Beck Diet For LIfe/Solution – March 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Hi all....have had a difficult weekend....haven't been able to sleep...up for 3-4 hours during the night and am operating about a pint low. Forgot a client on Friday and a meeting on Sunday. It's been tough staying on target with being so tired but I've been chewing a lot of gum, which seems to help.

    In skimming back over posts....Bill, congrats on entering your third year of maintenance. Wahoo and hubba hubba! I had to laugh when reading your experience at Costco....had the same problem with the "tastings". And of course I'm sure I underestimated when I tried to put a calorie count on them.

    One by one, terrific on finding an outfit...such a satisfying feeling. Now once your hair is cut you'll feel like a new you. And congrat on the weight loss.

    Davidette, good for you on following through on going to the gym in spite of your mood. Getting those endorphines up makes such a difference.

    Jen, congrats on your .2 loss. Love these new scales that post fractional weight losses.

    Ann, glad to see you're racing again. Lots of nice incentive there.

    The exercise ball, of all sizes, is a great tool. I've been using a smaller ball with my more able clients for pilates exercises. And my seniors love the balls (slightly larger than baseball)I bring to makes exercising so much more fun...somehow they reach a little harder when they have the ball to use as an extension. It's fun for me trying to figure out exercises for them to do with them...keeps me from getting bored as well.

    Am discouraged about my art...I retired from my desk job so I could spend more time doing art, along with my teaching, and I'm just not making enough time to practice. It's my last big area of insecurity and anxiety. I need to buckle down and create! And if I'm painting I won't be eating, so it's a double benefit.

    Like Jen, exercise is calling....need something to keep me awake until I can close my eyes for the night.

    Re 60-90 minutes a day of exercise. That doesn't have to be all at once, and you can do functional stuff and count it in, such as taking the steps at work, or parking far away in a parking lot. Every little bit can apply. Studies have been done that show breaking exercise up into smaller bits is just as effective. And don't forget jiggling your leg, or marching in place while you talk on the phone....or getting down on the floor and roughhousing with your kids....all apply.
  • Monday, Monday
    Beck – WI-down 1 lb. Read my cards, made plan for the day. (Credit!)
    Food – op –Exercise – op. I woke up sore, but feeling invigorated. I had taken a break from my usual morning exercise (15 mins yoga followed by a 1 mile walk) since Thursday. This morning, the yoga felt great – in fact my muscle soreness was gone by the time I was done. And the walk felt great – it made me smile a big wide grin! The soreness returned after working all day – but c’est la vie… Credit moi for pushing through the last 2 weeks so I could have a day like today again.
    Jeanie I can’t imagine being under the pressure and demands that you are. The fact that you are still moving forward is a testament to your strength and resolve. I’d say just try to eat reasonably, and move/exercise when you can. I salute you and hope things get better soon.

    Anne re-400 calories/day to maintain --- That’s a very interesting, and easy to remember, stat. 400 calories a day is eminently reasonable. I’m currently burning about 2500 calories/week, and that’s not likely to change for a couple of months. But I think I can get to 2800 calories/week sometime in May/June... Maybe sooner, but I'm trying not to set myself up for failure.

    It has been an awfully rough time for you, so it’s not surprising that you are 'saturated' and have not been ‘caring.’ Even so you’ve made your exercise and food plans – amazing dedication. I am always amazed by your level of exercise, but your summer plans are beyond amazing! But please give yourself some leeway to rest sometimes.

    maryblu The description of your breakfast made me hungry – and this right after eating my lunch! And I am completely full (not the ‘not quite full’ you so eloquently described). It’s an interesting re-definition of fullness that I have never considered. It’s something I’ll ponder for a day or two, I think… I never thought of the danger of cats and dogs being carried away – I just loved having the eagles in the neighborhood. I’m glad I don’t let our cat wander, and may explain why we don’t see cats in the area, even feral ones.

