Calling all pregnant mamas!!!

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  • Jason is Lakota Oglala Sioux. When he was born, when his mother was still with his birth father, he was born with his NA last name-a very obviously native one.

    When they separated, a few years later she got with the man who actually raised DH, and he adopted DH legally-and his name was changed to another last a lot of people don't realize that he is NA because his last name doesn't "fit" it. We have had people assume/ask if he is Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or even Asian!

    He doesn't have the classic NA "nose" and eye shape that tend to give it away...he got more of his mothers Caucasian eye shape and nose-but the dark hair, skin, very light body hair on the arms, high cheekbones, etc. I have actually had people tell me that he looks a bit like "The Rock". (wrestling)

    Babies R us called yesterday afternoon to tell us our glider was in/done. We went and picked it up last night and brought it home. It looks so good in the nursery, and matches so well! We picked up a handful of small things on our "baby list" while we were there, too, since they were having a sale. I bought 3 Carters sleepers/sleep n plays in size 6-9 months, a pack of white booties in 6-12 months, and some baby stain remover. (It is sort of like Spray N Wash for baby clothes-WONDERFUL WONDERFUL stuff ladies!!!!!!! I use it on my own stuff when I get a bad stain like coffee on a white shirt...)

    I already have sleepers and onesies in 3-6 months size and bootie socks in 0-6 months size (my kids don't wear newborn/0-3 months ) but I always like to have a few items back in the next size up as well that I buy during sales, etc.

    I do this with my older kids, too-I often buy swimsuits on clearance at the end of summer in the next size to wear next year, etc. It saves me money, plus I don't have to suddenly rush out and shop when one of the kids has a growth spurt. (I just bought my son's new shoes on clearance this week for kindergarten starting in mid-August-a half size bigger than what he is in now, and they were only $9.00!!! )

    I only have a couple things left now to get-the highchair, the baby carrier or sling, and I think one or two other things...and they are all things that I plan on ordering online anyway.
    I can't wear a sling carrier or at least any of the ones that I have tried before-I have tried several and they all hurt my shoulders and back/neck no matter what kind I have tried...and I won't buy a Baby Bjorn simply because I have read a lot of research about the baby carriers where the babies "hang" there being bad for their spines and I am sort of trying to decide right now whether to buy a Sutemi, or an Ergo baby carrier. I have heard wonderful things about both of them. Does anyone here have experience with either one of these carriers???

    When the baby is old enough to support his own head, etc. I will probably sew a couple of Mei Tai style carriers as well in some funky colors/patterns. I really like those as well.
  • Quote: I often buy swimsuits on clearance at the end of summer in the next size to wear next year, etc. It saves me money, plus I don't have to suddenly rush out and shop when one of the kids has a growth spurt.
    Ditto. This is about the only way I buy the kids clothes anymore. My mom might by the occassional full price outfit for them just because she liked it but I pretty much only shop on the clearance rack and either buy for next year or get a couple of pieces cheap they can still get some use out of.

    I spent about $20 on the clearance rack last week for Nate and got a towel and wash rag set, 2 nightgowns, 3 terry sleepers, 3 long sleeve onesies, 7 regular onsies and something else I can't remember but it came to just under $20.

    You mentioned your DH's name. When I was at the doc with Lilly there was a man in there and his last name was Smith. (You could tell he was full blood too.) He said he was somewhere in OKC and the lady asked his name and he said Smith, she told him it was okay to use is real name. Sheesh. I'm not sure why people think Nat. Am. should all have last names like Running Bear or something.

