Focussed Chicks of the World - #2

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  • HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!! Sorry it's a little late but at the last minute I found out that my little family had bought a lot of goodies so I took my goodies for them and made another party for the office! LOLOL One man went out and bought salty things and imitation beer and went home for all his Irish CDs. And we had Irish soda bread and St. Joseph cakes. What SUGAR!!!! I had a little piece of everything and will make no excuses either. We all had a wonderful time. One woman was off her rocker and old Mel had to smooth over the damage done with someone important. When I die these people are in big trouble! But the party was great and the music wonderful!!
    I had the corned beef dinner with the kids and cannot move!!! I never eat this much. Hope I can lie down for bed!!!

    Linus~ I never knew you were having so much trouble too. I am so sorry to hear it all. Or is there more to tell?!?! Don't hold back! I'm sorry about the boy too. Poor kid. I think the world is going nuts. It's out of control. We are soooo politically correct now-a-days that you cannot say anything anymore!!

    Happy~ well Missy! I certainly hope you get some better sleep and I too hope the probs with the family are soon smoothed over. Seems like a rough year for many of us. NO MORE IN 2004!!! This will be my new motto!! I think God or whoever, Better find some new victims for torture! Now watch the lightening strike!!

    Teel~ Hope the day found you with less withdrawal feelings. My heart aches for what all you are going through. (((((HUGS)))))

    Shad~ Happy St Pat's day to you and Miss Chris!!!

    Shaker~ Did the blue dress fairie whisk you away?! What has happened to you!!??? Maybe you got locked up for smacking the bride in the face on her wedding day!

    Lord have mercy. My back is killing me. We tagged and handed out 100 loaves of bread and 100 St. Joseph cakes to the seniors today. Then tagged another 130 pieces to go to another 3 bldgs. I am taking the day off tomorrow and God help the person who calls me!!! But I have to see a young girl and give her her BD present!! Then I can crawl back into bed and watch
    dvds!! Hope you all had a great green and Happy day. Sweet dreams and good morning to the others!! Another 4" of snow tomorrow!!! I'm going sleigh riding!!! LOL Send Cris over here and we can build snowmen!! Niters all!

  • yes I DO know it is 03:16hrs as I start this but I can't sleep. I woke up at 01:00hrs after 3 hrs and that is, I fear, that, for tonight and I am absolutely ....welll, you know!
    Itried to post yesterday but my ISP kept crashing till I got so annoyed with it I wanted to hurl the whole think outa the window so Happy St Patrick's day for those still celebrating!
    As I probably mentioned in an earlier post, I have Oxycontin withdrawals so I feel just so darn ill, chills, sore skin, stomach cramps, pain everywhere on top of the pains the blessed pill was getting rid of. I am so exhausted I don't know where to put myself. Thank the Lord I have a g.p. appointment in the morning. Only 6 hrs 28 minutes to go. he has to do something or I will be stark raving bonkers.
    Happy I shall be very interested about the result of the egg thingy at your DM 's. I shall listen out for the shout of anguish as it rolls off the table onto the carpet... The egg, methinks, will not be the only thing with a sore head Linus sorry you are suffering whilst you rattle. Can't you persuade DS to put up and shut up just till the end of term? I know he has a voice and a right to usse it, but it can't be doing your pain any good to keep on going to the school to sort him out, even if he has a righteous indignation to share.
    Shad I hope Chris enjoys the mangoes that are left in the fridge for her visit.
    Shaker....SHAKER!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!
    Oh yippee!!!!!! It is now 03:32hrs!!!!
  • Crikey Teel you are certainly in the wars. Lets hope the visit to the GP is fruitful.

    As for suggesting Linus' son zips it - impossible if you are a teen boy! They always have to have the last word and get all indignant at that age. Why for heaven's sake is it bad to ask where someone comes from. Talk about PC madness! I think Linus has a healthy attitude to her kid. She knows when he has been really stupid and supports him when she thinks the school has been stupid. Unfortunately once your card is marked... My Godson is going through the same thing. He is a very clever likeable boy but also a smart alec and like both his parents has to have the last word. Always.

    Glad I don't have kids!