    Bill Flip-flops – Boston must have been much warmer than Maine yesterday! It was about 54 degrees here, but I suppose those folks weren’t walking on ice. Hope you are enjoying your strawberries, the winter strawberries seem to be better this year, don’t you think?

    one by one 257 It’s nice to see your hard work paying off! I’m so impressed by how much exercise you got done! And so intrigued by the wobbly… I have never exercised while watching guilty-pleasure TV, so thanks for showing me a new path. Hope the rest of your day is just as up-beat!

    Tera Bravo for the weight loss and Credit for the reasonable attitude toward exercise. for increasing your pool aerobics this week! Re doing more on weekends – that is kind of what I do. I don’t ‘plan’ for it in case I don’t have the energy. But I am trying to plan for fun ways I could exceed my plans every weekend.

    davidette Cool that DD credits your hard work in the realm of moderation. Perhaps it’s worthy of a Memory Card? Re – graduate school – it is a grueling process. Everyone I’ve talked to who’s been through it has horror stories (myself included). She probably needs the rest and, then, needs to have some fun with you. A little bit of recreation time in addition to sleep is probably called for… Have fun at yoga tonight!!

    JenMusic Considering how busy you are going to be this week – that was a lovely upbeat post. Good luck with your reasonable goals for the week – credit! And congrats on your weight moving in the right direction.

    Susan Sorry you haven’t been able to sleep – that’s really tough. It makes it hard to think, eat right, exercise… You have a lot of balls in the air right now. Perhaps it makes sense to let something fall by the wayside until you start sleeping again…
  • Coaches/Buddies I was so on plan today, I amazed even myself. I tolerated hunger, I ate what and when I was thinking when I wrote out my plan.

    I ran this morning, 2.25 miles, and had an amazing run. No nasty critters, just some bunnies and quail. Possibly a chipmunk or ground squirrel--no glasses so not completely sure. I had to really talk myself into it though because I woke up so tired and almost climbed back into bed when the family left for school/work. Next run is a 2.5 miler on Wednesday. Tomorrow is some calisthenics for some light strength training, including the dreaded lunges, and a spin on the bike, probably the trainer since sunrise isn't quite early enough but that changes quickly this time of year.

    Plan is done for tomorrow, and I need to read my RC and do my checklist for the day. I'm starting up the RKO system from BTYSP again, now that I have some clarity of thought.

    maryblu You are the inspiration for my hunger tolerance. I'm going to do some experiments, but want to attempt them in a "safe" fashion and I'm not sure I have my head together quite enough yet. I'm almost done with Inkheart, another couple of chapters, and I'll have a bit more time to read my diet stuff again and get situated with it.

    Bill Here's to warmer weather and strawberries. My Boston 5K entry was accepted so order up some nice weather for me on 19 April!

    onebyone Yay for 257, the wobbly and the Wii! Once again your post sounds so positive, so yay for that, too!

    Tera for 100%. I got stuck about 180 too. And being about 110 pounds down, I decided "good enough" and just stayed there. I think I drifted down a bit more, but that was essentially it. I sort of wanted to get to a "normal" BMI, but I could do everything that was on my Advantages list at the time and then some (I did't call it an Advantages list back then, but it was) so I figured I was "done." I could do what I wanted, have a piece of cake once in a while, and my blood work was fabulously healthy.

    I love to run! It is such hard work, and I always feel like I've really accomplished something hard, whether I run a single mile or 26. I'm always proud of myself when I do it, and that keeps me going. And wanting more of that feeling also helps me keep the weight off. I race to push myself, and I do triathlon to cross train to keep the injuries down, plus it is just fun. If someone had told me 10 years ago I'd be like this now, I'd have laughed until I peed in my pants. The changes we can make! If I had one wish for everyone to keep weight off, it would be to find something active that they absolutely love and make it a hobby and daily part of life.

    davidette I continue to be so impressed by your natural ability at moderation, once you've put your mind to it. I have to be so careful. There are still foods I can't eat just one of. Very nice to have the admiration of your DD!

