2018 - Leg 3 of the Worldly Chick Tour

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  • Good MY Friday morning! Yeah.

    Got all my pampering done. Feel like a whole dollar today. Not a million bucks cause we all know a 58 year old body has it's issues. hahahaha

    Finally got migrated to WIN10 at work last night. Now I am trying to find everything and get my printers back. What a PIA. I have had two coffee breaks and walked down the street and got an iced tea. Not going to let this migration get the best of me, at least not before vacation. Amen.

    Dinner was a half grilled chicken salad from Wendy's as I has no time to cook for anyone. C had TWO son of baconaters and fries. OINK. Then he ate a PBJ sandwich. WHere the heck does he put all that food. Then gripes cause his belly is sticking out. I just turn my head and smile/laugh silently.

    Getting ready for vacay. Got lots of things to get done tomorrow before we leave at 4am on Saturday. I am going to visit my friend who had bunion surgery last week. I spoke with her yesterday and she said she could use a visitor. Only time I can fit her in tomorrow is 9am. She said perfect. Sassy is going over to my bro/sil's house at 3pm. Hope she is good for them. She has been grouchy lately and snarly. Must not feel that great due to her disk problems. She better straighten up.

    SUSIE...prayers for DH and Genny. Hope all goes well with DHs surgery. Good luck with the 5K.
  • Good morning girls,

    A friend of mine sent me a cookbook yesterday. You can get it on Amazon. It's called "The Self-Care Cookbook" by Dr. Frank Ardito. A friend of hers back in Chicago wrote the food part of it. The thing that makes this different is that it talks a whole lot about overall wellness. It combines several aspects of wellness - physical, spiritual, emotional, environmental, nutritional, intellectual - there is a chapter about each of the 10 aspects of wellness and each chapter talks about ways to achieve this and includes recipes that support each of these categories. The recipes look wonderful - there are many vegetarian dishes as well as meat based. And they are low salt and low sugar so they are keto friendly. I took the book with me when I was waiting for DH to get his pain shot and I got to spend about an hour reading it and I was very impressed. Sometimes you come across the very thing you need in your life and this book really spoke to me. I saw my friend later last night and gave her a big hug in the boobs. She is close to 6 feet tall and I barely make 5 feet high so when she hugs me I get a face full of breasts.

    The Health Fair yesterday was really good. They had a lot of good information. The sheriff's department has these bracelets that look like watches without a face and they are transmitters for people with Alzheimers and dementia - those who tend to wander. They have this big gun looking kind of thing that they use to track the transmitters - they have about a 2 mile radius in clear territory - ie. few trees, even terrain. Still it's interesting. I got some other information for services in the area which will serve me one day as well as my Mom if I ever have to deal with it. Got my flu shot too. Went to the gallery opening for the art prints. I hate those sort of social functions. Had a glass of wine, looked at the pictures and only stayed a polite 30 minutes. Got home, made myself of couple of eggs for supper and then talked to my sister for about an hour. Nothing exciting going on. I have to head ot bingo early and stop in the office and check the phones for messages and tomorrow I am working the office all day. DH is going to Colorado for a photography class in 2 weeks. In a way I wish I could go as there will be some amazingly pretty countryside but I can't hike right now and there is no one to watch the cats and most of all, it's BORING watching a bunch of people take pictures if you are not that into photography I will be glad to have several days to myself - hope to be able to focus and do a lot of cleaning and tossing.

    Annie - hope you have a fun and restful vacation and that the weather is perfect for you. I hate Windows 10 - they have it in the office and I have a hard time finding anything too.

    Susie - when I had knee surgery we just opted to spend the night before up in Duluth because with a 90 minute drive, we decided we didn't want to do the 3am stint you are facing. I hope all goes well with DH's surgery. Get used to the nurse stuff - as we age one has to "be the brains" and watch out for things. I am amazed at all the stuff my sister has floating around in her head about my Mom. Scares me a bit quite honestly. I am glad to hear that Genny is making steady progress. Continued prayers for her good health! That's so exciting about the run / walk. It's really a satisfying accomplishment and it sounds as if you have a good couch to 5K type of training program! I could not run if I was on fire

    Ceejay - sounds like you are incorporating some really good tweaks into your every day routine to get healthier. Stick with it! Little things you will stay with are way better than a big posh you can't maintain I say. It's way better if you keep Miley inside - it is tempting to let them out but there are so many exciting things out there, they naturally will want to roam. And if you keep them inside you don't have to worry about things like fleas and ticks!