    Lets us kow how you get on at GP, Teel.
  • Howdy all,
    Peacock, good to see you back again. Yeah you're right about kids, but hey, how stupid is it to be politically incorrect just because you ask a person where they come from? Personally I think Linus should march down to the school and ask the powers that be where they've been. That is so stupid, I could almost choke.

    Teel, hang in there buddy. I'm so sorry you are going through such a bad patch. I wish I was there to give you a and another and another Chris says hi by the way and hopes you will be feeling better soon.
    Happy, sorry to here that there are family problems on the rise. If it is not one thing, it is the other.
    Mel you sure are the party animal these days. Weigh and measure is coming up in a couple of weekends. Don't think much is happening here.

    Well St Pat's has been and gone. Very quiet this year too. Although it was probably big last weekend and knowing the Australian pysch will be next weekend as well. I wore green yesterday and used my big green Irish pen given to me by Mooz49. Someone asked me where I had got it. I told them it was given to me by Anne Leprechaun from Northern Ireland and got told they did not celebrate St Pats in NI, to which I replied that Ireland is the only country I know of that has 2 St Patricks Cathedrals in one town and that only one is Catholic so if that can happen how come Anne Leprechaun can not exist? They think I am strange. Aaaah well.

    Chris has just gone to bed and I am about to go. We have spent the evening in absolute fits of laughter over an Italian site on the 'net. I went looking for a map of Italy and came up with this site. It has been translated from Italian but the English is terrible. It just cracked us up. When I go back to it, I will copy some of the hilarities and let you lot have it. Yes Chris got most of the nectarines and we have had a good visit even if we haven't seen an awful lot of each other. Work - it's a real curse hey!
    I am using DS computer. We have more or less put it back together again. Few things left to go. Then to start on mine. Such fun. Anyway, he has XP now and I will probably put that on as well or maybe stay with ME.
    It's time for bed. Early early morning as Chris has an early flight. So nighty-night all.
  • I think it is only Catholics that celebrate St Patricks day in Ireland. The others celebrate Orange day in Northern Ireland. I oly kow catholics so could not swear to this. Sounds about right because saints are a catholic thing, I guess.

    Oh and careful call it St Patty's day. It should be either St Patrick's Day or Paddy's day to call it Patty is saying St Patricia! Not being mean but it caused quite a furore on another site with the American "Irish" I can tell you!!
  • well I feel a bit more in control this evening as I write this. Not a lot, mind you... I saw the g.p., he agreed of course the thing I am going through at the moment is Oxycontin withdrawal and he said the worst of it usually lasts 4 days or so. As I have been going through this since last Friday evening I think I have allready got past day 4 and it isn't getting any better yet But he has given me an anti-spasmodic for the stomach cramps and some different pain killers. He could not find in the notes if I had taken them before but as I got them from the dispensary I recognised the box. I have had them a long time ago and they didn't work then, so..... I have had 2 doses of Buscapan but the stomach is cramping as badly as much so I think I have had very little to eat today....weigh day tomorrow I hope I have begun to lose.I am hoping for a decent nights sleep tonight.....
    Shad I hope you and Miss Chris do actually get some shut-eye and aren't up all night giggling your way through Italy! Oh and sorry....I mentioned the "m" word earlier....I meant nectarines, of course! Blame the early hour!
  • Hello ladies, I am here but not for long, the wedding was mad mad mad.. I have got a few issues but am trying to release them outwards and move on, it was a somewhat nice day and hubby and I had a nice time .. very busy and heaps of people to catch up with. I missed the kids and was very happy to get home, it is very hard going back to a home town that is now really rough and a place that I would not want to live anymore... it was a good place to be in it's hayday but I guess that is well and truly gone now.

    I am certainly not a JAFA but can apprecaite what a city has to offer instead of a small town. My hair turned out a disaster but luckily the girls at the salon fixed it for me.. I am trying to get a photo small enough to attach for you.. so will do that now (looks a bit distorted, maybe not a goo pix to take for squashing to down, they were 500kb so to make it 50kb.. eeks!!). I haven't read the posts as work is nuts and I was off sick on Tue arvo and Wed, I have ibs and boy did the amount of alcohol I drunk really aggrevate that!!!!

