Get Real and Get Fit Summer Challenge!

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  • Cheerios-I laughed and laughed at your lying sister story. It was okay to laugh, right? I don't have any sisters and my brothers tend to ignore me. So of course I have never had anyone lie to me about such a thing. That is so funny and so mean! It sounds like something my high school girlfriends would have done back in the day. Anyway, maybe it is good your period started. That might explain the thoughts about binge eating. Congrats on getting through the day!

    I will not be binge eating for sure. My medications are making me kinda sickly so I am being very picky about what I am eating. I may have to live on oatmeal and bananas! Without going into boring and icky details, I can say I have talked to the APRN once today but may still have to call again tomorrow. See how the next 12 hours go. I cannot wait til this sick business is OVER!

    Quote: Ha ha...I feel the same way. I tried it and I thought it was weird kinda dried my mouth out and had a weird texture. I couldn't even force myself to eat it which is a shame cause it would be a great after workout snack ...low in calories and super high in protien!
    I've also tried the Yoplait Greek; only the vanilla/honey flavor was edible. (The other flavors had a gritty texture and left a weird chalky aftertaste. ) But Stonyfield Oikos is yummy...and organic!

    Ok, today is scale day....

    Last Sunday (official weigh-in day) I was holding steady at 229.
    On Tuesday (after a bumpy bingy lazy weekend) I was at 234.
    Today I'm at 226. I don't know if I lost 3 pounds or 8 pounds...but I've LOST!

  • Quote: dancerindenver- omg SUSHI! i love sushi especially with the sauce they drizzle over the top of the sushi rolls mmmm good! have a nice dinner tonight now i'm craving for sushi lol

    McKenziesmomma-congrats with getting the microwave in your office and now you can pack some healthy foods you can reheat and enjoy them warm or hot lol

    I woke up with a bit of surprise today because TOM came today and it didn't come last month so now I feel a little bloated hope it doesn't get to heavy because last time i went to the gym and I thought I leaked because my sister lied to me so i tried to conceal my butt as I walked toward the restroom lol so hopefully i get a good workout today with no problems hahah
    I too love sushi...not sure about the nutritional content but if you are a sushi lover you gotta check out you can buy the stuff to make your own sushi and they are very helpful folks. I got a huge kit for like $75.00 shipping and all.

    I am very happy about the should help me soooo more 1,000 + calorie fast food lunch bombs...LOL

    And that was a funny story about your sister....hmmmmm paybacks are a b*tC& LOL!
  • Exercise challenge
    Hey everyone! This is a super busy thread which I love to see. That means we are giving and getting a ton of support! I hope everyone is still on track, but just in case I think it is time for a small challenge.

    This challenge is just for this one week as far as the thread is concerned, but it is something we should all be doing on a regular basis to keep us in check.

    I know I get lazy sometimes and my exercise minutes seem to dwindle I know some of you are well oiled machines and you may not have this problem, but still sharing your plan helps keep you accountable AND may give others a great new idea of something to try. So, for this week I would like to know everyone's exercise plans ....please include types/kinds of exercises, intensity levels, number of minutes per day/week, and any other information you care to share.

    Make sure you are challenging do you do that? .....if you normally walk 30 minutes a day at 3mph....try increasing your time, incline, distance, or miles per hour....or a combination of all three.

    Good luck!
  • So, I'm gonna kick off this mini challenge.....

    This week I will walk at least 30 minutes per day at a 3mph pace. I will walk outside if weather permits and if not I will head to the gym.

    I will also be doing 3 days this week of strength training 30 minutes each day targeting legs, back, shoulders, abs, and arms.

    My strength days will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...and I will have a total of 300 exercise minutes for this week at minimum.
  • Hello everyone! Glad to see that everyone seems to be doing well! And thank you for all of the birthday wishes! Definitely makes me smile.

    So yesterday was the day for my boyfriend's surprise for me for my birthday. We went to this diner in Berkely we'd seen on some Guy Fieri show, where they have a "souffle pancake" that looked really awesome. I personally thought it was great, along with anything else that I ate there (scrambled eggs and toast). We shared the pancake. The other part of it was going to Santa Cruz to play on the boardwalk! We had a lot of fun, aside from two rides that I was too fat to ride! ops: I'd never had that problem before, so that was pretty embarassing... But I didn't let it ruin the day for me. I have to tell you, though. There was funnel cake involved. With fruit, whipped cream, AND ice cream. And I got jack in the box on the way home later.

    And despite all of this... I weighed in at 249 today!? Yesterday I was still at 250... I hadn't expected to see a change(at least in the right direction!) after yesterday. The boy thinks it's because we walked a lot yesterday, but I don't know! I wont be too optimistic about it sticking, though. Especially after dinner tonight! Steak, potatoes, broccoli, bread, a cake and a cheesecake. Yeah......... It's my birthday! LOL

    I will figure out the challenge for the week... Tomorrow.
  • Eliana-lucky you don’t get bloated or tender! And congrats on the one pound lost!

    TERAPET-lol it’s okay to laugh because I laughed as well when I found out there was nothing on my butt but I did get a little mad at my sister because everyone was looking at me weird like why is this girl rushing to the restroom haha they probably thought I had to take a number two! Anyways I hope you feel better soon so you won’t have to live on oatmeal and bananas!

    McKenziesmomma-I’ll check out that website and hmmm payback for what she did to me ..i’ll figure out a prank to pull on her lol and I will post my exercise challenge tomorrow I’ll plan it out first

    ninepaw-I hope you have a special day today filled with joy and happy surprises! Yummm you had funnel cakes i was just thinking about funnel cakes couple days ago lol and i loooked up how they make funnel cakes and its pretty cool and don't forget to make a wish as you blow out the candles tonight
  • Quote: So, for this week I would like to know everyone's exercise plans ....please include types/kinds of exercises, intensity levels, number of minutes per day/week, and any other information you care to share.
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    I still haven't gotten the Jillian Michaels DVD I ordered so I'll still be doing the totally lame one I picked up at the library. 30 minutes of ab/upper body toning.

