Aussie Chicks

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  • Oh dear Barb - I'm a "genevieve" and I have enough trouble with people unable to spell or pronounce that!! My niece is due any day now, hoping my sister in law gives her a nice simple name.

    I weighed in at 91.2, same as last week which is a nice escape after Easter!!

    Kylie, I feel your pain - just realised my first assignment is due in a couple weeks and I haven't done any reading, let alone started the assignment.. eek.

    Doing some contract work for my old employer, which I wish I had refused - don't have time and don't have the inclination!!!!
  • OK I am not sure if I am allowed to post so much at one time but I am going to try. The info below really interested me. Lets see what u guys think
    Can you read these right the first time?

    1) The bandage was* wound *around the* wound.
    *2) The farm was used to *produce produce*.
    3) The dump was so full that it had to* refuse* more* refuse*.
    4) We must* polish* the* Polish *furniture.
    5) He could* lead* if he would get the *lead* out.
    6) The soldier decided to *desert *his dessert in the* desert.
    *7) Since there is no time like the *present*, he thought it was time to*present * the*present .*
    8) A* bass* was painted on the head of the* bass* drum.
    9) When shot at, the* dove dove* into the bushes.
    10) I did not* object* to the* object.
    *11) The insurance was* invalid* for the* invalid.
    *12) There was a* row* among the oarsmen about how to *row* .
    13) They were too *close* to the door to *close* it.
    14) The buck* does *funny things when the* does* are present.
    15) A seamstress and a* sewer* fell down into a* sewer* line.
    16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his *sow* to* sow.
    *17) The *wind* was too strong to* wind* the sail.
    18) Upon seeing the* tear* in the painting I shed a* tear.
    *19) I had to* subject* the* subject* to a series of tests.
    20) How can I* intimate* this to my most *intimate* friend?

    But wait there's more
  • Let's face it - English is a crazy language.
    There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
    English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France.
    Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
    We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

    And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
    If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth?
    One goose, 2 geese.
    So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices?
    Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend?
    If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
    If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?
    If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
    Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
    In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
    Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?
    Have noses that run and feet that smell?
    How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
    You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.
    English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all
    That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.
    PS. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"
    *You lovers of the English language might enjoy this .
    There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is **"UP."
    **It's easy to understand **UP* , meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake* UP* ? At a meeting, why does a topic come* UP* ? Why do we speak *UP* and why are the officers *UP* for election and why is it *UP* to the secretary to write* UP* a report ?

    We call* UP* our friends. And we use it to brighten* UP* a room, polish* UP*the silver, we warm
    *UP* the leftovers and clean *UP* the kitchen. We lock* UP* the house and some guys fix* UP* the old car . At other times the little word has real special meaning. People stir *UP* trouble, line* UP* for tickets, work *UP* an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special.

    And this* UP* is confusing: A drain must be opened* UP* because it is stopped UP We open* UP* a store in the morning but we close it *UP* at night.

    *We seem to be pretty mixed** UP* about *UP* !
    To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of *UP*, look the word* UP* in the dictionary. In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes *UP* almost 1/4th of the page and can add* UP*to about thirty definitions.
    If you are* UP* to it, you might try building* UP* a list of the many wa! ys *UP* is used. It will take *UP* a lot of your time, but if you don't give *UP*, you may wind *UP* with a hundred or more.
    When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding *UP*. When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP.
    *When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things **UP*
    *When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry* *UP*
    *One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it* *UP* , for now my time is *UP* , so............ it is time to shut *UP* .!

  • Hi my name is sue

    I just found this site this morning it seems great!! I have been out walking and eating healthier for the last six weeks I have been driving people at work crazy talking about it so it would be great to have other like minded people to talk to.

  • Hey Sue

    Welcome aboard - glad you found us.

    I'm Ani, and I think this is one of the best support places on the web. I've been hanging out with Aussie Chicks since August last year. Back then I weighed 105kg, and have shared most of the good, the bad and the very, very ugly with the girls here.

    How much weight do you want to lose? Do you have goals and a plan?

    The women in here are wonderful. They'll help, support, share and listen - we never get tired of hearing people's stories, struggles etc - so please contribute as much as you want to.

    Barb, I don't want you to lurk! You know that Lindor isn't shy about telling us when things are tough - and it doesn't matter if the struggle goes on for months. We are a SUPPORT group, and it's even more important to be here for each other when things are tough.

    You're a valuable member of our little group here - don't be a stranger.

    Vonni you have successfully discombobulated me this morning. And made me giggle. English is the toughest language - but one of the things that has made it MORE confusing is the Americanisation of the language.

    OK - I've just come back from a one-hour walk, and my muscles are complaining (I haven't walked for three days so it serves me right), and I had better get on with work.

  • hi girls -

    Welcome Sue. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you

    I had tears in my eyes after reading the potato sack exercises! And I've always thought english was a little pick'n'mix, but that proves it!!!

    I have come to the realisation that I can't do this on my own. Don't get me wrong, you girls always give me tons of help and support, and so does bf (he says hi btw), but when left to my own devices, I let myself go.

    I usually have this problem, no matter which area of my life it is. If I commit to something for someone else, then I'll be there, I'll do it, no problems. If I'm doing it for me, it's not something to be valued, or stuck at.

    I think I've talked about this before. But it's still bugging me. *bangs head against brick wall* Maybe Lindor and I should jump into the chocolate boat, and sail away to Candy Mountain.

    Today I am going to the gym. Well, that is the plan. I dont have to work until six, and its only 2.30. I do have time, but excuses excuses??

