Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! 11/7 - 11/13

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  • Quote: Good morning, everyone!



    Perfectly on plan day for me yesterday, complete with one hour of cardio.

    Doctor visit went great, I am healthy as can be. A far cry from this time last year, so I have a ton to be happy about and thankful for this Thanksgiving season.

    I hope you all have a fabulous, on plan day!
    Still Great job and Congratulations!
  • Quote: Good morning, everyone!



    Perfectly on plan day for me yesterday, complete with one hour of cardio.

    Doctor visit went great, I am healthy as can be. A far cry from this time last year, so I have a ton to be happy about and thankful for this Thanksgiving season.

    I hope you all have a fabulous, on plan day!
    That is so great Still! So many thinks to celebrate and be thankful for!
  • Morning all! Didn't do any workouts last night. I was just beat, so I decided a full night's sleep would do me good so I would be raring to go for today's step class - hoping it doesn't kill me like Wednesday with two good nights of sleep behind me!

    Weight keeps creeping up which is pretty typical for this time of the month for me - .2 a day as I hit midcycle and then there should be a spike up the day of ovulation. Still no signs of ovulation (still early), but the last two months were late, so I'm all confused with my cycles. I just know I'm not overeating and I've exercised regularly.... just got keep the faith that all will be OK and the weight will drop when it's time to drop.

  • I need you guys. I have to post daily again. I'm on shaky ground and I can feel it. Here is this morning's post from my binge free thread, it applies here too.

    Day 390 here.

    My weight loss has pretty much stopped. I haven't binged but WOW with the snacking and the things I am snacking on are NO GOOD!!! I am needing to carve out the time again to post daily. I can feel all of the "old habits" right outside my door and I have to say, that it feels very, very scary. they are right there. The voices are back in my head again. They are whispers right now and I can shake them off pretty easy, but....they are there.

    Those voices have been quiet for a long time and now they aren't. I am in this to win it and I will not binge. I am needing to do a purge because there are snacks here again. I know better than to have them here.

    I'm good and I am in a great frame of mind. I feel hopeful today. I am not angry or upset at myself in ANY way. The ground I am standing on just feels a little shaky.

    I will check back after the breaky meeting at work today. gonna be lots of junk! I have my breakfast and lunch packed. I am not going to have ANY of the crap.

    Wish me luck!!!

    sidebar: plans for the weekend include my mom getting her hair done by my friend Jamie, a rollerskating birthday party from my no ex-neighbor, and raking my yard if it doesn't rain. And also, MASSIVE amounts of laundry and house cleaning.

    Sidebar to my sidebar: I joined Gold's gym and 6 days later cancelled it and went back to Planet Fitness. LOL Gold's is a great gym but honestly, I felt really out of place there. There were far too many beautiful people walking around posing in front of the mirrors. It was wierd. When I joined, it felt like a whim as soon as I walked out of the building. So I spent 5 more days trying to justify the $400 I'd have to spend on it. For details, I didn't like the machines, they were all too futuristic for me. give me an old-school gym elliptical and a bunch of people drenched in sweat that are down with their fitness. In reality, I am not going to take any of the classes. I'm just not. as much as I want to, I know that I'm not. I'm single mom and the evening time that I spend with Maxwell is far too important to me. there are other ways to work on my strength and toning. And i just found out that PF has unlimited fitness training, all you have to do is sign up early enough. AND they have times that will work with my completely insane schedule!!!!!! I'm excited about that.
  • Vixsin Hang in there. You can do this. You are stronger than the junk food. You have come too far! Resist the temptation and you will feel better after a couple of days. It takes a few days to rid yourself of the carb/sugar cravings.
  • Vixsin I agree with Diane - get rid of the snacky carby things and go cold with no sweets/simple carbs. Every single time I allow any simple carbs (besides fruits) into my diet, the snack beast raises it's head and starts making me crave things and like you said - you can sense the demons closing in on you.

    You CAN do this because you've done it before!
  • Good morning and TGIF!
    I am sore and exhausted. But the bathroom is painted and I love it. Now to just finish cleaning up and putting things back on walls, decorations back and I have to whip up a small curtain. The color was right on with the second coat, once the daylight hit I realized I was seeing some blue come through still from the previous blue color. Before I realized that, I did go buy another gallon of a different tint, but my first choice was the right one. Now I have an extra gallon and my bedroom really needs some paint. . .
    After I get the bathroom cleaned and put back together, I have to tackle cleaning the rest of the house which has fallen apart this week, of course.
    Weight is steady, well I guess up 0.2, but sticking at 175, so that is good.
    No walk today, I will not do any formal exercise, but will burn plenty of calories with the things I need to get done today.
    I need to focus on my nutrition more, I have been terrible this week, not with calories (actually under most days which is not like me), but my choices have been just quick and easy stuff. After I feel like I catch up a bit around here, I need to sit down and plan out some meals and maybe start filling up the freezer again with portioned out recipes.

