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Old 08-30-2017, 06:00 PM   #1  
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Default 140kg finally yay

Hello. It took me quite more than what I had on my callendar set for 140 but I finally did it. I've gone from 163.5 kg to 140 finally. I had joined a gym and exercised regularly and the weight left me extremely, painfully slow, I hit a plateau too but then I discovered Intermittent Fasting. I did cheat a lot since quiting gym on early June but still managed to loose 9 kg in 3 months with quite regular cheating. Now back on track and routine, gotta rejoin gym with my teen daughter and get to work. Gotta be that annoying, perky mom. Got only 41 more kg to go!!
P.s. Gotta try the 24h fast some time to see if it's possible. I'm quite scared really, that I'm setting the bar too high on everything and will end up a hairless, anemic, obese on the doctor's office hearing snickering behind my back if I say that I'm anemic or malnourished like it happened years ago. Don't want to be THAT kind of an example to my daughter.
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Old 09-02-2017, 04:02 AM   #2  
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 2


These detox water combos are my favorite so far! I dropped around 2kgs in last one month just by following a balanced diet and these detox water for weight loss.

1. Lemon, Cucumber, Strawberry, and Ginger Detox Water for Weight Loss
2. Orange, Pineapple and Lemon Tangy Detox Water for Weight Loss
3. Watermelon, Cucumber, Mint, and Lemon Detox Water for Weight Loss
4. Lemon, Ginger, and Honey Detox Water for Flat Belly

I wish, I could upload the pictures of how it turned out. However, if you wish to read recipes, you can go to the sassy nut.
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Old 09-02-2017, 09:41 AM   #3  
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Congratutation on your result. Great job.

Last edited by Emma121; 09-02-2017 at 09:41 AM.
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