    JenMusic Have fun at your family reunion! Glad your scale continues to move in the right direction.

    Susan Ouch about the sleep! Nothing like being tired to reduce personal functionality to nil. I need to buckle down and create! Wow!

    ChinaMaine Glad your soreness was gone! Maybe you need more recovery time than most of us, especially with all the issues you've got going. Could you try every other day for a while, maybe? No worries for me, I get at least one day a week of rest from exercise. Well, "rest" may be a bit overstated with the kiddos, but it is so important to me, and when I'm stressed or not sleeping well, I make sure to get at least two days off.

    'Night guys!

  • Tuesday
    Diet Coaches/Buddies - Am rather taken by the current Beck quotes on hunger. Yep, Dr. Beck, I'm one of those people who use raw vegetables to avoid hunger. So, there's room here to work on accepting hunger as a normal feeling. I remember that now, but have drifted away from that thought. Oh Well.

    Another session at the gym with the weights - reduced to stay within the tolerance of the left elbow. CREDIT moi. Added one pull up. One is a small number but they do stress the elbow more that most things. It's a challenge for me to accept working back slowly. I like the BIG numbers on the weights. So I got to drink my white feather protein shake also. Whatever it takes, LOL.

    The Wobbly Athlete (onebyone) - Just WOW, WOW, and triple WOW at all the great exercising. Yep, Kudos for the positive outlook and for sneaking in some exercising during normal veg time. I also found that I really like doing crunches on the wobbly that I don't want to do on the mat - just more fun. And Congrats on the new low scale reading. And thanks to the Aussies for such a good name for the exercise ball; they use the English language well down under.

    Jean (kuhljeanie) - Waving. Sending supportive thoughts for remaining sane despite more VP in your life than needed.

    Anne (wndranne) - Kudos for ignoring the siren call of the bed and running for 2.25 miles. Happy "dreaded lunges" day today. And Big Congrats on acceptance into the Boston 5K on April 19th. Marking my calendar for a Beck reunion of some sort.

    Tera (twilit tera) - Kudos for being OP, for adding to your pool exercise time, and for wearing shoes. Yay for being upbeat again after having the group project successfully behind you (and for, presumably, doing the biology homework).

    ChinaMaine - Yay for yoga removing the soreness of your muscles. Yep, Kudos for pushing through the last two weeks working on this. And Yep, I did notice that the winter strawberries were sweeter this year; thought it was just me.

    davidette - Yay for a high five from your DD. Kudos for raising a DD who is able to see a person behind mommy. Methinks you're being most wise by focusing on the "healthy habits" instead of the weight loss. Your St. Thomas memories of sweaters jogged up one of mine. I made some comment about swimming and a native looked at me with disdain, "We don't swim until summer." Good grief, I had flown all the way to St. Thomas just to feel some mid-winter warmth.

    Jen (JenMusic) - Ouch for a slammed week. Yay for chasing the endorphins to brace for it. Hope all the family support and encourage your lifestyle. Maybe you can get them all to exercise with you.

    Susan (jivingandthriving) - Ouch for the lack of sleep and forgetting. Hope that's just in passing so that you can get back on track. It's a good start to focus on your goal for doing more art and to look for strategies for scheduling more time for it. Doesn't sound like it will just happen on its own. Good luck with that.

