~~October Golden Girls~~

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  • Hi all! My computer is going very slow today and the browser can't bring up a lot of sites. I'm sure it's a software issue but I have cleaned my hx and didn't help so I'm now defragging the hd. It says 0% but just in case..

    I've been having back spasms last few days and it got worse last night so went in to doctor's for a muscle relaxant. It was better today..but he could still tell it was there...might have been the yelp I made when he had me turn a certain way... so I got some samples and a prescription. Gonna try one of the samples tonight and if helps, get the prescription filled tomorrow. I feel like it's getting better but I know how bad it can be (it's kind of a once a year thing for me) and we will be traveling in a few days so don't want to be uncomfortable.

    Ellabelle - I'm now taking the Chia in gel form but not quite as much as you yet. I was a little worried about gas. I felt a little when I first took it (not gel) but no more since. I will probably start increasing it if all goes well and it seems to fill me up. I really need the full feeling as some of you have said.

    Woodlily - welcome! I'm the same way in the evenings...do well all day but can blow it SO easily in the evening!

    My dh has only one more PT appointment so today I signed us up again at our community center gym. We can start the 29th and then because of a special promotion we will get Nov free!

    I snagged the recipe, Bobbi, sounds good!

    Hope you all have a good evening...it is supposed to start raining tonight for us...we have had a nice fall but think this is the end of the nice weather per weatherman. Goodbye sun, hello rain!
  • Found the Chia seeds at a natural foods store a mile from my home. $10.00 for 12 oz., but I guess the time and gas I saved makes up for the higher cost. Have some suspended in water right now. Kind of reminds me of tadpole eggs.
  • Tadpole eggs, eh, Lily? I'm not sure that I needed that visual, considering that they are a bit icky to look at and even ickier looking when mixed with iced tea or juice - which is pretty much how I've been taking them. Hmmmm. Tadpole eggs. Yum! (Not) However, no matter what they look like, I've had a very successful week relative to keeping my eating under control, so I'm still singing their praises.
    Well, this weekend is off to a really lovely (not) start...my granddaughter...that charming little sprite who figures so prominently in my family excursion photos, is having surgery today - I found out last night - on that poor broken wing of hers. Evidently, if it continues healing the way it presently is, it won't be straight, so they need to insert some sort of long, flexible nail-thing directly into the bone. So, I'm working just part of the day - just long enough to meet a deadline with some writing - and then I'll be off to the hospital. Incidentally, PT, that scenic landscape photo you liked is one that she took. Now that she's benched for the foreseeable future as far as sports is concerned, she's thinking she might enjoy giving photography a try. I think maybe we'll just go ahead and get her a digital camera of her own as encouragement.
    Mary, I don't think chia seeds will cause ..um...elimination problems. In fact, just the opposite. They contain a huge amount of fiber. It also seems that they're helpful in preventing gas and acid indigestion. They even recommend a spoonful or two of the gel if you're experiencing indigestion or acid reflux. I probably haven't been using them long enough to give any testimonies about long term effects, but at least in my case, so far, so good.
    I'm wondering, Bobbi, if you could add some fruit directly into that gelatin mold? It sounds like the next best thing to cheesecake, right? I'm thinking that I have to try that for sure!
    Okay...off to do some work. Have agreat day, one and all...

  • Good Morning!
    I'm so happy to see many of you taking Dr. Oz's advice on the Chia seeds. Zoe...you're eating lots of calories, I'm thinking 3 Tablespoons are 180 calories? I'm glad it's stunting your appetite, the Omega's are awesome.
    I have to get ready for a run into town again, 3 times a week I've been going to chiropractor. The inflamation in my back and neck are not responding to the accupuncture, he's trying a low electric current now. Migraine again this am, it's getting really old.

