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Old 06-28-2005, 12:37 AM   #1  
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Unhappy new PCOS book--scam?


I was wondering if anybody has tried the new book on pcosa?


Last edited by leanandfree; 06-30-2005 at 04:28 PM. Reason: ?
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Old 06-28-2005, 08:23 AM   #2  
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What is the name of the book and who is the author?
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Old 06-28-2005, 09:23 AM   #3  
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Ok, I found the book on the pcosa forum - A New Dawn by Ian Stoakes. It looks like they have devoted a forum to it because one of their site admins liked the book, though one of the site owners specifically said they were not endorsing it. The forum is filled with questions and skepticsm. My personal instincts would be to ask my own physician about it. If there really was a cure, she'd know. From the way it looks, only this author seems to know about it.
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Old 06-28-2005, 04:23 PM   #4  
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Thumbs up Thanks for the info!

Sue and Suzanne,

Thanks for the info about the book and the forum--both are new to me.

I ordered the books (you order one, they send them both). I read parts of the forum first, then the pdf file about it, and the spokeswoman's blog. It seemed worth the money to give it a test.

I too am skeptical at six-week cures but for $25 I'm willing to take a chance. I'll come back and update this thread after I receive it and give it a test drive!
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Old 06-28-2005, 10:58 PM   #5  
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I just checked out the GI Diet Book from my library. Your not supposed to eat anything that is in the Red section--Caution is Yellow--and you can eat ANTHING in the green section. Sounds simple! I'll let you know.


Last edited by leanandfree; 06-30-2005 at 04:31 PM. Reason: ?
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Old 06-30-2005, 03:25 AM   #6  
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Default A New Dawn, PCOS Book

Hi, I have PCOS and visit the pcos board you are referring to on a regular basis. There are a couple of things you should know before purchasing this book. First, the site administrator had a post commenting on the fact that "Ian Stoakes" was associated in a book scam in the past. They have now deleted it from the forum. In fact, anyone who strongly questions the validilty of the book in the forum is censored out. The site administrator stated this in a post, which is how I know of the censorship.

Frequently, the site administrator attacks anyone who even remotely says anything with or without intent that could damage the reputation of Ian Stoaks or A New Dawn. The site administrator claims the PCOS Board is not promoting or endorsing the book, but the administrator posts what I have come to refer to as advertisements all throughout the forums not designated as "New Dawn" areas.

Mr. Stoakes rarely gives direct answers about the book. His reply is always, "Go read the book." He tends to bash medical professionals as does the site administrator. Tulin Reid was the PCOSA representative. She says on one of her websites Ian Stoakes approached her about the book months ago. She has created a website dedicated to selling nothing but Ian Stoakes book. There is no background information or information at all regarding Ian Stoakes other than he is the author of A New Dawn. She has a slogan placed on this website that reads, "I believe in second chances."

I found 3fatchicks accidentally tonight while trying to find additional information on Ian Stoakes. I did want to share with you what I know to be truth. You are correct there is great skeptism on our site concerning this book, the crediability of the site administrator, and the relationship between Ian Stoakes, the site administrator, and Tulin Reid. In fact at this point, I am beginning to wonder about the PCOAS and it's responsibility to the PCOS community by letting this situation continue in our forum.

Any information anyone can find on Ian Stoakes I would greatly appreciate it being posted. I would like to know who he is and why he is heavily promoted on our forum. I have been unable to find any information at all about him or his background and I am a hair away from reporting this situation to the authorities who handle fraud. I am certain they would be able to acquire the needed information to fill in the blanks.

There are some very good books that are carried by Amazon.com and other large retail outlets about PCOS that are worth the money if you are interested in learning more about our syndrome. There are also many, many very fine ladies on the PCOS website who would love to meet you and share their experiences and knowledge about PCOS with you, myself included!

Thank you for letting me share.

