Daily check In II

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  • Marie- I think swimming helps tone. At least that is my experience. I always get more eneretic in summer when I swim. I love lying by the pool reading too < of course with SPf on>

    Judy- Welcome home ! I am glad your knee feels a bit better I can relate to your knees and the desire to lose weight. I have bad ankles and the excess weight kills them.

    I had a good day I treated myself to an afternoon of reading in the sun. It always destresses me to do that

  • Hi all. Looks like one of my posts didn't make it - don't you hate it when that happens??!!

    Anyway, I had a good day and visited with an elderly friend. I feel bad that I've neglected her a bit lately and I know she enjoys having visitors. It was good to have a nice long chat and to see that she's doing well in her new apartment.

    Judy - I'm sorry to hear that your knee has been acting up. It sounds very painful, I hope you feel better soon. It must be especially hard when you're traveling. It's good that you're home now and can prepare some good home-cooked meals.

    Carol - I've enjoyed reading all your news. It must have been a whirlwind for you lately. It's nice that you've been able to spend so much time with your family. I'm sure it's been a bit hard to stick to your plan with all that's been going on but now that things have calmed down a bit you'll find it easier to keep on track.

    Marie -I envy you for your pool now that the weather is getting warmer. It would be lovely just to go outside and have a dip whenever I wanted to. It's easy on the joints and that would be great for my ankles.

    Nikki - I'm glad you had a relaxing day reading in the sunshine.
  • Penny, it's good of you to go out of your way to hang out with your elderly friend. When I was a kid, I hated being "dragged" along with my mom to visit older neighbors, but now I appreciate the extra effort my mom and people of her generation took (and still take) to keep home-bound folks from feeling isolated.

    Nikki, an afternoon in the sun with a good book can sure chase the blues away! I think I will do something similar for the Fourth, just kick back and enjoy the good things of summer.

    My knee has totally forgotten all about its troubles. I will try a light workout tonight when I get home. I haven't worked out since Friday!

  • T
  • Today was a bit sad my family flew out this a.m. but next time will be here to visit with a new grandchild. I tried to focus on that to get me through their leaving. Well then went off to the grocery store to purchase some healthy foods for the rest of the week to make my choices a bit easier. I also stopped at the farm and picked up a few more things to put in the garden as I had some room. I planted brussel sprouts and basil plants today. I can make pesto that will be nice over some pasta this summer. My squash plants are looking good I will have more than I can use most likely. Bear is going on friday to get altered and have his nails clipped while he is under. Then my mom whom is 85 is going for carpal tunnel surgery next week on the 10th. She will stay a couple of days with me as my sister will be out of town. I had it arranged for my older sister to take her for the surgery. I explained that yah know I have been away from work for 2 weeks and it wouldn't be too great for me to request a day so soon. So the pressure was on and I delegated quit nicely. Sometimes we can only do so such. I am going to go to the shelter for a coupon for my dog its a cheaper rate to have him altered. Then off to swim a bit with the grandson. Dinner tonight is easy we have spaghetti and meatballs from last night and I will make a salad to. It will get easier but I have to guide myself into better choices more water etc.... Judy glad your knee is better. Traveling always hurts mine due to a past surgery I always get sore and need to get it comfortable. Yah Nikki the relaxing sounds great. You go girl and Judy join her I'd like to do it too! Saturday I might get a little break after I pick up the dog. A little me time I say! Penny it does make us feel better when we help others not a bad thing a little lift with kindness. I had mom over for dinner and to spend the last evening with the kids. She enjoyed the pictures my son shared with her of his life in Maui. He had them on his computer screen easy on her eyes too. She will never get there so its nice for her to see at least his lifestyle and that he is happy and doing well for himself. Well off to run some errands take care and if I don't check in have a good 4th Nikki you are doing so well just remember how proud we all are of what you have accomplished in this time period.
  • Hi all, I'm waiting on my boss. We had a 9 am appointment and it's now 1:21 pm/ Okay, she did show up for a couple minutes and said she'd be right back. Oh well. I got lots of other work done while waiting.

    This morning during the doggie walk, I listened to music, not a book. Man I cruised up and down the roads. Apparently listening to the books has a slower pace. So I'm still going to listen to books, but be aware of my pace.

