Feb Daily Accountability-This is NOT a New Years Resolution It's a Lifestyle Change

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  • Quote: Ok... under 1800 calories today, and yesterday.

    Wasn't able to exercise yesterday or today though... Yesterday I had to finish a project for school... and today... guess what... I'm sick. Yeah. My little brother got it first, then my mom... then my dad... and now me. And that's within 24 hours. So far all I really have is a very ticklish throat and chest... but I didn't want to risk anything by doing C25K stuff for an hour. *sigh*

    Was 220 again this morning... here's to it being lower tomorrow morning.
    Great work staying under 1800! Sorry to hear you're sick!
  • Quick check in. I still ate badly today, though not as badly as I had been. I hit 1700 calories today, but that's still under maintenance. I've been super duper busy. I'm doing a cake and chocolates for a baby shower on Saturday. I'm also making a quilt as a gift for the baby. I'm JUST now finishing up the quilt. My eyes are so tired of looking at stitches that it isn't funny! I still have to do the binding, but that'll take no time. Tomorrow I'm going to help buy last minute things for the party, and then starting on the baking and making the gem-shaped chocolates. I've been going without stopping since 7am this morning, and it's going on 10pm. This is the first time I've sat down without sewing! Tomorrow isn't going to be much better, with candy making, cake baking and fondant making taking the place of sewing! WHEW
  • Oh... something else to add... just a random thing...

    I forgot to eat lunch today. Not that it's good that I forgot to eat. I don't want to starve... but the fact that I wasn't thinking FOOD... MUST HAVE FOOD... until around 5 PM when I realized I was hungry... that was nice. I probably had more like a total of 1000 calories today... not only did I not pig out... I forgot lunch and didn't eat any of my snacks I usually plan in. A bowl of oatmeal (approx 300-400 calories... I eat a big bowl of oatmeal), a chai tea latte (approx 240 calories), and dinner (approx 300-400 calories). Whoops.

    So... sort of a NSV... sort of a "whoops... should have paid more attention" moment there. Did not mean to eat so little... just honestly truly didn't realize it until later (wasn't on my usual schedule today... so I got all mixed up in my head I guess... )
  • Hey ladies!! I'm still alive and kicking.. I've spent the last 3 days helping my aunt and uncle settle into their new place. My uncle just underwent surgery to remove rectal cancer and is taking chemo.. so he isn't able to do much. I'm getting a lot of strength training though!

    I'm managing to stick to the program and I'm down the retention weight plus one!

    Hope you all are happy, well and continuing to make progress with this path to a healthier you!!
  • Hey guys! I am SO SICK OF sweets, and I want to chew something so bad but my teeth still hurt :-( one tooth is worse than the other... I've clocked in at around 850-900 both today and yesterday and I cant eat anything else because I'll scream if I have to have another protein shake or smoothie. I'm basically stuck on the couch anyway so I'm sure I'm not burning much.

    Krampus... congrats on the 2lbs loss! Saw that in another thread.

    Pint Sized... I decorate cakes with fondant too! I love it! I can't wait until I'm good enough to make friends' wedding cakes... but right now I enjoy making people feel special with personalized bday cakes :-)
  • I am not sure how it happened but I was too busy today to eat my snacks.

    My calorie intake was in the basement only 958 today.

    Surprising that I did not feel hungry or deprived at all. But that is too low for proper nutrition. I will have to make sure I eat right tommorrow.

    1 mile walk for exercise.

    Serbrider I understand your problem about not eating enough food today

    Wishing everyone success and serenity.

    Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it. ~Author Unknown
  • Bold, I started helping my uncle do wedding cakes when I was 14. Can't say I liked piping all of those roses at that age though. I'm doing this one with marshmallow fondant, since I think regular fondant tastes like #%@!. LOL I'm not super good or anything, but I do get a lot of compliments on my cakes. I just had a woman offer to hire me for her kid's birthday, which is a first. I dunno how I'm going to handle that, since I don't know what to charge or anything. I've just been doing them as gifts or for friends.
  • I admire the strength and resolve it takes to bake a cake for someone else and give it to them before you gobble it up yourself.

    How do you people undereat? Tell me your secrets! I've had about 700 calories so far today (it's 2:20 pm) and I am about ready to eat my nearest coworker! I'm well hydrated and most of those 700 calories came from yogurt, vegetables and eggs.
  • Pint... I've made marshmellow fondant as well, though the first time I made it too sticky and got BOTH hands trapped in a big ball of it and had to scream for my roommates to come help!

    I also order from Global Sugar Art... I think it is called Satin Ice or something? Tastes MILES better than Wilton's!

  • Love the idea of this thread i'm brand spanking new to blogging and threads and ll that jazz. But i figure that this might actually help me stick with trying to lose weight so I will do my best to post daily and hold myself accountable. SO i haven't been to sleep yet i'm loving this website to much. But I will have a post up tomorrow night of what I did today. Everyone else great work and keep up with it your my inspiration.
  • Today wasn't perfectly clean but I kept my calories low and exercised. The weekend is going to be higher calorie so I'd like to minimize the damage...

    Breakfast - 252
    -Bio yogurt, 56
    -Bagel sandwich, 196

    Lunch - 440
    -Bio yogurt, 56
    -Cheese, 63
    -5 small strawberries, 40
    -Kimchee, greens, 1 small eggplant, 2 small eggs stir fried, 280

    Snack - 350?
    -Bowl of sweet bean soup with 2 mochi (rice cakes), 350?

    Dinner - 200
    -Ponkan (kind of like a nonjuicy, nonsweet citrus grapefruit?), 60
    -Soyjoy knockoff bar, 137

    -1 hour walking
    -40 minutes Tae Bo Cardio
    -200 crunches
    -100 pushups
    -Bird dogs, squats

    Total Calories - around 1250
  • Good Morning and TGIF!

    I don't know if I mentioned it, (and too tired to look ) yesterday I was down .2. Down .2 again this morning. TTOM is still pending. I doubt I will hit my next mini goal before it happens. Patience, Patience, Patience. I've been at this for over 3 years. You would think I would have learned about patience by now.

    iwant2blightlachele Hi and Welcome!
  • WOW Diana you're so close! You can do it!!!!!!!
  • Krampus Thanks! I am going to adjust it down one more time. I think my final goal will be 157.
  • LLBold--Those cakes are so nice!!

    Diana--Wow, you are so close to maintenance. How wonderfully exciting! Are you going to post in the goal section once you get there?


    Krampus--I'm with you...I struggle to stay under my calories for the day. I don't think I could ever forget to eat.

    Good Morning, all! I'm up a pound this morning, but I always weigh more in the morning than I do during the day. No idea why that is...maybe sodium from the day before? Anyway, I'll weigh again later and record that number. I did see 205.something yesterday, but I didn't keep it.