Scare Some Pounds Off Halloween Challenge!!!

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  • Lindsy, I could seriously use some of that energy you have. I've been dragging lately. I think it's this diet. Which, by the way, is not working like it said it would. Lose 10 pounds in 3 days my patootie! In two days not only are my husband and I already totally souped out, but he's down only 1 pound and me a half pound...hardly close to the losses they claimed we'd get following this plan. So it's back to my low-carb diet until I find something else to try. lol

    On a good note, I went back in my journal and realized that I've lost 10 pounds since the start of this challenge. Yippy!! But with only 25 diet days left before Oct. 31st and another 5 pounds to go to reach the goal I've set for that date, I'm getting a little nervous that I will be cutting it close. It can be done, though, so I must keep on going.

    To infinity and beyond!!
  • Hey everyone! Sorry to have gone MIA; my health took a dive, and I've been recovering from a fall down some stairs, all lupus related.

    I'm doing short walks and yoga videos now until I can take higher impact cardio. Because I'm still determined to scare away this last bit, I'm going to head for 1400 calories/day max instead of 1500, until I can handle more exercise.

    Sandy, that lasagna looks great! I really want to try making it. You cracked me up with that weight loss fairy. Congrats on 10 lbs lost since the challenge started! You'll be at Onederland in no time!

    Great job, Hopeless, with your loss! You're so right about remembering we all have choices, and that it is easier to say no to something delicious but off-plan now, than to work like crazy to burn it off the next day. When I was lurking on this site at the end of last year, someone posted either in their message or signature something like, "I'll be glad tomorrow/next week/a year from now that I made these good choices today". I don't remember it exactly, but that was the gist of it. It has helped to remember that during this process, and, yes, I am SO proud of myself for making all the hard choices I have this year. I'm SO proud of us all, since we all know how difficult it can be to have the self control to stay on plan every hour, every day, and to get back on plan when we sometimes stray.

    Congrats, Lindsy, on getting back to middle school numbers! Wow! "Abs you can shred cheese on" = lmao!

    Yay, Slammer, for the loss and 40 lbs down total! That's awesome.

    Just over 3 weeks to go! We can do this!
  • Hi tab,

    It's so good to hear from you. I'm am sorry to hear that you had a fall and hope that you are feeling much better now. Best of luck to you on the calorie reduction.

    I've done great with my diet this week, but still only got in one workout. That Callanetics had me so sore than even 4 days later it hurts to bend and squat. I'm going to do my best to get in another workout tomorrow.

    I went ahead and ordered the newer Callanetics dvds called Callanetics Evolution and Cardio Callanetics. They each got good reviews, but I'll see how they compare to the original.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • I hope you feel better Tab!! Good luck recovering! I hope it goes smoothy and timely!

    Sandy hopefully the guy in the new video will be better dressed in the shorts department. hahaha

    I have been at work like usual. Didnt go to the gym yesterday. I did this "Phenom" workout on my legs. Nearly died. haha, You know you got a good workout in when it is hard to sit down on the toilet without whining.

    I have a STUPID meeting to go to inna hour, and then I will go to the gym and then back to work. Yesterday I didn't track my calories, but I tried to stay mindful. Today will be a better day.

    Happy Saturday!
  • Okay so frustrated right now. NO weight change this week! Argh! I stayed within my calories all but one day. Guess that ONE day got me. So now I am reviewing the whole week in my head and trying to figure out ways to improve. I cant go back in time and change so I gotta make changes to the present. I know I did eat out alot this week and I did eat alot of carbs. Although I logged my food etc. Alot of preservatives and crap in that stuff. I like to eat "clean" but this week I was not as prepared and I think the scale reflected that. I also did not drink alot of water. These are areas I can improve and will make my mini-goals. I also did not exercise in the mornings but did exercise at night. I know that exercise in the AM burns more throughout the day I just couldnt get my lazy butt up.
    I am frustrated because I can't seem to "breakthrough" the 169. Maybe it is mental problem? I need some good visual mind things that I can focus on any suggestions?
    I just want to be able to find that balance between food and life. I need to stop thinking of food as a treat. Food is fuel right? How do we get it all twisted in our heads that we deserve this cookie or this slice of pumpkin bread? I want to change those thoughts into I deserve this exercise I deserve to enjoy the rewards of eating proper nutritious food and exercising. I keep trying to analyze myself and figure out what I am scared of or why I struggle with getting the weight off. Any good book suggestions to work thru this? I do have "Unlimited" by Jillian guess I should start reading thru that again? So I have alot to think about and work thru this week.
    Mini goals for the week-
    1. Drink more water. I will drink 64oz daily.
    2. Decrease carbs. I will be fully aware and present when I eat and eliminate unneccesary (fries, chips processed) carbs.

