it. You are absolutly right too...I have at least maintained. To be perfectly honest, I haven't really tried since March. Oh, I tried a bit in April and May...but June was non-diet time and I've really not gotten back into it at all. So...back in the saddle! Today I began seriously counting my points and journalling my food. None of that "I had about 15 pts so far, so I can eat that.." nonsense. I've got to start over the way I did before if I want to see a lb down.

On the Highlander was definately shown in Europe, because I've seen some episodes with "eurominutes" - scenes that were cut in the US to fit in another commercial but left in in Europe. AH! To think that there are women who have yet to gaze upon the glory that is Adrian Paul shirtless! Pity he plays for the other team! But that don't mean the ladies can't look! Personally, I loved any episode with Methos!

Thanks again ladies! I'm still lurking! Stay strong and keep being losers!
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Old 08-16-2006, 08:05 PM   #21  
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Ammi - I don't get them as often as I used to...I don't think I've had one in months before yesterday. I used to get one about every 2 weeks.
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Old 08-16-2006, 08:08 PM   #22  
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Originally Posted by Lilion View Post
I've got to start over the way I did before if I want to see a lb down.
DITTO!!!!! That's exactly what I said to myself yesterday morning...enough is enough...start over like it's Day "I've lost 25 pounds so I can have an extra 200 calories today". Yesterday I was perfectly OP, so I guess I'm on my way again.
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Old 08-16-2006, 08:14 PM   #23  
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HI everyone,

Just stopping in quickly here as I still have some actual "work" to do and gotta get back to that.

I have a small tip for the person who said that they get the tv munchies. It may or may not work of course but hey I'll offer it up. I usually sit down with a coffee or a drink called maxwell house international (low cal) and sip on that during a movie, or I get grapes instead, or cherries. Then at least if I feel munchie it's something to pick at. Cherries are a little more work because of the pits so I like them the best. I know they can be high in sugar but i figure better that than something else. Also I saw today in the store they had some 100 cal bags of micro popcorn.

I'm not much of a TV watcher so I can't say I'm a highlander fan. I just end up trying to watch a series and then I forget about it, so I usually wait until they come out on DVD if I watch them at all. My face is either stuck to the computer or else I'm off cooking dinner or exercising. By the time that is all finished it's time for bed.

Thanks for the replies about the brown rice question I had. I don't really much care for the taste of it as I said but I put a bit of it in a recipe I have which calls for it along with a bunch of veggies (kind of like a stir fry), so I do cook it for that.

Today for lunch we went out and I had a veg omelet (no cheese) and dry plain toast. Usually this plate comes with fried potatoes and butter on toast so I tried my best to get as much fat removed as possible. I LOVE omelets especially with salsa on top. If you've never tried salsa on omelets.. oh, do try. It's SOOO good. mmmm

I've been walking outside every day now and I'm having a bit of issue with my left leg. Seems it's shin splints I guess. I start to walk and my muscle (in the front of my lower leg) just tightens up and won't stop until I stop moving. Jeez it's very frustrating but I gather it will go away with time. It really does slow me down though.

Well that's it for me for now, I must move along. Congrats to the person I saw there was -9 pounds, woo hoo chickie that's amazing. YEAH!!
Again sorry I'm bad with remembering who said what, etc but I do read all of the comments here and everyone's doing fantastic. Sorry for those of you that are having a low day

~ Angie
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Old 08-16-2006, 08:25 PM   #24  
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Hi everyone .. well its a new day and it started on a funny high really ... I had Ashleighs friend stay over last night (she lives in a different town and Ash hates not being able to see her much out of school) so it was good last night that she had someone to talk to cos she wouldnt really say anything to me. Then this morning when I got the girls up and let the dogs outside we found 2 surprises lol .. the best one was that my Turbo Jam has arrived (will tell you more in a min) and the other .. was funny ... we had a cow in our backyard!! rofl .. the dogs thought it was a realllly big dog .. until it mooed .. and then they took off back to me looking like .. what on earth did that dog say?? rofl .. it was very funny and put us all in a positive mood for the day.

