Weighty Issues #6

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  • Angie, thanks! .. I still feel big sometimes, I don't think we are ever happy 100% are we ?

    but when I feel bloated or anything like that.. I feel fat. Plus I am not satisfied with my butt or stomach , so I think if I was, that would help a lot too. But I am satisfied with the way my clothes fit a lot of the time

    Kempy, lol! I like to drink too, but I don't like to do it all the time. I don't fight with my husband, but I get really goofy. What kind of beer do you like ? I like that Michelob Ultra.. it's actually really good smooth beer
  • Happy Tuesday everyone. I had a good OP day yesterday w/a 3.5 miles walk. I am going to work really hard these last 2 weeks of the month and see what kind of results I can get w/the weight loss. I don't know if I'll hit 175 but I'm going to try. My new incentive is my November trip! I can't wait, I keep daydreaming about it--all the stuff I'll get to buy, it's shopping nirvana! Now if I could only kick this darn addiction to ebay! I thought I had it licked when I found 3FC, but now that the novelty of 3FC has worn off, I find myself back onto ebay purchasing neat stuff that I think I just can't live without . I got the written estimate for my car repairs--$1160 for the rear fender and part of the passenger door. $383 if I want them to repair a small door ding on the driver's side (which I did myself) . Wow, I'm glad I don't have to pay for the rear fender! I'm waiting on another estimate from Dent Doctors to see if they can fix my minor door-ding for less than $100 w/out having to strip and repaint.

    Hey Dips! feeling strong with all those workouts? You go girl!

    Summer, when I dropped my son off at school yesterday one of his classmates kept trying to escape--I was there maybe like 5-6 minutes, and he attempted to run out the door maybe 10 times at least. The poor teacher had to make it like she wasn't getting annoyed, but I could hear it in her voice. I give you teachers credit! I would've tied him to a chair, I think and the day didn't even start yet!

    Tonya those are great pics~you are very slim and pretty. You worked really hard to get where you are, pats on the back to you!
    What's funny is that we all have days when we "feel" fat no matter what the size of our bodies are. The mind is a powerful thing.

    Angie, back away from the cookies! I hate when we have sweets in the house--my mind can't rest until they are gone. Even if I put them out of sight, my radar still knows they are there and eventually I will eat them if no one else gets them first. I give you credit for losing the weight while having to bake all the sinful goodies yourself. Hang in there.

    Holly, I think it's great that your DH is trying to eat healthy w/you. Makes it easier not having to watch someone else eat junk food. And you've got plenty of time to visit Hawaii--the sun, beach and waves will be here waiting for you.

    Hey Kempy! The last time I drank something alcoholic was over the 4th of July, we had strawberry-lilikoi (passion fruit) margaritas. I get silly when I drink, which is why I don't do it too often. I fight with Rick mostly over when he drinks (when he's rolling in at 2 or 3 in the morning)--I just lock him out of the house . Serves him right too .

    Let's see....HI to Emily, Sandy (who went AWOL on us ), Chris and CG....forgive me if I didn't mention anyone, I'm getting senile. Gotta run!
  • Dips: Thanks for the reprieve! I promise to get my act together by the 25th! I wish you weren't all the way in Italy. If you were in Connecticut, I'd hire you to be my personal trainer and motivator!

    Angie: It is tough imagining 9 year olds in a middle school setting. I'm glad that it worked out to keep them somewhat separated. Do you remember when schools used to be K-8? That is how it was when I went to school. The older kids looked out for the younger ones. The 7th and 8th graders didn't seem to be quite so crazy as they were going through puberty. I seems like our society makes kids grow up faster now and get involved with dangerous activities earlier than when I was a kid. I sound like such an old lady! In the school I taught in my first year, we had 6th graders getting pregnant! Where are you going for Christmas?

    Kempy: Isn't it weird how alcohol can turn things ugly? My dad was a mean drunk (he was an alcoholic until I was 15, and he went to rehab.) I am a silly/giddy drunk. I just crack people up. My husband hardly drinks, so we've never clashed while drinking. I'm really thankful for that, because I have some horrible childhood memories...nothing physical, just upsetting.

    Holly: You have a wonderful husband! I would drop dead if mine spoke so sweetly to me!

