Beck Diet For Life/Solution – March 2024 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Saturday
    It was a lovely day with mostly blue sky and puffy white clouds. I’ve been in the garden most of the day apart from a quick foray to ruck some things to the charity shop and to buy washing up liquid (dish soap?). I intended to buy this at the health food and zero waste shop but it was only open this morning. I read the notice about Easter opening hours yesterday when it was closed for Good Friday but then clean forgot that it was closed this afternoon. I also made a cauldron of potage bonne femme (potato, leek and optional carrot soup with added miso for body). Most of it’s in the freezer now which makes a good fallback for tricky days. Good progress is being made in the garden but there’s a long way to go yet. I'm glad I like it so much.

    Bill, credit for having some indoor jobs lined up for a cold and rainy day.

    curlyjax, congratulations on another gold star! Is this problem with opening wine bottles new or has it just appeared recently?\

    maryann, I’ll join you in the neck department. MIne is just stiff from, I think, being fooled by the sunshine that it’s warmer than it actually is. You’ve made some good decisions, by the sound of it. A more restful time is bound to help.

    gardenerjoy, that’s a shame about the salad. I find restaurant food so salty and practically inedible sometimes. I love walking meetings. Glad you've convinced some other people.
  • Good morning coaches.

    I have a nagging neck. It just won't go away. I spent way too long on the computer yesterday. This did not help matters. This morning I am posting using my diction ( simply speak at my computer) then I'm gonna try and use my left hand for moving the mouse. 21st century problems.

    A great day skiing. I bought a hot chocolate and that was it. i had some cheese and then went to visit my niece who just moved up here. So good to see her. I also met a great gal on the lift. Both of us were skiing alone. Turns out she is a professor at Chico State. She likes to hike and camp as well. We exchange numbers. It is so important for me to continue to reach out to woman like minded adventure sport women. I want my circle to increase rather than decrease.

    I will have a couple of over easy eggs on rice for dinner.

    Up early to cross country and then down to Mom's for Easter.
  • Easter Sunday
    Diet Coaches/Buddies - Made the worst financial decision of my life. As I was leaving the pharmacy, I remembered that DS absolutely adores Cadbury Caramel chocolate eggs. And remembered that, in the past, I've given him exactly one even though he says that his candy days are over. He gobbles it gladly. They were right there as I was walking out. I brought one to the counter - ignoring the gouging price of $1.79 each. Then thought of DIL being hurt that we didn't give her one. As I was picking up the second one I thought of the (4 yo) DFGD feeling left out. Brought three to the counter. "They're on sale; if you buy five you get five FREE. Go back and get seven more," said the super nice checkout person. And I did, as I was told, in a trance. I walked out of the store with ten Cadbury Caramel chocolate eggs which, even at BOGO, were nearly a dollar each. [For those of you in need, I recommend [url=]48 pack from Amazon for only $0.56 each.] As much as I admire John Cadbury of Birmingham, England, for making such a tasty product to be granted a Royal Warrant by Queen Victoria herself, they are not a contribution to my eating plan.

    More satisfactorily, had a pleasant trip to the post office to send off my tax info to my accountant. She'll complain that it's late and file an extension. BTDT. The line at the post office was unexpectedly short - only one person in front of me. I was required to verbally declare that the envelope contained no explosives or drugs, fireworks or automobile batteries. The clerk asked mechanically behind glazed eyes. I wondered if he knew that the traction battery in my LEAF weighs 303 kg and that bigger models weigh up to 900 kg. Or if he only thought in pounds. I wanted to ask how many people had acknowledged that they were mailing any of the hazardous materials he was asking about. Stoically, I held my tongue. Clutched the receipt for Registered Mail which is sufficient to show the IRS to keep me from going to jail.

    Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi except for the evening when I fell into two Cadbury Caramel chocolate eggs. The remainder will leave the house today.

    Joy (gardenerjoy) - Walking meeting is such a good idea. On one of my work projects, the weekly status meeting was held standing; it moved along crisply.

    Silverbirch - Your cauldron of potage bonne femme appeals to me; leak soup is among my favorites. A whole day of gardening should make you feel a tad tired.

    maryann – Hope that nagging neck gets back in shape. Kinda exciting to witness the windows being installed in your River House. Makes it even more real. Do admire that you're using diction to post here.

    curlyjax - Wish that I'd had your success ignoring candy. Gold star, indeed.

