Home of the 100% Vol 12

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  • Quote: Exactly!!!! I'm making the transition from that kind of diet to a whole food diet for my family too. I'm weaning them off of processed high fat/carb foods to a healthier way of eating. I get some resistance from the kids, but I've won the battle against pop tarts for breakfast and have banned soft drinks from our house.
    Same thing going on here, with at least my husband. He has gone strictly paleo and feels SO much better. Now my teenage son is a work in progress, but he has always been an extremely picky eater anyway, so that has it's own challenges. My son always says, "There's nothing good to eat in the house." Not that I ever bought junk food anyway, but we have gotten even stricter about what we bring into the house. He's a teenager and I get that, but I figure we will lead by example. I do keep some whole grains around for him because his diet is so limited, but the rest of us only eat unprocessed (well except for IP packets) and mostly organic food. The food bill has gone way up because of that, but the food taste SO much better and I figure our health is way more important anyway.
  • Quote: Howdy 100%ers! Another allergy day - but I am actually rounding the corner! Feeling MUCH better today than yesterday (which was the worst) - I guess it's just in time since my dad is leaving today, goodbye to my full time 'Manny'!

    LOL, I make bread for my hubby & son on occasion. The first time I made garlic & parmesan early in my IP career I had to leave the house for a few hours (the smell was too much). I think I am immune now.

    I think that baking cookies would be healthier!!!

    LOL - I just got a visit too! Hate that guy TOM! I actually skipped last month - and got some spotting this morning, which helps explains some of my overnight 4lb gain, not really concerned, especially since I've been waiting for the gain in Phase 3 (7 days now, knew to expect the 3-5lb gain), but wondering how things will shake up once this week of HORRORmones is over. At least now you have another clue as to your freak out inducing gain a few days ago....now I hope you learn your lesson THIS time to trust the protocol!
    Lizz...haha! I know that I am one of THOSE who has to learn the same lesson over and over before I finally get it!!! (Maybe that is why I am a good teacher,,,I understand.) Lizz, thank you for always patiently telling me, again and again, what I already know......but have yet to internalize it. Studies have been done in education, when you have learned something the wrong way...it takes up to like 30 times of learning it the right way for it to become
    new and corrected!

    Good luck! [/QUOTE]

    Quote: I had a coworker who hasn't seen me since May tell me how great I look and ask "What are you doing? Some crazy low-carb fad-thing?" I paused and then replied with "I am eating healthy, tracking what I eat, and not putting any CRAP that I used to eat into my mouth." She smiled, said I looked fantastic and dropped the subject and I did not expand further.
    I have been having a strong response to people who use the word "diet" when complimenting me. I feel the need, every time, to say that I am working on my healthy lifestyle and new habits. I tell them that I want to live a long time, and that I feel great!! I also tell them that the lifestyle journey I am on is a one that is total, in that it is a journey that is emotional, social, psychological,spiritual,and physical in nature. I look very healthy and happy, my new life style speaks for itself....I think it just shows. I have had people walk into my classroom to find me savoring my favorite vegetables....I am als incredibly more calm than I was in my heavier days.....let's see how that pans out next week when my 22 kids come flowing into my classroom! I think that I have discovered a me from a long time ago, a me who is happy, content, and not wanting anything to do with negative people and drama. I love the way you said it all!!!!

    Quote: Hello I started Tuesday and no cheat, cannot believe how my body is responding. Quick question, I'm wanting to add a egg white to the IP egg packet is it ok?
    Welcome NewLady!!!! congrats on your 100%. Things will get even easier. Egg whites and eventually whole eggs were added early on, only briefly, but necessary. They helped a lot.

    Quote: Yes, you can do that and one egg white doesn't count as part of your daily protein.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
    I am going through major back to school transition stuff. I am in the process of writing up new goals for me...between September and January. I had so much fun taking care of me this summer and setting and reaching so many goals, both personal and IP related. At first I was sad to be leaving summer behind, but then I realized that it was my quest for improvement and meeting my goals......so, onwards. New goals here we go! Have a great day everyone, I hope you all safe in the storm. Please check in when you can.
  • Julie, you should get the book in the mail next Tues/Wed. Making new goals for yourself are great, you hit lots of goals over the summer for yourself so that is a MAJOR accomplishment. Make them attainable and its like miracles happen!!

    Looks like this storm is coming and gaining strength so I have prepared for it.....Ok I am prepared for this storm to come....I have 10 cans of tuna, 5 cans of chicken, 5 cases of water, 5 cans of green beans, 5 cans of asparagus, a Jar of pickled okra and pickles....12 eggs that I will boil.....24 chocolate premade shakes, and 12 packs of a mixture of restricted (puffs and bars). I beat the madness that is for sure....stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!
  • Quote: Julie, you should get the book in the mail next Tues/Wed. Making new goals for yourself are great, you hit lots of goals over the summer for yourself so that is a MAJOR accomplishment. Make them attainable and its like miracles happen!!

