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Old 04-17-2013, 07:34 AM   #16  
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I made the decision to add fat into my diet...actually after reading the Art & Science of Low Carb, I am going to follow their advice for nutritional ketosis. My calories will more than double! According to their calcs I should be eating around 2000 calories a day! I don't even know where to start adding!

Twice now I have worked out with just a teaspoon of salt and some water 30 minutes prior and have had great results! I really like the idea of using fat to fuel my workouts...

I ordered a blood ketone tester and strips because i want to really keep a close eye on ketone levels to make sure I stay in the fat burning mode and not go back to carb burning without having enough carbs. I guess it's all gonna be a process of figuring out what works best for me!
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Old 12-02-2013, 01:45 PM   #17  
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Could you help me with menu ideas!?
I should be eating something around 800cal but I just can't make it.
I'm eating 1200cal/day, most of it because I have a sweet tooth!
I'm having whey pancakes for breakfast and as dinner.
And both my snacks (am and pm) are basically some kind of low carb sweet.
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Old 01-04-2014, 12:41 PM   #18  
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Hi! I. Count calories and eat low carb too. I try to stick to 1100-1000 calories and less than 20 carbs a day. If i eat less i go hungry. To track my intake i use the mynetdiary on my ipad. Started january first at 240 lbs. Goalis to loose 100 pounds.

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Old 01-19-2014, 01:45 PM   #19  
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Hello..I am not doing keto anymore, I hated the way it made me feel (bad breath, constipation, weakness and fogginess)..but I am doing low carb now and I am paying attention to calories. I try and stay at 1000 calories knowing all too well I'm probably going over to 1200-1300.....I have been on many low carb diets, atkins, SBD, Dukan and Belly Fat cure...and I noticed that no matter how low I keep carbs if I don't keep calorie count low also I don't lose weight..i don't know why that is because others do well on low carb diets no matter what their calorie count is.
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Old 01-20-2014, 09:29 PM   #20  
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Hmm... Going to try this. Counting and low carb.
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Old 01-21-2014, 03:09 AM   #21  
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I think it's a fallacy that most people on low carb can eat as much as they want and still lose weight. I think that's even more of a problem for middle aged women, I think most of us have to keep a lid on both carbs and calories (and maybe protein too). I can maintain fairly well without keeping a lid on calories, but to lose I have to stay dialed in. If you want to read more about this, I recommend Jenny Ruhl's Diet 101 book.
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Old 02-12-2014, 07:52 PM   #22  
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Originally Posted by Marymar View Post
Hi! I. Count calories and eat low carb too. I try to stick to 1100-1000 calories and less than 20 carbs a day. If i eat less i go hungry. To track my intake i use the mynetdiary on my ipad. Started january first at 240 lbs. Goalis to loose 100 pounds.
I don't mean to be a buttinsky but based on your 5'9" height, your goal weight sounds a bit low. Your carb count too, especially if that's total carbs as opposed to net carbs. I'm no expert but did 7 months of Ideal Protein which supposedly has figured the absolute minimum carbs to maintain a weight-losing metabolism. According to them, if you go under 20 or 30 NET (after subtracting fiber carbs), your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy and you weight loss will slow down too.

Like I said, I'm not an expert and we are all different

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Old 04-12-2014, 12:06 AM   #23  
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I am new here, but happy to join and find others who count calories as well as carbs.

I usually have about 800 calories, but lately I have been increasing to to 1200. I dont think it is impacting my weight, but definitely my pocketbook

My stats are 5'4 at 115 lbs. I would like to trim off the last few on my belly and I workout about 5 days a week.

Hmm.. I still am trying to figure out what amounts of fat/protein work for me. I think I was undernourished before, but maybe this all my way of justifying how much I can eat)
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Old 04-13-2014, 11:36 PM   #24  
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Hello peaceloveharmony... looks like this is an older thread but great advice.. I am just starting into thie High Fat Low carb way of eating... I use my fitness pal and have my calories set at 1000 might go over by a bit I have my carb set at 25g my protein at 130g and fat at 91 g I dont remember what the % are but so far this is doing pretty well for my I miss fruit but I know that Fruit can cause me to lose weight I like that kellymed said she was alternating between high Fat and low carb and IP days cause I just invested in a bunch of IP food and I would likie to use it up before I completly go High Fat Low Carb.... I subscribed to the Bulletproof site there is a great diet guide line recommendation from them
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Old 10-14-2014, 11:53 AM   #25  
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It has been claimed that if you are on a KETO diet you don't need to count calories. I guess everyone is different because I have to. I don't have to go crazy because I stay around 1500 calories give or take, but that allows me to lose the weight and the fat controls my appetite. I tried going on a general low calorie diet and I was always hungry and shakey. So I now know for a fact that for me I have to do both. My decision has been in question from others that have been blessed with not having to count calories. All I can say is bless them and I wish them success
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Old 10-14-2014, 01:14 PM   #26  
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Everyone is different, and sometimes it's like trying to catch smoke fathoming exactly how our bodies work. I'm closely following Gary Taubes, Jimmy Moore, Jonny Bowden for advice.

I have set my calorie total to a huge 1700, though because of my high fat diet (80%), I struggle to get to 1500 some days, on other days I woefully go over the top. But I'm not worried.

Apparently eating fat doesn't turn into body fat. Unless you've triggered insulin production through eating carbs or too much protein. I don't want to go low on calorie count because I want to keep my metabolism revved. But I do have to keep my protein low to between 60g and 70g. Over 70g I start craving carbs which means my pancreas has produced a little squirt of insulin through the surplus protein producing glucose by the process of gluconeogenesis. Insulin is the only hormone that packs our body fat cells, and I don't need that

It's not easy, we are all so different, diets are not a one-fit for all. We do our best.

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Old 10-14-2014, 06:00 PM   #27  
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What I usually do is weigh my meat. I don't eat over 3 or 4 ounces per meal. I have Coconut oil,meat fat, butter, and HWC everyday. And of course I do LC veggies and a little fruit mostly berries. As Long as my fat intake is high enough it knocks out my appetite. Today I haven't had many calories or carbs and haven't been hungry in hours
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Old 10-19-2014, 04:39 PM   #28  
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I have been avidly following the HFLC videos on youtube. There are quite a few and they all have crucial information. it all makes sense to me, but I have to be calorie mindful as I have stated in previous posts
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Old 04-04-2015, 03:24 PM   #29  
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Default 800 calories

What can you eat for 800 calories and aren't you hungry all the time? How do you keep within your macros?
Also where can I put my weight ticker? I can't find edit signature.

Last edited by chihuahuameme; 04-04-2015 at 03:25 PM.
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Old 04-04-2015, 03:50 PM   #30  
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First of all - Welcome to 3FC. Can you post a short introduction in the Introduction part of the Forum? There is also lots of help in the Frequently Asked Question area

As to a signature, you must have at least 20 posts and have been here 20+ days before you can create one.
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