"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Here's to new habits!

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  • Oki doki! Day 3!

    I`m doing pretty good--despite eating an entire bar of ritter sport chocolate today, I still stayed within my calorie limit (mostly due to the fact that I was out shopping instead of at home looking in the fridge......)...

    I´ve got a liter to go for the day. Dinner was small and didn´t need to be frozen--there´s just enough left over for my husband when he gets home tonight from work.

    Gained weight--about three pounds overnight--probably due to AF, though, so I´m not panicking. It will most likely go away within three or four days.

    I´m still fed up, though. Not with myself, rather with my husband.

    He´s always complaining about how he needs to lose weight and frankly, I don´t think I´d mind it either...although I can´t complain too much, because he put up with me when I was pregnant and weighed 183......and he didn´t even say one thing about me being big back then (other than my baby belly, hehe)...

    Anywho...I´m getting sneaky...I´m trying to get him to switch to whole grain breads, which is tough, but hopefully possible. Like I said, I´ve started freezing leftovers. I´m controlling his portions in the kitchen, before serving, etc.....

    I still have some struggles, though....like how do I get him to lay off the sunflower seeds that he eats millions of in the night. I know it could be worse, but he literally eats cups upon cups of them! He´ll go through a huge bag in just a couple days! I think I´ll suggest to him that he not eat after 9 or 10 p.m.?

    And how do I get him to drink more water? I´m thinking that getting him a fancy water bottle might motivate him a little?

    I´ve almost completely cut out butter and use olive oil most of the time...I may go out of my way to find cooking spray (there has to be spray somewhere in Germany! Kaufhof´s grocery section maybe?)...

    I´m also trying to come up with ways to get him out of the apartment to go walking a little more often--maybe it´ll be easier now that summer weather has arrived?

    How do I get him to watch what he eats more so that I don´t have to hear him curse his belly?????????????????????

  • Hey all. DAy 7-ab work, and day 6 - no soda and follow menu. Challenges met.

    Rough day today though. About once a quarter, I have a PMS that is really moody. This appears to be one of them. I was having riding problems, and just barely got through it without it turning into a huge mess. Sigh.

    I am committed to eating healthy and working out regularly while I am gone. Luckily there is a gym at the place we are going to. I am packing stuff for breakfast. Only one dinner. I just hope the lunch's aren't too bad.

    Anyway. Hello to everyone. I promise to post more to all of you when I get back.
  • hi all

    i'm catching up on sleep at the mo. just seem to be sleeping a lot. still i think i needed it so that's good. i'm quite demotivated at the mo. i'm meant to go to dance this afternoon to see if he has found me a ballroom dance partner. i'm meant to be there in an hour but i'm really blah can't be bothered. someone slap me please!

  • Now, I'm pretty sure I posted here yesterday night, and now it's not here...

    ETA, indeed I have and it's on the previous page, so all good. Might as well add that squats and exercise are done for the day (that's day 6 and 14 respectively), and that I'm enjoying my self-planned-based-on-what-I-want-and-like-to-eat food.

  • you did - at the top of the page
  • Day 7 done

    A full cardio workout this morning and the crunches as well. Now to keep it up when I get down to NSW tonight.

    I can, I can, I can, I can, I can. I know I can. I just have to!!!!
  • I'd like to start this challenge!

    I tend to graze on leftovers, so I will make this 21 days of no after meal nibbling. I'll set it as Level One. This challenge will end on the twenty seventh for me... But I hope to make it a habit.
  • "welcome3" teatree

    i went to ballroom and it was a bust. they don't have any spare men as partners for the advanced class. i was so disappointed i wanted to cry i wanted to binge i wanted to get drunk. actually i did cry :c guess i'm a bit of a baby. but i was so disappointed. i have been trying for nearly 3 yrs to find a partner so i can learn. in the end i booked private lessons. still won't have a partner but at least i can improve and get some exercise.

    ok my whinge is over now...

    off to walk the dogs now and then i'll come back and try not to overeat!
  • Aww, that's really too bad that you didn't get a partner, sweetpea. I like your username, by the way.

    Today, I finished my dinner and peeked at the pan it was cooked in. My hand inched over to grab a leftover noodle (it looked so sad by itself!) but then I mentally slapped myself and firmly told myself no. Instead I was productive and cleaned up the dishes. So, Day One was successful.
  • well done teatree. i'm still thinking about what to have for dinner. i bought a whole lot of different things but not sure which i'd like best lol
  • Ok, day 11 on donuts and water and I did good. Day 2 on my calorie deficit I sqeaked by with an 1180 deficit. Cutting it close but I kept it under 1200! Of course today being Sunday, I don't do my workouts so my deficit will end up being rather low but I'm going to push for that minimun of a 500 calorie deficit. We'll see what happens.

    Hope everyone is doing well with their challenges!

    Welcome teatree! Glad to have you join us.

    Sorry sweet pea about not finding a partner yet! Hope your private lessons go well and I'm sure something will work out soon on finding a partner!