    Still, a huge congrats to you for a great doctor visit! That is wonderful.
    Vixsin, we are right here with you, fighting the fight. What you learn right now will be of value to you for the rest of your life. You can do this!
    Diana, hope the coffee helps today. BTW, my favorite keurig brand is caribou! It is a nice medium roast and I have tried many others, but it is still my favorite.
    Berry, I made Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago too. Had a turkey breast in the back of the freezer that needed to be used up. Not quite as extensive as yours, just turkey, dressing, potatoes, green beans (not casserole). It was delicious. I tried a new way of cooking the turkey, more low and slow, and it was the most juicy turkey I have ever had. Here is the link if you want to check out the process. http://www.howtocookathanksgivingturkey.com/
    I got the idea when a recipe I followed cooked country ribs low and slow that were so tender and delicious, I thought maybe you could get the same results with a turkey and it was fantastic. Highly recommend you try it sometime.
    Gotta run, I will check back later with all you wonderful losers!
  • Good Morning Everyone,

    I got to sleep in a whole hour as it's a holiday. DH starting clicking away on his computer at 7 so I was up. The clicking is too constant and irritating to sleep through. That's alright though the house is still quiet and the coffee is brewing

    Still Fantabulous! I knew you could do it. I'm so happy for you

    Vixsin Girl, get rid of the junk. You don't need it and Maxwell doesn't need it so get rid of it. Life is hard enough we shouldn't sabotage ourselves with bringing the snacks in. You will get through this, I know you will. You are strong and are doing great

    Diana Good morning No plans here, but that's usual for us. We are fly-by-the-pants and wing-it people. I do know I need to workout (walk) on those days.

    Happyday jump right in, this is the perfect place for support

    Jomatho It seems like everyday we are seeing your scale go down now. Loving it! I say def. keep it in the bathroom, he's finally being nice. How did the color turn out?

    ItsMyTurn is today the day? I'm wishing you luck and sending you ((awesome vibes)). How's DD's nose? When does DH start work?

    Krystal I am bad at all chores. I started boycotting a few years ago. It's all psychological with me. It's mommy issues, my mother really messed with my brain. So it takes an effort and a little pep talk/reminder that I DO love the people I'm cleaning for. Sometimes I argue with myself, and myself wins a lot...very mean that myself Hope you have a great weekend even though you're working. That smile will cheer up patients

    Solarplant Sorry about the tiffs with BF. Some say arguing means there's passion in the relationship. But some say, too, that you shouldn't go to bed mad at each other. It's not good for your sleep or mind. I don't know who this "some" is, but he/she sounds smart I'm glad the two of you had your make up hug. Arguing might relieve tension, but staying mad builds it up. Ugly Cortisol is released then...you don't want that! Have a great day

    Moon I took your advice yesterday and didn't do ANY laundry I can't even remember what I did, but it wasn't any form of cleaning. I thank you for giving me that out. I hope you had a great day yesterday

    Kayla sorry about the day not going so well. We all have those days. LOL if you look to last week, you'll see I had several (maybe entire week) bad days. They happen, we gotta move on, right? I hope it starts getting better for you. Did you get to run?

    Sum, Shish, Larry, and all the other chicks.... good morning!

    Plans today is to be a chauffeur. And laundry Ugh, I'm never going to catch up at this pace. I don't foresee quiet today so not much else to do but laundry I didn't get any exercise yesterday (well unless you count the walking in circles at Game Exchange) I walked in a circle for 25 mins while DS was looking (and getting overwhelmed) at all the video games

    I spoke to 2 people. Yep, you heard it right. As I was walking the track a nice young woman stopped me and asked for help. I know nothing about vid games but tried my hand. We even laughed together, bizarre, right? She said she felt bad that I just kept circling, I said I do it everywhere as I can't stand still anymore. She said "well at least it's great cardio", I wouldn't call it great, but it was movement. Then because she was too embarrassed to ask for help, I (Yes, ME) took her up to the counter and talked for her. SHOCKING!

    At this counter was a very very tall man. He, she and I started laughing and chatting. Those two being game junkies, and me just a mom of one. Well a good 8 mins of laughing and chatting while DS looked. As the man left he touched my arm and said "god bless" he did the same to my son. After wards we both said that was just too weird for us. It's weird that a total stranger feels comfortable enough to touch another person. My DS and I would never touch another person. SO we both had an experience and survived.