    Readers -
    Success Skill 6 experiment 2
    Prove to yourself that hunger isn't an emergency.
    Some diet programs encourage you to fill up on on such "free foods" as raw vegetables to avoid hunger. The problem with that advice is that you never learn to tolerate the very normal sensation of hunger. And when free foods aren't easily available, you are likely to fill up on other foods.
    The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 76
  • Thanks for all the support everybody. I was actually down about a half a pound today. My back is killing me--sleeping scrunched up on the sofa must not be good for it. I couldn't sleep well since I had an argument on the phone with a friend last night. She asked me to do something I felt uncomfortable with and I said no. But then I worried about it at night. I did write a food plan yesterday, and stuck to it somewhat. I only went 65 calories over for the day, which is great for me. I also took the Beck Workbook with me and read a bit of it on the subway. My current plan is to read some of it every day on the way to work. And if I do some of the exercises in it, great. I read through the cards from the back of the workbook yesterday, and they are now in the front pocket of my diet journal, which I carry around. I'm sure that writing here a couple of days ago helped me a lot. You are such a great group of people! Only a few personals--I read a bit this morning and took notes...
    tera, I read some your blog and loved it. Good for you for your exercises.
    One by one, yay for the weight loss!
    Jiving and Thriving, art was my hobby for a long time and I haven't been doing it for a few years. I want to! It would be good for the eating and the obsessing, I'm sure. I have to find a place to do it and some courage!
    China Marie, kudos for exercise!
    Anne, What is RKO system for BTYSP? Your running sounded wonderful. All I have is concrete and sparrows around here. Still, no excuse for not taking a walk at least. I am so glad you love runnng.
    Bill, Davette, and everybody, thanks for the kind words of support regarding my not-so-easy life situation.
    I'm still struggling with a bad cold. I will try to go to the gym today or at least take a longish walk. You are all an inspiration to me with your (what seems to me) rigorous exercise schedules. Everybody have a great OP day! PS: Phil is feeling much better, and went to a meeting last night after work! He is a naturally positive person, and more even-tempered than me.
  • jenmusic weight down and CREDIT focusing on taking care of yourself, not the scale #s. Kudos for recognizing exercise = endorphins = (and following through!) Enjoy the reunion and good luck!

    jivingand thriving lack of sleep. Maybe the "5 minutes is better than 0 minutes" would help get you started on painting? tips on functional exercise; I have a heck of a time spotting those movements that over the long run can make a difference.

    chinamaine feeling invigorated, collecting rewards of the past 2 weeks of determination!

    Anne Your description of running sounds so delightful I almost wish I were a runner! I do look for that point about 15 or 20 minutes into aerobic activity where I stop having to push myself and my body takes over.

    Re: I think my new found moderation ability is based on competing with myself ("I can TOO do it!"); that and when that craving for another kicks in, I remind myself I can have another one tomorrow. I also think competing with myself is rather dangerous, sooner or later I will set myself up for failure. Something for me to watch. Do you compete with yourself when you run, or just plain enjoy it?

    Bill Thanks to maryblu I'm also dissecting my hunger behaviors; I'm not scared of hunger because I don't eat in response to hunger, I eat in response to cravings and desire. At this point I believe I am incapable of maintaining a normal weight by eating in response to hunger because I've so distorted the natural mind body connection I was born with. Dismaying, but there are worse things to live with.

    CREDIT keeping those weights light; I'm sure it's hard, but as you know it would be harder to start all over with elbow rehab.

    lilyyoung CREDIT writing food plan. Great idea to plan reading the workbook on the subway. Hope your long gym walk chased that cold away. I agree, I feel very lucky to have such a capable and caring group here; interacting has made a huge difference in my weight management.

    Didn't go to yoga. me. It was cold and rainy, I was tired and hungry and I hate going out at night. Even though this is a wonderful yoga teacher, I may have to accept the fact that it's just not me to exercise at night. " Notifying" my coaches was a last ditch effort to force myself to go. Now I feel doubly guilty after reading everyone's congratulations, but I know that's not helping anybody so I'll remind myself I am pretty good about my daytime exercise schedule and I will have to add a yoga program in the daytime (this teacher does not have daytime classes ) OH WELL.

    On a lighter note, yesterday alone I resisted lunch out, making guacamole, and adding cheese to my sandwich. DD, being so much younger, can have so many more calories than I! "That's not about me" was my mantra.