    Noelle: My first year of teaching, I had a boy who kept trying to leave the classroom. I had to sit on a stool in front of the door and teach from there. He would bite and scratch my hand in an effort to get my hand off the door knob. By February, he was placed in special ed, but those 6 months with him really ruined it for the rest of the class. All of this mainstreaming and inclusion can be so disastrous for the other children who are capable, willing, and trying to learn something. But when you have someone who is constantly disruptive, it is impossible to teach effectively. In pre-k, it is a pain, but at least academically there isn't as much for the "normal" kids to lose. And in the process, sometimes they gain tolerance. When it is damaging is Kindergarten and up. Okay, I'll get off my soap box!

    Hi Tonya, Cosmo, GEM, Emily, Sandy, & Chris!

    I'm a naughty, stressed out girl right now. Bear with me right now. Once I get into my routine, I should be okay. Honest. Not knowing what I will be doing this year is driving me nuts! I'm trying to leave it in God's hands, but I'm much better at giving that advice to others than I am at following it myself.

    Is anyone else watching Shania Twain on NBC right now? I'm not watching her, but my husband is lusting after her. At least she isn't dressed like a dominatrix. I guess she has mellowed since childbirth. I am just so jealous of her. I will never look that good, no matter how thin I get. I hate it that my husband has the HOTS for her. Oh well,

  • Summer my hubby likes Madonna and everytime that commercial comes on he talls me how good she looks just to get a rise out of me. So now, I do it to him when i see someone cute on TV. He hates it just as much as I do. Don't worry about it it is just a male fantasy. I am sure you have them to.

    All of this talk about school is losing me. Not having kids I guess I just don't understand.

    I ended up leaving early yesterday to get a nap in. I had the worse sour stomach. I still kind of had it this morning too. I was telling Joe this morning that I am still not right since vacation. I am working on getting to bloat gone and Margaritas are not helping. I have to wear a skirt to a convention this weekend and it is a little snug in the belly. I doubt I will have time to get rid of it by Saturday so those people will just have to get over seeing my pooch.

    Our best friends got engaged last night. It was diving me crazy all day b/c I knew he was going to ask her all day. All I wanted to do was call her but I had to restrain myself. She will be coming in this weekend so I will get to see the ring. I am sure it is beautiful.

    What is going on with you guys today?
  • Ciao Ladies,

    I've been going through some serious changes. First off, I'm getting out of the Army. My tour of service ends in November but I will be starting terminal leave in October. I start to outprocess next month. In the meantime my fellow workers have transfered me to spend my last 25 working days in the News Dept, which means I have to move my desk, computer, etc. Which is the dumbest thing but whatever. It will only be for a short time anyway. Then it's back to NY so that my fiance and I can finally enjoy an everyday relationship

    Okay, now that the venting is out of my system

    Kempyd- Don't be so hard on yourself about the alcohol thing. You're a good person and you are NO a drunk. We all overindulge in a lot of things at times

    Angie- You are not old!! You are the young mother of a pre-teen. As Noelle said, STAY AWAY from The cookies. They are evil!

    Tonya- It's so hard to believe that as good as you look, you are still unhappy with some things. Then again, we {women have that about ourselves. But if I can offer you any reassurance, let me just say that you've got it going on, girl!

    Holly- Inquiring minds want to know if your hubby has a brother

    Summer- I'll be in NY very shortly so I'll be a little closer so I can keep an eye on you . I'm gonna hold you to your word to et it together by the 25th{that doesn't mean you can go crazy for the next 5 days} You're a teacher so you have my greatest respect and admiration. There would be no soldiers without teachers. Your job is more important than mine You deal with unimaginable stress and I understand how that can take it's toll but together we will conquer every obstacle.

    Shania is Gorgeous, so ofcourse your hubby is gonna swoon but thats just as innocent as your crush on a celeb. and i know you have them because i have them too.


    I have 2 right now:

    Shemar Moore


    My new assignment also interferes with my schedule so I'll mis aerobics today UHHHHH.

    {sorry needed to vent again}
  • I like Gunther (don't know his last name) he is a bodybuilder. I just think he is soooo cute. Of course I like Arnold too. Can you tell I like bodybuilder guess. Ok guys, stop saying eewww!
  • Dips, thanks

    aren't all women obsessive about our butts ?

    ya know what's worse.. ? my husband likes Christina Aguilera.. could it get ANY worse?
  • My celebrity crush is definately LL Cool J!!! YUM!!! Jay knows that if I had 1 night with LL I would take it married or not!!!

