Aussie Chicks

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  • Oh My Gosh!!!!! Have you seen how many scrabble site that are on the net. This may take me some time. But at least I am not eating lol. Have a great day.
  • Weigh in today.

    Hmmmm.... Not the what I was hoping for, but no no suprise there. Haven't lost any, but at least I haven't gained any either. Today is the day I begin to resume my walking / water plan that was going so well.

    Lindor, Mary? - I went to that link and registered. But be damned if I can figure it all out lmao. I downloaded and even watched a game being played for a few minutes. But when I went to seek a game It just sat and sat and sat. I ended up yahoo literati that I am used to and played with a friend.

    Hope everyone has good results on their weigh ins. and if not.... there's always next week,

    Tataaa for now
    VONNI xxx
  • Well, Vonni - I'll be looking forward to next week...

    I'm feeling a bit like an idiot...I counted my chickens before they hatched. It looks like another Sunday Sabotage has ruined my 10kg loss! I thought about saying that there was no change, but I can't lie to you all!!! So here I stand, red faced and fatter than last week. I am hoping the salt in the Jatz is holding water, and thats the reason. *fingers crossed* (86.3, up from 84.8 all week)

    Anyway, hope the results are what you've worked for this week! Hey - did you notice the Worldy Chicks are in Aus this month? Maybe we should stop by, or invite 'em over for a cuppa?

  • Woohoo - lost another 1.3 this week, so I'm down at 91.2. Almost joining you in the 80s, Ani!
  • Well I'll admit to being rather red faced again this week too

    I shouldn't be upset with my result...I know where it all came from, I even expected a gain. But a gain still comes as a slap in the face when you step on them scales.

    The only good thing about this mornings weigh in...I haven't quite made it up to my starting weight again yet

    So, here I am 1.3kgs heavier than last week!!!!!

    I'm not sure what this week will bring with work and Easter...we can only try our best right?

    Just quickly Vonni, when you 'seek' a game of scrabble your seek request will only be sent to those members who fit into your seek variables. The TWL98 dictionary (the American one) is by far the more popular choice, although the SOWPODS dictionary (English) is becoming more popular. I have my rating variables set from 0 - 9999, just to open the seek up to more people too.

    Alternatively, when you have your seek variables set you can click to the Seek Graph tab at the top right of the screen and by clicking on one of the dots accepts someone elses seek. Light green dots are SOWPODS requests, blue are TWL98. Be careful clicking on the dots near the left of the graph...they are seek requests for 3 minute games!! How they play that I don't know! On average you will find most games are set for 25mins per player - as daunting as that may seem, it is a comfortable paced game I think - you will need to set that in you variables also.

    Hope that helps? If not drop me a PM with your questions and I'll try and guide you through when I get home Wednesday afternoon? The best way is to fiddle around with your settings.

    Anyway, gotta run. See you all in a few days
  • Gen that's awesome - you'll be here in the 80s in no time, and at this rate you'll beat me to 85kg

    I lost 0.4kg this week, and I'm happy. The most important thing is that, after a seven week plateau in Dec/Jan, I have now lost weight every week for the last eight weeks.

    Lindor I hope your three days out of town is productive, and that you find a way back onto the wagon. You know that you don't want me to catch up to you …

    Kylie I wouldn't get too upset. You have lost a heap of weight pretty quickly. Don't look at this week's results on their own, look at the bigger picture.

    So what is everyone planning to do this week? What are your food/exercise goals?

    Mine are simple: I'm going to start writing down calories again (I have let that slip since I started moving), and I'm going to exercise for an hour each day. I would really, really like to make it to 88kg by next Monday's weigh-in.

    Good luck this week everyone!

  • Ani: good idea about setting goals for the week - I was beginning to lose focus. I have decided not to use the shakes this week, but try 'eating healthily' and see where that gets me. I would love to say that I'll exercise for an hour everyday, but I just don't think I can. So, I'll aim for activity at the gym 4 times this week.

    My next goal is 79kg - I can't remember ever being below 80, so to get there will prove to myself that I am doing something, not just undoing the damage

    Good Luck girls, remember - Chins Up!

  • I have stuck really tightly to my calories the past 2 weeks. I have gone out a few times for dinner, but I've just made sure I left enough or exercised more.

    The past week averages:
    - Food cals: 1650
    - Exercise cals: 407 (53 mins)
    - Net cals: 1243

    However my water intake was only an average of 2L/day, so I'd like to get that up towards 2.5 - 3 L/day. I'd also like to stick to my goal of 350 exercise calories/day, every day. Will be harder with going away for Easter, but I'll take my HR monitor so I can record.
  • Well done Gen and Ani.

