~♥~Kiss Those Pounds Goodbye Valentine's Day Challenge~♥~"

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  • Countrybarbie - I have a half a dozen"go-to" side dishes for quick dinners:
    Roasted Vegis - little or no oil, do ahead, serve hot or room temp
    Applesauce - home made or jarred, no sugar
    Navel Oranges - cut up - for some reason no one will eat them if their whole
    Cole Slaw - buy shredded cabbage and toss with very little oil or no/low fat mayo, a bit of vinegar and 1 tsp of sugar or substitute to taste, let set for an hour
    Roasted Cauliflower - tons of lowfat recipes online
    Raw mini Carrots w/ low fat or no fat dips - salsa is great with these

    You can also just load your wraps with vegis and eat more of them and not worry about side dishes at all.

    OMG, now I'm hungry.
  • A beautiful day in the neighborhood! So far so good. Hubby didn't make me breakfast this morning, so I was able to eat just the way I wanted. Phew.

    Speaking of theme parties, I do the same. Our best was our son's Fear Factor party a couple years ago. We're still talking about that one. This year, we're doing a mystery dinner for him. I bought wigs and mustache's at the after-Halloween sales and just bought some plastic champagne flutes and table cloths at the after-New Year's sales. We're excited about putting it all together.
  • 146.6 today...wohoooooo
  • Italiannie- Yea I make slaw sometimes. I never put sugar in it. I just make it plain with cabbage and mayo

    I don't mind eating just the wrap, but my bf does he is the type that has to have something to with something else and if I give him fruit on the side he going to think I am crazy. He very picky so that is also hard I guess I could just stick with slaw for him, but really wanted something else lol

    I might try apple sauce with it. I love apple sauce. I thought about try mashed cauliflower. I ain't a big fan of it, but have heard it is a good as mashed taters which I doubt it lol. My bf hates mash taters(surprised I met someone from south who don't like em lol)
  • So I started on Dec 26th
    Valentines goal: 199

    Anyways the scale says I am down to 210.2, though i slept in wayy late so was probably closer to 211. Either way the scale is agreeing with me
    Ive mostly been eating the protein bars my bf bought me, sweet potato "fries" (home made) and steak or chicken (baked with spices)
  • So, since this challenge is right around my 20th birthday, i have decided to let you ladies know that i will be rewarding myself if i meet my goal of being in onederland by my 20th birthday!

    If i reach goal, my best friend and all of my sorority sisters are taking me up to Vancouver Canada for the long president's day weekend! I am so excited and it has me even more pumped for me to hit my goal!!!
  • That sounds like fun, ClaireBear!!! I miss my sorority days.

    I am dreading tomorrow at WW. I worked out a ton, but I definitely look bloated around the midsection.

    Trying to focus instead on my major fitness breakthrough this week. I completed my first 5K. Sure, it was on the treadmill, and I had to do 60/90 second run/walk intervals, but I did stick it out for 3.1 miles.

    It helps that there is WiFi in my building's gym and that I have Netflix on my iPhone. Currently working my way through Season 6 of Biggest Loser.
  • Oh, guys, I miss getting on here earlier in the day. Here it is almost 11:30 p.m. and I'm ready to collapse. Not only from making sure I get everything done before getting online, but from planning and getting ready for my daughter's party Saturday.

    I promise that I will get back on here and read everyone's posts soon. I miss reading them. I just wanted to do a quick check in so you wouldn't think I fell off the planet.

    I'm doing well with my diet and exercise and am looking forward to weighing in this Monday.

    Talk to you all soon!
  • Hi Everyone!
    Sandy - Good luck with the party planning and sewing. You'll be exhausted, but you'll have a lifetime of memories, and a grateful daughter.

    Clairebear - Start packing, girl. We believe in you! You can do it!

    Well, I'm on the run! Have a great day On Plan.

    Yesterday - 192.2
    Today - 192.0
    Valentine Goal = 179
  • We went to Vancouver, BC for our honeymoon. We stayed in a beautiful cottage that we recently saw is up for sale. How nice it would be to have an extra million in my pocket to buy the whole bed and breakfast there.

    Official weigh in this morning and was down .4 pounds. Lovin' my new scale that measures in .2!

    For this challenge:
    SW: 214
    CW: 213.6
    GW: 204

    I'm expecting a better loss next week now that I'm back in the groove again.
  • sw-268.8

    cw-266.2 but some is pretom bloat i hope
  • I weighed in this a.m., and at first glance these numbers will look REALLY good:

    SW: 186
    CW: 181.6

    And I should be excited about this, but I have to give most of the credit to this AWFUL stomach flu It's making its rounds here at our home, so we're not having any fun at all. YUCK! So hopefully we'll be back in the groove by next week, and I can feel healthy again and work on my exercise goals! Good luck everyone!! Keep those daily goals in sight
  • I still am at my TOM...and have been for about 10 days. I had the Mirena put in almost 2 years ago during surgery for endometriosis and went almost 18 months without a real period. Now I'm paying the price. This is not fun. Have a constant migraine, serious cravings and major bloating. It's getting extremely frustrating. My weight seems to keep going up. I'm now up to 189! I'm beginning to wonder if I should call my doctor...
  • Sandy--- good luck with party planning. Hope we get to see your master piece

    beth----As long as I can remember I would not have periods then have them for like 2-3months straight. One time I didn't have it for a year. It seems that since my birthday I have been having them every month and on holidays at that I would call and see what your dr says just to be sure nothing is wrong, if this ain't normal for you

    When TOM comes I am an emotional wreck and the cravings are aweful lately....

    Well today was a good day mostly. I ate low calories today had subway sub for lunch and supper. I have been going over my calories with little exercise so that was no good for my weight lost.

    I will prob weigh in the morning to see where I am at. Hopefully I ain't gained to much. I am learning that I have to deal with my emotions and things that bother me so I won't eat. I am telling you that dealing with the emotions of emotional eating is VERY emotional. I hate to cry, but I have been lately. All of this is hard for me to admit, but I have to admit it so I can stay accountable.
  • Weigh in was not terrible, but I knew it wouldn't be bad when I woke up and looked less bloated.

    I am LOVING being able to watch Netflix while I work out -- I have so much choice! I do wish "Miracle" was on streaming, though. Nothing like a great sports movie to make me want to run.