A-MAY-zing Chat

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  • I didn't know that baby wipes are so viscious - I remember reading that spilt handcream takes the shine off of varnished or french polished furniture. Its quite frightening what we put on ourselves and our children.

    Thanks for the link - I'm going to try rubbing on some sweet almond oil and follow it with another long shower.
  • Work was vaguely sane today compared with last week, I even managed to leave at 6.30!

    I'm developing a worrying new addiction to cook books at the moment, I bought another one in Borders because it was cheap on their clearance table. And then came home and made a salad that I just made up myself. I was very impressed with myself, I had some goat's cheese in the fridge and had found a recipe for goat's cheese pasta, but it didn't have many veg in it. I was going to have it as a treat anyway, but kept on thinking that I'd rather get some veg in the meal somewhere... so it ended up turning into a salad with just a bit of goat's cheese sprinkled in. And it was absolutely delicious, so that decision was vindicated!

    I was really good with food at work too, for a change. It helps being in a conference call all afternoon so I can't get tempted by rubbish, but I'm still quite impressed by my eating today. I think I'm nearly ready to get a bit stricter with myself in a bid to start getting down to the lower end of my maintenance range.

    Weights and swimming before work this morning, then I'll be back to running tomorrow.
  • I have that johnsons tan moisturiser which is pretty good. Even though you would still think I was pale I no longer GLOW white. You just have to be careful to clean between your fingers- me and mum both made that mistake!

    Woo diet has been going well today again! I will be slim before I go on holiday with perfect figured friends!
  • Try some diluted bleach Sarah Ann I do when i've coloured my hair and its ended up on my neck and other places then rinse thoroughly it works for that
  • Big Brother is rubbish

    I don't think I can take any more of Shahbaz, or Dawn trying to talk to Shahbaz, or the rest of them slagging off Shahbaz

    All the rest of them are doing though is getting far too close than they should be after five days, flirting embarrassingly and all trying to pull each other Grace and Mikey are sharing a single bed, Sezer and Imogen are sharing another single bed, who wants to lie that close to someone you've just met? Practically naked as well.

    Moan over.
  • The sweet almond oil sort of worked - its faded the instant tan so much that its quite nice now and my skin feels wonderful. (I never thought to use sweet almond oil on it before.) I'm going to try the Johnsons tanning moisturiser next time, quite a few people have been impressed with it.

    Its a SUNNY morning - yippee!! I'm going to walk the dogs before working out so at least the house won't smell of soggy doggy all day. I estimate that I'll get to eat breakfast at about.... 10.30!
  • The Johnsons holiday skinn is great. I want to dry the one you put on at night, but I still have two bottles of the other stuff I bought when it was on offer at Boots!

    I weight trained properly yesterday for the first time in ages yesterday. I now feel like a penguin, my arms hurt when I lift them up, so I am just moving my hands! I didn't get to the gym this morning, thought I'd keep dh company and travel in together, but we've done nothing but bicker. He doesn't like me of a morning, as I am very bouncy!
  • has anyone tried the johnson holiday facial cream? that's quite good too (i also use the body one) but it's better if you have a base tan to start with!

    P.s I totally agree with you about big brother, it's all Shabaz, shabaz, shabaz >:-(
  • Kykaree - I am the bouncy one of a morning too! Perhaps if they got their butts in gear and did some bounce-inducing exercise, they wouldn't be so grumpy in the morning!

    I'm getting a cold. *sneeze* I helped with my little kickboxers last night. I was mean teacher and got them to do TONS of kicks, but in the end, we made a slight bit of progress!!

    I am debating the gym again. It's not raining. But I have a cold. But I haven't been for over a week. But I'm tired. But I'm paying for it. But I've got belt test on Saturday and don't want to tire myself out.

    Food was ok yesterday. I'm "maintaining" whatever weight I am at the moment. Aiming for 2000cals a day. Just for a little while, while I cut myself some slack!!
  • Quote:
    Aiming for 2000cals a day.
    Thats what I have all the time! I tried cutting back a couple of times and just thought about food all the time.