    Lindor and Kylie.... right with ya both.

    And Lindor, maybe when I have ME time to actually sit and look at scrabble properly I might get it. Doesn't take to much to confuse me these days with all the goings on around me I might just take u up on the offer of help one day.

    Well, I visited calorie king today and have started putting in my food again. Had given it a miss for a while cause seemed time consuming. But so far today (I've already included dinner) I have only 200cal left. Maybe a cuppa and a half a dessert after dinner. it lets me have 1400 cal a day.

    Today I skipped brekky and was starving when I finished birthday prez shopping. KFC is on my way home so naughty me got a zinger works combo. Granted though I only ate half the burger and half the chips. But boy now I feel sick like really really ill. I must talk myself out of it from now on.

    Off now to tidy my room. Looks like a teenagers at the moment. clothes everywhere.

    c ya later all.

    VONNI xxx

    oh and guys????

  • Congrats on all the weight losses!

    I'm still doing half an hour of cardio a day. I really struggle to find something I enjoy for any length of time. I'm also having problems of my calves getting too tight after too long on the treadmill (15 min) and I struggle to do more than five on the cross trainer. (I'm aiming to be at eight by the end of the week on the X trainer) I love both, but I don't think I could do more than 20 on either at the momenet. Hate the bike, would blow up the rower if I could and stepper is HARD.

    I'm also despairing about this weekend. My work gives out free Easter eggs (have already asked my boss to make sure I'm skipped) every year, so there's a tempation, let alone the shops. My gym is closed Friday and Sunday, and the restricted hours for Sat/Mon mean I can't get in there (I'm working all weekend) Which means the dreaded bike! Its the only piece of equipment we own!

    Food and drink are good though.
  • Renny Sue.... You can do it. You WILL get through this week and weekend.

  • Hi all. Just a quick post. I am so excited. Its my darling bubba girls very 1st birthday today. I am just about to embark on making her a butterfly cake. Will let u know how turns out.

    Don't know how I'll go today. Having a very rich meal for dinner with friends and then the cake. But I might be good all day to save up for it.

  • !!!

    What a milestone! Congrats Vonni!
  • Blerk.

    I don;t know wether to blame this on my last teenage year (I'm 19), or womenly hormones, or what...but I just can never seem to control my mood! Yesterday, I felt great. I fit into some pants that I had previously out-fatted, I had a nice top on, and I spent the whole day floating. today, I feel like crap. I lose motivation to do work (although there is no way I can afford to do that), I get rebellious about the work I have to do, I feel pi**ed off at everyone, and I find myself wasting my time in the most entertaining way possible (reading 3fc threads).

    ****, yesterday I even wrote up a big list of goals for myself. I was gonna lose weight by this date, acheive good grades etc etc blah blah. I wrote it as my "I will.." list, but today I thought about it, and it became the "I will never hope to..." list.

    The worst part of this is it seems totally unpredictable, and I can't seem to get a hold of it either. It could go away tomorrow, or I could be like this for weeks. Bah! I just get more and more frustrated every time this happens. It makes me sooooo unproductive, at a time when there are a bazillion people relying on me to be the exact opposite.

    And I end up **** to live with (sorry honey).

    Do you girls have any ideas??

  • Hey Kylie - take a big deep breath! When I think about all the emotional things you've been through with family in the last several weeks, I'm not surprised your moods are all over the place. What you've been through (and continue to have to deal with) is enough to send your moods on a massive roller coaster ride.

    I know you're keeping busy, distracting yourself, and juggling lots of Uni/work/volunteer stuff as well as a relationship with your BF. And you are trying to be a functioning member of your family. But you know that somewhere inside you is a little girl who desperately needs to be nurtured and loved. Please don't ignore her…

    I really admire you, and I think you're a lovely, thoughtful and funny young woman. You know that I'm here for you - as are the other women in here, and that we will give you as much support as we can. But I have some insight into the tough stuff you're going through - and if you ignore it, or push it away by making your life extremely busy, it's gonna bite you on the bum in insidious ways.

    Talk to someone. I'm really serious when I say that… and maybe it would be good for you to find someone outside your family who can be there just for YOU! I know your mum and your sister need love and support too - but don't think I haven't noticed you've been very good at talking about them, and ignoring your own needs.

    If it helps you can PM me at any time. I'm a good listener! But in any case, I don't think food/moods is the main issue for you at the moment, and I really hope you reach out to someone and let them in.