  • Good Morning this will be short...
    Hi Coaches

    Just checking in real quick before I go out to catch the bus to school. I have to do work in the ceramic studio today BUT I managed to find myself a ceramic room volunteer (yay!) so we are going to do the work together this morning. I totally nad completely forgot that night classes continue as pre the usual during the march break so the evil ceramic instructor is in tonight and tomorrow night and Thursday. *sigh* so I'd better get on it and give her something to complain about.... Last week she ticked off the administration yet again by stopping by the ceramic supply place and personally picking up the order for the studio. The panicked store owner called the school as she didn't have a PO # and paperwork for the order and this made Val in the office get it to her doubletime. Lots of grrrrrs all around due to this person who thinks "it will not get done unless I do it". She does that all the time. I'll spend a good bunch of time tohis morning hunting down the order now as I didn't put it away. And for all I know, she may have already mixed the glazes up too--thereby reinforcing in her mind my incompetance. "It won't get done right unless I do it."


    So off I go. I may get into the print room today. I need to print a few linoleum blocks for a bigger project. Then I have to get those prints photocopied so I can make some copies of the images onto red paper at the photocopy place. When I get those I can transfer the copies onto my giant silkscreen print of a sheet of bus tickets. Exciting! But a few steps away yet...

    Better go. Yikes. Can't be late!

    Have a great day.

    PS did 23 min on the wii fit this morning
  • Was up a pound at this morning's weigh in. Decided to relook at yesterday’s eating and see where I went wrong. Definitely with dinner. Ate way more meat loaf than I had intended, and much too much mango chutney on top. And then of course, three bananas, one of them with sun butter, compounded the overeating. The earlier part of the day was fine. I didn’t snack at all, or overindulge. So it all boils down to the evening, when I was tired and my resistance was so low from lack of sleep.

    Had a full night's sleep, and felt rested this morning. Tried eating breakfast without reading. Was able to do so. Tried to focus on tasting each bite, savoring the flavor and texture. Was hard. Mind tended to wander, but I did eat slower, putting down spoon after every bite, and drinking plenty of water. Nice thing about mind wandering was that I started thinking about my art and what I wanted to do for my homework assignment, so it involved creative thinking. Hmmm…even if I wasn’t able to stay focused on the food, it did bring a positive element into the meal.

    Did two dvd videos, one pilates, one cardio. Feel rested, refreshed and ready to recommit.

    Onebyone, came in after the fact re your ceramics instructors evil ways, but from the little you've written since I started, she sounds like a real pill. When I worked for someone evil, I used to try picturing them naked with all sorts of physical imperfections, which then made me grin internally and helped me deal with them.

    Davidette, I know what you mean about night classes; the intention is there, but the energy just doesn't rise to the occasion. Good for you for learning what works and what doesn't work.

    Lily, congrats about being down weight wise.

    Anne, isn't a good run like heaven on earth!?! I remember when I used to run how sometimes I would get the giggles because it felt oh so good. ChinaMaine, obviously you know what I mean...your walks do the same for you. Can't wait for the rain to stop falling so I can get out as well.

    Everyone....have a great day.
  • Monday Report

    100% OP (Food, Supplements, AI, Pool, Walk, 3FC, Electronics, Bed)

    WI: steady

    There's not much else to report, really. Hip pain is elevated to the point where it's reducing my stretches, but it's not as bad as it could be by far.

    Biology lab was a smidge late, but this is so uncharacteristic of me (who usually has things done a couple days before deadline) that the Prof took it in stride. Oh, and I got a letter from the Interim President of the college! I'm on the honor roll and they gave me a nifty discount ID that I can use with local merchants! Free dental exam! 1/2 off massages! And... some other stuff, I'm not sure what.

    Being on the honor roll is a big deal for me. I almost didn't graduate high school.

    Davidette: Hooray for kudos from the "kid." for maintaining your exercise schedule, despite lack of interest from same. I hope the healthy restaurant finder does help out. I know having your daughter home increases dining out.