    I am very excited though cause I have ordered me a I just love those and have really missed the one I hired so rang them and said oh please send me the same one again.. so fingers crossed I get it in a few days time!! Well I am going to read all the posts soon, maybe i better logon from home tonight and do that whilst watching the monster garage with DH.. PS the photo is me (the tall one) the other lady who was a real laugh her and I had a great time, and that is the brides daughter.. little toe-rag!!!

    I forgot to say my highlight of the w/end was when I got home and miss 6 said to me did you have a good time Mum, I said yes I did, and she said I knew it!!!.. all excited like.. I said why is that.. and she said to me cause me and the chaplin at school said a prayer for you... how nice is that!!!

  • Linus when my DD was young she had a very vocal way of expressing herself! LOL I had a few trips to the school also. So I feel for you. They do grow out of it though! LOL Gotta love the kids.
    Peacock it's nice to see you again too. I was wondering if there was a particular reason you chose the name. Everytime i see it I picture that lovely and stately bird.
    teel, hope the days go by fast till you feel "right" again.
    Happy I miss hearing your daily escapades with the DH and his mustard. I just had some with the corned beef again tonite!LOL I was thinking of the hubby! ROFL does he favor a particular brand or does any old mustard do!
    Shad and Chris~ Hope you 2 get to spend more quality time together and keep laughing. As I said in the email, I am working on the picture thing and will keep you posted on the perils of Mel. I don't want to think of weigh in next week!! Maybe I better not have anymore parties till the end of the year what you think?!

    It has been a long week and I for one will be glad when it's over. Seems to be ending with one more snowstorm tonite. I feel like I may never get warm!! It took me 4 days to catch up with the wash but all the clothes from the dryer felt GOOD!! Nice and warm. I wore some of them draped over me going in the elevator and gave quite a few a giggle!! Hope you all have a great nite/day. see ya tomorrow.

    Shaker~ i just noticed you posted before me. The pic is wonderful and I must say again what a beautiful woman you are. I want to look just like you when I grow up! Good to see you back.
  • this is another piccy not sure if it is any better though, these are taken before the wedding at the brides place, before I got swore at the top of the isle (in the church no less!!) to hurry up and get down there, I tell you ladies it was a hard day for me.. big sympathies please!!!!

  • hi al just aquick post as while we were having anniversary dinner got a call to say my granny had died so i might not be around too much thanks for all the support for son speak soon #

  • HI Melody - in answer to your question - I just happen to like the shade peacock! I love all the bluey greens (or is it greeney blues?). I do like the bird as well but hae heard it is unlucky to bring the feathers into your house (probably the bird spread that rumour!!).

    Teel - as I hadn't been on the board for a while - I don't even kow what your health problem is. Do you mind enlightening me (I am so nosey) or are you fed up explaining.

    Last night the security guy (he comes to check who is stillin the building) caught my colleague and I looking up health webistes as we discussed various diseases under the sun. He then got interested himself!

    Earlier on another colleague and I were discussing our various ailments and I had to stop as I sounded like one of those old ladies only happy when she is discussing all her ailments!

