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Old 06-20-2008, 09:12 PM   #1  
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Default Weigh in

I am not a scale watcher. Some people can do that - it just drives me crazy to watch the 1 pound up, 1 pound down yo-yo. So I schedule my weigh ins anywhere from 7 to 10 days apart. Today (6/21) was one.

I only lost 1 lb since my last weigh in 10 days ago.

However, I lost TWO inches in my waist. I now have a 35" waist. Down from a 37" at last weigh in and down from a 40" when I started.

Talk about serious motivation! There is definitely some muscle conversion going on here! I feel good!

I wholeheartedly recommend to all of you who are just embarking on your diets/exercise routine: don't just weigh yourself at the beginning...take pictures, take measurements (everything!). Compare ALL of these figures over time.
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Old 01-18-2009, 04:12 PM   #2  
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It's so's very encouraging to look at all the changes that take place and not just focus on the scale as it can be affected by so many factors, even the last time you used the bathroom!!

I look at things like how I feel when I walk up a flight of stairs (my legs aren't rubbing as much--hooray!) and (I'm not as winded--double hooray!) as well. My shoes are looser, my blouse doesn't gap in the front, all these things also show changes in my body.

I do weigh myself regularly as I do keep track of the loss, but looking at everything is a really good point!!
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Old 01-18-2009, 04:16 PM   #3  
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I took the measurements, and the pictures (clothed and naked!). It's really amazing. Yes I know 24 lbs is a lot of weight to drop (think two bags of potatoes) but being able to see it in pictures is just... AMAZING!
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