May Thread

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  • Quote: Hope you feel better soon - I have found the brownie recipie makes a large brownie or it would be difficult for me to stop at just 1 - I also like it uncooked (like brownie batter) and partially cooked so that the center is still gooey - it reminds me of lava cake. (also it is very good made with the hot chocolate instead of the double chocolate pudding).

    Is the one large brownie for one serving? If so, I could just eat the one as a treat instead of knowing the pan was calling me if more than one. LOL.I guess everyone has their weakness, and chocolate is one of mine.

  • Quote: Ok, I'm going in today to do my stabilization paperwork. But I'm really anxious about stabilization. I didn't realize it was 6 weeks, or I would have insisted on starting it sooner. We're leaving for WA state and Alaska for our belated honeymoon in June. June 8-11, we'll be staying outside of Seattle, and June 11-17, we'll be at a B&B-type lodge outside of Juneau.

    I'll ask this at the center today, but I'm really anxious about how the heck stabilization is going to work while I'm gone AND eating out a lot. I've already checked--there is no MRC anywhere near where we'll be in WA, and none in Alaska at all. I'm hoping my stabilization goes quickly and smoothly between now and the time we leave, so I can be closer to maintenance while we're gone--otherwise I'm anxious that the whole trip will be stressful for me because of having to deal with food options (or lack thereof)/choices.

    Also, we have an end-of-the-schoolyear luncheon for my department (I'm in the central office of my district) coming up at an Italian restaurant. I just got the menu (buffet style): lasagna & pasta shells in sauce. They will have sauteed veggies, too. Unfortunately, this isn't just a social luncheon, it's a you're-expected-to-be-here-because-this-is-actually-a-meeting-and-we're-taking-attendance luncheon. I'm considering asking if I can request a separate meal off the menu of chicken and veggies and I'll just pay separately. I'm not sure if I can really do this though--we'll be in the banquet hall of this restaurant, which is actually across the street from the actual restaurant. I could just eat ahead of time or bring a bar, but then I'd also have to smell it the whole time I'm sitting there, OR everyone around me would make a big deal about asking why I'm not eating or why I'm eating a sad-looking bar.
    Hi ...
    I would ask . When I travel, for business,so many of meetings are similar to what you are talking about, buffet style.. I have asked if I could do the chicken with salad, or shrimp coctail with salad, and most of the time I can. Italian buffet is difficult at times. I think when they have these buffets, that they should have something for people that are diabetic or have a heart condition,but many times they don't. Maybe call the actual restaurant ahead of time, if this is possible. I hope this all works out well for you. I know exactly where you are with this.

  • Woo Hoo!
    Went for my WI tonight... I lost 1lb since Saturday (even after eating a sirloin for lunch) and I signed the 30lb board!!!! YIIPPPIIIEEE!!
  • So, I was hoping to be down 1.5lbs today, because my one consultant had wanted me to be to 197 before starting stabilization. Instead, I was up 1/2 pound. UGGGGHHh.

    The only thing I can figure is that I might be retaining a little water due to the high temps we've had Sunday thru today (in the 90s, ick!). I've also been more active than usual, with all of our yardwork, and I've stuck to plan 100%, no cheating--so I didn't have my usual "peaks and valleys" of calorie counts since Saturday.

    Anyway, I met with my consultant and insisted on going on stabilization. They have my goal at 191 (my personal goal is 195), and she wanted me at 197 before stabilizing (she thinks I'll continue to lose 1 lb a week on stabilization). But I convinced her that I want to be as close to maintenance as possible by the time we leave for Alaska, so I don't have to deal with such a restrictive meal plan on our travels.

    So, I get to add a starch to my lunch 3x a week. I'm excited, but also really anxious about this-- I've watched Patzi really struggle with stabilization, and if any little slacking off with my plan before would cause me to stay the same or gain, I don't understand how adding foods back in can happen without my gaining weight. I'm going to just have to trust the plan, I guess.

    My consultant also looked at the luncheon menu fo next week and made this suggestion: Bring cottage cheese or hard cheese & fruit to eat in the car before I go into the banquet hall, then just eat the sauteed vegetables or a huge salad from the buffet at lunch. I'm not concerned about my HNS--people have already seen me using that at lunchtime in our building's cafeteria. Problem solved! I"m so glad I asked her.
  • Quote: Went for my WI tonight... I lost 1lb since Saturday (even after eating a sirloin for lunch) and I signed the 30lb board!!!! YIIPPPIIIEEE!!
    CONGRATULATIONS! That rocks!
  • Quote: Wow 7 did you do it????
    I stayed exactly OP and drank lots of water. You have to understand the week before I had gained the 7! :*( I'm on end about weighing in tomorrow, but I have to say dinners were harder the past couple of days. I was at my parents and my mom made pork chops yesterday, and it was leftover again tonight. Also, when I am at someone else's house, I have to rely on eyeballing how much I need and honestly, I tend to eat more. I'm working on continuing to drink more water. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow!
  • Quote: Wow! That's an amazing loss! Although, a loss like that is not likely to all be fat--it may be some water weight. So, one thing to keep in mind is to drink plenty of water if you don't want to see a gain on the scale.