    Have a good weekend everyone. I shall be off until early April as gadding about (seeing a friend who will be recovering from a hernia op and then off to Ma's to nag her to see a specialist (blimey there I go again).
  • Damn, Drat and pooh. I stupidly went out of the page and lost all my lovely long post. Geez am I an idiot or what. Couldn't get back in by clicking back or forward either. I had gone looking to see what Happy had been saying, but it seems to be a while back. She is busy and probably just needs a bit of a break from our chatter.
    Linus, I am really sorry to hear about the grandparent. I hope you can cope with the outspoken son and the grief from the passing. If you need to vent, just yell very loudly, we can all hear you then.
    Peacock, Teel suffers from about 3 major illnesses, she's diabetic, has scoliosis (sp??) and has a heart problem following a nasty viral infection umm mitrochondrial errrrr yesss. She is on a transplant list. So she has a lot to deal with. Such a huge shame that someone so small should have to carry such a large burden. She gets very depressed about it all from time to time and has far to many trips to Drs and Welfare Agencies to just get what she is entitled to - no more or less, but she has even had to fight for that. Brave wee soul she is.
    Shaker, you looked great in that dress - really attractive. I can't believe someone swore at you in church. Where is this small town? Cambridge, Matamata, Tirau, Te Teko, Te Awamutu, Te Kuiti?? I'm trying to think of places about 2 hours out of Auckland. And I would never refer to you as a JAFA - the thought never entered my head although I can dream up a few jokes about the old AKL.
    Hey Hey its Friday night, time to rest, relax and recuperate from the office and the uniniated or from those who just plain don't want to know. I've done the washing already. I'm about to sweep, dust and polish when I get off here. Then tomorrow I can concentrate on that which I want to do. So early tomorrow it will be paint a wall, go to the gym, do the shopping on the way home, paint the second coat and then go out to the garden. I have a Just Joey rose and a Julia's Rose just about to break out of bud and look gorgeous. I will have to see if I can get a photo for MEL. I've managed to upset the management at the branch I was at today, but at least I got things done. He doesn't really like me at the moment, but do I care Let battle recommence on Monday morning. There is a clear floor in the Goods Inwards area which was not clear this morning and would not have been clear this afternoon if I had not harried, harrassed and flaming annoyed the management! Who needs a quiet life!!!
    Chris has gone to NZ. Her Majesty the Tin Bum!!!! She won this trip down to the Gold Coast. Apparently the English Department Staff at her school were invited down to Nagoya to visit the Queensland Educational Expo in Nagoya. All business cards were collected and over dinner, one was drawn out of the hat. The owner was not present. So they drew another and it was hers. So then the school asked her to go to some other schools in the area and they paid for the car for her to drive around in. Then she decided to go on to NZ to see the family. (Daughter Jenny has declared herself to be pregnant) and the school then asked her to go to another couple of schools in NZ so they are paying a oneway fare. She has the rest on frequent flyers points. So in fact the trip is costing her nothing but time. (very apt as she loves the sumo wrestling)

    Okay it's time to go and finish some more cleaning and stuff. DS is having a visitor tomorrow afternoon to talk finance about buying the house next door (yes he is finally leaving home). Best try to make a good impression! Glad it wasn't Mel come to visit. Impressions would best be left alone then!!!!!
    Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon. (Cross out that which is not applicable)
  • Good morning to everyone who is still in the morning hour time zone and hello to everyone who isn't
    Shaker! You look absolutely stunning in your photographs, why did someone swear at you in church? I don't understand...but I am probably missing something...what is a JAFA? Sorry to be so thick! I am sorry family troubles plagued the wedding, well done for keeeping your cool.....oh I have just re-read your post and seen why you got swore at...well I think that would have made me get down there even more slowly! Lovely to get home to miss 6, what a treasure..almost worth being away from home to get back to such a lovely greeting,

    Thanks Shad for bringing Peacock up to date with my did very well! The heart thing is was a virus that caused heart failure which is not reversable and I function on 26% of normal capacity. I am terrified of getting another virus that is an acute illness on top of the chronic Epstein Barr Virus as I think that would completely ilienate me.
    I do have a scoliosis but the main back trouble is a degenerating spine that is always causing a huge amount of pain and very poor mobility. One of the vertebrae has an osteophytic bar grown across it that traps nerves so it feels like sciatica but is in fact not. I have been taking Gabapentin for the back pain and Oxycontin for chest pain but have had to come off both because of side effects...involuntary muscle spasms and a huge weight gain of 16lbs. Devastating to say the least. And so this week I have plagued by withdrawal symptoms of opiate withdrawal. I have been so ill since last Friday evening but finally went to see my g.p. yesterday who put me back on a sliding scale of Gabapentin to come off it again over 6 days, also gave me some Buscopan to help with the dreadful stomach cramps. Today I feel more of a human being but the back pain is so awful. At least I got a very good nights sleep...
    Mel I hope your pain is subsiding a bit...I know from sad experience that it is so easy to overdo things and have to deal with the extra pain which then always makes me wonder why I carried on knowing I was in painin the first sense at all...I never learn!!!
    Shad I trust you and Chris had a good few evenings together... .she was extremely lucky and I hope she gets to spend some quality time with DD, and the impending does "grandma" feel???
    Linus.... you yell as long and loud as you want should have seen some of my posts! Take good care especially as the grief hits, will be thinking of you.
  • Good morning ladies, we are finally getting a bit of a break of weather bumping up to the 50F mark this weekend, even if it will come with a bit of We are in the roller coaster of spring sliding temps which is so right for festering all these cold germs and making everyone sick with colds of all sorts.