    Well, off to make my husband his high calorie Sunday breakfast that he insists on once a week! Oh well, I usually enjoy a small portion.

  • Day 13 here...
    Hi, all. I think I'm going to ok Day 12. I had a bit of the brew, a bit too much, but in light of the fact that I barely ate, I'm going to clear it. It wasn't the healthiest of days, but being at the track I got in quite a lot of walking. My challenge isn't about eating well, though I am very attuned to that and that comes as second nature most of the time. It's about reducing calories and, for now, if that means sometimes being unhealthy about it, then so be it...for now...I seem to have lost some fat. Scale was down yesterday. Clothes are definitely looser. Now to just keep this up. I tend to start getting scared of something, I don't know what. I should just try to get back into clothes I still have from 20 years ago when I was smaller. Nothing scary about that...or was there? Maybe I have come to identify my present weight and size with the present me in terms of everything but the physical me and see a return to a smaller size as somehow being a return to a different, less experienced, more naive me. Silly, but yes, that could be the stickler. Small, but a powerhouse. That's what I need to realize I can be. At just over 5 feet, it can be hard.


    dj -- Glad to hear you notched another successful day on both challenges!

    teatree -- Welcome to the thread! What a save with the noodle! Wow! Sad-looking and all as it was, mentally slapping yourself! Yowzah! Keep up the good work!

    sweet pea -- Oh come now! Why the upset? Not finding a partner was merely because there weren't any, right? It wasn't about rejection or anything, was it? A simple matter of numbers. At least you booked private lessons...that showed you were thinking productively. As for the partner, can't you dance with a woman? Or how about trying to recruit your own partner, put an ad in the paper or in the school? Or find another school perhaps. So, how is your challenge? Did you journal? No bingeing I hope. No getting drunk except in celebration!

    Shad -- Thanks for the description of this place. Sounds very interesting, like a place I would like to hole up in and escape from the rest of the world, which is really, really what I want to do these days. Excellent work on your Day 7. Good luck in NSW!

    Sushi -- Way to go! Power to you!

    jolly -- You hang in there! Best of luck while you're away. You can do it!

    kt -- Did you clear Day 3? I hope so. I would just sit your husband down and discuss health and weight goals. He has to want to change. Yes, the sunflower seeds are deadly. Sooo high in calories, but at least they are healthy. You have to remember that a lot of the changes you mentioned would not probably bring about a weight loss, but they would be healthier. Remember to focus on yourself. If he sees you eating well and even enjoying it...try!...it may motivate him to do something himself or get his competitive nature going. You can't "get" anyone to do something, not in the long run. When you start looking hot, and maybe you do already at 137 lbs!, then he might start getting nervous about the competition. Where are you in Germany? I used to live in Munich.
  • Thanks for the welcome, redballoon and Joyce. Redballoon, I like how colorful your posts are!

    Today, I had to fight off the urge to much on cheese and crackers. I'll make them my lunch tomorrow or someother day, so I won't feel deprived.

    I've decided to add somethig else. Not food related at all, but I'd like to have 21 knuckle-cracking free days. Level Three, I think, as it's such an involuntary habit for me now.
  • red - the thing is i have been looking for a ballroom dance partner for more than 2 years. the teachers both got my hopes up and led me to think they had a partner for me. but i went thursday... no partner. got all gussied up on sunday... same thing no partner. dancing is my passion and not having a partner IS a major. ballroom dancing on my own isn't an option. and believe me i have tried everything. i've advertised. i've asked everyone i know. i've bugged the teachers endlessly. it makes me question whether i've made the right decision to stay in this town. if i went to auckland it would be a lot easier to find a partner

    i did binge so that was a bust. i managed to avoid the demon drink so at least that was a plus! i didn't journal before going to bed but at 130am i was still restless so i got up and did my journaling. guess that counts even if it was a couple of hours into today LOL. i've lost count of how many days i've journaled. i will have to go back thru my book and count them!

    red - what you say about your weight makes sense. if your body changes then your life might change too so it's understandable that there are psychological aspects to weight loss
  • Hi everyone...sorry I have not been online this weeka. My week last week was one of the worst at work and when I can home I just crashed. I have been trying to catch up on you all and we have some new ones too. I am glad to hear that you all are well. Even with your challenges from work, pms etc...you all are still here. Well, tomorrow will be Monday morning here and I am starting over at day one. However, I have been very good. Just not 100% true to the challenge. I have excersised most everday, had most of my water every day and have eaten well. I have not cheated on the bad foods. too exhausted to try LOL. one day I almost did and I was so proud of myself because I actually said not, i want to loose the weigt mroe than I was this. yeah. So, that is good. I feel like I have lost some but PMS symtoms are now here so I am sure the scales will not reflect it but I will weigh in the am. Please keep my and my job situation in your prayers. It is a bad situation. I do have another job to go too. I am just waiting on the start date so I can not give notice just yet. I should get to start in July. If I had the proper amount in savings I would just quit until the new one opens...but I dont. I will survice...I will win the war even if I loose a few battles. lol take care ladies and I will talk to you all soon.