February Thread

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  • [QUOTE=mandiana;3712780]Wow! That's cool. I'd never noticed the "Hydra" in there before.

    Yesterday, I had my first weigh-in after starting the program. The lady that "helped" me really got on my nerves. I loved the first lady I saw when I first signed up, and I'm wondering if it's just different personalities, or if they're really nice at first and then become really manipulative after you've paid them your money.

    Mandiana, I think we go to the same center right? (in Palm Coast). I went in today, and she is the site manager cause I know who you're talking about. She was in a little bit of a not so gentle mood today. Trust me. I went up a pound today, and she let me "know about it." It's my fsecond week, day 11, and I've lost 9, gained 1, total loss 8. Still not bad. But gee wiz.

    Anyway, hang in. It's a good program. Don't let her bully you. Try and wait for Linda or Elishaba if they're there. You can wait for the consultant you want.
  • and make sure they give you the weight journal. It's a little card that lets you keep a log of your weight loss. I like carrying it to remind me to keep in check.
  • They gave me a weight journal, but I never remember to write in it.

    My center is great about copying pages from my chart or copying my tanita readouts when I want them to see my progress. It is your information, just ask.
  • Ok...so hubby is working late and still isn't home. For some reason, I can't get my mind off the chocolates my advisor gave me earlier today. She gave me a box of 4 fancy chocolates for Vday during our meeting today. I LOVE V-Day chocolates...and have avoided them until now. I was going to give the hubs the box....but at this moment, I can't stop thinking about them.

    I want those chocolates. I think I'm going to throw them away so I don't eat them. Chocolate smash 2011! (Just like Truffle smash of 2010 from Teacherlady!) I am stronger than the chocolates....right? Ugh I want them so bad!
  • Quote: Update on Cauliflower Pizza....I should have baked it 20 minutes to get it a bit crispier. The edges were crispy like a thin-crust...but the middle wasn't. Had to eat with a fork. But super yummy! I ate half the pizza for lunch today....and the other half tomorrow. Could possibly do a third, but it was good...so...

    Here are some pics! The crust and the finished product!
    I am going to have to try out that recipe. It looks delish!
  • Quote: NSV too (I'm a board hog today because I'm so bored at home! Dumb snow!)

    I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in April and when I ordered my dress in Nov, the 14 barely zipped. Tried it on today and its falling off! I called and got the measurements for the 12, and it should fit...so I ordered it for an exchange! Woohoo! Down a dress size!
    That is awesome!
  • Quote: I just signed the 30 lb board!!!! I can't believe I am the person I see in the mirror. I can't believe in two months this is what happened. I have a little to go, but wow this really worked. I went through my closet last week and took all my clothes that don't fit to my mom. (She is loosing weight too and is in need of smaller clothes. I think I will keep passing clothes down until we can both steal them from my little sister!!) I took 2 LARGE garbage bags of clothes to her. I then convinced my husband that I needed to buy 1 pair of jeans to get me through this transitional period. I went shopping and bought a size 10! WOW a size 10. Can't remember the last time I was a size 10. Even better the next size is a single number.
    Stick with it ladies. It really does work. Take one day at a time.
    Congratulations on signing the 30lb board and getting size 10 jeans!
  • Quote: Wow! That's cool. I'd never noticed the "Hydra" in there before.

    Yesterday, I had my first weigh-in after starting the program. The lady that "helped" me really got on my nerves. I loved the first lady I saw when I first signed up, and I'm wondering if it's just different personalities, or if they're really nice at first and then become really manipulative after you've paid them your money.

    First off, I wasn't expecting to buy HNSs when I went in yesterday. I thought I would be getting them on Wednesday. My husband is paying for this out of his money, so I called him to make sure he was okay with an early purchase. When I got off the phone, she snidely remarked, "you talk to your husband before spending money? My husband is on a need to know basis."

    Then she proceeds to ask me why I "did that" to myself... referring to a couple of purple streaks I have in my hair. It was like she was trying really hard to make me feel bad about myself.

    So, then we go into the room to get the HNS, fiber, etc. She picks a bottle of minerals up off the shelf and tells me I need them. I told her I already have some at home. She insists I don't have the same thing at home and puts the bottle in my basket. I take the bottle out of the basket, put it back on the shelf and tell her I'm not buying the minerals, I really do have them at home. She shrugs and tells me I'll be sorry.

    Then, when we go to the room with the scale. She shows me the slip, but takes it away really quickly and puts it in her book, and then tells me I've lost 1/2 a pound and she's "not impressed". Here's the thing though... I'm pretty sure she lied about how much I lost. I'm pretty sure that when they first weighed me, their scale said I weighed 196.6 and that the slip she showed me said 195.5 (a loss of over a pound, but she took it away so fast I'm not sure).

    The morning I started the program I weighed myself (after bathroom, before breakfast, naked) and weighed 193.6. Yesterday morning when I weighed myself on my scale the same way, I weighed 192.2... which again is more than a pound lost.

