"Just Beachy" Blue Team Chat # 5

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  • Quote: Hey Anna (or anyone with an opinion about this) -- what do you think of caffeine? I currently don't consume caffeine, I've never been a coffee drinker or a soda drinker. But all the research seems to be trending towards caffeine possibly providing some protection from Alzheimer's and dementia and possibly Parkinson's.

    Alzheimer's and dementia is my biggest fear in life, so now I wonder if my husband is smarter for drinking 3 cups of caffeinated coffee a day!
    As in most things, I believe that moderation is the key. 2-3 cups of coffee a day is good...2-3 pots? Well, that is probably not such a good thing. Also, a lot depends on what put in your coffee. If you use lots of sugar and full-fat creamer..well, again, not such a good thing.

    I believe that Anna's stand is that coffee = good parenting. I agree!
  • Quote: I've decided I'm going to make a daily commitment to myself to help keep me on plan each day.
    Great idea! My committment for today is 'NO ADDED SUGAR!'
  • Quote: Jill, I've had migraines for years and I can tell you that a caffeine withdrawal headache is equal in pain to my migraines. I've also had withdrawal headaches that lasted for 3-4 day. It's great that you're taking yourself off of the caffeine, but I really don't think that having a few swallows of a regular diet coke will hurt your efforts. You will be surprised at how just a tiny bit of caffeine will relieve your headache. After a day or so, you won't even need a few swallows and you'll be caffeine free.
    Jill--I was just about to respond to you, but all I can say is What Rhonda said!
  • Quote: Hey Anna (or anyone with an opinion about this) -- what do you think of caffeine?
    I really don't have a problem with naturally occuring caffeine. I am not a fan of processed foods as a group, so I don't eat things that have it added. I see no problem with tea or coffee, and it makes me a better parent.

    Quote: lol!
    I got Will's at http://www.brightandbold.com/siggbottles.html
    and Meara's at http://store.valueweb.com/servlet/ca...les/Categories

    Quote: Great idea! My committment for today is 'NO ADDED SUGAR!'
    No sugar added scares the crap out of me. It means they probably (not always) have added something else. I know my body will recognize sugar and respond accordingly. Not as well as when I was younger and thinner, but my blood sugar is under control. I also know that my body will look at aspartame or sucralose and say, "What is this %$#@?" Then my liver has to spend time dealing with that stuff instead of helping rid my body of fat as it is used. Give me a little sugar (preferably honey).
  • Quote: No sugar added scares the crap out of me. It means they probably (not always) have added something else.
    Oh no, that's not my committment. There is natural sugar in most foods, but I'm committed to not eating anything today that has been 'sugared' or had sugar added.....ie...cookies, cakes, candies, etc etc etc. I'm not committing to the "No Sugar Added" products on the market. Yikes! That would be scarey!
  • way to go Blue Team!!!!
  • Quote: Maybe all you married people can help me with something I'm a little confused about. How does one go about picking a Justice to get married? I mean, I know where to find a list, but do I ask certain questions or like... meet them for coffee... or ... I have no clue!!
    We looked them up in the phone book. Then we had one over to talk about what we wanted and how he did things. We went with our first interviewee cause we liked him.

    Quote: Call me silly, but I still find myself sucking in my stomach when I go places... like it makes me look any thinner...
    I do it all the time. It's supposed to be good for you back and posture or something. It was depressing when I couldn't suck it in after my c-section for awhile. Now I can do it again.

    Quote: As in most things, I believe that moderation is the key. 2-3 cups of coffee a day is good...2-3 pots? Well, that is probably not such a good thing. Also, a lot depends on what put in your coffee. If you use lots of sugar and full-fat creamer..well, again, not such a good thing.

    I believe that Anna's stand is that coffee = good parenting. I agree!
    I am once again trying to cut out the caffeine cause I went off the wagon and have been drinking soda with caffeine again. It makes me too moody. Where I can't handle my mood swings. I don't drink enough where I get withdrawal symptoms really bad. But even a little affects my moods.
  • Josephine, I agree with Rhonda...key is moderation. I believe too much of anything is bad. We used to drink about 3-4 cups of coffee a day but we cut it back to 1 travel mug of coffee about 16 oz (we brew at home) and take it to work. I've recently started drinking a cup of tea in the evening usually with my evening snack. It makes me feel good I don't want to give up coffee cuz I do enjoy a cup of coffee a day
    Also since you haven't had caffeine stuff before you might want to discuss it with your doctor as everyone's reaction is different...just to be on the safe side

    I guess every ounce lost does count!!

    Off to get cup #2 of coffee and I haven't made it to the gym yet. Ugh. I got stuck working...need to go now...
  • 3-peat!!
  • I have been soooo productive today!

    I cleaned the rabbit's cage and litter box

    I cleaned up Will's floor which looked like there had been some kind of Hot Wheel-Lego War in which there was no clear winner

    I have done two loads of laundry

    I have picked up the floor in my room

    I have picked up everyone's clothes from the hall and bathrooms

    Now I am going to:
    Return a comforter to Penney's

    Go to Kroger

    Go to Ace to get cages for my eggplant and stakes for the other stuff.
  • Quote: I have been soooo productive today!

    I cleaned the rabbit's cage and litter box
    Thought you were getting rid of the rabbit cause he destroyed the TV?
  • whew, my headache is almost completely gone. Thanks for the and the ideas, my fabulous blue teammates. I would have a few sips of cafeeinated soda, but we have none in the house now, and only non-diet soda available at work. I really didn't think I would have withdrawal--I only drank 2 cans a day on weekdays, maybe 3 on weekends. But I had bumped it up to Diet Pepsi Max, which has even more caffeine than regular Diet Pepsi, so maybe that's why

    I went out for a walk at lunch since the rain had stopped. My office is in a loop of professional buildings, so I walk laps around the loop. My normal routine walk is 2 full laps plus wandering around a couple buildings/parking lots, and it's always almost exactly an hour from when I leave my desk to when I return. Well, like I said, it had stopped raining, so I headed out. I had done my building/parking lot wandering and one full lap, and just as I was about halfway through my second lap (read: as far as possible from my office), it just started POURING rain! I ran (yes, RAN) to a tree and hid under it for a few minutes until the rain let up a little. At least i happened to be wearing a hooded shirt. I popped my hood up and walked the rest of the way in the rain. I'm still slightly damp
  • There was no proof that the TV issue is because of Petey. We replaced all the wires, and the problem still was there. I talked to some big-screen genius who led me through troubleshooting. He says there is no way it was the rabbit.

    Irony: having a pet rabbit while I just spent $10 on fencing to keep rabbits out of my garden....
  • Happy today:

    My dwarf lilac is blooming. All of the other lilacs in the area are long gone...but not mine! My little dwarf blooms late and smells lovely.

    I have two little blossoms on my maters!

    My kids have played beautifully all day.

    New topic: Anyone use/d Simple Abundance?