Losing a Ton on Core Board Thirty One

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  • You rascally rascals! How dare you worry me all day long?? You know you have to get permission before staying away!!

    Vickie, good luck! Sending some major ebay vibes your way! ~~~~~ (Yes, those are official ebay vibes.)

    Melissa, I hope you have a fun weekend! It's nice to have a social life, huh?

    Someone should smack me in the head, but I'm going back to work in the morning at 6:00. What else do I have to do? But here is what I'm doing for the rest of the weekend: cleaning out the fridge, straightening the pantry, cooking some chicken that I thawed yesterday, changing the vacuum cleaner bag and vacuuming the new carpet, and cutting out quilt fabric. I also need to tinker with my sewing machine because the tension is WAY off due to one of little DD's friends sewing thru denim with a regular needle. I guess it put too much stress on everything, because now I have a loopy bottom thread. At least this friend doesn't come around much anymore. He had a spiked mohawk and all sorts of piercings and tattoos. Okay, where'd that come from? Sorry to digress.

    Anyway, my POSSIBLE weekend activities will include maybe cleaning the tub and shower, maybe sweeping off the back patio, maybe doing a bunch of laundry and washing the sheets because Precious peed on them this morning -- okay, wait, move that up to the definite category -- and maybe dusting. Or maybe not.

    Have a good evening!
  • WE SCORED!!!!!!!!

    We'll be in left field trying to catch White Sox home runs!!!!! Woo Hoo!
  • Yahoo! Awesome! Is this for tomorrow night?
  • Yeah Vickie!
    I did manage to find my husband by the way.
    Kathy, sounds like you have a productive weekend planned.
  • Sunday night! I wish I felt better but I'm very, very excited. Jim is as happy as a little boy. Game time temperature is expected to be 48 degrees. I'll be wearing my winter coat, hood, earmuffs, and gloves. Maybe we'll even bring a blanket!

    I'm off to bed. I was on this silly computer all day!
  • CONGRATS VICKIE on getting those tickets (and 48 degrees is sounding pretty balmy to me - ha ha ha). Hope you are feeling better and able to enjoy the game - I know Jim will for sure!

    Kathy - gee sounds like an exciting weekend at your place! I know how those "loopy bottom threads" can get to you! Hope your tension gets adjusted accordingly, your sheets get washed - and the rest well?....(except you will have to cook the thawed chicken!).

    Melissa - have a great, fun, busy weekend - glad you were able to find Aaron!

    The "wayward" scissors were discovered (by dh) in dd's room - luckily she is at her dad's for the weekend, but I'm sure the "scissor wrath" will descend upon her once she gets home!

    Yes we went out for pizza tonight where I stuffed my little face (after going out for lunch today too I might add). So I have to really get back on track this weekend! Good luck to me.

    Hoping to have at least a little sleep in tomorrow?


  • Vickie, so glad that you guys have gotten your special event all planned...I'm sure that you will have a good time despite feeling not so great.

    Frouf, I hope that scissor wrath doesn't fall too hard. Good luck getting back on track this weekend, I need to do that too!

    Kathy, don't work too hard today.

    I did w/i this morning (apparently I have inadvertantly switched to Saturdays, as I always forget on Friday lately), and am still 190. I'm happy with that, especially since I had some salty food last night. Today will be tiring, as it isn't even 8am and we are getting ready to go to a church event for a great deal of the day. I made some soup last night (it is nasty drizzly and cold here) so dinner is ready anyway. So tonight I don't think we will be doing much of anything besides laying on the couch and eating. What a combination!
    Sorry I haven't been around this week. I've been really stressed at work and actually doing things in the evenings. I'm so exhausted. I've been reading but not posting.
    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Can you believe there is only a week of October left??
  • About the middle of the week, I weighed myself at home and noticed that I was up some, so started to figure out why. Not enough water. We have been really busy at work and haven't had time to get it in so have been working on that. I gained 1.6# this week but it would have been more if I hadn't starting getting more water in. Hope everyone has a good week. I am driving my family nuts because when we go shopping I will say to whatever they have picked up. That's not core.
  • Hey everyone,
    pretty quiet on here today,,where are you all.........
    Got in some gardening (planting spring bulbs) , cleaned out half the basement, Im being ruthless,,,,anything we havent touched in a year is gone!! My dh is such a packrat,,he thinks of more reasons to keep things. Drives me crazy! As Im getting older I find it much easier to chuck things out....hahahaha(evil laughter here)
    Off to the grocery store then making some pizza for supper. I know its not core but I have been craving it for a little while now,,good thing is I dont like alot of cheese on it. Im not a pepperoni fan either so I going to make it with lots of veggies and a little light cheese...mmmmmmm cant wait. Count the points and get it out of my system.
    have a great weekend everyone no matter what your doing....baseball, sewing, cleaning or doing nothing at all!!
  • You're right -- it's sure is quiet! I am home from work now; stopped by the store on the way home to get some FF cheddar, FF feta, Dr Pepper and 7-up for kids, and some milk. I'm not eating much today and tomorrow in order to gear up for a big Monday morning start. I'm mainly trying to stick with fruit and vegetables. Tomorrow night I'm making baked italian chicken ... from the SF site but totally Core so I'll go post the recipe in a moment. I'll take LO to work Monday too.