    Go do that Yoga! (oops... never mind.) What got me thinking about exercise this time was reaching that section in Break Through Your Set Point. Dr. Blackburn recommends working your exercise around your natural preferences rather than your preferences around your exercise schedule. In otherwords, some people use exercise to charge themselves up for the day ahead and others use it to wind down from a stressful day of work. Either schedule is fine - the key is to fit it into your lifestyle so it isn't a struggle to get it done.

    for exercising your resistance muscle and using Beck strategies!

    Jen: Good luck on the family reunion schedule modification and for using exercise to combat rainy Monday blues.

    Susan: Thanks for the exercise tip and I do hope you find your inspiration and get painting again. Maybe you should aim at painting something completely juvenile and embarrassing. Then nothing you ever paint afterward will be as bad as that!

    for using a WI as an opportunity to retrace your steps. I don't think it's reasonable to expect 100% mindful eating. But there are degrees. There's a difference between letting the mind wander a bit, and intentionally settup up distractions like TV and books.

    ChinaMaine: for continuing to being completely OP!

    Anne: You continue to be an inspiration to me! for being OP. for running 2 1/4 miles! for tolerating hunger!

    Bill: If you can't resist (after all you've learned and done) FREE food. Can you plan for it? I mean, can you make a plan that includes FREE food?

    Heck, you're maintaining and have been for so long, maybe it's just not a problem. But your posts sound like its something that bothers you - this one area of your life that you don't have control over.

    Thank you for all the kudos. You give me credit for things I forget to! I need to get as good at that as you are!

    Lily: Excellent work, fitting Beck reading into your cramped schedule. Sorry to hear about the falling out with your friend. I'm glad you enjoyed the blog and that Phil is doing better.

    onebyone: ECI (Evil Ceramics Instructor) sounds like someone with some serious trust issues. She also sounds like someone who doesn't know the difference between "done right" and "done the way I would have done it."

    for wii fit workout! Hooray for some assistance in the ceramic room! Go get'm Tiger!

    Here's the part where I go get breakfast!
  • St. Patrick's Day
    Where is everyone?? – drinking green beer?
    Beck – WI-down .25 lbs. I’m just a whisper away from my old low on 2/28! Read my cards, made plan for the day. (Credit)
    Food – op –Exercise – op. Did the Upper Body Workout (credit moi), a little sore afterwards, but tomorrow will tell the real tale…
    I heard there will be folks laid off where I work -- no details, just anxiety... oh well, I'll try to put myself in a good position, not much else I can do.
    Anne Hoorah! For a great day yesterday! I’m not ready to change my approach yet. I have a theory based on looking at my logged data over the last 2 months; I should know within 2 weeks if my theory seems right.

    Bill Credit for rethinking how you handle hunger. And credit for some great, yet moderate, work at the gym! Baby steps!

    lilyyoung Credit for the great progress on all fronts!

    davidette Credit for eating op when being with DD must have made it tempting to go a bit off-plan. Too bad about yoga yesterday, but sounds like you have a good plan for the future – credit!

    one by one Well you certainly have a charmer to work for! I hope today went better than expected and credit for the wii fit time!!

    Susan Glad you slept last night! As always I’m amazed at all the exercise you do – you and Anne are my role models! Credit for using your weight as a source of useful information.

    Tera Sorry your hip is hurting today – but credit for all that op stuff! And glad your weight is holding steady. Congrats for the honor roll! And credit for letting your HS experience to give you perspective, so it helps you appreciate your success now.
  • evening addendum
    Hi coaches

    Well I went into the studio and it's just so much better there having someone to work with (the volunteer). We made the glazes and figured out the firing schedule for the week. I forgot we had kids' clay classes this week for march break and that means the work goes in and out of the kiln in one week, wet clay or not. So the kiln is dictating my life this work week. O well. I totally forgot about that. I really was on March Break in my mind, totally and completely away from all things "school". So I'm in again in the morning but I may have time to get some printmaking done tomorrow if I can get into the studio.