    Those will be the main two goals to focus on this week. I will plan on getting up and exercising in the morning but just as long as I get my exercise in for the day I will be happy with that. I will focus on achieving the water and carbs goals.
    Thanks for listening! Lets keep on going forward. Have a great week!
  • Hopeless I was in that some spot. I was OP and working my butt off! I couldn't get past 171's. I got frustrated, then I sat down and thought about it. I am doing everything right, my body just isn't changing. So I thought of it as "practicing" maintaining. Just keep at it. Don't stress yourself over it. It will come off.

    I just got home from the gym ran my booty off, and then did some arm workouts. I will be sooo sore tomorrow. Hopefully my man friend will massage my back for me! I'm still at 166.8 Just chillin there for now. I figure it's better than being at 171.

    Yesterday this girl that I work with was talking to me about the Psychological changes that I have gone through with weight loss, Like if I see myself as a sexy mama, or if I still have the same perception of how I look when I was heavier. I think that, this is something interesting to look into. (Being a psychology major I wonder why :P) But I was curious, have you all changed the way that you think about how you look as you have been losing weight? Or has it stayed the same.

    For me, I don't see myself as a SEXY mama. I see myself as strong and empowered to make a change in my life to better myself in the end. Sure some days I look in the mirror and think that I look good. But others days I think that I look frumpy. I think it all depends on the day and your mood.

    Anyways! Time to get ready for another day at Sears. Hope you all stay OP and get a good workout in! Adios!
  • What an interesting topic of discussion! It is too easy to get frustrated when that scale does not cooperate. This is one of the reasons why I only weigh in once a week (usually). But even then it can be your enemy.

    Like Lindsy mentioned, it's very psychological. I don't think it's possible to feel sexy and happy with ourselves 100% of the time, even at goal weight. But you add a weight loss stall or slow losses (raising hand here) to the equation, and it can be downright depressing!

    This week I am down one more pound, but that still just makes it only 4.5 pounds in the last 5 weeks. Like you, Erin, I know there are things I could have done to speed up the loss. I stick to my diet pretty well, with a couple of eating-too-many-good-foods days though. But my exercising is another story. I used the excuse of being too sore from Callanetics last week and only got in 1 day of exercise. Well, I could have just walked on those sore days. We do get pretty good at making excuses for ourselves, don't we? But who are we really fooling?

    I do like your plan about getting in more water and cutting back on carbs. Carbs, even the healthy ones, can be so evil because they all turn to sugar and slow down our losses.

    I was feeling bummed out about my slow losses the other day and went searching in Google for some weight loss/motivational quotes. I found so many, but these were the top 10 I posted on my blog:

    1.You get whatever you settle for.

    2. Listen closely! The only time it’s too late to change yourself is when you’re dead. Until then, you’re simply making excuses.

    3. My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today.

    4. Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

    5. A year from now, you may wish you had started today!

    6. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

    7. Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.

    8. There are only 2 options regarding commitment: You’re either in or you’re out. There is no such thing as life in-between.

    9. A goal without a plan is just a wish

    10. Quitting is NOT an option!

    Aren't these right on the money? Hopefully they can be helpful to you, Erin, and any others here who need a little peptalk.

    Oh, and on another subject entirely, for any of you girls who are looking for something to lenghten your lashes but don't want to spend an arm and a leg on Lasstise, I highly recommend RapidLash (I swear that I do not work for them...I just absolutely love this product).