    Tuesday, Thursday, and ? (Normally my third day would be Saturday, but that won't work this week. Maybe Sunday.)
    C25k, repeating Week 1. I'm just not comfortable going to the next level. 30 minutes, including stretches, warm-up walk, and intervals.

    And I really want to start budokon in the evenings but don't have the DVD yet.
  • Exercise plans for this week?

    30 minutes of Curves 3X = 90 minutes
    Indoor walking = need to try out DVD's (I have them already. Let's not talk about when I ordered them and whether or not they've ever been opened.)

    This is the last week of work for me during this school year. It's crazy busy right now, and waay too hot to walk outside, which is my favorite exercise. I'm going to try to go to a gym with a treadmill, but I may not be able to find the time to do that right now.
  • Ok, so you all know I'm a nut already. Please don't think exercise HAS to be like this. If any of you are just starting out with exercise and aren't quite liking it yet, I realize I am a nut.

    I have an opposite goal for myself sort of. I'm actually backing down the intensity on one of my cardio sessions. I realized I'm doing a lot of anaerobic activity and very little fat burning aerobic activity. So...

    One hour intense Spin Cycle (largely anaerobic) 45 minutes.
    20 minutes abs: (basic crunches, pulsing crunches, legs in the air crunches, bicycle crunches, leg lifts)
    One hour low-intensity cardio HR 120-130 on whatever machine.

    One hour running/walking covering at least 4.5 miles
    One hour lifting: legs, back, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps
    One hour low-intensity cardio HR 120-130 on whatever machine.

    Additionally, I will work in my yard at least 15 minutes every evening! (I said it here!) Will also go to the amusement park with the kids one day and hiking with the kids one day.
  • The scale dropped two pounds this morning but I expect a good part of that is due to the antibiotic I am on. Thankfully I talked to the nurse today and I am switching to something else. I kinda hope I don't gain it back but I know that is not the way I want to lose weight!

    I won't be able to participate in the exercise challenge. I have no idea when I will be up to going to the Y again. Hopefully soon.

    Eliana-You are a nut! No, just kidding. I love exercising also. Enjoy your bootcamp workout! It looks like we have the same regard for gardening as well. Lucky for me, my husband chooses yardwork over weight training. He has been working on putting in a patio for the last year. Presently he is at the part where he is laying the bricks which requires carrying the bricks up a hill from the driveway. No way I could do what he does.

    fc-I used the Walk Away the Pounds tapes when I first started back to exercising. I loved them because they were quick, convenient and just the right amount of exercise for me at the time. I think they are great.

    Rochester-Hope Jillian shows up soon. Congrats on staying with your C25K. That is awesome.
  • Morning, ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Saturday was great and I made some totally reasonable choices at the sushi place so except for the sodium overload, that was fine. Sunday was another story though - struggling with TOM and eating more than I needed to but no actual junk as there was none in the house (which is the only half way good part). Ugh - glad that's over and on to another day. I have errands to run after work and then am hoping to fit in a run or a walk.
  • Quote: (I have them already. Let's not talk about when I ordered them and whether or not they've ever been opened.)
    Which ones did you get? Where did you buy them from....I wouldn't buy from them again! UGH!

    I hope they work and that you like them!

    Quote: M/W/F:
    One hour intense Spin Cycle (largely anaerobic) 45 minutes.
    20 minutes abs: (basic crunches, pulsing crunches, legs in the air crunches, bicycle crunches, leg lifts)
    One hour low-intensity cardio HR 120-130 on whatever machine.

    One hour running/walking covering at least 4.5 miles
    One hour lifting: legs, back, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps
    One hour low-intensity cardio HR 120-130 on whatever machine.

    Additionally, I will work in my yard at least 15 minutes every evening! (I said it here!) Will also go to the amusement park with the kids one day and hiking with the kids one day.
    I don't think you are a nut at all! It just sounds like you love exercise. I think if I could get some weight off me that I would love running. I like running now, and I have EXCELLENT breathing control....but my joints and muscles hurt so bad. I figure is from carrying around almost 300 pounds....

    What I do wonder is are you married/ do you have kids/ do you work? I just don't see how I would ever have time for 3 hours of exercise a day 6 days a week! SHEESH!
  • Hey everyone

    I have almost gotten my 30 minutes of walking in for the day. I just spent 20 minutes push mowing the front yard. I am taking a break as it is getting way to hot outside. I will pick it back up this evening and finish the front and side yard. I will get the back yard probably Wednesday morning/evening.

    I think for now I am going to go through my daughter's toys and clothes and get together what she can't wear and doesn't play with anymore. I'm thinking it is time for a yard sale.

    My daughter's birthday is in August and I have found a really nice cedar swing set/playhouse combo for around $600. It also has a picnic area. I think she would absolutely love it! I think getting rid of some old toys may help pay for it too...LOL!

    Hope you all have a lovely day!
  • So for my exercise challenge, I'm basically going to be challenging myself to keep up with what I've been doing(C25K) while I get used to adding in the new part(yoga!). I'm supposed to be doing W2D1 today of running, but I'm kinda feeling crampy and gross, so I'm not sure. Might have to wait for tomorrow.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday festivities this weekend, despite the badness that ensued, food wise! I just have to hop back on the tracks now that it's over... Except for the leftover cake in the fridge right now...

    Scale hopped back to 251 after being 249 yesterday.