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  • Sure thang! What's extra 30 minutes tacked on to my hour and 1/2? hehe!

    I am def steeping it up gf! I wanna do well this time around! We are getting a Pool this weekend and I don't wanna be all embarrassed all summer long, much less on our vaction in July. I am getting back to 1200 to 1500 calories a day, 5 day's a week of working out, Active weekends, and 60 to 80 oz's of H2O a day!!!
  • Chellez....my plan it to let Bob know Im here for him as a friend at first...build a trusting healty realtionship...then POUNCE!!!! Bob....*sigh* whats a straight girl to do with you...whats that you want me to do more squats?? ok..stand beside me though..make sure Im doing them right... DID I JUST SAY THAT??? yes yes I did...such a sinner

    I'll take what I can get
  • morning all...

    i'm up 0.4 today... which isn't bad considering its my TOM. oh well... water water water... maybe that'll help. speaking of which... are we gonna do a water challenge??? we talked about it... but nothing has come of it..

    ok i have to ask... who is this Bob guy you guys are talking about?? by the way.. i never watched the biggest loser show *gasp* lol
  • Evening all
    Just got a minute to pop in and give a and some 's I think we've had a good first week.
    My WW meeting was great today and I had my weigh in which I'm down 2.4 lbs, which is good considering my TOM came this morning. I wasn't expecting a loss at all. I'm really digging this program!!! I know this is something I can do the rest of my life and be happy with.
    Today for exercise I walked with my son to school, so roundtrip it was 2miles and then I mowed the front and backyard, which took an hour. So I feel good, Mondays are my 'day off' from working out.

    Candle Good to see you and WTG on your weight loss this week!!! What kind of puppy are you getting?

    Well I better get going on dinner. Have a great evening. I'll try to check in later.
  • My weight was back down to my original weigh in weight so it wasn't a true gain I guess.
    I've had a fabulous Monday so far...got up at 6:15 and did my short t-tapp workout and then went on a walk/run outside! It was only 35 minutes total, but hey- it's a start! And I've been a chicken about the whole outside thing, but I was hot and it was a beautiful morning. There were a few people out - walking dogs, going to work. Guess I'll have to go out even earlier if I don't want to see people, lol.
    I've also done great with my water today- I've lost track of how much I've had.
    My older boys (9 and 6) have soccer tonight and I'm debating about going and doing more walk/running around the track (they play on a field inside a track- so convenient!)-- but my DH might be going tonight. We have 2 younger ones and it's 2 hours so too long for them so one of us needs to stay home. Since he hasn't exercised yet he may want to go.

    Anyway- feels good to be "back at it"-- 6:00 am is so early though! lol. I'm dragging a little. At least I shouldn't have trouble falling asleep
    Gonna do it this time!
  • Well, I did my workouts and now I can't move, LOL!

    Trimming shrubs or trees, manual cutter 20 minutes
    DWTS-Cardio Dance- Cha-Cha, Samba, Paso Doble, and The Jive. 1 Hour
    Lifting Weights to lose Weight 2(Kathy Smith)- 45 minutes

    Still working on the water and the calorie intake is right on as well.
  • Hey Ladies! I'm in class right now so I'll be brief...

    You are doing so well! I'm still missing a few people but its ok.... we are stepping it up in the right direction.

    Michelle... this is our beloved bob...
  • Here's his Myspace too:
  • Diva - good on you to do BOTH the DVD's - that is one big workout!
    How would you rate the DVD's??

    Does anyone have or do the Jillian Michaels workout(s)?
  • WOOHOO I made it thru tonight withput snacking. i had oatmeal just before 7 and now it is 10 and i am going to bed cause my belly is sayin "FEED ME" and my head is saying NO,NO,NO. I am going with my head goodnight

    HEY GIRLS LET'S KICK SOME ***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello Blue Team!

    chellez-I finally figured out how to edit my weight in the sticky. Duh... looks like everyone is doing great.

    I guess I did OK for eating the 1st day of a new challenge week. I am feeling like a need something sweet right now. I guess I will go for a no fat fudge bar with only 80cals.

    Tomorrow I hope to hit the gym-I skipped today because I went from work to a baseball game and just got home and ate a light dinner at 7:30pm.

    I am also slacking in the H2O dept. I love water too. I guess I just need to have it with me all day and then I know I would drink it.

    Well, this certainly sounds like a fun group. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    Good luck this week and we'll chat soon!

  • Quote: Diva - good on you to do BOTH the DVD's - that is one big workout!
    How would you rate the DVD's??

    Does anyone have or do the Jillian Michaels workout(s)?