    And tonight I did a half-hearted wobbly workout, (credit moi for doing extra) about 25min worth but not focused at all, but I did do something extra. I'm distracted as my mind is going back to school projects and what's due and what will be due. And how much I still have to DO. Ugh. AND I have a meeting with the other "city art school teachers" in the evening. if I have course proposals for the fall tomorrow's the day to submit them. So I have some work to do for 5pm tomorrow night.

    Okay that's it. See you guys tomorrow.
  • Coaches/Buddies Another on plan day today. Food was good, exercise good. I got in 27 minutes on the WiiFit this morning, including lunges, and 45 minutes on the trainer with my bike tonight. I read my RCs and a chapter in BTYSP.

    It feels good to have a good day, and I'm proud of doing nice things for myself. I'm running again tomorrow morning. 2.5 miles.

    Bill I have mixed feelings about the hunger stuff myself. On the one hand, it is good to be able/willing to tolerate some degree, but on the other, it is uncomfortable, and I don't see much harm in raw veggies. There's probably a time for both strategies.

    Lily You are doing such a good job reading Beck during otherwise down time!

    BTYSP is Break Through Your Set Point by George Blackburn, which seems to be becoming our second favorite book around here. Here is my review.

    davidette I think competing with yourself is pretty natural. It is just important to remember that we are all human and have moments of success and failure. I sometimes find I can double dog dare myself into doing something stupid. I both compete with myself and just enjoy running.

    Figure out a new yoga plan that works for you! I know with a little creativity that you can do it.

    onebyone Glad you picked up a volunteer and sorry 'bout the evil instructor. Nice job on the WiiFit! Have you opened the bubble race yet? I found that one to be very hard.

    Susan Good for using your weight upswing as a reason to take a look at what you are eating, but at some point it'll happen for no apparent reason too. Hurray for sleep and mindful eating!

    Tera Nice job on your 100% and sorry your hip pain is elevated!

    One step at a time. We can all do this.

    ChinaMaine Green Beer LOL! Get your whispering done! Let us know how your theory plays out.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • Wednesday
    Diet Coaches/Buddies - Remembered to wear a green shirt for Saint Paddy's day yesterday. Wasn't the best green, but green enough. One consequence of losing down a few sizes is that I've lost my old stash of clothes for infrequent events such as Saint Paddy's day. It'll take time to get motivated to replace them all. Oh Well, no regrets; Kelly green isn't my color anyway.

    Took a walk after work. CREDIT moi. Past the Irish pubs nearby and got reminded that the pub crowds are huge to celebrate with green beer. Saw two police cars going in to one pub for a head count (enforcing fire laws maximum) and heard one bouncer firmly keeping a line of people outside even though they were all dressed in green, including many Boston Celtic shirts. It was a happy street crowd.

    onebyone - However you managed to arrange it, Kudos for having a volunteer to work with in the ceramics studio; neat how working with someone can make it happen so much easier. And Kudos for your ha-wobbly session. I just love it that you are now one of the "city art school teachers". Have you adjusted to that new image of yourself yet?

    Anne (wndranne) - Kudos for the lunges and Kudos for another ho-hum day of on-plan food and on-plan exercise. May you continue ho-humming along.

    Thanks for the thought, "There's probably a time for both strategies." Beck is being a bit black-and-white for my taste here. For example, raw veggies are a great strategy when cooking and feeling the desire to nibble all the food being prepared. And a great supplement to a meal to bring in the feeling of fullness. I understand her example in today's quote about Phillip who stashes food to prevent any feeling of hunger. Oh Well; think I'll continue to work on this one a bit.

    Tera (twilit tera) - Congrats on earning your place on the Honor Roll. Yay for a discount ID - may it save you bundles. And Kudos for doing your school work so punctually that one biology lab being late is ignored.

    Yep, my attraction to FREE food bothers me because I go back to the out-of-control place of my previous life of constantly grazing, wanting to eat everything. And Yep, the number of calories involved can get covered, but losing control feels like a wormhole into a bad universe. It's so interesting that the Beck strategy of planning almost always works, so it's not like a physical addiction that I can't control. I'll keep working it. Thanks for the comments.

