The Onederland Express - Hop on Here!! #3

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  • Arabella, my WW book is from about 5 years ago, but I figure if it worked then, it will work now, and I am really feeling better already! If you can't find yours, I'd be glad to scan the points chart or whatever you need, and zap it over to you.

    Mel, congrats on the good shopping experience! I've got all kinds of good stuff down to size 8 in my attic, waiting for me to fit back into them. I'll be "shopping" there first, and I can't wait! The last time I lost the weight, I didn't stay down long enough to even break some things in. Pathetic, but I'm glad I saved the stuff, cause I'm gonna do it this time!

    Let's go get 'em!
  • Mel - I am so happy for you! That's wonderful. I know what you mean, I am feeling the same - my mind is starting to catch up and see that, yes, I am shopping in normal stores and buying size L and XL - and I'm looking so much better!

    Well baby shower for me today, planning on staying away from the snack table! I'm taking DD with me, so that'll keep me busy.
  • Thank you Auntie and Liz. It's nice knowing that stores will probably have something to fit me!

    Poor DH isn't doing so well. He has been suffering from "tension headaches" on the back of his neck for a few weeks (thats what the dr says) and for the past 2 days he has been throwing up. Is this something I should be really concerned about? It has only been 2 times both times at night, he says his stomach will just feel uneasy then he gets sick. I think he should go back to the dr but he's afraid they will just say it's the same thing and send him on his way.
  • Mel, I'd get DH back to the doc! I can't really diagnose, as I'm a shipper, not a doctor, but you should get meningitis ruled out!
  • The rain stopped!
    Huzzah! And it's still mild out. DH & I walked around the harbour to the gym and I did a little back home. Walked over to the offices and have to scoot out to the bank later so will have about an hour and a half walking all told. Let's see, now, how many points do I get for that...

    Auntie g, thanks for the nice offer to send the chart but there seem to be a number of sources online now. Used to be that WW would have them gone in seconds but I guess they've given up that fight. I'm looking forward to getting going, too. Going to start counting points TODAY. I'm excited that we'll both be doing it.

    Mel, congrats on the Old Navy victory! I always find their sizes seem to run small, so you might get into a 12 at some other store. Hope your husband's illness GOES AWAY!

    Liz, you're an inspiration! I love hearing about your victories and I can see what you're doing all the way along and -- hey, guess what? -- it works! Hope your shower was lovely.

    K, I'm supposed to be working so maybe I'll hop to it. Let's make this a good one!

  • Mel - I agree I think DH should probably go back, if the pain is bad enough to be throwing up other things should be ruled out. Hope he's feeling better soon!

    Arabella - Glad to hear you're enjoying and making good use of the nice weather! It's beautiful today here too, only 12 degrees but hey not too shabby really.

    The shower was nice and they didn't serve the food until the time I was leaving (I had to leave early to help DH clean up the preschool playground) so no calories to worry about there! YAY! Anyhow hope everybody has a great day!
  • Afternoon Girls....had a very nice weekend, great anniversary...we even celebrated with buying a new car...a 2010 Mazdaspeed 3, black ...dh's car was about to go for good, it was 10 yrs old so we decided that it was time to buy a new one...which sucks because my car was paid off too so we hadnt had any car payments for about 4 to now have one again ( that isnt small ), it is hard on the budget, haha

    Mel - I agree with everyone else, he needs to go back...I had a stick neck for a couple of days last week but I never got sck to my stomach over it...but I know migraines can make you sick to your stomach, is he having those? I read that neck tension headaches can be the signs of something else so definitely have him checked out more...

    LIz - okay did you say it is 12 degrees? You act like that is not bad, but that sounds HORRIBLY cold to me ...did you typo? haha

    Hi Auntie G and Arabella - hope you are both enjoying your day....wish my work day would pick up and go a little faster...I am tired with this stuped DST change and wanna get home and back in bed, haha

    HOpe you all have a great day.