    A year ago my lashes were falling out like crazy and getting shorter and shorter. I've never in my life had long lashes or anything close to it, but didn't want to continue losing lashes and wanted something that could give them a little length. I couldn't afford anything expensive like Lasstise, which is over $100 each month, so I started to research other lash enhancers that were much more reasonable. RapidLash on Amazon was selling for $25 (at the's now up to $38) so I bought it there. One tube lasts me 2 1/2 to 3 months, so that only comes out around $13 a month for RapidLash. Not too shabby!

    Anyway, it took longer than the 4-6 weeks to see results. It was more like 7-8 weeks, but they started to get longer. It took a couple months longer than that to get fuller, and now I have a couple extra rows of lashes as well as added length. AND they curl up on their own now. Bye, bye eyelash curler.

    I hope this is not coming off as sounding conceited, but I wanted to show you the difference from one year ago because I'm really amazed. The first picture shows just how short they were without mascara at the start (even with mascara, they did not get much longer than this). The second picture is after one year of using RapidLash but with two light coats of mascara, no eyelash curler was used.

    Isn't that a remarkable difference? I tell you, not even with fake eyelashes did my lashes look like this. My husband walked in while I was posting these pictures on my blog and said, "Whoa! What a difference! Those are your lashes?" It made my day.

    Okay, back to weight loss talk! I wish everyone here much sucess this week. We are in the home stretch with Halloween exactly 3 weeks away. That means I have to lose 4 pounds in that time to make my goal. I gotta get serious and get all my workouts in this week and watch my protion size better (stop when I'm satified, not stuffed). I'm aiming for at least a 2-pound loss by next Monday.

    Ghoul luck to you all!
  • So. Much. Success.... Good job on your losses this week, everyone. Sorry to have been absent this week, but like tab, I have been having some health-related problems. I've still been staying on plan, but I didn't lose any this week. I did, however, measure myself and saw that I've lost four inches off of my body since I last measured about a month ago
    Lindsy-- Hmm... I'm also interesting in the psychological aspect of weight loss. I agree with you on the self-perception varying by day thing. Some days, I look in the mirror and see nothing but muffin top and jelly rolls, but other days I look down at my legs and say to myself, "Holy sexiness, Batman; when did my legs get that shapely?" Granted, I don't have the body I want yet, but somehow being productive and working towards a goal gives me confidence.
    Sandy-- I'm sorry to hear that the soup diet didn't go so well for you, but I know that your modified low-carb diet has given you great results so far. Keep on keeping on! Thanks for the RapidLash tip! My lashes have been falling out like crazy lately and have always been short, so I'll have to to give that a shot. Good luck towards your goal for the week!
    Tab-- I hope you feel better soon I have several friends with lupus, and . . . it sucks. I'm sorry you have to deal with it, but you are exceptionally strong and will keep being successful despite the obstacles in your way.
    HopelessinHarriman: I feel you there on the no-loss frontier I'm so glad that you've made a choice to do better this week, to push yourself to make your dream a reality. Remember that while avoiding bad foods is hard, so is being fat. It's hard not to feel comfortable in a movie theater seat. It's hard to see that tiny little dress on the rack and not even dream about trying it on. It's hard to look in the mirror and see something you don't want to be. However, would you rather be toughing your way through losing weight and liking the changes you see in the mirror, or doing nothing and remaining the same. Work towards a goal is progress, whether the progress is immediately visible or not.
  • Great advice, Slammer. Someone once posted: Dieting is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard! That goes right with what you're saying. Living life as an obese or fat person is not a fun life, IMO. Not only do you have to worry more about diseases that you could avoid by being at a normal weight, but just the fact that you can't do all those things (at least not easily) that people of normal weight get to do is such a major bummer.

    I know it shouldn't matter, but my weight has postponed trips to the beach or the snow in the mountains because I don't want to be seen in a bathing suit or have to climb a hill to sled down it. I can't buy pretty clothes. I can't bend over to polish my toes because my stomach is in the way. The list goes on and on. I am tired of living year after year thinking, looking and feeling like this. I want desperately to look and feel like a normal weight person and be able to do all the fun things they do, wear all the cute clothes they do and have the energy they do.

