Getting out of the 190's??

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  • @Queenie: You will be with us soon! I know it. I can feel it in my bones.

    @ Envelope: You will be in the 180s...I am working my way there as well. You got this.
  • I made it across the border!!! SugarRomeoTango and Queenie, I will see you in the 180's.
  • Hey guys I weighed in at 196 today, which is the lowest I can ever remember being.. I'm so excited it's ridiculous =D Feel like I'm solidly in the 190's now. I never want to see a 2 in front of my weight again! Hope you're all doing awesome!
  • Welcome Fuct! I see to be the only one hanging around here with you but we got this. ^_^
  • So I am having real trouble with these 190s. I just can't seem to shake them (or find the uber motivation!) to take them serious.
  • Hey Yeah I know what you mean, I feel like I'm well and truly stuck in the 190's. Though it's probably because I've been off plan for a few days.. don't really know what happened there, but I *think* I'm back on it now. I can't wait to get a bit smaller so I can start running, I still jiggle too much yet, haha.
  • i'm spinning in a circle with 190' ...i lose and gain the same 8 pounds over and over again. i just weighed myself after vacay and instead of losing i gained 10 pounds!!! i'm so angry and frustrated and hoping that half of it is just water retention because i binged almost whole last week. whay can't i just stick with my plans??? why is life so unfair?!!!i'm seroiusly losing my mind...i spent last few years obsessing over food and WL ...why did i have to regain more than half of my weight back.....i'm sorry i just had o take this out of myself and rant.
  • Sadly after 6 months of trying to maintain my loss I find myself back in the 190s Weighed in at 196.5 this morning.
  • I am (2) lbs away from being out of the 190s (after over a month of hanging out in them!) Here is hoping by next week I will be out! But who knows cause I have been lifting so the water weight is there.

    @Miss: You will get out of them! I swear, it will happen. We have both been juggling the same lbs for a while . Did you go OP while on vacation? I am sure of that is water weight so don't beat yourself up too much. Just get back on teh horse!

    @Lambie: Don't worry, I am sure you won't stay here for long!
  • thanks sugar......yess i'm finally out of 190'... i think almost all the water is gone ...i went down for almost 8 pounds in a few days. now i just have to keep it up.
  • Don't think I'm ever going to break out of the frickin' 190's.. ugh..
  • @Fuct: Yea, over this weekend I have gone from 191.8 to 199 today. It might be water weight but I am not doing myself justice in my exercise and diet lately.
  • Sugar: That's crazy.. I really need to start exercising more.. I'm getting to the point where what I'm currently doing is no longer a challenge. I did a squat workout last night, and oh my god.. I literally only did about a minute and I can feel it this morning, haha. I'm finally at my ticker weight again after three days at exactly 196.6.. I really wanted to be in the 170's by the end of October but the weight loss has slowed to a crawl.. hmph
  • I finally got into the 190's, but have been sitting at 199 for a week. Threatening the scale hasn't worked, alas. I've had several NSV's this week which have kept me from getting too down, but it's frustrating.

    Hoping tomorrow is the day the scale decides to play nice and say 198.
  • Hey xirene, congrats on getting here! This thread is a little dead I'm afraid..
    I've been up and down like crazy these past couple of weeks.. so ready to be in the 180's..

    Sugar: How are you getting on?