    Looks like this storm is coming and gaining strength so I have prepared for it.....Ok I am prepared for this storm to come....I have 10 cans of tuna, 5 cans of chicken, 5 cases of water, 5 cans of green beans, 5 cans of asparagus, a Jar of pickled okra and pickles....12 eggs that I will boil.....24 chocolate premade shakes, and 12 packs of a mixture of restricted (puffs and bars). I beat the madness that is for sure....stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!
    Thanks for the book Wuv. I hope you stay safe and am glad that you have completely prepared yourself!
    I was so lucky to have the summer to learn about me. I kind of spoiled myself by spending so much well needed time on and for myself. I kayaked, when I wanted to kayak, I got mani-pedis, took long walks, bought myself beautiful clothes, socialized, spent time with my kids, lazed in the sun, experimented with yummy new vegetables, ate a lot, looked at myself alot, and spend many, many hours with my girls here on 3FC. So, I am going to have to switch up some of my goals. One of them will be making sure that I get daily "me" time. Another will be leaving my school BEFORE 6:00 PM! (I am a little OCD, so that nonsense has to stop!) Exersise will be my new friend, and of course, reaching Goal.
    I think that I have learned that if I do not have goals for ME, than I am always focused on meeting my goals at school, for my kids, house, etc. and their is no time set aside for what it is that I need to be doing for ME!!!
  • Quote: Thanks for the book Wuv. I hope you stay safe and am glad that you have completely prepared yourself!
    I was so lucky to have the summer to learn about me. I kind of spoiled myself by spending so much well needed time on and for myself. I kayaked, when I wanted to kayak, I got mani-pedis, took long walks, bought myself beautiful clothes, socialized, spent time with my kids, lazed in the sun, experimented with yummy new vegetables, ate a lot, looked at myself alot, and spend many, many hours with my girls here on 3FC. So, I am going to have to switch up some of my goals. One of them will be making sure that I get daily "me" time. Another will be leaving my school BEFORE 6:00 PM! (I am a little OCD, so that nonsense has to stop!) Exersise will be my new friend, and of course, reaching Goal.
    I think that I have learned that if I do not have goals for ME, than I am always focused on meeting my goals at school, for my kids, house, etc. and their is no time set aside for what it is that I need to be doing for ME!!!
    AGREED!!....its OUR time to shine, we have raised our kids, they have their own lives now. It is up to US to make time for ourselves and do stuff for US....we always have a tendency to make time and take care of others always putting ourselves on the back burner...NOT anymore...its all about ME now and what I want!....I am getting it too!....lol
  • Quote: Julie, you should get the book in the mail next Tues/Wed. Making new goals for yourself are great, you hit lots of goals over the summer for yourself so that is a MAJOR accomplishment. Make them attainable and its like miracles happen!!

    Looks like this storm is coming and gaining strength so I have prepared for it.....Ok I am prepared for this storm to come....I have 10 cans of tuna, 5 cans of chicken, 5 cases of water, 5 cans of green beans, 5 cans of asparagus, a Jar of pickled okra and pickles....12 eggs that I will boil.....24 chocolate premade shakes, and 12 packs of a mixture of restricted (puffs and bars). I beat the madness that is for sure....stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!
    You sound more than prepared. Stay safe!

    Quote: Thanks for the book Wuv. I hope you stay safe and am glad that you have completely prepared yourself!
    I was so lucky to have the summer to learn about me. I kind of spoiled myself by spending so much well needed time on and for myself. I kayaked, when I wanted to kayak, I got mani-pedis, took long walks, bought myself beautiful clothes, socialized, spent time with my kids, lazed in the sun, experimented with yummy new vegetables, ate a lot, looked at myself alot, and spend many, many hours with my girls here on 3FC. So, I am going to have to switch up some of my goals. One of them will be making sure that I get daily "me" time. Another will be leaving my school BEFORE 6:00 PM! (I am a little OCD, so that nonsense has to stop!) Exersise will be my new friend, and of course, reaching Goal.
    I think that I have learned that if I do not have goals for ME, than I am always focused on meeting my goals at school, for my kids, house, etc. and their is no time set aside for what it is that I need to be doing for ME!!!
    I always say take care of yourself first, so that you can take care of others too. Good job Julie!
  • Quote: Looks like this storm is coming and gaining strength so I have prepared for it.....Ok I am prepared for this storm to come....I have 10 cans of tuna, 5 cans of chicken, 5 cases of water, 5 cans of green beans, 5 cans of asparagus, a Jar of pickled okra and pickles....12 eggs that I will boil.....24 chocolate premade shakes, and 12 packs of a mixture of restricted (puffs and bars). I beat the madness that is for sure....stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!
    Lisa, leave it to you to stay OP through a hurricane and beyond! Hopefully you won't need all those well-thought out provisions and the hurricane will wobble away from you. Keep safe!

