Bikini Ready 2012 Challenge!

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  • I had lost two pounds throughout the week. Yesterday morning I weighed 207 on the dot. Today I weighed 212.8. I want to cry right now

    Its ok Your most likely retaining water from either working out, or pmsing. It'll go down. Or like riestrella said, it could be you scale battery. My scale got down to 187.4 this week but shot back up to 189 this morning. What matters is you see a loss overtime. Daily fluctuations happen

    Congrats to everyone this week
  • Hi there, joining this for sure!!!!!
  • Riestrella, I joined the Fitocracy group and followed you. My sn there is the same.
  • Almost a 3 pound loss!! proud of myself
    i didn't exercise as much as i wanted to but i def watched what i was eating and how much of it.

    riestrella-- awesome challenge. the point keeping is superb! thanks for going through all the trouble for all of us
  • Quote: Don't feel sad! Do you weigh in every day at the same time? Maybe your scales need new batteries if they're electronic? Or you might just been retaining water, so drink up that h20 goodness! The spreadsheet weights for the week are always changeable up until Sunday so if you manage to get down then come back and change it! I always weigh in on a Sunday to give myself the whole week to work hard, and choose the lowest weight from the week as my weight.
    Yes, I weigh in every morning right after I use the rest room. I won't even take a sip of water before weighing myself, lol. I ate HORRIBLY yesterday. Went to a birthday party with my daughters and had pizza, then had fast food for dinner. I also drank soda. As bad as I ate, I was still at about 2500 calories. I am wondering if I am retaining more water than normal because that crappy medicine is still in my body? The whole time I was on it, I was drinking water like crazy to flush out as much of the water retention as possible. Yesterday was the one day the whole time that I did not drink my normal 3-4 liters of water. So that plus all of that sodium...I expected a gain, but not almost 6lbs. That is just insane. I hope I am back at 207 tomorrow Hahaha.
  • Hi ladies! I lost 4 lbs this week. I didn't think I would lose that much lol I was hoping for 2 lbs! Good luck this week ladies!
  • So I'm in! Q for Riestrella though....inputting my weight...I'm assuming I should start it at the current week and leave the first column blank?
  • I am excited to be working my derriere off! Well, maybe more working my front butt off lol but still! I cannot wait to hit maintenance!
  • My first actual weigh-in since starting the challenge is tomorrow, and I'm excited about it (which is silly, but I am!). I always get excited about weigh-ins when I feel like I've done good (or at least decent). This week has sort of been weird, but I feel good so hopefully that's a prediction of what's in store.
  • I'm in. I've had a great week food wise, so I feel like i'm finally back on track after the holidays!
  • Well, I can contribute my very good 1st week of this challenge to the fact that I am currently getting rid of my "holiday bloat." I weighed in at 188 today (1 pound away from my pre-holiday weight), so I believe I may have another good week and that may be my last "good" challenge week.
  • Is the starting weight supposed to be your weight when you first began Ideal Protein? Or the WI that you had the week before this competition started?
  • Quote: I had lost two pounds throughout the week. Yesterday morning I weighed 207 on the dot. Today I weighed 212.8. I want to cry right now.
    I know how you feel....
  • Quote: Is the starting weight supposed to be your weight when you first began Ideal Protein? Or the WI that you had the week before this competition started?
    Since the first week is already over and tallied I'd just put your weight from today and then jump in next week? It's really up to Riestrella though. And not everyone here is on IP. I'm pretty sure a lot of different plans are represented.
  • Riestrella, I'm so sorry for messing with your last 3 columns!

    I do have a question, though. According to my percentage weight loss, it seems like I would be somewhere in the challenge winners top 20? Maybe I am confused about something...

    Thanks for working so hard on this!