    Dieting is hard, but being obese is 10 times harder in my opinion. Let's not lose site of our goals, ladies. Before we know it, we will look back on our journey and say, "Wow, that didn't take as long as I thought it would!"
  • Thanks guys! what a terrific group of support on here! I love the top 10 quotes. I am a "quoteaholic" I have stuff taped up all over my mirrors and at work. I will be printing these off ! I have done well eating on plan today. Eating a salad and more protein really helps. Plus I worked my butt (ha! I wish) off today. I am excited about this week! We are going to do awesome I just know it Thanks again for all the positive pep talks!
  • You are quite welcome, Erin. I love reading quotes, too. They are the perfect pick-me-up when you're losing motivation or feeling down.

    Okay, don't ask me why, but I felt like weighing myself today, even tough I just wieghed in yesterday. I just felt thinner. I've lost another pound from yesterday, and I'm just giddy with happiness. So now only 3 more pounds to go to reach onederland and my Halloween weightloss goal. Yippy!

    Oh, and I just realized this morning that the tendonitis I've had in my right wrist since June of this year has disappeared. I swear that I can remember it hurting just last week, but no matter which way I bend my wrist...there is no pain! Double yippy!

    Yesterday I did my second hour of Callanetics and, although it was a tad bit easier, some of those moves still burned like heck. But I'm not sore this morning, so there are no excuses not to do it again tomorrow.

    Has anyone been thinking about what they'd like their Thanksgiving goal to be? I guess I'm getting a little anxious since I feel like there's more hope for me to reach my Halloween goal now. If I do, in fact, reach 199.5 by Halloween, I'd like to shoot for 192 by Thanksgiving. I realize that only gives me about 3.5 weeks to lose
    7.5 pounds, but I believe I can do it. (Overconfident much, Sandy?)

    Happy Tuesday all!
  • Well, it finally had to happen. I woke up with a sore throat yesterday that I was hoping was the result of sleeping with the fan on. No such luck! I am full blown sick. Along with the sore throat, my body aches and my nose is a little runny. This blows!! I really wanted to do my Callanetics today, but there is no way with how achy I am. I just hope I'll feel better tomorrow so that I can do it.
  • Great Job everyone! We are pretty dang close to Halloween!!!

    Tab and Slammer- I hope you both are feeling better!!

    Sandy- Your eyelashes look amazing! Congrats! Also great job on the 3lb loss! I hope you feel better too!

    Why is everyone getting sick?! Almost everyone at my work is and 3 of you are sick here too. Get plenty of rest!!

    Still at 166.8 I have today and tomorrow off. Yippie! not too much to fill everyone in on. Hmm Off to the gym!!
    Oh, and I don't think I will dress up this year. Just sit around and watch scary movies. Anyone got their costume yet?!
  • Hi everyone!!

    Thanks for all the support. I was really down about my pain and recovery, but reading everyone's posts really cheered me up, so super thanks!! I was able to get in a workout (my first time trying out 30 day shred), and I plan to try again tonight. I have been staying pretty close but not saintly on plan with calories, so I wouldn't be surprised if my loss slows or stalls out if I can't ramp up my workouts or eat super clean for the next few weeks.

    I'm so sorry to hear Sandy and Slammer are sick! I hope you both feel better soon!

    Reading everybody's thoughts on psychological changes was really interesting. For me, it changes from day to day, with more and more days feeling like I look decent. I do remember clearly when I hit about 12 pounds lost all of a sudden I wanted to get new undies, like sexy lady undies! It was something I hadn't considered in a long time, probably 'cause I thought I didn't deserve to wear them or something. Since then I've had a few days where I feel spectacular and strong, and some days I feel dumpy, the same as a year ago. It's weird how our self perception changes. I think the thing I'm the most proud of are my super sexy deltoid/shoulder muscles.

    Usually I host a house party Halloween costume party, but this year I'm going to pass. It's too much work having been sick recently. So, depending on if one of my friends takes over with a house party or if a group decides to hit a bar, I am definitely going to be a dalek. If it's just me and a few friends hanging out for movies and to pass out candy, I may break out last year's super comfy Cobra Kai skeleton costume.

    This girl's dalek costume rules!
  • Thanks girls. No change in my sickness yet. I just have to get better by tomorrow.

    Tab, I'll be honest with you...I had to google dalek because I didn't know what it was. Interesting costume!

    Stay strong (and sick-free) everyone!