    Quote: Thanks for the book Wuv. I hope you stay safe and am glad that you have completely prepared yourself!
    I was so lucky to have the summer to learn about me. I kind of spoiled myself by spending so much well needed time on and for myself. I kayaked, when I wanted to kayak, I got mani-pedis, took long walks, bought myself beautiful clothes, socialized, spent time with my kids, lazed in the sun, experimented with yummy new vegetables, ate a lot, looked at myself alot, and spend many, many hours with my girls here on 3FC. So, I am going to have to switch up some of my goals. One of them will be making sure that I get daily "me" time. Another will be leaving my school BEFORE 6:00 PM! (I am a little OCD, so that nonsense has to stop!) Exersise will be my new friend, and of course, reaching Goal.
    I think that I have learned that if I do not have goals for ME, than I am always focused on meeting my goals at school, for my kids, house, etc. and their is no time set aside for what it is that I need to be doing for ME!!!
    Julie, be sure to revisit those lovely summer day memories as our school year unfolds. I know too well how teaching and all its responsibilties can quickly take priority over personal time. Do you realize how many of our colleagues are a little OCD, lol? My goal to leave school before 6:00 PM will be easy this year, because I will be thrown out! The schools in my district will be closed at 6:00 to save money. So, now I have to try to refrain from dragging tons of paperwork home with me every night! I wish you great success in achieving all your new goals.
  • Quote: Lisa, leave it to you to stay OP through a hurricane and beyond! Hopefully you won't need all those well-thought out provisions and the hurricane will wobble away from you. Keep safe!
    Nope, Not even Mother Nature can get me off track!...determination is what it is called!....lol
  • Quote: You sound more than prepared. Stay safe!

    I always say take care of yourself first, so that you can take care of others too. Good job Julie!
    Dana, almost twenty one years ago, I gave birth to my first child. I have not taken proper care of myself since then. It is now a constant struggle to give myself permission to take care of me. But, I am getting REALLY good at it....sometimes, I can even be selfish about it!: ) Thanks, Dana!
    Getting back to teaching will be a challenge with regards to this. I will be caretaking all day, then home to care take for the family. Ultimately, it will be a win/win for everyone.....if I can figure out a balance.
  • Quote: Lisa, leave it to you to stay OP through a hurricane and beyond! Hopefully you won't need all those well-thought out provisions and the hurricane will wobble away from you. Keep safe!

    Julie, be sure to revisit those lovely summer day memories as our school year unfolds. I know too well how teaching and all its responsibilties can quickly take priority over personal time. Do you realize how many of our colleagues are a little OCD, lol? My goal to leave school before 6:00 PM will be easy this year, because I will be thrown out! The schools in my district will be closed at 6:00 to save money. So, now I have to try to refrain from dragging tons of paperwork home with me every night! I wish you great success in achieving all your new goals.
    I wish you great success as well! If you have secrets about getting out earlier...please do share! One of my goals is to try to keep it simple, and not always try to make things better.....PERFECTIONISM another bad quality in a teacher.....I am also going to keep telling myself that I can not save the world....I will do my best during the day, but, these kids are not mine..I cannot control what happens after the bell rings.....it breaks my heart, but, I have no control over that. I am going to let that go. I am also going to try to say NO to more to people who are constantly delegating...you know the ones that leave right behind the busses!
    And when I get home....I am going to create a ME place for my son and I. A calm......no matter how rushed we are with sports and all.....hmmmmm, starting to sound like a miracle...?
  • Quote: I'll take the "crazy" low carb thing any day over starving on some other diet!

    NSV for me: REALLY need to do laundry. Going out. Needed something clean. Pulled out a pair of pants TWO sizes smaller than when I started IP on 7/31. they FIT and were not even tight!
    Lisa, that's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, 2 sizes!!!

  • Thanks!
  • Howdy 100%ers!!

    Well the camper is packed and we're ready to go tomorrow for our last week of back to school camping!!! Hopefully the weather cooperates!!

    I have the fridge stuffed with veggies bags, protein, IP stuff and vitamins. Ready to hit the lake!! 100% all the way, there is no other way.

    I can't wait for this get away, it's my favorite week of the year, as the kids suck up the last summer holidays, and us parents have settled into vaca mode as well. It's relaxing and fun, and a great way to spend the last week of summer vacation.

    Have an awesome week, stay safe to those in the storms path!!
  • Quote: Howdy 100%ers!!

    Well the camper is packed and we're ready to go tomorrow for our last week of back to school camping!!! Hopefully the weather cooperates!!

    I have the fridge stuffed with veggies bags, protein, IP stuff and vitamins. Ready to hit the lake!! 100% all the way, there is no other way.

    I can't wait for this get away, it's my favorite week of the year, as the kids suck up the last summer holidays, and us parents have settled into vaca mode as well. It's relaxing and fun, and a great way to spend the last week of summer vacation.

    Have an awesome week, stay safe to those in the storms path!!
    mompattie...have an awesome week! what a great way to spend the last week before school!
  • Quote: You sound more than prepared. Stay safe!

    Well Dana we never know how long we will be with out power with this kinda stuff. Last time it was weeks before the power returned, its better to be over prepared than under prepared. This one is almost going to hit on the anniversary of Katrina so it just brings back memories of staying gone for 29 days and coming back to nothing