Daily food & exercise confessions #3

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  • Hi Everyone:

    On calories, should I trust Daily Plate or the actual restaurant website? DP says the Zuppa has 239 but Olive Garden says 170. There's not a hugh difference, but which do you think would be more correct?

    Breakfast (380 Calories + coffee)
    Spinach Omelet
    spritz olive oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 cal
    Handful of spinach
    2% cheese 40 cal
    high fiber english muffin 100 cal
    honey 60 cal
    coffee w/sugar and cream
    juice 50 cal

    Lunch (300 + Mayo)
    2 Slices of bread 80 Calories
    thinnest swipe of mayo & mustard I could do
    4 Slices Hormel Naturals Ham 60 Calories
    1 Slice 2% Sharp Cheddar Cheese 60 Calories
    Iceberg lettuce
    Pringles 100 Calorie packs

    Zuppa Toscana 170 Calories
    Shrimp & Asparagus Risotto 620 Calories

    ~Gilad's Quick Fit Chest & Back and Shoulder's & Arms
    ~TJ Cardio Party Mix 2
  • Diana, I would avg the two. I don't know which one is right either.
  • Quote: Hi Everyone:

    On calories, should I trust Daily Plate or the actual restaurant website? DP says the Zuppa has 239 but Olive Garden says 170. There's not a hugh difference, but which do you think would be more correct?
    I would take the higher one of the two or as jendiet said, the average. I've heard restaurants are famous for misrepresenting calories just because the serving size is never consistent and you might be getting up to 2X as many calories because of that. Not just serving size, but also ingredients. Who's to say that during a lunch/dinner rush, the cook might grab two handfuls of cheese or dump a cup of cream when the recipe only calls for half the amount? I'm always wary of those restaurant-posted calories and eat half the portion and overestimate calories. Gosh, I hope I didn't make you paranoid...
  • Quote: I would take the higher one of the two or as jendiet said, the average. I've heard restaurants are famous for misrepresenting calories just because the serving size is never consistent and you might be getting up to 2X as many calories because of that. Not just serving size, but also ingredients. Who's to say that during a lunch/dinner rush, the cook might grab two handfuls of cheese or dump a cup of cream when the recipe only calls for half the amount? I'm always wary of those restaurant-posted calories and eat half the portion and overestimate calories. Gosh, I hope I didn't make you paranoid...
    Just when I think I've got it all figured out, Sunni goes and makes me more paranoid more than I already am. Just kidding.
  • Hey All

    Wondering if I could join in?? Thank you to Diana for introducing me to this thread, I hope it will keep me OP!
  • Here's my plan for the day

    Breakfast - 1/3 cup oatmeal with 1 tbsp natural p. butter and honey + 12 small strawberries
    Snack AM - 1oz pistachios + 1 small yoghurt
    Lunch - Salad (2 cups spinach, 1 cup romaine, 4oz chicken, 2oz light chedder cheese, 1 whole tomato and fat free ranch dressing)
    Snack PM - 1 banana + 2oz light chedder cheese
    Dinner - Stir-fry (chicken breast, brown rice, red and green peppers, carrots, cabbage and homemade marinade)

    Approx: 1400 Cals

    Drinking: 1 morning coffee + 2L water throughout the day + 1 diet pepsi
    Exercise: 45mins cardio kickboxing + 2mile brisk walk with the dog
  • Hi Lauren,

    I'm so glad you decided to check us out.

    It looks like you have a great plan for the day. I love kickboxing. Are you participating at a gym or do you workout at home with videos? I workout with videos.
  • Hey Diana, is our guinea pig experiencing less cravings yet? How is he doing? jk about the guinea pig...I can't wait to find a kickboxing game on wii...my mom used to take to kick boxing classes with her...i felt so uncoordinated, but I liked the movements.

    Sunni, you are SOOO right. Ok, this may sound a little obsessive..but whenever i go out to eat and there is a nutrition menu available...I take it into account, I look for other websites w/ the same posting, and then I evaluate the ingredients. But, the cook COULD just totally add more cheese, more sauce, more mayo...etc...