  • Hi everyone

    Just a bit about myself as way of introduction! I'm 38 years old and have three children, two years ago I seperated from my hubby and life was great but stupidly a year ago I decided to let him back into my life Life with him wasn't so great and I started to over eat and the kilos piled on. My hubby was quite abusive and made up a lovely little song about how fat I was which he would sing with his son (my stepson). I finally got smart and kicked him out 6 weeks ago and decided it was time to get my self esteem back My goal is to get back down to my usual weight of 65kg (I'm currently close to 85kg). I don't have the opportunity to go to a gym so I have been walking during my lunchtime and after tea. I have started to lose weight and feel heaps better about myself. My plan is also to meet some really nice people now. So I'm really happy about finding this support on this website.

  • OK, OK, I confess!!!!! (hands in the air) I have had a **it of a weekend.Went completly off plan. Ate, Drank, only went to gym on Saturday.Ended up with a bad cold, and some nice person told me to have a few drinks to help sweat it out LOL MMMMmmm half a bottle later, did not care what I ate.Everything went down the drain.!!!! Went to the gym today to see how much I could handle, and weighed in at 82.1, Oh cr*p was 81 last Thursday. But, Hey, what the **** ,another day tomorrow, and I went to the doc's today, (after the fumes had worn off.) Not beating myself up over it. Because I know without you people beening here I would have given up long ago.
    So THANKS PEOPLE!!! At the moment you seem to be what keeps me going. And you have No Idea how grateful I am at this moment. Because I really did not want to come in here tonite.
  • Sue I can't afford a gym and, in any case, have a dodgy back - so I would be really limited in what I could do. For the past 9 months I have walked for an hour every day (well, almost every day) - and that's been really helpful for me to get this weight off.

    I'm lucky in that a few weeks ago I moved into the Fremantle area - in a suburb that is right on the Swan River. So my walks have suddenly become very different. Every morning I look across the river to the city … it's gorgeous!

    Good on you for kicking your ex out! He sounds awful. And good luck with losing this weight… you can do it!!!

    Mary - did you have a big Easter? it's all good - I don't know anyone here who hasn't had weeks where the weight hasn't gone up. But it comes back down again with a little bit of work. I've hardly lost any weight in the past few weeks, but it's all good.

    Kylie, what kind of help are you thinking of getting? I'm not surprised you'r having a bit of a struggle - going from a very disciplined diet to something a bit more "free for all", you're probably dealing with a changed metabolism too. Don't forget you've lost quite a lot of kilos in a pretty short space of time. Don't beat yourself up

    I walked for an hour this morning, whipper snipped my new lawn, planted a few things - and then took a couple of Purple Team girls for a short walk. I feel like I am getting back on track now.

  • Hi Guys, I can't believe that in the month or so I have been here I haven't found the Aussie support section, saw the one for the pommy's though. LOL

    I live in Adelaide near the beach. I am married to David, 21 years in June, and have 3 girls, Maryanne (19), Caroline (16) and Kristina (12) and then Tommy the cat and several fish.

    I have a MASSIVE amount of weight to lose. I need desperately to do this for several reasons, as most of us do, my health and also for my self esteem. I also realise that if I don't get on top of my weight now the older I get the harder it will be to lose the weight and also the less I will be able to get around. I already have arthritis in my knees and a bad back.

    So with the support of others in the same boat I hope to succeed in this challenge.

    Take care,
  • God, I've had a shocker. I ate a tub of icecream last night, then I ate a bag of "fun size" Twix today. Sigh. Why do I do it? Even thinking about the training I'd have to do, I walked to the shop and bought crap. I cannot let this get out of hand. BAck to training tomorrow morning, will tell my trainer to kill me.

    I have suddenly got a whole bunch of deadlines to meet in the next week or two, and my response is to work on none of them, and sit here stuffing my face instead. Very productive of me. I think going away for the weekend unstuck me, as I have had no plan this week, no good food in the house etc. My mum had a weekend of "oh go on, one bit won't hurt you", which I gave into rather too easily.
  • Gen, I'm coming to Sydney to smack you . Well I would except I'm sitting here eating a tiny Cadbury easter egg. Pathetic as it is, I bought it for myself because nobody bought me any this year!

    Why are you having such a bad week? You're usually a lot more determined than this - have you got stuff going on or is it the different routine?

    Jennylee WELCOME! Come and have an adventure with us, because we are quite 'unique' . I was on 3FC for about 2 years before discovering Aussie Chicks - not losing weight, mind you - but reading all about other people's great success.

    So what's your plan? When I first jumped on the scales and weighed 105kg I nearly threw up on the spot. I was overwhelmed and couldn't even imagine how I could lose so much weight - so I set a goal of losing 5kg. And when I got there, I set another 5kg goal…

    Good luck with it, because this is a bit of a roller coaster. Some weeks are wonderful, others are really frustrating. But you'll get heaps of support here.

  • I know... I'm a procrastinator from ****, and avoidance is my favourite mechanism heh. So I'll eat instead of working on my assignments. Clever, huh? I did do 156 minutes of exercise to try and minimise the damage... and managed a 20 minute continuous run, which I was happy about!
  • Hi All

    I'm very proud of myself this morning. I went for a walk with my 6 year old last night and when we got to his school oval I managed to jog around it with him! Something I never thought I could do again. Tomorrow I'm going on one of Canberra's Heart Foundation walks. It is 2.05km and takes in a really nice area of canberra. So I plan to have a super healthy weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend as well.

  • HI ALL. Has to be very quick, as I have to leave at 7.30 for an hours drive to get my car serviced and I am still sitting here (with 15 minutes to go and a baby to get ready) in my pyjamas reading everyones posts and contemplating whether to have weetbix or a maccas muffin for brekky.

    to JennyLee and Sue. Looking forward to getting to know you both. These guys here are wonderful. In good and bad they know just what to say or what not to say.

    Gotta fly (wish I could)