Beat The Bulge~ Game 12!!!

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  • rode my bike an hour an hour this morning! wee! not feeling that great still though
  • courtnie- wtg on exercising. you're really brave to get it in while you're sick. hope you get better soon.

    wendy - i know there's been tons of ladies, but we are still in it! WTG us!! I wish it would snow over here. It's freezing over here, but no snow . I don't think its gonna happen!

    anne - way to go on staying OP. I'm excited to see the results of your first weigh-in. Good Luck!!

    canadianmom - oh, I love squats. don't they just make you feel alive?? lol if you have a massaging shower head, use it...they work wonders on sore muscles.

    So I was driving around on my lunch break and I was feeling so hungry. Well, I was contemplating stopping at this restaurant and picking up a huge burger, fries, and a cherry coke. I even drove into the parking lot. But I didn't do it. I was thisclose to ruining my day, but I didn't give in. Instead I hurried back to work and warmed up my lime and garlic chicken, and my black beans and rice. It was soooo good. I know that hamburger would of probably tasted better, but I would of had an ugly taste in my mouth for the rest of the day. I'm glad I decided not to go get it.

    have a good one ya'll!!
  • WAY TO GO RO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • aww, shucks, thanks!!! lol
  • AWESOME Rosario!!!!
    So far today I've had an egg and a half. These new meds I'm on have left me with no appitite (could be a good thing! LOL!)I know my mom has some clemintines over there so I'm going to go and have tea and an orange.
    Courtnie~ gosh I hope you feel better soon, try the Cold FX, it works!
  • way to go rosario!!!!!!
  • Got my results
    Doctor's office called today, and all my blood work came back normal! ( I had been getting tested for thyroid and diabetes)
    But the doctor wants to see me about the possibility of weight loss drugs like Meridia or Xenical. I found out our insurance won't cover it, and after reading ALOT on them, I've decided its not for me.

    I got this way on my own, I can lose this on my own without the help of drugs!

    I got through only 1 mile of the 2 mile WATP this morning, but thats because my little guy was fussy and I needed to calm him.
    I hope tonight to get in a bit more, but we will see how the boys are first, or I could do a bit on the bike. I seem to be enjoying WATP more than the bike lately! As long as I do something

    Have a great night with you tomorrow!

  • oh so tired... i know i havent eaten enough today but I just wanted hungry... I am at under 900 calories and I burned that much on my bike this morning... no wonder i am tired

    I have a bag a twizzlers staring me in the face... maybe ill eat some.... mmmm or cookies mmmm haha, talk about BAD calories
  • Hi gals, I had all my tests done yesterday. Everything went without a problem so now all I have to do is worry my way through the next week and a half until I see my dr. for results.

    On the bright side, the scale is going down although its headed that way simply because I've lost my appetite. I'll still take the loss. I got in a 3 mile run this morning, a 1.5 mile walk and did a 30 min. strength dvd. If nothing else, the exercise gets my stress reduced. I bought a new dvd yesterday. Its made by The Firm and has a weighted medicine ball and 2 workouts. I did the strenght one today and it was pretty good. I'll be sore tomorrow.

    Rosario-Yay to you. You're making good decisions, and the scale is working to show you the progress!!!

    Courtnie-Hope you're feeling better. Good job sticking with your exercise program while feeling off kilter.

    Anne-Glad your tests came back good. You can definetly do this without drugs. Some of them have terrible side effects. I'm glad you studied them before making a decision.

    Wendy-Hope you ate more than just the egg! I've had to make myself eat because I'm just not hungry. I know its from stress. Hopefully I'll get back on track soon.
  • Ok ladies I am back!

    I will play the game...but I will not post any points yet I need to get back into this slow I plan on going full blast in Feb. I need to get some money to buy my food....I am drinking lots of water and thinking about what I will eat for lunch.....

    I am glad to read yall today!!! I need to play catchup...see what all of you have been up to.
  • I did not eat the twizzlers yesterday! My little sister and parents stopped by last night to go to Costco so I gave them to her! haha AND I only ate two SMALLER cookies! but my calories were way to low for the day

    Karden got his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, so I got to stay home yesterday and today! haha
  • Yehaa Courtnie!
    La3y~ I'm glad you're back! We missed you around here!
    I did manage to eat some pasta last night, not much though. Today I'm all swelled up and almost weigh 140, must be the meds. This sucks. Oh well let my body get used to it and it'll come down.
    Today I'm taking my books back to the school, since I'm not going back this semester. Then I'm heading to the bank. Thats the excitement for the day.Yippee.
    Chat soon!
  • Sure is quiet around here. I did a 4 mile walk and then 30 min. of strength again this morning. DH has to work so I'm not sure how I'm going to spend the majority of my Saturday. Maybe I'll dive into a clay project.

    La3y-Welcome back
  • Weigh in is today
    Ok, I admit it....I'm scared.

    I finished my first full week of Weight Watchers and then to have TOM show up this week. I still feel bloated and like I havent lost anything. And everyone says the first week they lose the most...

    Anyways, I am off, we got alot of snow last night and have to go clean off the van before I can go anywhere. Wish me luck....I will post when I get home and let you know how I did.

    HOPING FOR A LOSS....any number will do!! LOL

  • Good luck Anne!!!