Lose 10lb by November 1st!

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  • Ugh, I gained this week. 1.5 pounds to be exact.

    No excusses, I know exactly why. Ate too much crap, only worked out once.

    This week WILL be better!
  • I weighed myself this morning....NO loss. On a good note, NO gain, either. I am NOT discouraged and think that this week is going to be MY week. Clearly, not expecting to reach my 10 pound less of me goal...however....I do think I can get some movement. I am doing everything I am supposed to...so....I KNOW its just a matter of time.
  • Sorry I was MIA for a little while. I'll update the spreadsheet in a mo'.
  • I just don't understand why I'm having such a bad month. I have only lost 1.2 so far this month. Compared to August when I lost 14 that's pretty crappy. I'm trying really hard not to be discouraged. I know that a loss is better than a gain, but blah.

    You are all doing so well! Everyone should be proud of the work we have done so far this month, even me.

  • Alrighty! I weighed in this morning at 159.9! That's 3 lbs.! YES! Only....7 more to go in 2 weeks lol. We shall see.
  • Dum de dum hopeful me...

    SW 207
    CW 202.5
    GW 197

    Wouldn't it rock to be in onederland...
  • Shish - Don't get down on yourself hon, you have done such a terrific job and have served as a total inspiration to me. Even when your numbers have stood still on you, you have kept plugging along and it has encouraged me to do the same.... so know this... you ARE making a difference even if it doesn't show on the scale. Look at the stuff you do now that you didn't, look at the people you have touched, and look at how determined you have been to put yourself into a place where you KNOW you are worth the work! I am so proud of you!!! 54Lbs is no small feat!

    Lorna - That is a fabulous way to look at it! It's amazing how sometimes the scale doesn't move and we STILL FEEL the difference and know it will catch up soon I tell my husband that the scale has a lower IQ than me... proof is that it can't keep up, lol (I have to reason it out somehow!)

    For everyone else: Great job on the losses! I am sitting amazed seeing the numbers drop! We still have a bunch of blanks on the spreadsheet though, where are the other challenge members? Even if you don't have a loss, check in and gain/get encouragement! We are all in the same battle and honestly we stand a better chance of overcoming the weight if we stay accountable and battle together (power in numbers, lol) Hope everyone has a fabulous MOnday!!!!
  • Hahahaha I totally messed that up. I weighed in at 156.9!!! Oops!
  • Alright, WI was today and Im down 3lbs this week
    CW 224

    Hope everyone had a terrific weekend and wishing all an awsome week!!!


  • Wow, everybody should be proud!
    I am still at 167. Lots of birthdays these days. Fun, friends and family, but also temptations.
  • SW: 137.0
    CW: 135.0

    I can't wait to be under 135!
  • SW: 158.8
    CW: 155.2

    Damn TOM no matter what I do it makes me gain
  • This morning 10/17/2011 I dropped another 2 lbs to 205. If this sticks I will be halfway there.

    10/1/2011 Starting weight 210
    10/8/2011 207 (down 3 lbs)
    10/15/2011 207 (no change)

    Goal weight 200

  • had a bad week this week on the scale - I did go off plan but only very slightly plus my weight was up over 2 lbs before that happened anyway. I can only assume it's TOM-related, if only TOM would FINALLY start! ugh!

    SW: 208.8
    CW: 209.6
    GW: 198.8

    Hopefully I'll kick this water weight to the curb and at least show some loss for the month, but it's clearly not going to be 10 lbs for the month.
  • Welp. I cheated. Yep. I had a spring roll with peanut sauce and Chex Mix Muddy Buddies....omg they're delicious. Ok. Snapping out of it now. I'm SO mad at myself!! If I wake up and the scale shows me something ridiculous I might scream and have a freak out moment at 6:00 a.m. Dumb dumb dumb dumb.