    Beautiful walk - sunny with a fresh fairly strong wind.

    I sold something to Julia Roberts this morning (on eBay) - I don't think it was THE Julia Roberts though.... but you never know!

    I agree about men in the morning - DH is a right miserable until he's been awake at least an hour. Woo Hoooo! He's getting in to exercise... even though he did a 12 hour day yesterday (make that 14 hours with travelling), he still did 20 mins HIIT before dinner. I'm secretly impressed.
  • You lucky duck! I probably do have about 2000cals with bites licks and tastes - I'm just aiming to get my fitdayed food up to 2000!!! Oh and NO eating over 2000 at weekends! That's the crux! I'm hoping that eating more during the week quells the urge to stuff my face. Last night I had a Malteser ice cream, oh and I had splendips and soreen, which I wouldn't normally have!
  • What is splendips? No.... don't tell me... I'll only want to have some.

    I'm losing slowly on 2,000 but I'm happy with that. I have lost a lot faster in the past with fewer calories but never successfully - either I've gained it all back again as soon as I get to goal or I feel ill all the time. I've pretty much decided to just stick at 2,000 cals and sort of let my weight find its own level - maybe add in a bit extra exercise if I hit a plateau.
  • Splendips are lovely! I like the nacho ones
    Low in callories and fill you up too
  • They're philadelphia dippy things. I had the "cheesecake" ones which are mini digestives with philly and a runny type of jam. I think there's about 200kcals in a packet, not sure, it's in my fitday! You can find them next to those Brunchettas.

    Rubbishy snack pack of the day today... Mattesson's "Fridge Raiders Chicken Bites". I guess they are like cocktail sausages made with chicken! It says on the front "made with 100% chicken breast" well maybe before the processing and the rusk-adding and dried onion powder coating! I think they'll be nicer than just plain chicken, and a fairly decent on-the-run protein snack, but horrendously processed!! I've decided I'm not going to get so hung-up abuot this "clean eating" thing. So what my chicken pieces are processed - it's better than a chocolate bar! And they're CHICKEN, so easy protein for after kickboxing. I'll be happy if they taste nice!

    Oh and I did go to the gym at lunch! I'm the greatest! I felt like poo for a while, and coming out to get on my bike I felt even more tired than when I went in but I feel slightly perked up now! I've got some Diet Coke with lime, and some sugar-free Red Bull for before kickboxing.
    Mmmmmm chemicals!

    Oh and some more "diet ninny" food... Ryvita Minis now come in caramel flavour and apple flavour! WOOOO! Actually I rate ryvita minis quite highly, they're tasty and wholegrainy!
  • I can't lose on more than 1400 cal, although when I started this I could lose easily at 1600. I'm OK all day but by 9pm I want something else - and that takes me over. I only even lost on 1600 a day if I exercised like a maniac, but I was OK with that so long as I lost 1 or 2lb a week (I have PCOS so lose weight around 4 times slower than 'normal' women!).

    Re. the chemicals and stuff we absorb into our bodies via soaps, creams, etc - try this experiment. (If you're weird/curious enough to....) rub some raw, bruised garlic on the sole of your foot. Within a couple of hours, you should be able to smell it on your breath. Which proves how things just put onto the surface of the skin, sink in and end up in the bloodstream! (Hence aromatherapy - the oils used have active properties). As your skin is a major organ of elimination, it's also capable of absorbing whatever goes onto it.

    I've come off any chemical, mass produced stuff now - using this:


    and this:


    As it's nuts to eat an organic diet (which I do, for my PCOS) and then start putting chemical stuff on yer skin!

    The sun cream from either is brilliant. DrHauschka have just brought out a face cream with factor 8 in, too. Some chemicals like aluminium have now been linked with skin cancer and many high st things are still full of it (esp deodorants). Many marketed as 'natural' still have doubtful ingredients. The Dr Hauschka and Neals Yard things are organic and work differently - can't recommend them highly enough!