    GF, Let me tell ya, I am sooo feeling it right now too! LOL! But that's a good thing. I feel like the Kathy Smith one is a little too advanced for me, but I am going to stick with it 3 times a week in addition to my cardio. The DWTS was fun, but I couldn't get the top half of my body to cooperate, LOL! So for now I am concentrating on the steps. It was lost of fun and I was definatly sweating. I'll prolly do this once a week just to keep variety in my workouts.

    I've never done a Julian Michaels workout, but I bet it's a good one!
  • oooh... bob is a cutie! lol

    well off for another night shift... i'm gonna try and get a workout in tomorrow... see how i do after a night shift.. i hate not working out for 4 days in a row (ha! never thought i'd say that!!) anyway.. doin good with the water.. staying on plan... NSV-said no to pizza and had cottage cheese instead! have a great one...
  • Just wanted to give you ladies a quick update.... its 10:02 and all the weights are in. Only two people didn't weigh in so they are going to use freebie weeks.

    I looked earlier and I dont think we won this week but we lost a lot of weight!! I'll let you know in the official post tomorrow morning!
  • Morning Everyone!

    Ah another day of 81 degrees in my neighborhood, I know its just as warm at candle's house (considering she's only 20 mins away!) How's the weather for the rest of you? I hope! We get a big batch of rain tomorrow and Thursday which will cool us down into the 60s for the weekend. Figures it gets cold when I don't have work or school.

    Today is my big weigh in! It'll complete my first full week on WW so I'm eating light today and even put on light clothes. I'm having a hard time pulling myself away from the scale but I keep seeing good numbers at home so I'm hoping that my scale and the WW scales are not that far off. Last time they were only .3 lbs off so I dunno. I weighed this morning on my scale and I'm down to 191 almost 180s again! Wish me this afternoon!

    Speaking of 180s... thats where I got stuck and went backwards last challenge. I think this time around is different because I'm taking the time out to plan!

    As far as challenges, I noticed that people want an exercise challenge (I'm finishing that today and posting it I promise! ) And some want a water challenge. I think we should do the exercise one against the red team then challenge within the team for the water one (sorta like they do the RED WINS challenge and its just for them.) Fair enough?

    I'm missing my cheerleaders! We need to get the team motivated for the upcoming week!

    I have a team motto for this week. I posted it in the result thread but I want to post it here again so you can see it. Heck, I'm taking a post it note out now so I can carry it with me everywhere!

    Team motto/motivation this week:
    "You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be."
    - David Viscott

    As far as results, if the red team does win, don't be bummed out. We as a team lost almost 40 pounds this past week and that's something to be proud of! We can step it up this week and come back with a vengence!

    It's also time for a new Weekly Team Topic! I know you all are so excited about my long post at 9 in the morning

    Weekly Team Topic: What rituals or good luck charms do you do or keep around you on/before weigh in day?

    Personally I didn't start doing this until this week, but I'm wearing lighter clothes and I'm eatting lighter foods today. Notice I didn't say skipping meals all together, just eatting smaller, lighter things in the morning so I'm not on a full stomach by 5:30 when I weigh in.

    That's about all I have for the team in general. I'm going to post that exercise challenge today... How do you want to do the water challenge? X amount of ozs pers week or something where we fill a particular type of thing with water? Let me know what you think.

    Now for personals.... You can faint now if you chose cause this post is a long one!

    - Morning chica! I'm so glad to see you are working out already. Thats something I really need to get a jump on! Do you want to come do my nails too? I can get all the buffing and other craziness done but when it comes to painting my own nails Im really bad at it

    - You really have come a long way! I have about 61 more pounds to lose and I know once I get past a certain point it's going to get harder. I'm dreading the fact I'm loosing all this weight then in 24 months Daniel wants to start trying for a baby. I'll gain all that weight back and I'm so afraid. I know that I'll have the knowledge to make it go away again but still...

    Lisa - I'm so sorry that I totally missed your questions! I'm just getting to catch up on Sunday's posts so let me answer some of those you had. I think you figured out where to post your weight so I won't go over that again I won't post individual losses every week. But every 4 weeks I'll be releasing a chart that has the entire team on it and shows everyones weight and weight loss percentage (I got a tip from Bobbi on the last challenge that it was a huge motivation.) So you'll know where you stand in another 2 weeks. Think of it like a progress report. For the Weekly Team Topics, you just post those here with everything else. Hope this helps!

    Kay - Congrats on getting in that 5K walk and lowering that BMI!

    - Are you new to Weight Watchers as well? For some reason i thought you'd been on it for while... are you on flex or core?

    Emily - How you can be up at 6 am on a Monday and be perky enough to type is beyond me.... I would still be passed out!

    If I didn't get to you I'm sorry! Hope everyone has a great day!

    PS: Drink that water thats calling you from the fridge/water fountain/water bottle/tap!