January 2012 "On Plan Beauties" Daily Check In

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  • Sun Jan 15
    B= 1 c cereal, 1/2 c milk,
    L= 2 slices homemade pizza, grapes, apple juice
    D= Cracker Barrel ~ 2 eggs, 2 turkey sausage, 1 1/2 pancake with peach topping
    S=apple juice
    E= 25min stretch fusion workout

    Hubby wanted pancakes, but I brought half my pancakes home for breakfast tomorrow. I"m so happy that I felt well enough to be able to do a workout! We did end up going a few places. Hubby was delighted that he bought a belt in a smaller size because of the weight he had lost!

    Mandy, the strawberry preserves in the oatmeal sounds yummy! I need to try that.

    Tavvy, great job on you weight loss!

    TLT, sometimes we have to make the best choices with what life throws at us. I'm sure you did great, plus kudos for walking in heels!
  • My challenge this week is to bring salad for lunch Tues. through Friday.

    I failed my stay off the scale challenge but it was good to see 171 because that means the cheese/cracker bender New Year's weekend is going away. What didn't help was going out to eat Saturday, and the weird eating I did today. I haven't charted it yet, but I know today wasn't calorically bad, but it was weird and off. Saturday on the other hand while I made the best choices I could make, I probably had too many calories and too many calories from fat.

    And so it goes. I wish I could diet in a vaccuum with no outside influences. If I only had ME to be concerned with, I swear I'd be a twig!

    Wishing a super week to all. Skinny hugs.
  • Good morning ladies,

    I hope everyone is having a great start to the day. I'm so happy to be off work today

    Chicksinger - I'm glad you saw 171 on the scale! I'm with you on the daily weighing thing. I keep telling myself that I am NOT going to do it but I still hop on the scale when I get up. I'm just so anxious to get back to 208 and I wanna see where I am. Let's try and stay off until Friday - Its a challenge. You think we can do it

    Penguin - Way to go on saving 1/2 of your pancakes for another day. Isn't it nice not to feel deprived when you go out to eat?

    Mandy - Great job staying within your calories.

    tavvy - Great job on your 9 pound loss. That's an awesome start.

    I hope we all have another great week. Today I will either go for a walk or do a Firm workout. I'll be back to post my daily journal later.
  • I feel almost normal today, but still have a lingering cough but I think its mostly sinus related. Cinnamon bread and laundry today and hopefully a workout or two!

    Chicksinger, I like your idea of dieting in a vacuum. Put all of us trying to lose weight in the Biosphere and see what happens!

    Gettin, enjoy your day off!
  • Accountablility
    Okay I said I was going to exercise today. So far hasn't happened. Plan...tell you guys I'm going to go change into workout clothes, add shoes and get on the bike.......okay going now.....now.....
  • 45 minutes

    I love you guys!!!!!!
  • Another drive by- 1422 calories 50 carbs 132 protiens, an hour workout circuit
  • Yay for you TLT

    Great job tavvy!

    I've had a great day and I did a 45 minute Firm workout!

    My Journal

    B: Coffee w/ 1/2 C skim milk & flav creamer, baked sweet potato fries,
    L: Lean Cuisine, 1 pk Teddy Grahams
    S: pear, almonds
    D: black bean soup w/ 1 tsp FF sour cream, 1 sl lite garlic bread
    Exercise: Firm Total Body Time Crunch
  • thought i'd share this quote:

    "Living with intent. It's not as difficult as it might seem. It is simply making a choice to do something differently. Want change? Make a change." - Jill Blashack Strahan

    Jill is the Founder and CEO of Tastefully Simple. She is one of the things I love about being a consultant.. She sends out a motivational email every Monday to all consultants with words of wisdom and encouragement, and usually a video of a speech of some sort. They are always good. But today's message just made me go "simple, to the point, and SO TRUE!"... and easily applicable to just about any facet of one's life.

    Live with intent!
  • k0nfyo0zed~ Love the quote!

    GettinFit~ Awesome job today! Glad to hear its been a good day!

    tavvy~ Great Job today!!! 9lbs. Woohoo!!!

    TLT136~ 45 Minutes!!! Awesome!!!

    patchworkpenguin~ Glad to hear you're feeling better! Did you get your workouts in?

    ~ Life would be so much easier if we could focus 100% on ourselves! You're doing amazing, just keep chugging! Congrats on seeing 171!