    Less than 3 hours till the Hump Day break (okay 4th of July - I love how it breaks up the week).

    I'm starting to get sad about leaving my doggies for the week vacation. I'm very excited to go to Alaska but I wish they were coming too. Blizzie's an Alaskan Husky so she should go see her motherland... DH doesn't quite agree with my logic.

    Judy, I'm glad your knee is better. I hope the light workout works this evening. Isn't it a little scary when testing out healed tissue - I'm always scared of re-injuring.

    Nikki, you pool day/ reading book hit home. That's my plan for tomorrow. It's supposed to be in the upper 90's and I love my SPF. I bought a blowup boat to float in. I lounge day is my goal. BTW, the reading a book comment made me remember a conversation with DH yesterday. He and DS2 were talking and DS2 gave him a Harry Potter book. DH had told him which HP movies he'd seen and DS2 gave him the next book in the series. After swimming I saw the book and questioned it's presence. DH said it was for vacation. I said, "I didn't know you knew how to read books." He looked at me so strangely. In 24 years of marriage - he's never, ever read a novel. Car manuals, magazines, etc - NOT A BOOK. It never dawned on my that he could read a real book. Both he and DS2 thought I was nuts. Of course he knew how to read, they said. I knew that, but it was a weird concept.

    Carol, I'm glad you delegated some of your mother's care to your siblings. Strange that you'd have to ask - shouldn't she volunteer, ask you how to divide up mom's needs? I guess once you're delegated the caregiver, others can sneak away. Happens in my family too. When I flew across the country for my mom's surgery but my 2 siblings that live 30 minutes away couldn't be bothered taught me that lesson. When I couldn't go for surgery 2 and 3 - they did step up to the plate, but it wasn't selflessly.

    Okay, I just had the best lunch I've had forever. Co-workers and I were talking about peanut butter (a big love of mine that I'm deathly allergic too) and I had mentioned a week ago that I wish I could have a PBJ. The staple of my childhood. One co-worker asked if I'd tried Almond Butter. I'd never heard of it and he told me where in the store it is. They had that and Cashew Butter (which was a little cheaper than the almod butter). I bought the Cashew Butter. Last night I made home made bread and today I had a CBJ - it tasted exactly like a PBJ. I'm in heaven!!!!
  • Penny- It was sweet of you to visit with your elderly friend.

    Carol-Sounds like you are busy as usual. I hope you get your YOU time.

    Judy- I'm glad your knee feels better.

    Marie-I've always wanted to try Almond butter. It sounds great. I hope your boss shows.

    Well ladies tomorrow I am going to continue to eat low carb but eat a bit more then usual like 30 grams instead of my normal 10. I will post the results of my challenge at some point tomorrow. Enjoy your 4th ladies
  • This has been a nice lazy day! I did a regular workout today, with no problems, but I will ice my knee this evening, just in case. I have a kitchen full of groceries, yaay! Walking to the store I could smell the neighbors' BBQ, so I splurged on on a few ribs at the deli counter, otherwise I bought groceries more in line with South Beach.

    I didn't reach my July 4 goal, but I am relieved that I haven't lost too much ground, and my weight is about the same. My pants are looser in the waist and thighs (thighs, finally ), so I know that if I keep the faith I'll be fine. Labor Day is too far away to be a good goal for me, so I'll buckle down and focus on getting down to 218 by July 25, three weeks from now, when I do the family vacation.

    I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely day! I may walk over to the Air Force Memorial, which has a splendid panoramic view of DC and the fireworks on the National Mall...or I may walk over to my TV, where the view is even better.

  • Judy - I'm glad your knee is feeling better. I'm sure that's a big relief. It must be nice for you to be able to stock up on groceries since you were on the road so long. I hope you enjoyed the ribs - one of my favorites too! I didn't reach my July 4th goal either, I actually gained 2 lbs.! Maybe my new habit of having a nice cold margarita in the evenings has caught up with me. Oh well, looks like I'll have to go back to journaling my food. I hate doing it but it seems like the only thing that works for me. I just heard about the bad weather headed your way - they just evacuated people to the Smithsonian building in DC as they thought some tornadoes might be on the way. Keep safe out there!