    Well I'm 29 weeks today (I will try and take a new belly pic since I forgot last week) and I'm definitely hitting the 3rd trimester up all night peeing, not sleeping well, feet swelling and overall general discomforts phase. I keep trying to remind myself to just enjoy this pregnancy since it will be my last but as it gets hotter and I get more uncomfortable, it's getting harder and harder. I had horrible horrible foot cramps last night so bad I sucked it up and took a hot bath (even though my ankles were still so swollen) to work them out. I plan on picking up some bananas today to see if that will help. The ankles are back to normal this morning and I may end up setting me an alarm to go off hourly to remind me to get up and walk around to try and keep some of the swelling down.
  • Quote: I spent about $20 on the clearance rack last week for Nate and got a towel and wash rag set, 2 nightgowns, 3 terry sleepers, 3 long sleeve onesies, 7 regular onsies and something else I can't remember but it came to just under $20.
    My SIL is pregnant, too-due a month after me, and I have been picking up stuff for her baby shower on clearance as well. I got a pack of Gerber Onesies-one of the different baby boy print variety packs with about 5 in there-for $2.00 on clearance at Wal-Mart in size 9-18 months. I guestimated that is what her babe will be wearing next spring and summer-and a pack of them like that is normally about $10, not $2. They were in perfect condition, it was just that every now and then the clothing lines like Carters and Gerber change their packaged layette "prints", and they just got their new ones in, so they marked down the remaining of the older prints.

    I am a big coupon fanatic, too. I always use coupons ahead of time before I need the item, if there is a sale at the same time. I have about 7 packages of baby wipes now-all Lansinoh and Huggies brand-and I probably paid only about $1.00-$1.50 for each of them, when they are normally $2.50-$3.00.

    Quote: I'm not sure why people think Nat. Am. should all have last names like Running Bear or something.
    That is hilarious...Jason runs into the same thing because of his having an adopted last name. I think he needs to wear a sign that says "My Birth Name was Whiteface".

    He went into a store once, and the little old man runing the register said "Hola" to him-assuming he was hispanic-and DH smiled at him and said "I'm Native American". The old man laughed, sensing DH's sense of humor about it all, and said "Okay...HOW."

    At Denny's recently, the hostess gave our kids the "spanish" kids menus...(not only is DH and the kids not hispanic, but we had no trace of any accent or anything either...) so DH, with his sense of humor, made a huge ordeal of reading the menu badly when he ordered for the kids..."She will have the cheeseburger COSMICO!!!!"

    My husband is something else...let me tell you.

    Quote: I keep trying to remind myself to just enjoy this pregnancy since it will be my last but as it gets hotter and I get more uncomfortable, it's getting harder and harder.
    The bananas are supposed to help with the leg and foot cramps, and eating papaya is also supposed to help with heartburn for those of you who suffer from that-because of the digestive enzymes.

    I know what you mean about trying to enjoy it-this is my last, too...and I am really trying to enjoy the process, feeling him move inside, decorating his room, etc.-because this is the last time I will be in this position. It does make it hard, though, when your feet are swollen, it is 98 degrees out and humid, and you have heartburn so bad it feels like you drank a gallon of hot sauce.
  • Do you know what to do for headaches? I get them all the time now. I didn't with my last pregnancy. I'm nauseus all the time too! It really is terrible. I think I must be having a girl. I don't have the boy vibes I had with the last two. With my first, I knew he was a boy the whole pregnancy. With my second I knew as well but wanted a girl and I know everyone said I was having a girl This one time I asked my dad and he said a boy and I told he he was right and he was. I just hope my intuition keeps up and is right.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I just read through the whole thread from the last time I posted but it's hard to remember who said what but I'm thinking about you all and hope you are doing well.

    It's been a couple of weeks now since I weaned the baby and he's doing great and mostly sleeping through the night. I didn't get any engorgment and I don't feel so sore anymore. My breast have gone down actually.I'm back into a D cup for now.

    I've gained some weight back because I haven't been keeping up with my routine. I feel terrible and getting out of breath again. I really have to start walking again. Another pregnant friend wants me to go in a triathalon with her where I would walk 3 km, i figure I could do that and it would give me incentive to get back to it.

    We used family names as well for out boys.

    Kale was just a name I liked and his middle names Joesph is his father's middle name and Edward is my father's middle name.
    Mickey was his granddad's nickname. My husband is a Marcel, so was his dad and Marcel's first son is a Marcel as well, son from his previous marriage. Owen was a name I liked.