    Cappie is gone. Jay took him down today. I have already had a good little cry and then I cleaned my house to keep busy. I didnt have the guts to take him down so I let Jay do it. I feel like such a loser!!! I promised to give him a better life and I didnt do it. I hope he gets adopted into the perfect home. I can rest assured that he wont be put to sleep though. I guess the shelter doesnt have a time limit and they only PTS the animals with behavior or health problems. so he is safe there.

    Dips, That is going to feel weird being out of the Army isnt it. But I bet you will be happy to see your guy all the time.

    Kempy, You like body builders huh? That is why I like LL Cool J so much he has an awesome bod!!!

    Summer, Shania is Jays big crush too. He is in love with her. I am jealous of her though. She is so tiny and pretty.

    I will be back later to catch up with everyone
  • Angie, have you seen SWAT yet ?

    YUM, LL is so hot , as well as Collin Farrel... mmmmmmm
  • Yeah Collin is a hottie too!!!!
  • I'd take Pierce Brosnan, John Cusack, Jude Law a young Robert Plant or Mel Gibson. Not necessarily in that order.
  • Dips: My dad was stationed in Italy during WWII. He loved Florence. Anyway, congrats on your upcoming return to NY! What will you do for a living when you are out of the army?

    Kempy: How do you feel about your man, Arnold, running for governor of California?

    Tonya: Yes, Christina A. is pretty raunchy, but I do like her music...especially her song, "You Are Beautiful." And Colin Farrell, Yummy!

    Angie: I'm sorry for your difficult goodbye with Cappie. Don't you feel guilty. You did what you had to do. He will find a new family to love him.

    GEM: I agree with you about Mel and Jude, but I have a few to add to the list.

    You see ladies, I have quite a long list. It is hard to pick just one or two:

    George Clooney, Ben Affleck, Chris O'Donnell, Jerry O'Connell, Brad Pitt, Matthew McConahey (sp?), Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, and Matthew Perry. There are more, but I can't remember all of them off-hand. This list really shows you all how old I am! (38) I've had a crush on Kevin Costner since the movie "Bull Durham."

    I know it is normal to lust over a member of the opposite sex, I just hate the way he makes me feel. I guess that is my problem. I'm so glad that you guys turned it around for me. I would much prefer to focus on the objects of my lusting!!!

    I was at a friend's house for a play date. It was fun, but after I said, "No, thank you." to a chocolate ice cream cone, she made me one anyway and handed it to me. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want it...but I did want it. I ate it. I can't believe that I was so spineless. Does anyone know of a tactful way I could have handled this better?

  • well she's 5'2" and about 100 pounds

    I hate her!
  • Ciao Ladies,

    Angie- Yes it will be weird being out of the Army. I'm the child, sister and neice of Army troops.The Army has been my life, but I love my fiance and I want to get married. LL Cool J is a giant piece of man candy!! I love him.

    Tonya- You could give Christina a run for her money. I love her voice, though. The girl can sing. "beautiful" still brings tears to my eyes. Oh and Collin is hot! He has that bad boy appeal. I like it!

    GEM- John Cusack?? I guess different strokes for different folks but your other choices are very good. I'd give Mel Gibson a go

    Summer- So your dad's a vet , huh. Mine too! We're both Army brats My oh my you have a lot of men to choose from. I'm with you on Matthew (M), Brad Pitt, Kevin Costner and Dennis Quaid (back in the day) But I think Ben Affleck, George Clooney and Matt Perry are way overrated...Just like Ashton Kutcher...doesn't do it for me. Enrique Iglesias is one I'd like to add to my list, OOOHHH BABY

    By the way, Before we all get jealous over Shania Twain, just look at her husband eeeeewww

    Kempy - Speaking of eeeewwww. I'm sorry but I just can't get with Arnold anymore. I thought he was hot in Commando but that was too many years ago to mention. He's looking kinda old now. But I feel you on the whole body builder thing. I love muscular men myself and with all the muscle you're flexin' these days you need a man with strenght

    Later Girls.