    ChinaMaine - Ouch for tales of pending layoffs. Methinks that the worst part of a weak economy is the that the level of anxiety increases even higher than the actual problem. Congrats on nearing your previous low scale reading. And Kudos for your upper body work and plan for the day.

    And speaking of sweet, the mango I had after dinner was absolutely the sweetest I've ever had - a mind blower. If they were always that good I'd probably become an addict.

    Lily (llilyyoung) - Kudos for incorporating Beck reading into your subway time. Ouch for the the back that's killing and Big Ouch for the uncomfortable confrontation with your friend. Hopefully she can get past it and the friendship grows based on her respect for your values and choices.

    davidette - Yep, count me also in that group who would love to join the "eat when you're hungry, stop when satisfied" crowd but can't because my hunger and stop sensations are distorted. Kudos for guacamole instead of eating out. And Kudos for " 'That's not about me' was my mantra." Love being reminded of that one.

    Susan (jivingandthriving) - Yay for facing the day fully rested. Kudos for working on the reading at breakfast strategy - neat that you spent some time thinking about your art. Breakfast for me is the morning newspaper, so my compromise is to start by thinking about each item I'm consuming, and to specifically taste each component. Love doing this with my granola and fruit since there are a bunch of items to note. Then I'm on to paper while working on slowly and one bite at a time.

    LOL at "picturing them naked with all sorts of physical imperfections." Like that fighting evil with evil.

    Readers -
    Success Skill 6 experiment 2
    Prove to yourself that hunger isn't an emergency.
    Phillip doubted his ability to tolerate hunger, and he engaged in certain unhelpful behaviors to avoid it. He was always thinking about how, when, and where he could get food in case he got hungry before his next meal. He consistently overate at meals to ensure that he wouldn't feel hungry later on. He kept extra food in various places - his car and office desk - just in case he got hungry. He was continually giving himself the message that it was bad to be hungry, that he couldn't tolerate hunger. This incorrect thinking is exactly what I want to free you from!
    The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 76
  • Tuesday Report
    100% OP (Food, Supplements, Pool, Walking, AI, 3FC, Electronics, Bed)

    Extra Credit: Yummy experiment using whole grain biscuit mix and organic hotdogs, tolerating hunger waiting for necessary ingredients

    WI: down 6 to NEW LOW

    Taking a day off from the pool. The bursitis pain level has been abnormally high for a few days, so I'm going to try a rest to give it a chance to recover. Hopefully the pain level will go down and I can stretch it some.

    ChinaMaine: No green beer for me, I'm afraid. for being OP and for your weight loss! Sorry to hear about lay offs. These are scary times.

    onebyone: Speaking of scary times... would it be at all helpful to keep a calendar. I find it very useful just to put everything going on down on... well, not paper - not in the digital age. I'm partial to MS Outlook. But anything would do, even a list on notebook paper. Almost like trapping all the stuff that's piling up on me and helping me prioritize them.

    for extra exercise - even half-hearted exercise. Especially during stressful times.

    Anne: OP! Hope your run will go/is going/went well. I've been looking up exercise calorie calculators, to figure out what "400 calories a day" looks like. They all say something different! Thinking about it... I don't imagine any two people doing the same exercise necessarily burning the same amount, due to variations in body mass and tolerance for intensity...How do you know what you're burning?

    I've added what Dr. Blackburn has written about disinhibition to what Beck has taught me about resistance. They're both writing about the same thing, just approaching it from different angles. Tolerating a little hunger to eat a planned meal an hour later is "good". Letting yourself go all day without food until you're on the verge of a binge is "bad". The former decreases your likelihood for disinhibition over a little hunger later. The latter increases our likelihood for disinhibition sooner. What they're really both talking about is staying in control.

    Bill: Kelly green is someone's color??? WHOSE? for your walk. Sounds like an even more fun experience than being one of those people in line for green beer.

    Time for breakfast!

  • Still in family reunion prep and crazy to-do list. Hope you're all well!