    I mix 1 teaspoon in with my morning cereal, 1 tsp. = 4 grams and 20 calories.
    Nutrition Facts

    1 oz. = 137 calories
    137 calories divided into 1 oz (28 grams) = 4.89 calories per gram
    1 teaspoon = 4 grams X 4.89 = 19.56 calories (20 calories per 1 tsp.)
  • Zoe...just saw your comment about the fruit, I don't see why not. The jello is so creamy and delicious, you really have to try it. I'm thinking it would be really good if you added almond extract instead of the vanilla, it'd taste like the yummy Asian dessert which I can't remember the name of, mental block.
  • Good Morning, All...
    Eiuuuuuu, TADPOLE eggs?????? I agree, PT/Zoe, the visual is, um, like, gross! I'm now a staunch proponent of the seeds, and I, too, take them in their gel form. I just close my eyes and let about a tsp. slither down my throat. They're odorless, but you definitely do NOT want to realize what you're doing! A swallow of water, and you're on your way and good to go. I've been doing a total of about 2 tsp. every day, and the fullness is definite. No gas, no digestive problems at all... BTW, there's an online site, 3# for $16.95, no shipping (Get Chia LLC)... That's a lot, but I don't think they get rancid, and I'll refrigerate them.

    Brrr, it's chilly this morning, only 48. It won't last long, and the Fall has been (and is) gorgeous!

    PT/Zoe, good thoughts abound for your little person's surgery! Luckily, those kids heal fast! She'll love the digital camera! You're a good granny!

    Rosey, any word? KarenMOFLO, Freda, everyone... hope your day is a good one! Be safe, warm, and dry!!
  • Good Morning Girls,

    Beautiful cool sunny day here. Sweatshirt weather. The trees are glorious but are almost past their prime. Winter is coming...

    Z, so sorry to hear about DGD. When they hurt, we hurt. But she is young and they heal so quickly.

    Lynn, Good to hear that your body is finally responding to all your weight loss efforts. I too think it's probably the addition of all the vegetables. In addition to being so good for you, they are very filling.

    HI WoodLilly,

    Rosey, The Christmas gifts sounds like so much fun and i'm sure the people that are lucky enough to get them will really appreciate them.

    Donna, I agree. The others are not making the Chia seeds sound really appetizing, but if they work I will be singing their praises too.

    Bobbi, I'm trying to pair down the calories in the jello even more. Have you ever used a sugar substitute? That would really cut the calories.

    Mary I hope the muscle relaxers help with the back pain. I find that they help more than pain medication. Guess it depends on what is wrong.

    Where are our Karens?

    Good morning Isabella, where ever you are.

  • Freda...the 12 serving @ 33 calories is using sugar substitute.

    Bobbi, I'm trying to pair down the calories in the jello even more. Have you ever used a sugar substitute? That would really cut the calories.
    The only thing I changed was 4 oz. of fat free cream cheese instead of 8 oz. and I used fat free cool whip. The recipe serves 12 @ 33 calories per serving with the fat free cream cheese, cool whip and splenda instead of sugar.
  • hey guys I'm here and debating with self. I have 1/2lb baggie of chia seeds. I tried Dr Uhoh's last magic formula and took 3 weeks worth of acia berries. The nail girl then questioned me about a "new med". All my nails were just dissolving and i could hardly walk. Seems that the acia berries actually dried up the synovial fluid in my knees....It took months to get back to walking without pain....but i don't like the evening hungry attacks.....

    A lady in store where I got the seeds wanted to knew where i was planting them. The clerk sat her straight. He also uses them....price was fine $4.99 for 1/2 lb....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmming

    Guess i will put in water/jar and decide in the morning.....hummmmmmmmmmmm karen3
  • Hi Everyone,

    I have been buried under student papers. Course ends a week from Monday.

    Tomorrow, my DD, SIL, and I are doing a "light the night" walk (1 mile) for cancer research in Philly. If I am able to keep up with everyone, I might sign up for the 1/2 marathon in Disneyworld in January.

  • Hello ----I'm still here! Things are still going along about the same! BUT I did go down yesterday and moved everything around in the basement and put my exercise equipment back where I had it!! He has only stayed one "living" with her even though he hasn't taken his things up there yet. He did come by here today and I asked him when he was going to be moving his stuff up there--- he said he isn't living there.....I said who are you kidding????? Oh well, He is going to have to find someplace to stay because we are going to Colorado the middle of November and we will shut our water off here in the house and also turn the heat way down!! No one here while we are gone!