    Readers -
    Chapter 1 The Key to Success

    People who struggle with weight loss have a mindset that sabotages their efforts. For example, they often have such thoughts as: . . .
    • I've had such a hard day it's okay to eat this.
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 18.
  • I had a lovely 3 hour lunch with my friend and stuck to my plan of turkey chili at Panera. We met in Vermont years ago and its so lovely to have kept in touch and be living about 45 minutes apart. All sorts of folks came in and out while we were there, including some sort of orthodox priest wearing the long black robe with various religious things around his neck, and a long beard. It seemed quite fitting to see that the day before Easter.
    I bought some motor oil for DS's car as I think its been eons since an oil change so we'll take a quick look today. so many choices of oil; I splurged on one that was a few dollars more, in the hopes that it would be a superior product. Trader Joe's afterwards which actually wasn't too crowded, then the dump and home to rest on the sofa. I definitely get tired more easily than I did say 10 years ago. Dinner was the leftover quinoa and cauliflower, and then an open faced toasted pulled pork sandwich later on. Plus a little candy. The Easter candy has been doled out into baskets and will be set out today, and I've already dumped most of the leftovers so yay. I did a little better this year. My old boyfriend called to chat last night which is always nice.
    I woke up too early and didn't sleep well but oh well. Easter isn't a big deal to me so I won't be sad today, and the weather is lovely out again hooray.
    Maryann- neck pain is the worst. how nice to meet a new friend-I definitely want to keep expanding my circle too.
    Gardenerjoy-a walking meeting sounds like a great idea.
    Silverbirch-Sounds like a lovely day in the garden. actually I haven't been drinking for awhile, and before that I would buy tiny bottles that were screwtop. But I've never been good at it frankly!
    Bill-that is too funny about the Cadbury eggs. my kryptonite is the cream ones. My friend and I were just discussing at lunch how addictive they are. I firmly believe they should only be around at Easter so i'm going to ignore the fact that they're on Amazon.
  • Good Morning, Coaches.

    The cabin is in a dream world of snowy forrest. A very nice easter greeting. The plan for today is to wait until chain controls are off i80 and head to Mom. My youngest sister (50 yo ) and her family will be there, my niece and Dh will meet me there. I sent an Easter message to DS.

    Credit: I had several times plotted to meet people for meal this weekend. I avoided all of them. Echoing Joy's statement, this never helps me with my food plan nor my budget. I spent $400 on restaurants last month. Incredible. The lion share was treating friend and family to expensive steak and sushi events. It was a simple shift for DN. I just bought a plant and a small bag of Ghirardelli bunnies. Much cheaper and a nice chat at her new place. Dinner was switch to a plan for tea with the new friend. I need to do this all February if I am serious about getting out of the 80s decade and saving for the Antartica Cruise we are thinking about.

    Instead of cross country today I am committed to a Yoga with Adrienne. The roads are too ice right now and my window of time too narrow.

    Yesterday was a food day I would like to repeat but I know being with my family has most often led to disastrous eating. So here is my plan.

    1. No macaroni and cheese at Mom's house. It has historically led to incomprehensible demoralization.
    2. So sweets at Mom's house. If I want to eat an entire candy store when I leave, fine but while I am within those walls, I will abstain.
    3. I am bringing a delish kale, kumquat and pecan salad that I will enjoy along with tri tip.

    Curly: Great job tossing the extra Candy.
    BBE: Yep! The food industry is insidious in slipping candy into our lives through what ever means possible. BOGO is always a dirty tactic.
    Silverbirch: Your soup sounds good.
  • Easter Sunday
    It was overcast and after yesterday’s day of gardening, today was a day of paperwork and pillows. It feels good to rationalise the paperwork which has been swilling about between four places (N house, S house, office and briefcase/rucksack). There’s some way to go but I’m moving towards being certain where everything is (and I did a bit of decluttering and shredding too). It’s also good to rationalise pillows! Yes, we have too many here: some are past it, some would perhaps be better than the ones the DD has, and some are just not needed. The job’s not finished yet as the SO needs to put in his two penn’orth but I think we’ll reach the finishing line before bedtime. Oh yes, and cushions. The surplus ones have found a cupboard to nest in for a short time. Sleep wasn’t great. Food was average. Exercise has been limited. And the clocks went forward last night which has been fine. Tomorrow is Easter Monday, a bank holiday, so that will help smooth things out for most of us.

    Bill, that was rather risky financial behaviour! You just did what you were told, in a trance. Hmmm. Thank goodness you can export most of the dangerous items.

    curlyjax, lovely to spend time with your friend. And how exciting to find a new skill to master! I think* one of our corkscrews has two arms which raise up, you screw it into the cork, then you push the arms down and the cork comes out really easily. *That’s because I gave up alcohol a long time ago as it didn’t agree with me.

    maryann, that’s a good plan. You’re not going in blind, you know the situation and you’re armed with a delicious salad. Terrific.

    Waving to gardenerjoy and onebyone!
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