    Laura - the photo DH decided to show is one he took this year of a dragonfly sitting on a tree branch. It's not one of my favorites and not one I would have selected myself but he liked it and it got a lot of attention on Facebook so he went with it. Many of the people in the show did landscapes so I'd have to say that his choice of subject does make his print stand out from the others. As far as the NB shoes go - Kohls also carries several of them. I'm not sure if they are the "cheaper" line which can sometimes happen. I bought 3 pairs this spring and they are all lightweight which I like but one of them - the Fuelcore Nergize now that I've worn it a few months is sort of lacking in the support area compared to the Fresh Foam ones I got. They do make a couple of lines, if you can get to the store and try them on, it would be better. With your foot issue, you might want the more supportive leather over the lightweight canvas.

    Hello Dee and Shad. Time for me to get cleaned up and out the door. Have a good one all...
  • Morning
    Not much happening but I will go to the gym today
    The church social was good. Think I needed the fellowship.
    Think I've figured out the reason as to why the ISP has not completed my installation. They will be switching to xtreme internet on the 17. At this point I really don't care anymore.
    Good for you in walking away. I know that you will get the problem resolved.

    Hello's to everyone else

  • Happy
    You were typing over my head. That books sounds very promising. Think I may purchase that book also.
  • Morning all. Happy Friday! And for me, happy payday!

    Susie – What a lot of preparations for both of you for this surgery. Hope all goes well with DH’s surgery. == Genny must be so happy to be finishing her radiation!! == The upcoming 5k will be good motivation to do the training.

    Annie – If you’re reading personals on your phone today – have a safe and wonderful vacation!!!

    Ceejay – Did you go to the gym yesterday? == Re online shopping – yeh, the returns are the issue. Getting the return authorization, paying for the shipping. I noticed that our Kohl’s now packs and ships Amazon returns, but not for the tablet he needed to return. I guess electronics are exceptions. Shoe sites seem to offer free returns, but some are just free for exchanges and not returns. I like to buy online from places that have free shipping, or I can pick the item up from their local store – and return it there too, if need be.

    Happy – I hope that cookbook gives you the inspiration and motivation to get you going in the right direction. == I think the photography class would be interesting for you too, you could just commune with nature while the shutterbugs are at work. But, being home with the cat will give you a lot of time to get things done. == Yeh, I think Kohl’s wouldn’t sell the same model NB shoes as the NB stores do. I’m just not going to shop for anything different, I’ll just go with the model I have right now since it worked for me.

    Dee – How’s MeeMee doing??

    Hi Shad. How’s the painting going?

    Workout at the fc yesterday. I’m not sure I understand why the upright stationary bike feels so much easier than the recumbent as far as resistance levels go. Oh well. This fc has the cardio equipment facing the strength training machines & equipment, and the live weights are not in a separate area. Which can be a nice thing if there happens to be someone easy on the eyes working out, lol.

    Nothing special planned for the weekend. If bf doesn’t spray the weeds today, I will get out and do it this weekend. We need to have the landscaper back to seed the areas, and we need the weeds gone before he can do that.

    Okay, that’s it for me. Have a good weekend everyone.
  • Laura
    Yes, I did go to the gym. Had a great work out. Getting better on the treadmill. Walked 30 minutes.

    My week end was the same by doing nothing on Saturday and church today. I have gone through a few more boxes this past week. Mostly sheets and family wants them. Now I don't have to worry about going to Good Will. Going to go to Lowe's tomorrow to get some mulch to go in a flower bed that I'm planning to build in a back corner of the yard. I'm dismounting the beds around the 2 trees in the back. It's hard to mow around the tree's .
  • Evening all,
    Short post. Sorry I haven't been in, but I have been extremely busy. Lots of things happening around here.
    Annie - hope your holiday is going well. Rest, relax and recuperate. Enjoy the boys
    Ceejay - good on you for going to the gym and getting your exercise in. We all need fellowship from time to time.
    Happy - I have a book which sounds like it might be similar to your new one. It's called "Foods that harm, Foods that heal" Doesn't have too many recipes but does talk about the things that we should and shouldn't eat for various ailments. I like it.
    Susie - Hope the operation is going okay and is a resounding success.
    Laura -Painting is going slowly. It's difficult with the cat and the dog in there giving their opinions and spreading fluff around. It certainly helps if you have some eye candy to look at at the gym.

    Okay, well whats new around here? Well I have been busy with harvesting the last of the tomatoes, digging potatoes, and cutting broccoli. Seems to all have gotten to the same point at the same time. Lawns been fertilised and weeded for the summer and the gardens are all weeded - not that that will keep them down for long. I'm shredding all the old paperwork that is no longer required to be kept and that will free up some space in the spare room. I've also been sorting out the fence material and that arrives tomorrow. I have a mammogram scheduled for Wednesday and better do some shopping while I am out there as well.