    Zoe, sorry to hear about your granddaughters surgery.... but it is good they caught it early so they can correct it now. Will, keep good thoughts coming your way.

    I still have the oven left to clean in the 5th wheel and then start packing it up. I have washed the bedding we have for the bed and even bought a "bedrail" like they use for childrens beds so they don't roll off the bed.... to put at the foot of the bed so Ginger and Sissy won't jump off the end of the bed. It sets up quite high and there is a stair so I don't want broken legs!! Speaking of broken...... Tuesday night I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and ended up kicking the petstairs that are by the bed and broke my little toe!!! Darn that hurts!! But it is better now and I think I will get back to doing some treadmill here in the next couple days. Of course, traveling back and forth to get the 5th wheel ready is quite a bit of exercise too but I think I should do something "intentional" just to try to get back in the groove!

    Take care everyone and I'll check back later. Oh, before I forget-- here is more roses from out back... I just cut them today.. I can't believe I'm still getting roses this late in October but I like it!!

  • Beautiful roses..my favorite flower..happy weekend everyone rosey
  • Hi everyone! I overslept AGAIN...probably due to the muscle relaxant but at least I got some sleep...still, it left me with little time to get stuff done which I allowed to bother me. So spent what was left of the morning making calls and planning..then all afternoon running around taking care of things. In the process I have not eaten well again today...either not eating much or eating too much.

    It was supposed to rain but instead we were granted another beautiful fall day, so it was pleasant to be out. While we were out we bought a new faucet filter...ours had cracked and we hadn't had one for a few years.

    My back is better but it seems like the pain and some other issues have caused me to feel a little discouraged, but I think I am beginning to come out of it. I know the Source for help and strength, and I just need to go to Him more instead of trying to take care of everything myself. So hopefully beginning tomorrow I will do better.

    I am hoping the Chia seed will help my appetite. The first day I noticed it but then I had also eaten a LOT of raw veggies. I haven't eaten as much veggies recently and haven't noticed the fullness as much so thing at least partly it was the veggies. I am also hoping the sees will help my bs. I was reading that you should take 2 T a meal for the bs stabilization. I think I read that each tablespoon of the gel is the equivalent in calories to 1 teaspoon of the seeds...am I right or wrong about that? They have a fair amount of carb too but the fiber helps some there. So far I haven't taken as much as they recommend though..trying to increase slowly. I don't mind the taste of the gel...to me it is pretty much tasteless. I have even put it in coke zero! I kind of like the taste of the seeds and put it on on cereal along with my flaxseed...forgot today though.

    Karen31 - I like the roses! We still have one plant that continues to bloom too! They are so beautiful!
    The other two plants we have cut back and once the blooming one stops blooming, we will cut it back and I plan to fertilize them for the last time this year. I know very little about plants (of any kind) so hope this is the right thing to do? It's what I have done the last couple years. They usually bloom quite nicely but this year because of getting so much rain so late in to the summer, they weren't as nice.

    Hope you all have a good evening!
  • I don't know much about plants either--- we lived in the mountains of Colorado before moving here and anything I tried to grow the deer ate!!! I even had geraniums out on a ledge with beautiful red flowers on them. Went to bed with them looking so nice and got up and they had all been pruned to a nub!!! So I have lots to learn about plants. I am hoping that next year we can get in a vegetable garden too. This year it didn't work out at all--- too much other stuff going on plus a big boxer dog in the back yard that we didn't want and said not to bring but.......she is gone now. I felt bad because they ended up taking her to the shelter but I had to face the fact that wasn't my fault either... The people at the shelter were pretty sure she would get a good home--I hope so. But anyway, I'm hoping for a better time in the future! I think I may have to check into these chia seeds. I'm not sure where you can buy them from around here but I'm going to check.
    OK-- guess it is time to wind down for the day. Good night everyone.
  • Happy Week-end!