    When I have a good-size drop (most I've ever lost in one weighin was about 4lbs), I usually don't lose at all the very next weigh in. Sometimes I will even gain a pound of it back. That's totally normal--that is our bodies adjusting to the loss. Especially with a sudden fat loss, we'll retain a little bit of water at first to keep the fat cells from suddenly collapsing.

    I know what you mean, though. I get discouraged so easily when the number goes up at all, even when I know why. Good luck!
    I have to be very very honest... I'm not sure I've gone a full week OP. I try to make way better choices, but I don't know. So each time I've had a nice weight loss, I cheat so I know exactly why I've gone up. Ok ok ok... I have to get over this! Do I need to see a counselor about this? It's weird. I haven't told the consultants. Being OP sucks only because I want to eat what I want to eat even though it's very bad! ;(
  • Quote: Is the one large brownie for one serving? If so, I could just eat the one as a treat instead of knowing the pan was calling me if more than one. LOL.I guess everyone has their weakness, and chocolate is one of mine.

    Yes, the entire recipie is 1 serving - it's made in the microwave and like to make in in the "sandwich-sized" microwave containers . . . the entire container is 1 serving. Otherwise the pan would call me to. It is equivalent to 1 creamy HNS and does use part of your oil for the day (which I never rembmer to use anyway). Whoever invented this recipie is my hero.

  • Congrats to all you losers!!

    WI today and was down 2 lbs (YEAH). I am 2 lbs from joining Razorbackcandi in signing the 30 lb board and hope to do so Friday but would be just as thrilled to sign it next week . . . we will see.

    Teacherlady - sounds like you have a great plan for your working lunch and hope stabilization goes well for you.

  • I have lost 6 pounds in the past 9 days but that includes the 4 pounds of preconditioning. So I really lost only 2 pounds over 9 days. That was a little depressing because I thought once I was following the plan that it would come off quicker.

    Oh well thats always been my problem.....wanting a quick fix. Right now I am really hungry but have had everything I can have on the plan. so drinking water right now.
  • Quote: Wow! That's an amazing loss! Although, a loss like that is not likely to all be fat--it may be some water weight. So, one thing to keep in mind is to drink plenty of water if you don't want to see a gain on the scale.

    When I have a good-size drop (most I've ever lost in one weighin was about 4lbs), I usually don't lose at all the very next weigh in. Sometimes I will even gain a pound of it back. That's totally normal--that is our bodies adjusting to the loss. Especially with a sudden fat loss, we'll retain a little bit of water at first to keep the fat cells from suddenly collapsing.

    I know what you mean, though. I get discouraged so easily when the number goes up at all, even when I know why. Good luck!
    You're right... I think it is water weight and not actual fat. I'll keep drinking. Thanks!
  • Quote: Went for my WI tonight... I lost 1lb since Saturday (even after eating a sirloin for lunch) and I signed the 30lb board!!!! YIIPPPIIIEEE!!
  • Mariah, could you post the brownie recipe again? I keep seeming to miss it every time I look back over this thread.

  • First Official Weigh-in Since back OP
    Well, I had my first official weigh-in since going back OP- and I've lost 6.5 lbs! I know that is probably a one-time deal. That it will slow from here, but still.. It's nice to feel that feeling again.
    You guys know what I mean. When every morning, your body feels just a little bit different, as if things shifted during the night.
    This may be weird, but last time I lost all the weight, I had these smaller blue bath towels, that I could wrap all the way around me, with no gap.
    That is my goal. Right now, even my bigger, newer towels aren't meeting around the old hips.

    No gap.. That's my goal.

    How are all of you doing today?
  • Quote: Hi all! Congrats to all of you that have lost!!!! Great job everyone. Well my WI yesterday was not to bad considering my indulgence on Sunday. I stayed the same! Also Metaquick is going quite well so far, it is not to bad to do during the work week, but weekends may be a bit harder. I am trying to decide if I want to complete 7 days of metaquick this week or go back to the menu for Sat and Sun and save my other to metaquick days this month for later. Anyway, I feel NSV for actually going to WI after a cheat and being honest with the center and also for getting right back OP. I think a change in mindset that way will help me ensure that this is a lifestyle change.
    Hi Lmickley- we joined at the same time in 09- and I think we used to chat quite a bit. IS that you??