    Time to go, get sorted in the kitchen. Yummy Spanish omelette for dinner tonight. And cat needs to go out - until the wind gets up his fur and then he'll want back in again.
  • Good morning ladies,

    Another weekend blasted past. I pretty much stayed in both days - neither of us felt much like going out. We had the last of our summer weather. It was hot and 82 yesterday, high of 73 today and then starting tomorrow autumn is here. The temps drop down to the low 60s and 50s and I doubt we'll see much warmer after that. I did notice driving the other day that leaves are starting to blow off the trees, a sure sign that autumn is upon us. DH is getting ready for his trip, I am looking forward to 6 days at home. I am trying not to plan anything out of the house and certainly not at night while he is gone so I can concentrate around here. I am even trying to skip bingo which my partner is not happy about.

    Today we have been invited to a staff meeting at the Senior Center this afternoon. I'm not sure what they will be talking about. People are getting territorial and I thought that things would get better with the old director gone now but it seems like everyone is still tense. I don't know - the rules have changed. I had another incident over the weekend. A big supporter of the shelter paid $600 for tickets to a college football game for a live auction item for our event in August. She is STILL waiting for her tickets (the game is in 3 weeks). She is getting the run around. This is no way to treat someone. So I fired off an email and basically got slapped back - the response was that she will get her tickets when he gets around to getting them for her. They will irritate and turn away a big donor (will she ever bid again after this - NO WAY she said) because they don't want to push a guy who should have never offered something he didn't have in hand in the first place. This is why our country and society is so screwed up. We also have a meeting at the thrift shop this week - the first in about a year. They will discuss the "fluff" topics and said they don't have time to talk about the real things at the heart of all the commotion there. I think I am done with that place. It's unfortunate but what they do (or don't) goes against every fiber of my being. Having no management or control is showing. I do the paperwork and it gets sloppier every month. I will let someone else deal with it - my partner has had his fill also.

    It's funny Shad that your garden is turning under because of the oncoming heat of summer and our garden is turning under for the opposite reason - it's getting too cold overnight and not enough day time sunlight to keep things going. We are into fall crops now - pomegranate, cranberries, it's going to be a wonderful apple crop this season and of course pumpkin. We still have a hummingbird at the feeder - I'm sure it's a stray passing through but the acorns are falling and the animals are getting ready for winter. I also hate this time of year - it's hunting season and the newspapers are filled with pictures of proud hunters displaying their kill. It always makes me sad.

    Annie - are you off on your vacation? I hope you have good weather. Safe travels. Rest up and have a good time.

    Ceejay - sounds like you are busy in and out of the house.

    Susie - prayers that your husband's surgery goes well this morning.

    Laura - I think the recumbent bike uses more upper thigh muscles - I also find it more of a strenuous exercise than the straight up bike. But oddly I don't feel that way on the NuStep. I think you are smart to stick with a shoe style that works for you. I think there are 87 kinds of shoes - all slightly different from each other

    I have to get dressed and out the door. The organic farm truck is back for one last round - I am hoping to get some corn for freezer corn and a few tomatoes for some salsa. I found that they recommend you freeze corn within 3 days of picking.

    At least I have most of the week home here to myself.

    Have a good week ladies.
  • Morning
    It's quiet here for the time being. Miley let me sleep in till 8.30 so that was a good start to the day.

    Hope things go well for you this week while DH is away on his trip so that you get to stay home. I've also noticed the trees are beginning to change. I'm so read for some cooler weather.

    Hoping things go well for your DH's surgery today. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today.
  • Hi, I'm confused... Ceejay posted Monday morning & nobody since then.

    Did y'all decide to stop posting here & use FB instead?????

    Y'all know I don't use it, so pLease do 1 final post here & let me know.

    Thank You
  • Dee
    Sorry to confuse you about it being quiet. That was at my house. How is the dog doing? But it does seem that things are getting quiet in here too. I'll be here. Yesterday was an exception because I was busy out side doing yard work and time slipped by me. Miley is the cat I'm fostering for my niece. I've decided not to keep her.

