30 Day Shred - accountability thread

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  • Quote: What size weights did everyone use? I can't seem to get through some of the stuff with 8lb weights, so I have to use 5 for about half of the moves. I only do this every other day, started a couple weeks ago, and am just now able to get through level one without having to stop
    I'm on Day 2 and I'm using 3 lbs weights. I have to put them down during the 2nd time round when doing side lunges and you have to lift the dumbbells up in front of you (don't remember what they're called)
  • Yeah, those side lunges kill me, too. I am surprised at how wimpy my arms were, when I had been doing some strength training on my own for about a month before I started the shred. I'm going to keep using the 5lb weights until I get to the 3rd level at least.
  • Hey Everyone! Can I join? Today was Day 1 of Level 1. Might I add the punches are the worst for me..my legs are killing me after that!
  • Another who started the 3 day shred today. TBH, I only did 15 minutes because I had to run to class, but I'd been meaning to download it onto my computer forever and finally just did it. Very, very tough! But looking forward to the results!

    What is everyone else doing to work out? I still plan on going to the gym 2-3x a week for cardio, and doing yoga 3 times a week.
  • Day 1 Level 1 today (Tuesday). Tough at times, but not impossible. Find the lunges hardest as I have crunchy knees, but hopefully that'll improve as my legs get stronger. But also those side lunges - sheesh!!

    Hoping to be able to move on after 10 straight days, which'll be something like 14 days in total, as we're on holiday for just over a week from Friday... and then I'll effectively start over again on Sun 17 and try for 10 straight days of level 1 from there. So, hopefully I'll be able to go up to level 2 by the end of Oct... we'll see!

  • Just got through L1D3. I really hope I see some results!
  • L1D1 and oh wow thanks everyone for bringing this DVD to my attention! First day and just yeow I think I found muscles that havent been used in a very long time! Can't wait now to go thru the full 30 days and see the progress!
  • After doing Level 1 for 4 out of 7 days last week, I moved on to level 2. Verry intense. I sweat the entire time! I love it.
  • L1D2 - Stuck through entire workout and have decided crunches are evil, however yelling at the TV snide remarks seems to help each time she says ONLY two more....
  • L1D3 - Tonight seemed harder for some reason though I did nothing different. Still right after work, using 3lb weights, This is normally the point I would bail on any dvd but I'm not going down that road yet again. Stuck through the whole thing and I have to admit I really like the feeling of yet one more day done and I didn't give up!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    My new mantra that's going to get me through ... You want fit? Well, fit costs. And right here is where you start paying ... in sweat.
  • Go threw L1D7 last night. Going on a 1.5 mile walk today and do L1D8 of 30DS. Wish me luck.
  • Totally fell off the bike by catching what felt like the flu and couldn't move much less think about exercising. Today I'm human again yay! so starting over, L1D1 and wow my arms after those side-lunge were like jello but legs not so much.
  • Today was my first day doing the shred and it kicked my bum! I'm actually quite shocked that I'm so out of shape, but I'm not sad/angry 'cause we all have to start somewhere, right? Hehe...
  • Started today!

    Did L1D1 and two hours later? My bum is so sore I feel it every single time I sit down and stand up.

    The lunges w/weights were really hard, I had to give up and only do the weights w/o the lunges. *sighs*

    On the other hand, I'm proud that I can easily tackle the "advanced" options of the cardio stuff. It's strength training I have a tough time with and I can't wait to see progress!
  • I'm on board!
    I've owned 30DS for a few months now and used it maybe 4 times total before last night. After surfing the forum, I came across this thread and thought, why not? 30 days, let's try it!

    So last night was my first day. For some reason I don't remember it being that hard the first few times I did it, but I was gassing after a few minutes! I'm wondering how I'll feel tomorrow morning.

    Are all of you current Shredders doing it every day? I used to lift weights religiously years back and I remember living by the whole one day on, one day off muscle recovery concept. But are we really lifting enough weight for that to come into play? I know that new cardio routines will produce sore muscles the next day but that's cardio and you can just push through that muscle soreness with the next day's cardio workout...so maybe that's more the case with 30DS?