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Old 06-30-2005, 12:25 PM   #7  
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Thanks, AnnaCee. I've been to the PCOSA forum. It's got great info, like you say. I've read several books about PCOS. As I said in my post, I am sceptical about anything that promises cures. So with eyes open I ordered the book. I want to see what it says and what it does. It's certainly worth $25 to me to check it out.
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Old 07-13-2005, 01:58 PM   #8  
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Angry new PCOS book--scam?

Hi, I am new here..

Yep- I think these are a scam- I have the books- or rather- I should say length 'brochures' about it... The books don't tell you what to do- it refers you to the books website where it says "congratualations , now you know WHY you are sick- now you can take a blood test to tell you what foods to eliminate. (or you could try the elimination diet- but we don't advise that.)"

$1500 for the test.. and there is alot of shady info on the author- who I have conversed with personally several times..


Feel free to email me if you'd like to know more of my own experiences.

PCOS for 11+ years
Mother to Matteo- almost 1 (7/20/04)
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Old 07-14-2005, 05:32 PM   #9  
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I wanted to say thank you to AnnaCee and Gmama for sharing your experiences with this book. The whole thing just seemed a little fishy to me. It could well be legitimate, but the way their forum has changed to accomodate the promotion of this book just doesn't seem right. Gmama, your statement in particular shocked me, that doesn't quite sound legal for them to do. It certainly isn't ethical.
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Old 08-02-2005, 09:09 PM   #10  
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Default Don't knock it!

I personally know Tulin Reid and her fiance and have seen the amazing changes that have taken place with their bodies by following Ian's advice. Instead of bashing it, I would suggest that one of you be brave and try it. There's no doubt in my mind that you will have a different tune once you see the changes in your own body.
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Old 08-29-2005, 04:58 PM   #11  
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Default Eau De Rat?

Could that be *golden* as in *golden dawn*? I'm smelling rats here, big time.

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Old 10-12-2005, 11:48 PM   #12  
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I know this is an old thread, but I am responding to the book question. I have never heard of the book mentioned above, and I agree, it sounds shady, but I did recently come across an excellent eBook on PCOS it's called "The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility" by Nancy Dunne and Bill Slater. Here's the link if you want to check it out:


This book is so well written and there is SO much information about PCOS and how it affects your body. I was actually doing research on infertility when I came across it, but this is not just a book on how to get pregnant, it is the best book I have ever read about PCOS, with very clear diet guidelines that are fully explained, and make a lot of sense. The best $15 I have ever spent on PCOS, that's for sure. The diet is a bit radical (very organic/natural foods) and I'm not sure if I'm up to that yet, but there have been things that I have changed/added to my current diet based on info from this book.

Just wanted to share- there are good books out there!

Last edited by Rizeninme; 10-12-2005 at 11:59 PM.
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Old 04-26-2006, 05:28 AM   #13  
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Default A word (or two) from the author

Censorship comes in many guises but none is quite so sad as that perpetrated by sufferers on other sufferers by the rush to 'find' a scam behind anything new. I am mindful that this site is not intended for the promotion of products, including books, but I would like to address a number of issues that have been highlighted by members concerning my book, A New Dawn. Suzanne3FC seems to agree with Anna Cee that I indulge in bashing the medical profession, saying that her 'instinct would be to ask my physician'. I wonder if Suzanne is aware that an FDA spokesperson recently announced that Vioxx has killed 55,000 people - each one will have received their prescription from their MD. One of my PCOS readers (who has lost more than 24 pounds in the last few months) was asked by her specialist how many pies she ate each day - great bedside manner, I am sure you will agree.