    Is this kind of behavior common practice?

    On a brighter note, based on my scale, I weighed 190 exactly this morning... so a 3 1/2 pound loss in 4 days... amazing! I've never had weight loss like that. :-)
    Wow that is a bummer that the consultant was acting that way. Good for you...you stood your ground! I have personally never had to deal w/them acting that way. I would either speak to the manager next time you wi or chalk it up to that person having a bad day (even though that is NEVER a good excuse to talk down to someone).
  • Quote: So I had my weigh in today before work, and I lost 2 lbs!

    Mandiana-I feel your pain about that one consultant. Where I go, there is one that I can't stand, she is just always so negative, and unfortunately I had to be with her today. So after I weighed, I asked her if she could measure me because I was just curious since my clothes are fitting really loose. She didn't want to and told me that I should just wait until 30 days are up because I probably haven't lost a ton of inches just yet. So I told her that I just wanted to see, and then it turned out that I lost 32 inches! 32 inches in 3 weeks of being OP! I was shocked, but in a good way, but then she was shocked in a negative way. She asked me if I was wearing different clothes the first time I got measured, and I told her I was wearing the exact same outfit, and then she asked me if I was wearing a different bra because I lost almost 8 inches from my bust, and I told her I was wearing the same bra as well.

    She measured me 4 times because she didn't believe the results that I had, and each time she measured, she just kept saying "this can't be right, this isn't right, someone must have measured you wrong the first time..." It was really irritating...

    BUT, I still LOVE MRC, and I'm not going to let one person bring down my whole experience, because everyone else is fantastic!
    Congratulations on your 32 inch loss! Woohoo!
  • I have been m.i.a. the past fews. I have been feeling under the weather, had dr appts everyday last week and this week, and to top it off I had a procedure done today....bleh. Anywho I wi on Monday and was down 1lb. Slowly but surely. Congratulations to all of you that have lost these past few days. I have to travel 3hrs tomorrow to go to another dr appt and am trying to plan out my meals. I will have breakfast at home before I leave, bring my hns with me, and will eat lunch at the hospital salad bar. I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day.
  • WOW, so sorry to hear about some of the horror stories I am reading about some of the centers, I have to say I love the girls at my center. Some, of course I love more than others but all are very supportive and kind and I know their supervisor would never stand for any of what I have read. I would suggest finding out who their supervisors are and spend a little "quality" time with them.
  • [QUOTE=FloridaKat;3713618]
    It's my fsecond week, day 11, and I've lost 9, gained 1, total loss 8. Still not bad. But gee wiz.
    It's actually VERY common to plateau or even gain a little bit around the 1.5-2 week period in your program. I can't believe she was so snotty about it! We even got a piece of paper that explained that a plateau at 10 days is expected because your body has been losing so much water that it retains at this point so that the cells don't collapse. I was told to expect it and not worry about it. Seems like she doesn't know her stuff.
  • Quote: Mandiana, I think we go to the same center right? (in Palm Coast). I went in today, and she is the site manager cause I know who you're talking about. She was in a little bit of a not so gentle mood today. Trust me. I went up a pound today, and she let me "know about it." It's my fsecond week, day 11, and I've lost 9, gained 1, total loss 8. Still not bad. But gee wiz.
    Yep, that's the one. Maybe she's having a bad week? I'm just happy to know that that's not the general way MRC runs their business.

    I finally broke out of the 190s today!!! I've been trying to do that on my own for months. I lost .2 pounds last night, for a new weight of 189.8. I'm in the 180s! I seriously can't stop smiling.

    Have a great day everybody!
  • Quote: Ok...so hubby is working late and still isn't home. For some reason, I can't get my mind off the chocolates my advisor gave me earlier today. She gave me a box of 4 fancy chocolates for Vday during our meeting today. I LOVE V-Day chocolates...and have avoided them until now. I was going to give the hubs the box....but at this moment, I can't stop thinking about them.

    I want those chocolates. I think I'm going to throw them away so I don't eat them. Chocolate smash 2011! (Just like Truffle smash of 2010 from Teacherlady!) I am stronger than the chocolates....right? Ugh I want them so bad!
    Oh no! Were you able to resist??

    I've been struggling with chocolate lately, too. My boss bought a bunch of Dove dark chocolate hearts and has them on her desk--and I have to go into her office frequently to help plan some inservice training that's coming up. I had some yesterday (and the day before), and I'm determined to resist them today!
  • Quote: Yep, that's the one. Maybe she's having a bad week? I'm just happy to know that that's not the general way MRC runs their business.

    I finally broke out of the 190s today!!! I've been trying to do that on my own for months. I lost .2 pounds last night, for a new weight of 189.8. I'm in the 180s! I seriously can't stop smiling.

    Have a great day everybody!
    Congratulations! That is the best feeling ever, to know that you're down at least 10 more lbs than when you started