My avon package arrived as well .. but I just put them all aside until the girls had gone to school. With Ash and school .. its more a case of the "establishment" I think more than anything .. she is treated like a young adult everywhere but at school and it annoys her .. she does have a part time job and has had one since she was 14! She works at a fish'n'chip shop in our old town but now can only work Friday nights as I cant get her home any other night (sometimes on Saturdays too). She does do quite well at school .. her grades are always passes and she gets excellents and merits in Computers, Food & Nutrition and Maths ... and that is with her not going all the time too rofl .. so I think boredom comes into it as well. The Deans are seeing her this morning and I told her to be honest with them about why she isnt happy in school so that maybe we can take steps to make it a more enjoyable experience for her and her education doesnt suffer ... I must have been an odd ball cos I LOVED school lol .. so Im just waiting to hear from the office now to see what plans we have available to us after they talk it over with her.

Anyway .. on to my plans for me lol .. I have decided to go off Jenny Craig to try and save me some money and will instead count calories. Im just trying to work out what is the best calorie count for me tho ... some things I read say you take your weight .. add a zero .. add on 20% for activity and then deduct 500 ... this allows a weight loss of 1lb a week!! Im thinkin .. you gotta be kidding .. on Jenny craig I was on 7000kj (about 1600calories) and I could barely get all of that in .. how on earth am I supposed to fit enough food for the amount that that particular calculation says (this is the one from the Turbo Jam book btw) .. for me that would be .. about 3200!!! TWICE what I am having now!! Somehow I think I will stick to what I am doing and every now and then allow me a treat day up to 2000 calories ... and I will see how that goes.

Okee .. so I put on the turbo jam learn and burn .. WOW! I actually did the whole thing!! Not overly co-ordinated yet .. but I kept moving and I know I wasnt kicking as high or punching as high as I was in the beginning lol .. but I managed to keep doing it for the whole of the showing of the steps (which warmed me up) and then doing the whole learn and burn which was 20 minutes! Im pooped now .. its not very hard on the joints .. my thighs were screaming at me a little because of the main position you are supposed to stand in lol .. but at least I could feel it .. I dont know if I was standing exactly right .. but I kept moving and trying and managed to get most of the moves ... the music is great too! You dont need a lot of room and there isnt stamping or stuff so if you are living above anyone you dont have to worry lol .. well me pooped .. but I have to go check the mail before I stop again ... definitely gonna be drinking my 2l today lol .. it pays to have a bottle handy too when you do it

So its another new day ... and I get to have some more fun later when I go on the flyer .. actually .. while I am warmed up .. I might give it a few minutes now.

Thanks everyone for your support .. it really meant alot and in fact it helped me to stop binging cos I really didnt want to come on here and say I gave in rofl .. me a little stubborn I suppose

Huggies and happy day to all
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Old 08-16-2006, 09:01 PM   #25  
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Hello all! Just checking in!
Tilly- I know what you mean about feeling like you're eating too much. It sounds like we were two of a kind when it came to eating. I never ate breakfast and usually ate only once a day, never paying attention to calories, fat, sugar, etc. and fast food was definitely part of my diet. Now I feel like I eat all the time, as I have opted to eat several small meals a day, consisting mostly of fruits and veggies. My doctor recommended filling up on those instead of bad foods, so that I wouldn't lapse into the "starvation mode" or get hungry and give up. (He said my body had become so efficient at storing everything I could probably eat a cracker a day and still not lose much weight!)

Brenda- I know what you mean about TV and snacking!! It's a hard habit to break. And Mark Wahlberg is babelicious in RockStar!

Ammi- Congrats for squeezing on those jeans! You'll be wearing them around in no time! Now, I have a couple questions, if you will forgive me! You've mentioned the Mumbles a few times and I was wondering what (or where) that is?

Walked an extra 1/4 mile today, which felt pretty great. Weather was rainy, but much cooler than it has been lately. Other than that, not too much happening here in NC. Hope you all have a great evening!!
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Old 08-16-2006, 10:10 PM   #26  
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Hello everybody! Wow I am so impressed with all of you and how hard you are working!!! for everyone!!

I had a nice NSV today. I visited my doctor... had not been there since March... and she was stunned when she saw me. She is so sweet but was SO excited about my weight loss and how well I am doing. I was asking her if there improvements I could do... etc.... and she said NO! It is perfect and keep doing it.