    I'm logging some recliner time before cleaning the shower and tub. Trash needs to be emptied but I'm hoping someone else will do it (yeah, right) and also tonight during the game I will cut fabric. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get started sewing. This one is due on Thanksgiving and so that's still plenty of time. It'll be hand quilted except that I'm thinking about having my friend (the one with the huge quilting machine in a workshop behind her house ... what I wouldn't give for THAT setup!) do some machine quilting in the 3" blocks that will be in the center of each larger block. I'm doing a log cabin pattern.

    And that's it for me! I hope everybody's having a great day.
  • Wow! What has happened here??

    Patti, sounds like you are being very productive today!! Way to go.

    Kathy, I hope that you have enjoyed some "me" time that didn't include cleaning something. Your quilt sounds beautiful. I have a log cabin quilt that my great grandmother made many years ago. It's so funny because it is one row short on one side. She made them and sold them, I guess that one was hurried through.

    We have been so tired from our activities today. But we have rested and now I think DH wants to go clothes shopping (this RARELY happens). Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

    I have to add, it is not even 7pm here and almost dark. Ugh.
  • hello, ladies. we're home. the drive was gorgeous. i wish you could all see the mission mountains. that area of montana is called "God's country." i know why. the view is spectacular. there'a already a lot of snow in the high country,too.

    what did we do in kalispell? we went up there to visit a good friend who curtis used to coach. on this trip we met the man who taught and helped set up olympic style archery programs in china, korea, and taiwan. he is a former world champion as well as a world class archery coach. guess what? he worked with me for about 3 hours today. curtis is my coach. most of the things that i worked on today, curtis had taught me, too. it was just good to hear the techniques from someone else using different words.

    we have invited both guys down. i think they'll come for a couple of days soon and will stay with us. the man who is the coach lives in china but is in the states for awhile. i can't tell you what a great opportunity this is to get to work with him.

    i need to close for now. we're heading to the hot tub. i'll be back in a few minutes.
  • Welcome back, you guys. It sounds like good days for both of you.

    There was no "me" time between working this morning, going to the grocery store (twice), cleaning the tub and shower, cooking dinner, feeding and pottying the animals, and ... straightening up the garage and taking everything off of the motorcycle trailer. Judd's back tire crapped out on him and all motorcycle shops near where they were closed at 2:00 today. His dad is coming here at 6:30 in the morning (and yes, I *DID* say 6:30 on the one day off I have) to pick up his truck and trailer, drive to Texarkana and pick them up. He says he thinks they can make it to Texarkana on the tire but doesn't want to chance it any further.

    I'm feeling not very charitable right now, so I need to work on my attitude before I say any more about it. But I will add this ... I think I'm going to make myself a reservation somewhere soon and hit the road. It's been nearly 3 years since I left town, even for one stinkin' night. It's my turn and by golly, I'm outta here.
  • Sandra, glad you are back and that you had a good time.

    Kathy, I definitely think that you should go somewhere, for yourself and by yourself. Sounds like a plan. Plan it now!
  • i'm back now and am reading posts trying to catch up.

    first of all--congrratulations, vickie for getting those tickets. i'll be watching for you. i hope you catch a homerun ball. now, as to me and my eating plan? i was doing great until curtis and i got to about the middle of our socializing last week. then i lost it completely. now i'm starting over again. i know ya'll must think "there goes sandra again!" and i guess that's right. one thing that is different this time is starting monday i am also beginning training for archery season. league here begins on nov. 2. i am going to have to begin a regimine to build up my stamina. also, i will be limiting my sugar intake more so i can hold the bow steadier. (i am watching the series now and almost typed ball instead of bow.) i am going to have to work on my willpower to control social events.

    frouf, sounds like you and i are dusting off i have a question for you. it's also for me. do you think we're actually happy weighing what we weigh? i know i'm having a horrible time staying focused. i'm just wondering if my "want to lose" is as strong as it should be. we are all smart women. and i think we're all strong, too. why aren't we staying focused? (i'm not looking for an excuse here. i'm wanting to pinpoint my problem and take care of it.) actually, you'd think that looking at myself in the mirror would be incentive enough. sorry about rambling here.

    melissa, i am very proud of you for being at 190. you will easily make the 180's. i am afraid i'll have to do thisgoal again. i am not doing well.

    vivian, i am proud of you for staying focused. good for you for getting that water back in.

    patti, you have a healthy outlook. i'm glad you're getting that pizza craving taken care of in suc a healthy way.

    kathy, i have a friend in texas who has a quilting machine in a shop behind her house. does your friend live in the country west of osceola? just wondering. does her first name start with an "e"? i totally agree it's your turn. are you wanting vegas type, beach tyle, or other type time? you definitely are deserving whatever you choose.

    got to close for now and watch the ballgame. i'll ttyl.