    If I missed anyone

    Dinner went pretty well last night. Mom has an awesome grill pan that I used to make BBQ chicken on. I grabbed the chicken breast that had been sliced into tenders to make portions easier. I also roasted some potatoes and squash in a little oil and lipton soup mix. I then pureed some cauliflower with fat free cream cheese and garlic... and... ummmm... will not do that again... texture was just too weird for me and I'd rather just have the cauliflower whole.
    I had to head over to NY today, so I had to plan out my food for traveling. I popped 2 bags of 100 cal popcorn and munched on that while drinking my green tea and diet pepsi. I did end up stopping at subway and grabbing a 6inch sub.
    Also, it's official. I though when I saw 266.2 yesterday that it was a fluke, but I saw it AGAIN this morning!!! I was 276.2 at the beginning of the month, and was aiming for 268.2, so I'm pretty pumped! Now to just be good at dinner tonight since I have to eat out...
  • TLT, great job on the 45min. If I know I'm supposed to workout, and I'm not going anywhere that day I generally change out of my jammies into my workout clothes so I can't use that as an excuse. This coming from a woman who has used the excuse that' putting on sneakers' is too much trouble!

    Kim L, good job on exceeding your weightloss goal!

    Mandy, good quote.

    Tavvy, good job on your workout!

    I did 2 25min stretch fusion workouts. These are kind of deceptive, they seem easygoing until she GETS you. The 2nd workout Abs, Butt, and Back started with easy sways and dips to warmup, then she got us into a plie squat, and we stayed there alternating staying down or shifting side to side while we worked our upper body/arms. She used to be a ballet dancer so I'm sure she could have stayed in that squat forever, but she finally let us up to do something else.
  • i am all excited over here. today was like my first *real* day getting in all the healthy good stuff i've told myself i need to do to get back to losing weight. i drank all my water. ate healthy foods and stayed in my calorie limit. AND i'm most excited because i went to the gym, finally. migraines have been hitting me hard with TOM approaching and have kept me from my exercise. but the best part was... it's almost like i never stopped going. i didn't feel like death after 35 mins of elliptical, and 25 mins (of walking) on the treadmill. it felt GOOD and can't wait to go back tomorrow. yay!
  • Jan 16, Mon
    B= 2 c milk, vits
    Brunch= 1.5 pancakes, syrup, whipped cream
    Lunch =1 c chili, 1/2 sweet potato, 6 chips
    S= more chips and salsa
    D= Italian chicken pasta w veggies {experimental cooking}
    S= 3 small slices Banana bread
    S= 2 slices cinnamon bread
    E= 2 25min stretch fusion workouts

    Hubby doesn't like to leave things to the last minute, so he comes home today with 12 roses, a Valentines day card {with penguins on it}, and two small loaves of banana bread. He doesn't want to forget to get me something, so he's very early. I seem to remember him doing this last year too.

    I felt my eating was okay until I opened the banana bread, then it was downhill. The cinnamon bread was fresh from the oven so I might be given some slack there, lol.

    Mandy, I'm so glad to hear you had a great day and are back in the groove. I get migraines during TOM but have had some success with taking a magnesium supplement, not sure how/why it works.
  • I've been up for 3 hours and I finally feel hungry. I was told to wait until you're hungry to eat. I 'm not so sure that is a good idea. I think I might overeat because I AM hungry. Any thoughts?
  • Good morning ladies,

    KimL - I'm glad you dinner went well and CONGRATS on exceeding your goal for the month already! You are doing an awesome job and you motivate me to stick with it too!

    Mandy - Congrats on your OP day and on getting to the gym yesterday. I hope you have another great one today!

    Penguin - Hopefully you can resist the banana & cinnamon gread today. It sounds so yummy!

    TLT - I think you just have to find what works for your body. If waiting 3 hours makes you wanna overeat, then I'd definately eat something before. Hang in there and find what works best for you.

    I'm planning for an OP day and a workout today. If it's not raining when I leave work, I'm planning to go up to the track and walk 30 mins before heading home.

    A NSV for me - Today I'm wearing a size 14 pant and they fit perfectly

    Have a great OP day everyone.

    My Journal
    B: Breakstone Cottage Double, orange, coffee
    L: Healthy Choice Asian Cafe Steamer Bowl, FF pudding
    D: Black bean soup w/ff sour cream, RF cheese
    S: banana, 100 Cal popcorn
    Exercise: Walk or Firm