    Carol - It sounds like you have a great veggie garden. I love basil, especially with tomatoes, but the bugs around here love it too so they disappear pretty quickly if I plant them. It's nice you could spend some time with your Mom. I'm sure she enjoyed seeing the photos. I called my Mum today as it's her 85th birthday. My brother bought her a digital photo frame and we all sent digital pics to him so he could load them into it. He also found some old slides from our time in Australia about 40 years ago and made them into digital pictures. I can't believe we were ever that young! Talk about hippies! My brother, who was so skinny with long curly hair and a tie dyed shirt now is bald and rather portly. I had waist-length hair parted in the middle and look as skinny as a rake (although even then I thought I was fat!) Mum was thrilled to bits with the photos.

    Marie - I'm glad you found a safe substitute for peanut butter. I love almond butter. I'm allergic to cashews, so I don't know what cashew butter tastes like. I hope your DH enjoys the Harry Potter book. In 38 years of marriage, I've only known my hubby to read one book - On the Beach by Neville Shute - and that was about thirty years ago! I love to read and feel sorry for people who miss out on such a wonderful experience as getting "lost" in a book, whether it's a novel or non-fiction. I'm not sure when you're off on your trip - but have a great time in beautiful Alaska!

    Nikki - I'm sure your challenge went a lot better than mine! I ended up gaining 2 lbs.! I'm going to cut out the margaritas and I'm sure that will make a big difference. Those things are loaded with calories but go down so quickly! I'm also going to eat out less - it's always harder to control the calories when I eat out. I'm also going to start journaling my food again as I started gaining when I stopped journaling.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!
  • Judy I am going to ease myself back into the SB diet. First I am just trying to get my ground on not nibbling as much and crazy as it sounds having more fruit and veggies. The SB thing I like is it takes away the cravings and that helps so much. I do have the cook book. Marie I have a health food store which sells the PB but they make a mystery one with more than one nut in it kind of cool huh? I like it on toast of course. I bought some healthy raisan bread the other day of so tasty. Now on SB I think thats off limits at least at first. I am not sure I will do the full two weeks of the no no's. We will see. But next monday I would like to start that its my goal mini one of course. Today I am writing my intakes for today on a little note pad. THis will help me get a good start. I was careful yesterday and only had a burger at my sisters oh yah and a few tortilla chips and dip but added them in. Not over board. Had no pie when everyone else did and ate some fruit later on as my snack. Got to get back into the nothing after 7:30 thing only water with lemon. Packed a decent lunch for work today and my water. Slim fast for breakfast and a health bar for snack around 10. So this is my introduction back into the working world and my healthier lifestyle with food. My family got home safe after 4 planes and said they would never fly USAways again as they routed them so crazy it added on about 4 hrs to their flight. I am starting this week to save my funds for the hubby and I to visit them and our new grandchild in the spring. I am opening a seperate acct. for this only. I also am requesting for christmas no presents but a deposit for our acct. We will enjoy that above all at this time. We are going to slow down the christmas list a bit this year too. Buying a little something for each couple and then our grandchildren since each family will have one at least now. Well Judy hope all is going well with that knee. I haven't been to PT but will be scheduling her today for next week. I have slacked off on the exercises she asked me to do this weekend I will add them back in as well as the eating habits being good. My friends are camping we may go up to kayak on saturday afternoon depending on the weather conditions. Penny too bad there isn't a lighter version of your drink. CK it out on line maybe then you don't have to give it up. Oh follow it up with a couple of glasses of ice water!!! Hah hah! My garden is liking our crazy weather conditions one day in the 90's then down to the 70's and lower at night. Just crazy this year but the gardens seem to like it. I sent my last jar of grape jam home to Maui with the kids they were happy to tell me it made it and they will enjoy a little bit of home during their times of using it. I have picked quite a few raspberries and hope to make at least one batch of jam. Lots of grapes so this year at least a few batches of jam there. Well take care girls I think I caught yah all up and sorry its so long.
  • Hi Ladies-

    I did not make my July 4 goal but I lost 5 lbs. I am happy with that and will continue to lose and add in moderate exercise.

    Judy-Way to go on the looser clothing

    Penny-Journaling and avoiding alcohol have been life savers for me. Good luck with your new plan.

    Carol-What a great idea creating the account. My boyfriend and I did something similar a mini vacation fund.

