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Old 10-24-2020, 10:00 AM   #1  
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Default 100+ pounds lost

A little bit of my backstory. Have been overweight since childhood. Was able lose weight but always seem to gain it back quite quickly and some extra pounds on top of it, because I was unable to control my eating habits (was eating when I felt happy, sad or bored). At the end I realised that diets don’t work and that I have to take it seriously and change my lifestyle and take care of my body for once and for good and that I didn’t want to gain weight constantly and I was to be honest just fed up of yo-yo dieting.

For me personally what works is intermittent fasting (fewer cravings and feel fuller). I try to eat within 8-hour window (2 meals a day) and fast the remaining 16 hours. I stopped eating bread, drinking soda, alcohol and consuming dairy products (such as cheese/milk/yogurt).

I try to limit as well my sugar intake and avoid as much as possible processed food (I just don't buy it anymore). I let myself indulge occasionally, for example during holidays or on a birthday party and have as well sometimes a cheat meal (not a cheat day).

I track as well my calories intake and for me personally it has become as well much easier as I only have two meals a day.
I try to consume mostly high-fiber foods (oats, brown rice, spelt wheat etc), fruits and vegetables, tofu/tempeh, oat/coconut milk, green tea. Around 80% of the time my meals are plant based and I do eat sometimes as well lean beaf, organic chicken breast and fish. To complement my eating habits, I am taking as well multivitamines and fish oil supplements.

I do perform on regular basis (6 a 7 times a week 30 minutes a day) physical activity (at home HIIT training & strength and occasionally as well running on a treadmill). Now I am focused on building muscle after losing all that weight. I don't like exercise but what I do like what it does for me helping to become a healthier person.

My highest weight ever was around 269 pounds my current weight is +/- 154 pounds and I am 6' tall.

Last edited by samnl83; 10-24-2020 at 10:43 AM.
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Old 10-28-2020, 01:36 AM   #2  
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Default That's really Amazing

I was thinking about going Vegan, but the issue is I LOVE steak too much. I can definitely do pescetarian, but I'd have to throw that steak in there at least once every couple of months. What do you think about Keto?
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Old 12-02-2020, 07:26 AM   #3  
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It's a lot of discipline you put into achieving this well done
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Old 03-17-2021, 08:03 AM   #4  
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How great! Congratulations!
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Old 05-16-2022, 11:28 AM   #5  
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I am 22 years old I love sports and cool cars
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