    Diana, just try to be as close to possible.

    Nice to see you Lauren.

    Well, I have some good news today. I consumed 2025 cs yesterday. I stopped at my original plan of 1825 cs, but then SO was late night snacking, and i was hungry. I ate some small protein snacks, but then he brought out the pb and apples...and well I had a 200 cs before bed snack...I was very busy again, but I only expected a .19 lb weight loss.

    I dropped from 173.8 yesterday to 172.2 today! yes! I can't believe I wasn't feeling hungry or deprived and i lost weight~

    Of course, it could not be real or something...but this is the 3rd time I've seen 172..since gaining back 10 after September.

    That's 2.2 to go until goal!

    Here's my plan today:
    1670 cs 450 cs burned from activity--lazy day.

    So far:
    Breakfast: None, SLEPT.
    Pre-workout snack: banana
    workout: 20 min jog! HIIT.did it! HR 61-67% for 5 min intervals and 84-87% for 1 min intervals.

    post workout meal:
    cottage cheese, 120 cs
    walnuts 50 cs
    pineapple chunks 70 cs
    gingerbread cookie (couldn't help it) 45 cs

    Had a very active day compared to what I wanted, but not too bad...christmas stuff that needed doing.

    3 oz chicken 150 cs
    1/8 cup lentils 60 cs
    1/4 cup field peas 60 cs
    large salad *
    6 black olives 25
    2 tbsp mayo 180 cs
    1 tsp honey 15 cs
    6 walnuts 50 cs
    crumbled muenster cheese : 40 cs

    1 sm mounds 80 cs
    1 key lime whips yogurt 170 cs
    1/8 cup cottage cheese 30 cs
    6 walnuts 50 cs

    snack attack:
    chai tea 30 cs
    gingerbread cookies: 225 cs
    1 glass milk 120 cs.

    Total so far: 1600 cs
    Activity : 15,841 steps
    Calories burned: 731 pedometer
    Calories burned: 191 (15 min HR 167;5 min HR 118)
    total burned: 922 cs
    AMR: 2507
    EXPECTED LBS LOST. .26 lbs
  • Jen It sounds like you are doing really well with the weight loss. DH is taking the ACV once or twice a day, it just depends on how he feels. He should probably take it before each meal. I asked him if he is having sugar cravings. He said "no, I haven't been eating sugar" and then I realized that we don't really have many sweets right now. We have a container of cookies (Christmas gift from a vender) and he has had 1 or 2 a day. That's not bad for him. He actually told someone he knows (that has diabetes pretty bad) about the Bragg's. I have not found the tea, but I have been adding cinnamon to his coffee (I always do this for myself). We'll see how it goes.

    Breakfast (380 Calories + coffee)
    Spinach Omelet
    spritz olive oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 cal
    Handful of spinach
    2% cheese 40 cal
    high fiber english muffin 100 cal
    honey 60 cal
    coffee w/sugar and cream
    juice 50 cal

    Lunch (300 + Mayo)
    2 Slices of bread 80 Calories
    thinnest swipe of mayo & mustard I could do
    4 Slices Hormel Naturals Ham 60 Calories
    1 Slice 2% Sharp Cheddar Cheese 60 Calories
    Iceberg lettuce
    Pringles 100 Calorie packs

    Captain's Wafers 210 Calories
    Crab Dip 200 Calories
    She Crab Soup 300 Calories
    Corn Bread 75 Calories

    Cathe's Cardio Kicks
  • yay, for the sugar cravings not being as bad. I am guessing he usually cleans out the cookie jar? Well, I am glad he is seeing positive results. Yay for putting cinnamon in coffee..that is a good idea. Black coffee also has the ability to bring blood sugar down.

    Well, i am tired for today...and I stuck to my overall plan, except I did a little more activity, tomorrow is a very busy day.

