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  • Hello everyone: Rita, boy do I understand what you mean about nights! I had to stay til 3am this morning where I work. Ugh, but I am sure glad that I don't have young children anymore! Messes up your diet to, doesn't it? Well... have to go get ready for work. Another yummy lean cuisine for dinner. Did walk only 1&1/2 miles on the treadmill but at least thats something! How is everybody else doing? Linda
  • Good Afternoon Ladies hopeying your Friday is a great one just woke up and it looks it is going to anytime of course that is because I have the weekend off:LOL: Bonnie glad you made it back safe and sound sorry to hear that you rent feeling the greatest hopefully with rest and the meds you will be up soon for you on your weight loss 15 lbs is great just keep it up as you sure do deserve a Hey Linda way to go on that keep it up as I am sure that when you weigh your self you will be in for a nice suprise did weigh myself lost a pound been yo ,yo for a month now just cant loose and be lucky like Bonnie and Linda well girls havr a great day as I got to get busy Rita
  • Thanks Bonnie hopefully you will be right hope that you arefeelin betteras no one wants to be sick the weekend well it looks like anotherday in ohiojust hope I get one nice day!!!!!!!!!well up early going to help hubby then daughterhas a project for both of us concerning theschoolpicnic that she organized and wants our help see dont have any kids at home but still doing something for them will have to move it all inside so got to go Bonnie,and the rest of you ladies have a great saturday Rita
  • Congrats to Bonnie. Fifteen pounds is quite an accomplishment. I think you should be the team leader cause you are doing so well.
    Just came back from my grandson's third birthday. It was a fireman theme and my daughter had the fire dept show up with a truck. Boy was that a happy and excited kid. She only had 3 other kids but they made so much noise and took turns crying that my husband and I couldn't wait to come home to peace and quiet. At our age little kids in VERY small doses is the way to go.
    Weather has been horrible,thunder,lightning,lots of rain and muggy.
    Hope everyone has a good week-end. Bernice
  • Hi Ladies so nice to hear you are all doing good wish I would of stuck to my diet and may be I would of lost 15Lbs way to go Bonnie I gained 3lbs I think but really not to bad it has been a busy summer I know when Sept is here thats it for me back to walking and eating healty so take care I will be back on soon keep up tje good work Jean
  • Good afternoon ladies hope your sunday was a great one welcome back Jean as it has been awhile so hope to hear more from you and welcome back Bernice had to chuckle over the peace and quite from grandkids and I thought I was the only one who felt that way Bonnie glad to see that you are feeling better!!!!!!!!!! I did have fun at the school function couldnt keep up with the grandkids so sat at a talble and watched did enjoy that hot dog then later on ate french fries and chicken wings at least it wasnt sweets know foe sure that I got to start to get serious about my diet but sure did enjoy the weekend well going for a walk then make supper so ladies have a great evening Rita
  • HEY Bonnie I really do love them we use to go to a pub every other weekend when I had off so I could drink a beer with them and with a large bowl of pop corn and some fries it was sooooo good that is the reason I never got below the 150 mark and stayed therebut it was fun as we watched the football game so I guess if I make it the routine again this year I will have to cut down on them and eat a salad with it instead of fries well got to get going as I have a busy day got to get my cleaning done early as I got a fire safety meeting at the hospital that I have to attend so wont get any extra exercise in today glad to see you are up and moving once again the corn was the best that I ate all summer the ears were small but really tender could it be because I planted them probably have one more batch left as I only planted 6 so Bonnie< and the rest of you ladies have a great Monday and am hopeing that some of you ladies will have great news of some weight loss Bonnie wouldnt be suprised if you lost at least 1 pound by now Rita
  • Hello Ladies, Just a quick check in. Glad to hear that everybody has been doing well. 15 lbs that is TERRIFIC Bonnie. And best of all to keep at it even when you are sick. Well... you have my sincere admiration! I am tired been a busy day. Will reluctantly weigh in this week. (I will wait til Wed. it might give me time to walk off the peanut butter!) Good to see everybodys still trying. You are all my motivators! Linda
  • Well, finally had a minute to catch up with you ladies. Congrats to all who lost and all who are still trying (like me) Worked 10-12 hours every day last week snd 12 1/2 hours this week (school started) So, I have not been concentrating on what I'm eating exactly. Our boss treated to pizza today, so, what are you going to do?? Anyhow, glad to see most of us are still around even though we pop in and out. Hope you all have a great day (or what's left of it) We are having some weird weather in WI.