    I hope Sum sees this post. As she keeps telling me to go out and talk to others. I did it And she's right, I survived.

    I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy day
  • Scale is going up (was anywhere from 163-165 today...), but my clothes are fitting better and I feel more toned. I was usually a size 10 or 12 at the GAP but now fit (and not squeezing into) size 8's and snug 6's. Good feeling.

    Yesterday I had an unexpected day that I made the best of:

    Breakfast: Slim Fast Shake

    Snack: Whole grain banana loaf, just a nibble (wasn't hungry)

    Lunch: Slim Fast PB bar.

    Then I didn't eat for about 4 hours and got hungry. Bad choices made:

    Snack 2? Probably enough calories to be a meal: Blueberry Bar from Starbucks.

    Dinner: 1/2 veggie burger, 1/2 cup yam frites. (Couldn't get salad as an option!!!! What a bad restaurant)

    I'd say I was right about on track. I walked for at least 6 hours around the city that day as well. Should have been hydrating better, and eating more frequently. The 160's are my tough place...it's difficult to get out of them. I'll be so happy when I see a 159 on the scale...and shocked when I see that 140 peaking through!!!!
  • Thank you so much mamakat!
  • Happy Friday!

    One birthday down, 2 more birthdays and one work party to go. I did great last night...made good choices, saved calories for a bigger meal, ate only half of the gormet burger and all of the salad. I'm a pretty happy camper. Except the PMS hormones, which give me insomnia. Up since 4:45.

    Still: CONTRAGTULATIONS on your loss!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!
  • Quote: Except the PMS hormones, which give me insomnia. Up since 4:45.
    Moondance Sorry to hear that you have the PMS insomnia. I have this, too. I didn't understand this and thought I was the only person that suffered with this. I am hearing of more and more women that have PMS insomnia. I'm sorry that others are suffering, too, but it's comforting to know that it's not some weird thing that only affects me.
  • Thanks gang. I knew all I needed to do was reach out for the support. I did great at the work breaky and stuck to the foods I brought from home and had some fruit that they brought. I've already eaten my lunch due to being mildly stressed from the work meeting. I am going to get out of the building in 15 minutes and go for a ride in the car. its a sunny day today. Too cold for me to take a walk. I dont have a jacket. But I am going to get out there to clear my head and then tackle my afternoon with a vengence.

    I won't make it to the gym today. I am gearing myself up for some bodyweight work. I need to do upper body work today since I did lower yesterday.

    I still feel shaky but I DO feel better than my first post this morning. I am looking forward to going home today with fresh eyes and clearing out the couple snacks that have made their way into my house.

    I'm off to enjoy my half hour away from my desk!
  • Diana - Not much for plans that I am aware of for this weekend. Although anything is possible

    Mamakat - Just got out of the meeting. Same crap, different day. "you interviewed wonderfully, we see you learn fast and excel at all you do... but... (and here it comes) we hired someone who was more qualified"... then a bunch other of bs. My sup says she doesn't want the company to lose me though, to please give them a shot...that she has me in for a training that is a branch off what I do now that will hopefully start enabling me to work from home some of the time (heard this crap before too)... that they think I am a huge asset, they don't want me to go elsewhere, that it would take them hiring 3 people to do what I do in a day..... ok... then why not let me Work from home? It is seriously the ONLY request I have had and I jumped through their hoops for 3 1/2 yrs...and in the last year and month I have applied for EVERYTHING I thought might get me there... I am not upset, sad, or hurt...gone beyond.. I am ticked! And then to not have the gonads to tell me when I asked you point blank 5 dang times?!? *breathing* So yea... today not starting so well. DD's nose is doing better.. her allergies are still in full force, but the swelling and redness have dissipated (thank goodness, lol). DH is still waiting to hear from the company. They have to wait for the results of his background and UA and then will call him - I am hoping today

    Holy crow look at you being social!!! Not only did you converse with strangers, but also spoke on behalf of someone in order to help!!!! WOW!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!!

    Still - Great job!!!! That's a real pretty number!

    Vixsin - glad you are doing better, hang in there! You are so strong, you so got this!
  • ItsMyTurn Ugh, that's bs, just like you said. They're jerks for stringing you along...I don't care how nice they were. It's wrong to do that to anyone, whether they say they like you and want to keep you or not...show some respect!

    OK rant over. Maybe

    I hope your day gets better.