    I am picking up a friend who had a baby from the hospital
    My son has a production
    I have to sell my books
    I have to go shopping
    we have to finish putting up lights.

    gah...Just going to wake up and hit the day running...
  • Good Morning All

    Here is my 12/17/2009
    Breakfast - 1/2 whole wheat pita + 1 boiled egg + 1 banana
    Snack AM - 1 yoghurt + spinach salad with walnuts, goat cheese, dried cranberries and a fat free tangerine and lime dressing
    Lunch - Salmon Wrap (whole wheat tortilla, salmon and mayo, lettuce, tomato, chedder cheese)
    Snack PM - 1 apple
    Dinner - 1 veggie burgar (no bun) with ketchup, melted light chedder cheese and grilled red onions + salad with spinach and tomato.

    Approx: 1400 Cals

    Drinking: 1 morning coffee + 2L water throughout the day + 1 diet pepsi

    Have a happy and healthy OP day
  • Quote: Hi Lauren,

    I'm so glad you decided to check us out.

    It looks like you have a great plan for the day. I love kickboxing. Are you participating at a gym or do you workout at home with videos? I workout with videos.
    I do kickboxing at the gym here at work - this was only my 3rd class and I am really enjoying it, really work up a sweat!
  • Sunni You haven't been posting your foods. Is everything OK? I'm just wanting to check on you.
  • well went up a lb from yesterday, but overall still on track! Probably the gingerbread cookies and water weight...

    So tired today...really going to rest today, if I can.

    Plan 1535 cs 1000 activity. no exercise.

    1 m banana 100 cs
    1/8 c cottage cheese 30cs
    pineapple chunks: 70 cs

    chai tea: green tea, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, 1tsp honey, 2 tbsp milk: 35 cs

    ON the run

    1 prepared grilled chicken salad
    1 oz chicken meat 50 cs
    1/2 boiled egg 35 cs
    1/8 cup cheese 30 cs
    1 packet honey mustard 130 cs

    1 mint dark chocolate muskateer: 150 cs

    walnuts and almonds 250 cs
    1/2 c 15 bean soup w/deer meat (dinner, but couldn't wait!) 120 cs
    ginger bread cookie 45 cs
    special herb tea 34 cs

    1 cup 15 bean soup 240 cs
    1 mounds 80 cs
    2 gingerbread cookies 90 cs

    3 slices turkey 30cs
    1/2 pc provolone cheese 50 cs

    total cs: 1567
    Total activity: 609 cs
    AMR: 2194
    daily deficit: 627
    expected lbs lost: .18

    sunni, really missing ya and echo's frequent posting!
  • Lauren Is the dog in your Avatar your pet. I love dogs. We have a spoiled rotten black lab. He stays at our business during we week, because we work so many hours, and then he comes home with us on the weekend. He has also decided that he is a lap dog, which is interesting since he is a big dog, LOL.

    Jen I'm tired, too. The weekend is almost here. I can't wait to sleep late.

    Breakfast (340 Calories + coffee)
    Spinach Omelet
    spritz olive oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 cal
    Handful of spinach
    2% cheese 40 cal
    high fiber english muffin 100 cal
    1 teaspoon strawberry preserves 20 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream
    juice 50 cal

    Lunch (300 + Mayo)
    2 Slices of bread 80 Calories
    thinnest swipe of mayo & mustard I could do
    4 Slices Hormel Naturals Ham 60 Calories
    1 Slice 2% Sharp Cheddar Cheese 60 Calories
    mixed lettuces
    Pringles 100 Calorie packs

    We went to eat at an oriental buffet. I ate mostly veggies and lean meats. I avoided rice and the noodles. I also had 3 mugs of green tea, unsweetened.

    ~Super Body Sculpt Lower Body
    ~HHA's Ab Sculpt
    ~Turbo Kick Round 32 (40 Minutes)
    ~1/2 of Turbo Kick Turbo Sport (about 20 minutes)