  • I'd have to think about that one for awhile. I like slim a bears ice cream sandwiches. (2 pts if you're on ww) I like fresh fruit, like watermelon, cantalope, red grapes, etc.
    I like the Smart Ones chicken enchillada. I don't like diet soda but found minute maid light lemonade, only 5 calories, that I do like.
    I like thinking of foods that I like to eat but shouldn't have. I tend to over do when I like something. Gotta go. Check with you all tomorrow. suzq
  • Me, I have no favorite foods. Problem is I love everything. Love Pasta,potatoes,rice and any ole carb. Not crazy about sardines or anchovies. I diet best when I eat a light breakfast,no lunch and dinner with a salad. Don't drink enough fluids. Love that light lemonade too and not crazy about soda cause it bloats me.
    Time to go to bed, catch you all ater. Bernice
  • Good afternoon ladies glad to see that some of you are back again as you all was missed!!!!!!!!well I am like Bernice dont have any special diet food dont drink soda been drinking water with lemon in it which helps me as always Bonnie has tempting diet food which I need to look into so going to read your lists and pick oneand try it well Ladies you all have a great day Bonnie just a little set back with the 2 pounds as I am sure you will have it down in no time as you are the inspiration in loosing like you have Rita
  • Hello everybody! Just another quick check in. At a class today at work and I'm on a lunch break (don't usually get anything like this! Luxury when working 3-11). Still haven't weighed in. I just dred being disappointed. Walked 4 miles yesterday. Favorite foods? Have to be garden produce. Sounds like we all like the 2 point ice cream sandwiches. Lime sounds like a nice idea. Will try that! Frozen dinners at work.(easier to count points) Weakness? peanut butter! Question for everyone who might want to answer. Do you think that your stomach actually shrinks? Seems like there are times where my eyes are bigger than my stomach. I swear I used to be able to eat more than I do now.(yes, I know that should be a good thing!) Linda
  • Bonnie, Good for you for catching the slip up before you kept repeating it. That's what I did and I gained every darn lb back plus that I had worked so hard to lose. Now getting back op is not easy but I will admit I'm not raiding the fridge in the middle of the night like I was.
    Went to water aerobics today and tomorrow I will take my dog for a walk. Believe it or not she's getting really chubby and I don't know why. I'm feeding her small amts of pedigree wt loss dog food with a little chopped meat once a day and I swear she's getting fatter. She was 3.2 lbs when I got her at age 2 and I think she may b e over 4 lbs now. She's really tiny and doesn't have a waist anymore either.
    Would anyone be interested in meeting for a live chat one evening? We could pick a time to meet and talk in real time. Might be fun. What do you girl's think? Bernice
  • Good afternoon ladies nice to see that there are more posts to look at Bernice live chat sounds like fun !!!!will join if not working Bonnie sorry to hear that you fell off the wagonbut at least you jumped right back on not like me and have a few days of binge we are human and when this happens to us can have a better day the next Linda hope you have happy news to tell us with your weigh in Bernice my boxer fits that classifaction she gets her daily walk in!!!!!! but when I walk I usually take one of my smaller dogs my Pek,or Pug well ladies hope you are having a great day well Bonnie was thinking of putting the pool away as hasnt been that nice and now I think that we have a leak as it is starting to deflate was only in a few time but the grandkids sure had fun Rita