  • I have been a nervous wreck all day about DH. He went to work and got an appt at 3:30. The dr said if he couldnt touch his chin to his chest then he would of sent him straight to the hospital bc of Meningitis. He took some of his blood and said he will call us tomorrow with the results. Dh was on a 7 day steriod pack the other dr gave him for the "tension headaches" and his real dr said that could of torn his stomach up and thats why he was vomiting. Let's hope for good results tomorrow!
    I had a bad day eating wise (I guess due to my mind going nuts all day worrying about DH) but tomorrow is another day right?!
  • Mel - I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts! Let us know how it goes. :hugs:

    Carri - YAY on a new car! So about the car payment but what can you do? We'll be in the same boat in not too long - DH's car is 13 years old now. And yes it is 12 degrees, but that is celsius, not sure what that is in farenheit!
  • Day 2 of counting points and all is well. Made a delicious teriyaki pork tenderloin and multiple vegetables for dinner, which I rarely do, but really should do more often! I can't believe how much the logging and points counting changes things in my head.

    Arabella, how'd the first day go? I'm happy you're doing it, too. I have all my old books, but I'm gonna have to check out what's available online, too. Gotta soak it up while I'm excited about it!

    Liz, wtg on escaping the food at the shower! Sometimes that's the best way around it. And, um, yeah, 12 degrees? Sounds a bit brisk!

    Carri, new car - good! New car payment - groan... We could never make it 4 years without a payment (which would be mighty sweet!) I think we made it a year in between last time, but now I have about a year left to pay on my car, and hope that DH's lasts til mine's paid off. Have you recovered from the weekend yet?

    Mel, yep, tomorrow's another day! I hope you get good results from DH's bloodwork, and I'm glad he apparently passed the "it's not meningitis" test. Hang in there!

    OK, off for some decaf and hopefully a bit of relaxing. Expecting a messy day at work tomorrow.

  • Ah, Liz, you posted while I was typing. I checked the old conversion chart, and 12º Celsius is 53.6º Fahrenheit. That's much more reasonable now! We stayed in the 40s here today.
  • Good Morning Ladies!
    DH is doing better stomach wise since they gave him something to help it heal so no more vomiting! I am so glad he can eat again! His neck/head are still hurting so I am anxiously awaiting a call from Dh with the results from his blood test.
    Thank you all for the support you don't know how much it means to me!

    Something odd happened....I had a left over steak and potato from outback for lunch and a potato for dinner yesterday (awful I know), but I just weighed and I am 201.4! What in the world?! Maybe my body has been missing carbs?! I am going to move my ticker just to add something good to the day, hopefully I don't have to move it back up later in the week lol I am so close to onederland that I can taste it!!
    Hope you all have a great Tuesday and I will update when the results come back!
  • Morning Girls...

    Mel - glad to hear he doesnt have menengitus ( I know I just spelled that wrong )...I will be thinking of you guys and hoping for good news today back from the docs...hugs...AND you are so close to Onederland with your 201 weigh in, you are doing such a great job...dont worry about the little bit of stress eating you did because of dh ...I always do the same thing too...we are human...

    Arabella and Auntie G - I still have all my old WW stuff too, just found it all the other night when I was going through my closet...I lost about 60 pds back in 2004 doing the WW points system ( before there were flex points ) ...many times i have considered going back on it since it seemed to work so well for Auntie G I still have the weekend bloat, and wasnt too great with my diet yesterday either ...haha

    Liz - Okay so when Auntie G said what it was in Fahrenheit degrees then you didnt seem so crazy to me, haha

    Hope you girls have a great day ... Mel dont forget to hop on here later and update us on the info you get on dh.

  • Hey ladies I'm back with good news! The Dr. personally called DH and said his blood work came back fine and there is no infection. I am so glad that he doesn't have an infection somewhere but would love to know what is causing his stiff neck and headaches. Dh said he is doing better today so we are hoping with time it will get better. The Dr. said if he isn't doing better within the next few days to come back. I'm sure just the fact that he isn't throwing up is helping his neck, and eating has to give him more energy. I will just keep an eye on him and hope it gets better on it's own! Thank you for the kind words and thoughts ladies!
  • GREAT news Mel know his pillow or even how he is sleeping can cause a stiff neck...I switched to one of those memory foam pillows that supports the neck and my neck has been alot better since...