One neat thing... when I said I have 70 pounds to go she said "Do you have 70 to lose?" Like she didn't think I looked like it. But when I told her what I weigh she agreed... but it is all pretty much between neck and stomach. I am going to go back for a blood test for cholesterol and other stuff... but she said it is doubtful if I will have a cholesterol problem the way I am eating and exercising. Oh and my blood pressure was 130/80... last time she took it, it was 150/90-something and she had me start monitoring it regularly and keeping track.

She said she was really proud of me for doing it the healthful way. That was a real boost to hear coming from such a trusted professional source. I am SO blessed to have such a wonderful, caring doctor.
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Old 08-16-2006, 10:34 PM   #27  
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AMMI - YEE-HA! on both the Jeans (almost) fitting and being able to wear your beautiful watch! Wearing my wedding ring again was one of my first major goals, and now I have a bracelet that just fits a bit too tight to look nice I think. Things like that are where losing those inches shows - I love it.

SABRINA - Three cheers for buck naked in the morning! It's the only weigh to way... or vice versa.

MISTI - WAY COOL NSV at the doctor's office!!!

SUE / TxTilly - Sometimes I open my word processing program and go back and forth composing responses there, then cut & paste it to 3FC. Not only can I answer as I go along, but I can answer multiple threads if I'm behind, and if something happens and it doesn't post right, I can just paste it and post it again. I still think I miss people quite a bit sometimes, and tonight I'm just winging it. *** Oh, and don't worry about that gain. Water weight happens. You're doing everything right and it will work out. CONGRATS on 3 weeks OP & 15 pounds gone!

BRENDA, Good for you getting a grip on what you were doing and why! What a Key to Success! I've been trying to satisfy my sweet cravings lately with SF popcicles - Love those things, but I s'pose they don't REALly count towards water intake, do they?

LILION, you wrote " AH! To think that there are women who have yet to gaze upon the glory that is Adrian Paul shirtless! Pity he plays for the other team!"
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo!!! I heard he was married!!! Say it aint so, girl! Say it aint so!!!
Sniff. What do I care? I was only watching it for the plot! The Deep, complex, mind-bending PLOT! And the SCENERY! And, and, and, because I was just curious to see how many ways there are to act like you're being hit by lightning. And yes, I loved Methos, too!!!

NIGHTKATT, NEWSNERD, Everyone... I just can't do any more replies. Lilion has totally crushed me.

OH - HEY - SHARON VOODOO - We had a rider's full weight on Gabriel tonight for the first time. Just up and right back off a few times. His dinner was in his feed bin already so we didn't spend too much time on it so that he got impatient. He did well, so we quit and he got his chow. I'm excited about the next time, though!

OK, now I'll go be crushed again quietly.
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Old 08-16-2006, 10:38 PM   #28  
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Well another good day! I stayed OP, and the nutrisystem food continues to surprise me on how good it tastes (after that muffin of course )
I set myself an excersize goal for the rest of the month, 500 minutes, and counting monday through today, i'm already down 138 minutes! I went to my hip-hop dance class today, and it was great! I just leave that class with so much more confidence in myself. I think because the class does have a lot of really fit girls in it, and keep up with them no problem. I had to miss 15 minutes of it though, because my fiance got stuck in traffic, and he had my car It was tons of fun, but now my right knee is kinda hurting (the class has a lot of jumping and twisting and fast moves), and I had surgery on it about a year ago, so I'm thinking I better take it easy tomorrow.

I'm a little worried about tomorrow, because I have a department meeting in the morning. I work in a resort, in the catering/conference department so when we have a meeting there is pastries, bagels, fancy cream cheese, breakfast burritos, have I said enough? and it's all expensed so it's free. on top of that, I have a precon meeting in the afternoon where we introduce our clients to the leaders in the hotel. That typically consists of cheeses, cookies, brownies, nachos...tomorrow is a big day of temptation. I'm going to have to have my game face on!

Sabrina- I'm sorry your scale didn't give you the best news- but you can be glad that you now have something to track your success with. Plus, you've been OP for a while, so just think of where you would have been when you started. When I first weighed in to start program I had last weighed 384, only 2 months prior, and I was up 16 pounds, so I feel the frustration. You've got a great addittude, I'm sure you won't let it set you back! YOU CAN DO IT!