    We only have a girl name picked out this time, we've had it since I was pregnant with my first. Malee Kathleen Aveyard, malee we like, Kathleen is my mom's name and Aveyard is an old family. I have no idea what to pick for a boys name.
  • Hey was nice to read your posts. I went into labor last night so they went ahead with the c-section this morning. Connor is so beautiful. My husband is a natural with him but im still a little scared of it all. Ive never been around babies.

    Im was in alot of pain this morning but am feeling somewhat better now. Im already eat solids. I havent seen the incision yet and im not sure i want to.

    Anyway, i hope you're all well.

  • WWvixen-congratulations!!!!!!

    Wow...and you thought you would have to wait another day to see him. Maybe he just wanted to "surprise" you a day early.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the incision and how it looks. They improve VERY rapidly-they really do.

    I know what you mean about feeling a little "scared" of him at first. I was nervous with my first baby the first couple of days-but you will soon get the hang of it and feel more comfortable.

    The picture of him is really beautiful!!!! I am excited that we get to see him on his birthday.
  • Deanne-
    Congratulations!! Connor is beautiful! I hope your recovery is quick and that you soon feel more comfortable around Connor - you'll get the hang of it!
  • Deanne: Your son is a cutie! Congratulations!! Rest up as much as you can!

    Thanks for the labour vibes ladies....

  • Congratulations Deanne! He is beautiful
  • Congratulations He is beautiful. I agree with Aphil that it usually does go away. I looked at mine this morning and you can barely see it there.
  • Congratulations! Connor is so beautiful! Dont' worry it'll be old hat after awhile.
  • Oh, I just realized there's a new baby in here! He's so cute. Congratulations.

    Aphil, I have just enough Native American blood to confuse folks. People see what they expect to see. I can't count the number of times I've had elderly Mexican women come up to me and start rattling away in Spanish, clearly expecting me to know what they're saying.

    It's pretty cool here in Hawaii, because there is such a mix of ethnicities no one "expects" you to be anything. One person may well be Japanese/Filipino/Native Hawaiian/White in ancestry.

    We only have a girl name picked out this time, we've had it since I was pregnant with my first. Malee Kathleen Aveyard, malee we like, Kathleen is my mom's name and Aveyard is an old family. I have no idea what to pick for a boys name.
    I hope it is a girl, then! We have always had a heck of a time figuring out girls' names, and were rewarded with three girls for our troubles.
  • Hi All,

    This baby is stubborn and is uber comfortable so he/she is staying put. I am going to see my OB this morning though... I honestly thought I wouldn't be going to this appointment since my mom was early with everyone of her pregnancies, but alas I read that it's really the baby who decides when to emerge and my DF was 2 weeks late (I was 2 weeks early). I just thought that since I had a very accurate due date and very regular menstral cycles that last 28 days this babe would follow that... Ah well good to know he/she is independantly minded!!

    Anyway, my mom is coming over today to help me do some more cleaning (I had cleaned and all, but with waiting for this babe I need to do some more now), also my Bro and his GF need a place to crash on Friday so I have to set up the spare room (luckily they're low-maintenance guests).

    Take care!

  • Hey girls...i enjoyed reading everyones updates! Connor is doing great...a little constipated. Nic has gone to the store the get prune juice and apple juice and we will see what works. Other than that, he is beautiful. I'm still getting used to everything. Connor is the first baby that I've held really. We have been out the past 4 days...eating out, shopping, etc. and he seems to love the stroller and car rides.

    I hope all is well with everyone!
  • Quote:
    Nic has gone to the store the get prune juice and apple juice and we will see what works.
    Um, you might want to run that by a pediatrician. A newborn's digestive system isn't up to handling anything but breastmilk or formula. If he's truly constipated, you can probably give him a small glycerin suppository (or whatever the doctor recommends), but juice is liable to make him sick.