Anna also reports that I have been associated with a 'book scam' in the past - of course, offering no proof whatsoever. Indulge me and let me give you the background: some years ago, I (along with many others) came to the conclusion that inflammation was at the heart of a great deal of illness, including obesity. I was instrumental in designing a means of detecting a particular cause of inflammation - particularly chronic (long term) inflammation. The cause was food. The immune system, which generates inflammation, is programmed to detect 'non-self', food which is not completely digested can gain access to the bloodstream and is 'non-self' (bacon is a pig, bread is wheat, etc - all 'non-self'). At the time, AIDS was a really big issue and drug companies were racing to find a cure - because it was a medical goldmine. Unbeknown to me some of the research showed that some patients 'allergic' to one of the early AIDS drugs did well on an anti-inflammatory - this news was not welcome at all as it put these expensive new drugs at risk of immediate redundancy. At this time I was in the news fairly regularly suggesting that obesity was an inflammatory condition. In one week, I was hit by seven 'consumer affairs' programmes - that must be something of a record - each assured me that they were acting independantly and had absolutely nothing to do with a burglary at my office two weeks before where the only thing stolen was my file server. A professor, acting for one of the programmes, was promptly dropped when he suggested that I had no case to answer and his comments were struck from the eventual programme. I was reported to official bodies dealing with business fraud and, again, no action was taken - this would have required open court, not what those who cry 'scam' are looking for just in case they have to explain their real motives before a judge with the possibility of large scale damages. These guys can be sure that others will take up the cry on their behalf and, with the advent of the web, the supposed 'stain' will neve wash out. So Anna, please forget the 'hair' and have the courage of your convictions, report me but be prepared to have fact rather than rehashed supposition - that does not count in a real court. If you want direct answers to any question, all you have to do is ask - my e-mail address is clear on the books and on the sites. By the way, just about the time you were posting, I was working with an HIV patient - his CD4 count has virtually doubled as a result of my work with him - he is now no longer in the danger zone - that is a fact based on his previously measured CD4 counts.

Many women with PCOS are supposedly infertile - the lady referred to at the PCOSA was one of the first to use the method offered in A New Dawn. In March she, although having never before ovulated without chemical assistance, produced a fit and healthy baby after a perfect pregnancy. She ovulated after just one week on the 'diet' and was pregnant by the end of the first cycle. One of her blog readers at 40 and obese (BMI 30.7) was so enthused after a lifetime of non-ovulation and two miscarriages after 'treatment' with ovulation enhancing drugs that she decided to 'have a go' - this supposed 'scam artist' offered her a money back guarantee - she lost 24 pounds and is now at week 24 of a perfectly normal pregnancy which her ob/gyn describes as 'amazing' - if you are of a mind to shout 'coincidence', her husband, who also took the test, also lost 24 pounds!

Inflammation underwrites many different diseases for the simple reason that it is caused by the action of white cells in the blood - they visit every part of the body and thus can affect every part of the body. Inflammation causes obesity because it stops the effective use of the energy that is consummed as food - this is complex, hence writing a book to explain it. One reader complained that the book was just a collection of science papers - you cannot help some people. It is so easy to cry 'scam' but then you condemn yourself to missing out on poentially vital information and put off others.

The winners of this years Nobel Prize, the Australian Drs Warren and Marshall discovered the cause and cure for stomach ulcers, the helicobacter pylori and the triple antibiotic - it took twenty five years for their recognition. In the meantime they were treated scurrilously by the media and their fellow doctors. Inflammation is the major cause of infertility, miscarriage, preeclampsia and PCOS - I did not think that most women would want to wait 25 years - it seems that some sufferers are wanting to ensure that just that happens by adding to the hue and cry determining that this is a scam - ladies, the books contain the collected research, they simply ask you to consider the evidence and make up your own mind (in fact, you cannot buy a test without purchasing the books - not for me to make an extra $25 but to make sure that you do not spend money without having the facts at your disposal).

And one word for those still willing to trust all to their doctor - one of the most widely used drugs for bi-polar disorder (another inflammatory condition - this time of the brain) actually increases all of the symptoms of PCOS - brilliant but no shouts of 'scam'.

If you want to know more about me - I am a married man of 52 (almost) with two sons and a dog, living quite openly in Holland where my wife is a teacher - simply ask. Sadly, I am not the shadowy figure I am made out to be, nothing so romantic - just ordinary.

Last edited by Ian Stoakes; 04-27-2006 at 04:37 AM.
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Old 10-27-2007, 04:00 PM   #14  
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So Mr. Stokes are you a Dr? If not what is your educational background?
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