TBL "WMB" - Black Team Chat

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  • I just heard a question on the radio asking if you had your choice - would you rather be fat and rich or skinny and poor?

    Personally I pick fat and rich because then I could hire a personal trainer and personal chef to get me healthy and stay that way. I could also support my family and those that I love. But then if I were skinny and poor there is always the possibility of making a good living and being able to support myself and those I love and eventually being able to afford the personal trainer and chef too.

    So maybe I should just not pick one or the other because at this point I really don't know which I'd rather have. Make sense?
  • Fat and rich, all the way! If my time were free and I had plenty of money, I would be thin and rich in short order!
  • We did great black team! Let's keep it up all the hard work this week.

    Congrats TatianaHdz! What did you do this past week?

    Congrats also going out to GetSmart, Caitbeans, & Hope4Me on making it to onderland!

    Ds is still sick so I'll be working out at home today. So far I've done 15 minutes of weights. I'm very proud of my weight loss this week. I may not get big numbers but I do stick with it. I'm off for now to fix some lunch.
  • Congratulations everyone! I think that we did an awesome job this week

    Thanks for the congratulations on making it to onederland. It's been a while since I've been here lol.
  • Quote: Congratulations everyone! I think that we did an awesome job this week

    Thanks for the congratulations on making it to onederland. It's been a while since I've been here lol.
    YAY! congrats on the onederland mark!! i am *fingers crossed* hoping to be there myself by next week

    i am bringing my scale with me on travel so i can weigh in
  • Way to go this week Black Team!

    I'm plugging along this week, but kind of struggling. I need a kick in the pants to start exercising. You all are doing great at that! Two more days to weigh-in!
  • 1. What is something you accomplished last week that you are proud of?
    This week I workout the hardest I ever have and lost 3 pounds.

    2. What is your exercise goal for the week?
    After I get dd & ds better getting back to the gym like I did last week. I'm also going to work more on lifting weights. I mostly stick to cardio. So I'll be changing it up.

    3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
    I would stay where I'm at.

    4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?
    Washingtion, D.C., and Disneyland

    5. Who is your inspiration?
    People that have lost weight and keep it off. Also not to sound arrogant but myself with every pound I loss it pushes me to continue. It I can do what I've done thus far I can get to my goal.
  • What do you listen to while we're working out?

    My favorite is the Transformers soundtrack. It reminds me of battle. My battle is to get healthy and stay there. I don't want my children to not have this battle.
  • What does MILF stand for?

    My shirt would say "To be proud of myself", "To finish what I start", or "To use good stewartship with all my blessing" The last one is way more that just my health & weight.
  • Quote: What does MILF stand for?
    MILF is a term used to explain a really good looking woman who is older. It actually stands for (Mom I'd Like to F....) ...... yeah..... that's what it means..... lol

    1. What is something you accomplished last week that you are proud of?
    I spoke to my human resources dude this week about getting a raise (from being temp./holiday and moving up to permanent/part time, I should get at least a $/hour raise) he said he didn't think they could do that and I said "then I don't think I can work here" and he got really nervous after that. Anyway, I spoke to him and told him exactly how I felt without crying!!! THIS is HUGE for me!!! I always cry in front of anyone in any kind of authority.....lol.

    2. What is your exercise goal for the week?
    to keep it up!

    3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
    hmmmm..... on a beach in Florida

    4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?
    in a cabin in the mountains (you could switch answers for #'s 3 and 4 and it would still work)

    5. Who is your inspiration?
    my husband.
  • YAY! meeting up with SoulBliss while out in CA
  • 1. What is something you accomplished last week that you are proud of?
    i walked 5 miles in one go

    2. What is your exercise goal for the week?
    since i'm going on travel and my weight weeks are from tues-mon, i am going to try to work out at least 4 days (hoping more since the hotel has a gym and i'm bringing my dvd's) and i know one of those days will be Tai chi

    3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
    Charlotte again... i love it down there

    4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?
    cabin in the mountains snowed in with my BF.... other than that.... Italy

    5. Who is your inspiration?
  • Thanks LondonJulz I was just curious since I've seen it around the board a couple of times.

    My brother just called so I've got to go pick up my niece. I'll also have to go pick up some more salmon since I only have four pieces. Last week, from all the walking and biking I did I got in 65.2 miles and 560.8 ozs of water in.
  • great job ladies.

    I wonder where the ladies are that didn't post? Are they ladies that we haven't seen since the initial weigh in?
    I hope to do much better this week...I need to do much better this week!
    I have been stuck at the same weight for too long.
    A few people that I hadn't seen in a little while complimented my looks this past weekend at my dh's grandpa's funeral. While I accepted the compliments, I couldn't help but think...how much better would I look right now if I had lost a few more pounds over Xmas instead of gaining.!!!!
    Anyway....congrats to all the losers!!!
    Here's to another great week!
  • lol - I am glad LondonJulz had to explain MILF and not me!

    Congrats to everyone on a great job this week!

    Will try to check in and catch up later with everyone