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Old 12-03-2008, 11:19 PM   #1  
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Smile Binge-Eating as a 19 Year Old- Support?

Hi everyone. I'm new to this site. I've decided it's time to grab life by the horns and stop shoving food in its face as my only means of controlling it. I've realized that what I need is to know that there are many others out there who share this problem, and maybe get some kind words and motivation while I'm at it. My weight has been up and down all my life. I have no problem with eating healthy foods- I love fruits and veggies- but I do have a problem with eating until I feel like I want to vomit. Lately, a lot of things have been going on in my life: a major breakup, exams, and loneliness. The way I seem to be coping with it is binge-eating, and I've gained about 10 pounds a month since I started. I need to stop, and I can't do it with my own thoughts alone. I think maybe a smidge of advice and support from people who've been where I'm at right now could be the key to me overcoming this and learning how to eat until I am comfortable rather than eating till I'm stuffed at every meal (even if it IS just stuffed on veggies. But admittedly, usually it's stuffed on cookie dough and 10 other things). Thank you so much. K.
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Old 12-03-2008, 11:25 PM   #2  
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And I just realized I posted this in a bad place.. But I HAVE followed the flex plan, and have fallen severely off the wagon. So perhaps still applicable?
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Old 12-03-2008, 11:45 PM   #3  
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KatC, try getting some books on binge eating, like those by Geneen Roth. She's great! I was too embarrassed to buy them in the store but they are super cheap at I sold mine there after bingeing was no longer a big issue for me (and it used to be HUGE).
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Old 12-04-2008, 07:41 AM   #4  
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Hey KatC , I know where your coming from... when things are stressful I LOVE to relax and just watch tv or get online and eat whatever looks good around the house.... when I say relax... I think of food..... but.... since I've been on WW I havent needed to do so. I can definitely relate to you... I've got a bf who wont get a job and its putting so much pressure on me to make MORE money to supprt not only myself but his big butt as well... and exams.... and other depressing things... but you can't let them get to you... i know easier said then done... but isn't weight loss and life the same way? I want to lose 50 lbs! Things will get better! aren't they both easier said then done? This is a great site for support! You'll find plently of helpful people and answers to all your questions. Hop back on Flex and see how things go... good luck =)
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Old 12-04-2008, 08:42 AM   #5  
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Thank you. I'm starting back again today. I'll write down everything and try to get back on track. I think this site could be a big help. It seems like most everyone here is coming from a similar place. Thanks again!
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Old 12-04-2008, 08:49 AM   #6  
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Hi Kat!

First thing - you are not alone! So many people here have similar problems with binge eating when stressed. I sure do, though I've managed to decrease the frequency of events and they are now few and far between. You can control it, it just takes time and mindfulness! Make a big list of all the things you could do to help de-stress, then when you are feeling bingey, pick something from that list and make yourself do it. Then re-evaluate how you feel after.

Second thing - There is a forum here called 'Chicks in Control' which you might find helpful. Everyone there is battling some kind of food-related control issue, such as binge eating.

Third thing - Welcome to the Flex area, and feel free to use the menu thread in particular! Tracking everything, even if you aren't at a weight loss level of intake yet, can do wonders for your commitment level and help you see just what you need to do.
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