    Linus, sorry to hear of grannie's passing. My condolences to you.

    Sounds like everyone has had a busy last few days. I will be going away for the weekend myself. The first in my group of childhood friends is turning 50 this weekend. Her sister is throwing her a small party tonight so I am off to the city to get my last jab in the A is 50 and I'm NOT. Best not lay it on too thick as it will be my turn next month to receive the teasings. Miss Shad and I celebrate our birthdays 2 days apart. DH will be dropping me off at mom's - my friend lives just down at the other end of the street from mum. He decided it would be easier for him to just come back and get me on Sunday - plans a busy Saturday working around the house. So I will get to spend a good day and evening with the mum. I speak to her on the phone several times a week but we don't get much face to face time so I'm looking forward to the weekend. Would be even more fun if my sister could join us but she has a party to go to herself. So the evenings this week have been filled with getting things prepared around the house so that I don't have to try and catch up on everything at once when I come home on Sunday - hence the lack of communication on my part.

    Shaker, you look absolutely gorgeous - the only swearing I can imagine is someone seeing you in church and shouting out "Damn is she HOT!" But I can't wait to hear more about this wedding. Sounds like an entertaining story is brewing for us all. Miss 6 sounds so sweet, was a lovely thing to say to you. I also can relate to what you said about your hometown falling apart. Same is true of my mum's area - she told me that when I leave the party (which may be after 1am considering how we girls are all such yakkers ) that I should under no circumstances walk alone from one end of the street to the other. I thought she was being rather motherly but my sister agreed. This is my childhood home and it is hard to fathom not being safe there any more. Admittedly it also makes me worry more than ever about my mom living all alone there. But my aunt also lives just down the street so at least there is someone nearby.

    Shad it struck me funny that you are awaiting the blooms of your roses. We are on opposite sides of the seasons and I think of autumn as a last riot of color before everything withers up for a long winter's sleep. Our roses will be blooming in a few months too. Seems odd that they will be flourishing together. Guess your autumn is more like our May time frame when the weather is perfect and you are feeling at your best. No shivering, no sweating, just the sweet smell of fresh air and the warmth of the sun on your face! Glad to hear you had a nice time with Chris. Sounds like the perfect trip - a bit of business, a bit of fun and a bit of discovery. Hope schedules work out and you can meet back for a few more moments together.

    Teel, good wishes go out to you. The withdrawal sounds quite awful. I can understand feeling low and wondering will this ever END? Always one challenge after another for you.

    Miss Mel, for your entertainment DH had left over pork roast last night topped with mustard (any old kind of yellow mustard will do) and he also swished it in the baked bean sauce. Ewwwwwww. I was glad the table centerpiece was between us so that I didn't have to look at it. I just sat quietly on my side of the table and ate my roast beef.

    Peacock I think you are right about the peacock starting the rumour about the tailfeathers being unlucky. DH and I were out at one of the gardens last year and he was stalking a peacock for a shot. It was playing games with him. Would preen himself and as DH was setting up a shot with the camera, just as he was about to click the peacock would either turn away or close his feathers. This went on and on for about 30 minutes as I stood off to the side laughing. Told DH that some subjects will not sit still for the 5 minutes it takes to set up the perfect shot. Guess that's why I'm not a photographer!

    Well I must get off this site and go get busy - lots to finish today before I leave. Have a good weekend everyone, catch you back 2 days from now!
  • Teel - JAFA stands for Just Another F Aucklander. Aucklanders have this horrible habit of believing that NZ starts and finishes in Auckland and that nothing exists south of the Bombay Hills! I doubt that Shaker can be confused with a real Aucklander, she is simply too honest and too nice. There - spoken like a true one eyed Cantabrian Shad!!!! My family comes from the plains of Canterbury on the South Island and the Caucasian part of the family came from Kent in England in 1852 - one of the first families to settle in Canterbury and also from Northern Ireland - as I have probably said before. We Southerners are fond of stating that one day we shall cut the Cook Strait cable and the North Island shall float away. The North Island was after all fished up by Maui all those years ago and Maui was standing on the MAINLAND at the time!. Now that should get any Kiwis on this site riled!
    Anyway gotta go. Lots to do, people to see, places to go to. Got my photos of the roses this morning. Will post them tonight. Mel shall have her rose.