Sue- I know what you mean about keeping up with whose who. When I first joined (less than a week ago) I was so overwhelmed, I know jot down the name, and key words that hit me when i read posts so that when I respond, i know who I'm talking too. I think it's a work habit from having so many clients to keep straight
congrats on beeing 3 weeks on plan and 15 pounds down! I wouldn't stress about not maintaing that level of loss, you always move real quick at first and then slow down because of water weight. I really couldn't say if your body is going into starvation mode for missing snacks-i've always strugled keeping up with eating so much healthy food-but I think you've got the right idea to stick real close to it again, and see if there is a huge difference. Keep it up- you're doing great- I can't wait until i'm 3 weeks in. I hope I'll be down 15 pounds!

Brenda- i feel your pain about co-workers stuffing you with food- if you read above, i've got a day like that coming tomorrow I read something about people who do that once- it's an unconcious thing some people do when they start to feel threatend by your success. If they aren't doing well, they want someone there with them, so they don't feel so bad, so they start the offerings. The book called them "kind sabbatogers". I wish I could remember the book- I've read so many dieting books over the years...

Angie- I love your advice for getting TV munchies- especially the cherries- all the work to eat them would make you eat much less--I'm going to keep that in mind, b/c TV tends to be a trap for me. Great work on the walking- although I'm sorry you have shin splints. I'm in a lot of pain from working out too- i guess are bodies just aren't quite as gunho as we are I wonder if anyone has any rememdies?

Katt- I'm so glad your day started off so much better! you deserved a good day after the last couple. It sounds like maybe you're daughter just isn't being challenged enough by school (although, I'm no expert), like she should be taking some more advanced classes. Our schools offered programs where you could take half your classes at a local college- do they do anything like that there? That might help her get more challenged, plus she would be treated more like an adult, which might help too. Just some ideas-like i said i'm not expert- just aquired a 6 year old (stepson) last year, and I'm learning
That Turbo Jam sounds great- and congrats on getting through the whole thing- and then being motivated enough to do your other program too!!
As far as going of Jenny Craig-I'm sure I understand about the food cost (since I just started nutrisystem, same idea). I bet your best bet would be to continue with the same calorie/fat intake as on Jenny-since that's been working for you!

Okay- goodnight everyone-seeing as I've rambled forever. Have a good one!
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Old 08-16-2006, 10:42 PM   #29  
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Misit- I think you posted while I was entering my novel Congrats on the NSV at the doctor!! I'm sure that it is really reassuring to have a proffessional say how good you are doing- and not even realize what you have left to lose
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Old 08-16-2006, 11:19 PM   #30  
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Hi again

LOL Kimpossible, yah that is a great message... thanks for taking the time to do it. I really appreciate those of you who do this. I would LOVE to and as a former manager of an Internet forum, it is almost second nature to me to do it; but I find now that with so much of my time going to working out, I just can't do it. But I DO read all of your messages and think of all of you often. I love all of 3FC but YOU are the ones I consider most special here and the first place I go to read and post!!!

And yes, it can be very hard to keep up with everything... this is such a highly dedicated group and such encouragers!

Kimpossible, ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh about that breakfast meeting! Hope you do okay and are able to resist the temptation! And glad the Nutrisystem food is good... I have never tried it but glad you found something you enjoy!!

Ammi, great news about those jeans! Woooo hoooo sounds as if the FFM has been busy on that side of the water too! Yay!

And tee hee, I cracked up at Val's last post on the other thread too...

Sabrina, glad you got the new scale. Bum deal about the weight being a bit more than you thought... but hey, you are off to a great start and we will just have to get after that FFM to convince her to come and pay you a nice visit!!

Newsnerd and Brenda, I agree about TV and snacking... or for me reading and snacking. But I have found that since I have my own scale I am more hesitant to read at night since I will weigh first thing in the morning. LOL I know that is silly since before I just weighed at work... but somehow it is different when I SEE it every time I go into the bathroom.... LOL

Valerie, I agree with you about the best way to do this being to keep a document open in Word (or I use notepad) and cutting and pasting. That way if things disappear they are not really "gone" and it is easier to keep up on different posts as you go!

Blessings to all of you... and thanks SO much for being my cyberpals!!!!
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