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Old 04-04-2016, 05:04 PM   #1  
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Question Keto - any advanced Keto dieters?

I started the Keto way today, but wasn't totally prepared. I have some steak but have no idea what to add to this protein to get enough fat into the meal. I don't plan on eating steaks regularly, it's just I have some left over. It's kind of surprising how difficult it is to add fat to a meal so that it meets the requirements of Keto.

I'm also looking for some easier Keto friendly snacks or meals. I just boiled some eggs and plan on making deviled eggs with them. I tried pork rinds with avocado dip but that wasn't too pleasant. I know I like cheese chips so I will make some of those to go with the avocado next time.

Nuts are expensive but I'll probably budget some pecans into my monthly food allowance. Anything else that's obvious besides eggs, cheese. pork rinds and nuts, that I'm missing?

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Old 04-11-2016, 09:18 AM   #2  
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Tabby sorry I never noticed this thread

I am 'hardcore keto advanced' being zero carb LOL

thing with fat is 'adding is ok' but the best way to get your fat into your day is fatty meats. fatty foods.

make a fat bomb. loaded with fats. a few ups your fat content very fast.

eat the skin off the chicken and drizzle some chicken grease on your meat...not alot, a little, this ups your fat content very fast.

I don't do pork rinds and nuts etc. in that I prefer meals now. I never snack anymore. that is gone. I eat 2 nice sized wonderful meals per day and makes me very happy. in those 2 meals is all I need.

hope some of that helps
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Old 04-15-2016, 05:00 AM   #3  
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Default Want to start Keto Diet. NEED SOME HELP!!

Hey y'all! I'm new to this forum and diet. I NEED SOME HELP!! I really want to start the Keto Diet. I desperately need to shed some pounds due to health issues. I've heard and read a few things about the diet and saying you can lose weight fast. In my case I really do hope that is true, I know it's high fat, moderate protein and low carb. But from what I've seen it always gives percentage of each that is needed daily. I'm sorry I don't want to sound like an idiot but I honestly don't understand percentages.
I was hoping someone/anyone could please help better break this down for me. Maybe like how many calories of each I should consume daily for the best optimal & fasted weight loss results that would be extremely helpful.

Again as I've mentioned it's crucial I lose this weight & losing it as fast as possible is definitely what I need. Any info, advice &/or tips would be so massively appreciated!!

Also I was curious how long does it take for the body to go into ketosis?
And how much could you possibly lose in 3 months?
Any answers and replies would be great. Thank you again. I need this diet to work cause so many ha e failed me and I'm praying this will be the one that will work for me.

Again Thanks in advance

Last edited by CC925; 04-15-2016 at 05:28 AM. Reason: Misspelled a wors
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Old 04-15-2016, 10:58 AM   #4  
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I am doing well on this diet. It's keeping my hunger and cravings way down. There are moments I do struggle. I have been weighing myself every day just to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. My weight loss is like a saw tooth wave, if you know what that is. It goes up and down but each down is a bit more. I've lost 6.2 pounds in 11 days.

When I first started, the numbers were too over whelming. Kind of still are but I'm just doing what I can. So, I suggest you jump in like I did to at least get started. You can learn and perfect along the way. I'll have a lot to say but if you don't read my full post, get this. Make fat bombs. Just do a search on the Net and find ones that appeal to you. The hardest thing is to get enough fat in.

Having said that, I made an excel spread sheet to help me keep tack of my day's numbers, fat in grams, protein in grams and carbs in grams. At first I only counted Net carbs but the when I had my first spike in weight, I switched to total carbs, minus a few like when I use oat fiber (not flour) in recipes, I don't count any carbs for that. I also don't count the approved sweeteners or psyllium husks. Your goal, if the percentages are too much to deal with, is to not exceed 20 gram of carbs in a day. The rest will will deal with itself until you become more familiar with everything.

Depending on how much over weight you are, I believe you could lose up to 45 pounds in 3 months, but I'd plan more like 30 pounds to be safe.

I have heard the book Why Are You Fat and What to do About it is a great book to explain the science and possibly answer your keto question. I have ADD and delving or researching into that is too much for me.

Read all your labels when buying food. Those Sneaks sneak in carbs where one might not expect also different brands of the same food will have different carbs. I can't find a cream cheese with 1 carb per serving, I live in a rural area, but I hear they exists. Mine has 2 grams per serving, an ounce, I think.

I suffer from debilitation fatigue, unrelated to weight, and can't always cook. I have to have snack type foods that the previous poster implied were not good enough for her, around. Don't be ashamed of that if you have to at first while you learn the ropes. They have saved me several times.

I also suggest you go to YouTube and look for Cooking Keto with Kristie. She has normal food recipes, nothing froo froo, (I hate froo froo food) and her videos will also give you ideas and tips. She puts a lot of veg in some of her meals. Don't do that, at first. I also suggest taking a multi vitamin with out iron and a B complex.

Have deviled eggs and fat bombs at the ready and learn to make your own mayo using 2 egg yolks, 1 cup oil, 1 tsp prepared mustard1 1 tsp acid like lemon juice or vinegar of choice and salt. Use the egg whites to either coat something like fish or chicken and then dredge in "bread crumbs" made from pork rinds or cook it in a skillet like scrambled eggs and then chop up and use in the filling for the deviled eggs, or whisk and add it to a soup, while whisking, for something like egg drop soup but if you do that, also and a whole egg.

Grocery list of unusual things that might not be found at the grocery store;

* Oat fiber (not oat flour)
* Erythritol
* Liquid Stevia

If you feel invested in this diet, I also suggest going to and buying the Fiber Syrup Gold (also get the clear if you can afford it), and also get Sukrin Gold (brown sugar replacement). They take forever to ship and do not send a shipment/tracking notice.

I got Truiva at my local rural town store. Check labels. The store brand that was packaged in the same type container, wasn't the same thing. Avoid maltodextrin which is in Splenda. It raises glucose levels.

If you have any questions for me or need a Way Of Eating buddy or want to swap ideas for meals, private message me if they allow that here. I'm newly using this forum so I'm not familiar with it. In fact I plan on not hanging around it anymore.


Last edited by TabbyOne; 04-15-2016 at 11:50 AM. Reason: Typos
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Old 04-15-2016, 12:07 PM   #5  
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CC, DO NOT track or get so 'overly annoying crazy' about macros and all that mess' in that the true 'ONLY' smart thing to do is eat clean.

if we go hog wild into 'perfection of this or that' we lose. we can't do it.

be genuine in that YOU know healthy eating WE ALL do.

just drop the sugar and junk and extras and more. eat a good breakfast of bacon, eggs, then if hungry at lunch eat tuna and maybe a small salad and then at dinner time eat a big bit of meat and few LC veggies like broccolit vs. a tater.

NEVER make it more than it is in that you know the healthy way to eat, we all do deep down, it is UP TO YOU do make that happen. if we 'go by macros and percentages' we complicate it so much as it 'being more than it ever needs to be' and we screw up

hope that helps CC

I ''did'' it all and in the end just healthy eating options without the 'extra science of insanity' is what works

Last edited by ZCA72; 04-15-2016 at 12:09 PM.
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Old 04-15-2016, 12:16 PM   #6  
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Fail to plan, plan to fail.
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Old 04-15-2016, 12:18 PM   #7  
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Zero carb is going by macros and is tracking.
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high fat, keto, low carb

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