Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - April 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Down .2 today. That water weight is hanging on something fierce. Stress isn't helping either. I didn't get any exercise in yesterday because of the vet appointment, and today has been derailed by a surprise corporate visit. I had such a tension headache yesterday that I went to bed as soon as bf left for his night shift. I slept from 8:30 to 7:30 this morning.

    Yesterday cals were 1190
    canned salmon with mayo and onion
    tiger shrimp warmed in coconut oil
    salted dark chocolate.

    Going to fast today and plan to be back to exercise tonight or tomorrow. I want to be in the 360's by Easter!!
  • i'm having weird allergy-like symptoms today and yesterday...even the day prior, i had eaten pineapple and it gave my mouth a weird sensation like it sometimes does...last night we went out to eat to an amazing new restaurant! i had a roasted cod dish with roasted veggies...soooooo good! but the roasted tomatoes on the dish made my mouth feel weird and i've also been sneezing more often lately...this morning i woke up to blisters on my lip...it's not a cold sore, but more like water blisters...very odd

    i have work all day with not enough time between work things to get to the gym so it's a rest day for me
  • Happy Happy HAPPY Friday!!!!!

    keeping food under calorie limit still, not to mention the extra I am burning. Walked 3.5 miles last night after work with DH and then cooked organic chicken breast in my pressure cooker w/rotel and baby bella mushrooms. Also steamed some broccoli. STILL NO WINE I don't really care, either.

    B - Dave's Killer Bread/1/4 avocado
    L - kale salad/organic chicken
    S - did I mention I haven't eaten the apple pear yet?
    D - going out with Pastor and his wife to a sushi place.

    going to walk at lunch.
  • alaskanlaughter - Maybe you're developing an allergy to some sort of preservative that is on fruit or veggies? That's very strange.
  • Happy Friday, everyone. It's my Monday but that's okay. Diana, it sounds like it was a nice service.

    Yesterday's cals went as planned UNTIL....cocktails at night. Haha! Seriously weak. Total cals 2100.


    Donut and coffee
    Greek salad, roasted potatoes, sunchokes, chicken. Yum!
    Over 800 for all that.
  • Quote: alaskanlaughter - Maybe you're developing an allergy to some sort of preservative that is on fruit or veggies? That's very strange.
    i've had that reaction to eating pineapple before...where my tongue and mouth feel all "cut" or something, like i cut my mouth on it but i haven't...sometime i have that reaction and sometimes not...i've also reacted like that to cherry tomatoes before too...i'm also stomach-sensitive to red apples (but not green) and to red grapes (but not green)...it's weird...

    the blisters on my lips are little and water-filled (or something like water) and have not increased today...

    i am exhausted though today and have been working and busy all day so far this week the students have been crazy energetic(!!)....i had a behavior safety meeting with one foster parent...and had to make a child welfare report on another...all of which is very draining emotionally and mentally *sigh*
  • Got canned today, effective May 1. Disappointed, but I knew it was a possibility. I did not use it as an excuse to cheat. I fasted for 24 hours, ate on plan, and took the dog for a walk so I could get some exercise.

    Might hit me tomorrow, but getting fatter isn't going to help.
  • Sorry to hear this Radiojane good for you on sticking to plan
  • Did much better today. Only had 1375 calories. TGIF!!!! Met with my friend for lunch. Only had 1/2 blueberry muffin with coffee.

    RadioJane, I'm so sorry. But hopefully you'll find something even better! Best of luck to you!!!
  • Hi Everyone!

    Thank you for the continued support.

    Berry Congrats on the .4 Keep up the great work! Ride this wave for a long time!

    I'm sorry about the job situation. Great job sticking with your plan! I hope something really good comes your way soon.

    Alaskanlaughter Enjoy your weekend.

    Do you feel any different since not drinking the wine?

    Psychic Enjoy your dinner out.

    kelijpa I hope today was a good one for you.

    CoolMom Hi

    Ian I'm not sure when you are coming back, but safe travels.

    Waving Hi all around and to anyone I may have missed. Enjoy your evening and rest well.
  • Rennie Hi Good to see you stop by.

    Tyla Good job on your day.
  • Total approx 1370 +

    Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
    Raw Sugar Snap Peas 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner 600 calories
    Grilled salmon 400 calories
    okra and tomatoes 100 calories
    collard greens 100 calories

    KCM's Circuit Burn - Combined workouts premix - 8's for weights and 1's for boxing
  • I'm back home. The scale says 178, which is high and 8lbs higher than when I left. Let's see what it reads tomorrow morning. Then it's back on plan with some Belgian canned king crab. Can't wait to try the Turkish canned sardines.
  • Diana - not really, LOL. I don't feel different...but I don't seem to want it, either. I've got to give it some time to see if it is the reason for the weight stall.

    RadioJane I'm sorry for the job loss, but one thing I do know from experience is that there is always something better around the corner! You'll be fine

    back from dinner - didn't do too terribly. Had some coconut shrimp (a little), some salmon sashimi, a piece of sushi, a couple scallops, some cucumbers, some green beans, broccoli, shrimp, and a couple little bite-sized desserts. Nothing outlandish, but I still expect water gain maybe because after all, it IS Asian food which is always high in sodium and/or MSG and makes me bloat. We'll see...I'm going to the gym tomorrow to rock it!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Last night I added on: Qigong Detox from 5 Day Fit Chi

    I think I went to sleep around 11:30 last night and I got up at 8:30 this morning. It felt good to sleep in.

    Calories for yesterday: 1370 +
    Weigh In: 166.8 (TTOM)
    Up: .6

    TTOM has been kicking my butt the last couple of days. I have had to take Advil AM and PM to deal with it.

    Have a great day!