    You haven't mentioned your foot lately? Is it still bothering you?
    Got most of the yard work done yesterday. I still need to use the weed eater in the front yard. Will do that this afternoon. Nothing else is going on.
    Sis called last night and told me that there was glitch on our vacation plans to the Dominican Republic. Sigh. It seems that the resort we are going to has been sold. The travel agency is working on finding us a different location. Our money will be refunded if that can't be done.
  • Dee - what did the vet say about MeeMee?
  • Morning all,
    Been beautiful weather over here the last couple of weeks, but it is definitely warming up and the bugs are returning - guess I will need to get out and check the flyscreens shortly, not that they keep out the little fruitfly things but they do keep out the big common fly which I have a war with for 3 months or so.
    Don't know if you have heard anything over there, but we are full on into Strawberry season over here and some idiot decided it might be a nice idea to stick sewing needles into a few punnets or so. Naturally enough the knee jerk police decided that we should destroy the strawberries currently in shops - just in case there were more. The media beat the drum and all **** broke loose. Supermarkets dumped huge quantities, or sold what they could for 25c a box. There were, as far as I can tell, only 4 or 5 250gram punnets involved. Mass hysteria. Anyway, the poor strawberry growers are left with a bumper crop, and no place to sell them. Until someone came up with the idea that one should just CUT UP THE STRAWBERRIES before eating them. So now it is all on to SAVE the STRAWBERRY GROWERS. Since then the power of the people has caused chaos on the roads since everyone is racing up to the big Strawberry growing areas and waiting in line for over 2 hours to pick or buy some strawberries. Now this is not a bad idea, but there are strawberry growers everywhere in this region, not just in the main growing areas. I have one not 20 minutes away from my place. I'm going down there shortly and will pick up some strawberries, have a dose of sunshine and come home all within an hour or so.
    Then some idiot copycat decided to stick a needle in a banana. Such is the educated masses we have to deal with The banana was in the 'free fruit for kids' section of a supermarket. Mum raised ruckus when she found it and the whole shop got shut down. Scary - yes. Shut the shop? Doubtful. Another idiot copycat did the same at another store. Different shop, different town, different State. Same result.

    So today, apart from the Strawberry farm, I am aiming on painting the ceiling in the spare room - top coat, so something will get finished today, and the first top coat on a couple of walls. Then I might hang the door back on and start looking for the door hardware which was there at one time. After that, I have a couple of plants to put in the ground. Fertilise the front yard and try and get some water and mulch onto that, chase the cat to put flea and tic stuff on him. Dog is not here today and I better get the budget up to date. So a bit to do. Also I've stuffed up the shredder again so I might need to take that to pieces - if I can get the screws out. Or maybe it will be easier just to buy a new one.

    I'll be back with personals later, although there's really only Ceejay and Happy posting at the moment. I do hope that Annie is having a lovely holiday and getting some rest and relaxation.
    Back soon with the next riveting update of life in Aus.
  • Footnote to the above. Click the link to check out the story. A few punnets in Queensland where they haven't yet found the perpetrator and copy cats in New South Walles. Such is our education system.
    Strawberry sabotage
  • Morning all. Quick post. Been busy with moving activities. I’m left with dealing with my own space, and I’m at the point of comparing what I have to the drawer and shelf measurements provided to us to see if what I have will fit, or if I’ll be able to fit them into our departmental file drawers, or have to box files for offsite storage. Bleh.

    Ceejay – I’m glad for the intermittent cooler weather we’ve been having recently. == I’m not using my foot as much, so I’m not experiencing much pain. I cycle between home and the train station. Haven’t been walking all that much at lunchtime, so I really only walk between the office and the downtown train station. For workouts, I don’t use the treadmill or do anything that is weight-bearing on my feet. == I hope your vacation plans get sorted out!! Nothing can ever be easy!

    Shad – Are you installing fences yet? == What a mess with the strawberry hysteria. Awful. And then bananas too? Sickos. And the copy cats. Unbelievable.

    Happy – I hope you are having plenty of time and peace while your dh is on his trip. == Yeh, I’ve noticed trees dropping leaves around here. And the squirrels are busy. == Did you get out of your bingo responsibilities for tonight??

    Susie – I saw that your dh’s surgery went well. How is his recovery going so far??

    Dee – No, we’re still here. On my part - just been busy and not getting here as often lately. And I don’t have much going on in my life right now, so not much to report.

    Annie – Hope you’re enjoying your vacay!!!

    ==Let’s see. Worked out on Tuesday at the fc. Did 10 minutes each on the stairclimber, elliptical, recumbent bike, and upright bike. Plus my usual mat work – plank, pushups, abs. My legs were sore last night. Last night, I did some upper body exercises with hand weights.

    I got the name of another ortho doc to go to for a 2nd opinion on my foot. I made the appointment – it’s for next week Thursday. They asked me to bring recent x-rays and MRIs, so now I have to see what my current doc will give me. They should all be electronic, so they better not give me any guff. Otherwise, I’m still using the bone growth stimulator.

    I finally went to the New Balance store last night and bought a new pair of sneakers. I had a $20 off coupon, but they were still expensive. But I’m resigned to it now.

    Today I got my flu shot at work. Next week is the blood draw for our annual health evaluations. I need to nag bf to make sure he made his lab appointment. We get $$$ incentives for completing this stuff!

    Tonight I’ll go to the fc for my usual workout. The one fc employee who’s a trainer there commented that I’d lost weight. All the sweating hasn’t been for nothing, lol.

    Okay, gonna run out for some lunch. TTFN!!