    Marie- Hope all is well

  • Hi all, I'm at work today and have almost nothing to do. I'm thinking of spending the day creating a new template for our district's webpage. I'd love to get rid of the old one. My old boss created it and it's not fun - not to mention he wasn't organized so when I update it - it takes forever to find every nuke and cranny he hid things in.

    Nikki, 5 pounds is awesome. I wish I could say that this time but I can't. I'm just being so-so. But the countdown is on - July 16th I'm starting up again. I'll be back from Alaska and there will be no more excuses. It sort of strange - I'm looking forward to it. There's a big part of me that likes when I'm in control. Right now I'm not. I don't see a reason to get on track when we're leaving in less than 48 hours - get on track to just fall off seems silly. But there won't be any excuse after I return.

    Judy, if Penny was right about your weather, I hope you stayed to watch the fireworks on TV. Sounds like you had a nice day off.

    Carol, good luck getting back on tract. Be my inspiration - be successful then tell me about it on the 16th.

    Penny, you have the bugs eating your stuff, I have bambi. BTW, bambi and firends decided to walk with the doggies and me this morning. Three of them, two bucks and a doe, stayed about 50 yards ahead of me and the dogs for about 1/2 mile. It was weird. They kept looking back, knowing that they were safe. I sort of wanted to run after them to get them to leave as Kody was pulling on the leash like crazy. But after a while they finally veered off the road. I definitely live in the wilds.

    Okay, I'm thinking of going for a walk (really don't want to work). I need some duct tape and the store is close... (and no the duct tape isn't for my mouth but that could be a good idea...)
  • Marie, I am picturing you walking with the doggies and the deer . Deer are always so skittish, it's nice to think of them strolling along without sprinting away. Sorry work is so boring! Thinking about your vaction is nice way to pass the time.

    Nikki, five more pounds is awesome, good work!

    Penny, those digital photo frames are so cool! Including really old photos was a brilliant idea.

    Carol, if Penny wants to lighten up her margaritas, she could just drink tequila shots, but that might lead to other problems .

    I have so much work backed up that I can barely focus on one thing without my mind racing over to something else. It's adding to my feeling "hungry" which I'm not, really, I've eaten plenty of food already today (turkey slices, almonds, a plum, plain yogurt, a cup of squash soup, green salad with shrimp). It's just nervous energy. So I will have a big mug of mint tea and wait until near the end of the day to have a Lara Bar, which is too many carbs for South Beach. But I had an early morning meeting and didn't have time to pack my afternoon veggies and hummus. Turns out that the woman I was meeting with forgot, after all that...

    Okay, I'm taking deep breaths...there, that's better. I will come back for moral support if I can't stop thinking about food!

  • Girls regarding things eating our lovely gardens and our soon to be healthy foods try and get some human hair from the salon. I had bunnies eating my cuke plants some down to nothing little brats. Anyways I got a bag of hair and in a flash threw it in no more issues. I guess they sense us being in the garden kind of easy and no cost or fuss. ck it out. Oh Marie have a great trip my son lived there for almost a year and I never got out there. But it was a lovely lace and seems to be the place to go this year. Hope you enjoy every min. of your time away. Worry about the loss later on and enjoy yourself. Bear is off to the vets today and not quite sure why he can't have food this a.m. really turned off by this fact. I am feeling more in control the last few days back to tracking my intakes for now til I get in the groove again. I turned down an offer to go for lunch yesterday and said I brought. Today I will pack another salad but be creative with it. I took a mango yesterday and it was really good shared it with a coworker. Just doing a few days of watching the intake feels better. I will set my goal on monday for the month of July. My first day back to work wasn't to bad at the end of the afternoon I thanked my boss for doing such a good job with my caseload and told her it made for an easy transition back. NIKKI CONGRATS ON THE HIGH 5! Judy I might need a squash soup recipe there is lots coming in my garden. Well gotta go get my little poo off to the vets.
  • Marie- Enjoy yourself in Alaska

    Carol-Wayto go on making wise food choices. The beginning is always the hardest.

    Judy-What is a Lara bar? I love tequila shots

    Penny -Hope you are doing well.

    I am still plugging along. I feel like I havent lost anything even though the scale says different.
