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Old 09-30-2011, 02:08 PM   #1  
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Default MRC Maintainers

The thread is for those MRC Members that have successfully reached their weight loss goal and are going through the MRC Stabilization/Maintenance Program.
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Old 09-30-2011, 05:18 PM   #2  
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I will introduce myself..

Name is Patzi..
I am on maintenance since May, 2011. I decided to go 5 pounds under my goal before going on stabilization, and glad I did, as it has given me some
leeway if I gained .But the key is,if one gains,get back on the wagon and go from there. It all works out.

I thank Jen for starting this site.. I weighed in today and lost 2 pounds I gained Tuesday putting me 5 1/2 pounds under goal.

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Old 10-01-2011, 06:37 PM   #3  
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I'm Elizabeth-
So glad to be here and want to say "thank you" to JenB for starting this thread! I just started week 1 of stabilization and I know I will have tons of questions/challenges ahead of me because I am determined to KEEP it off this time!! I enjoyed my first baked potato in over 5 months today at lunch and it was delicious!

I have a question for you, already, Patzi! I know they've always told me to try to keep starch servings to around 40-50 calories. I wondered if there is a similar number for starches in stabilization. I know 1/2 cup of rice is about 100 calories, so I was wondering if that's the guideline? Also, is it correct that I can have any of the starches listed on the Stabilization menu at my normal "starch times?" So, I can now have 1/2 cup of oatmeal at breakfast, instead of 1/4? Or, 8 animal cookies? In other words, those starches aren't just for that lunch starch I'm adding 3 days a week?

Last edited by Goneforgood1128; 10-01-2011 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 10-02-2011, 06:24 PM   #4  
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Originally Posted by Goneforgood1128 View Post
I'm Elizabeth-
So glad to be here and want to say "thank you" to JenB for starting this thread! I just started week 1 of stabilization and I know I will have tons of questions/challenges ahead of me because I am determined to KEEP it off this time!! I enjoyed my first baked potato in over 5 months today at lunch and it was delicious!

I have a question for you, already, Patzi! I know they've always told me to try to keep starch servings to around 40-50 calories. I wondered if there is a similar number for starches in stabilization. I know 1/2 cup of rice is about 100 calories, so I was wondering if that's the guideline? Also, is it correct that I can have any of the starches listed on the Stabilization menu at my normal "starch times?" So, I can now have 1/2 cup of oatmeal at breakfast, instead of 1/4? Or, 8 animal cookies? In other words, those starches aren't just for that lunch starch I'm adding 3 days a week?

You can add only one starch serving to LUNCH ONLY on three days for the first week. This is a tricky week, as sometimes peoples carbs may cause weight to fluctuate, but then again maybe not.. Journal everything this week. This addition is to be eaten at lunch only,not at any other time.

This addition to the starch for lunch is in additon to whatever starch you are having on whatever plan you are on.The starch you have for breakfast is whatever is on your sheet. Oatmeal on mine is 1/4.Do not change that for breakfast during stabilization, as you can only add the starch at lunch.. Now if you are on another plan other than Meta Slim,it may be different, but i doubt it. If you wanted more oatmeal at lunch , then you would have the 1/2 cup that is allowed at lunch 3 x WEEK.

They are having you add starch at lunch only because no starch is included there. Only at breakfast and supper.

Does this make sense to you? If not,please ask away, will try to make it clear.

Biggest treat for me was having 1/2 English muffin at lunch with tuna salad on top of that and a slice of cheese for a tuna melt.Thought I died and went to heaven. LOL.

I will answer any questions you have..


Now on my breakfast menu for Meta Slim,it allows protein, and a bread/starch, whichever is on my list. You can have 1/4 cup oatmeal at breakfast as that is what is on my list.
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Old 10-02-2011, 06:27 PM   #5  
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I can have any of the starches listed on the Stabilization menu at my normal "starch times?" So, I can now have 1/2 cup of oatmeal at breakfast, instead of 1/4? Or, 8 animal cookies

Gone for good... I meant to also say, no you cannot have any of the stablization menu starches at normal starch times.. Only at lunch...

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Old 10-02-2011, 08:57 PM   #6  
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Thanks, Patzi! I missed the stabilization party, so I'm trying to figure it out! When I got my menu Friday at my WI, I asked the consultant this question. She said I can have any of those starches on the Stabilization Menu at any meals. In other words, I thought this was my new list of allowable starches. This didn't seem right to me, because that would be adding a whole lot of calories all of a sudden. And, I noticed on my journal that it says "bread" for breakfast and dinner, but it says "starch" at lunch. I felt kind of rushed and she was more interested in trying to sell me their "reward" packs of vitamins/minerals I haven't taken up until this point, but she wanted me to spend 110+ on! Luckily, I stayed strong and didn't buy any of them-I don't want to add anything new at this point, especially since I am trying to cut back on the pills I'm taking!

I appreciate your helpfulness!
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Old 10-05-2011, 01:53 PM   #7  
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Hi all!

My name is Natalie, and I started stabilization in May 2011 and maintenance in June 2011.

I started stabilization at 197 (goal weight was 191), and I began maintenance at 190. I've since lost a few more pounds--I'm down to 184.5. No problems with that--my "healthiest range" is actually at 170-180, I think, but I wanted to stabilize so we could start trying to get pregnant this last summer.

Maintenance was 100% going fine (if/when I did gain, it was usually only 1/2-1lb, and I would lose it again quickly the next week or two), until just the last couple weeks--stress is getting to me. Work has sucked and been stressful, I"ve been struggling with exercising (I dread doing it and have a hard time scheduling it in since I've been so busy with work), and money/budget/house issues are making me crazy.

We also just found out that we have fertility issues. I've always had PCOS, but with 10 years of BC pills and the recent weight loss and exercise habits, I've actually been ovulating and cycling since coming off the pill last summer. My cycles started to slow a little bit, though, so my doctor wanted to try a medicated cycle (to help ovulation), but that requires a sperm analysis on the husband to make sure we aren't wasting a medicated cycle... turns out my husband's analysis came back with zero sperm. ZERO. That was over a month ago, and I've been really upset and struggling with food/exercise since then. I mostly just want to curl up and sleep all the time. But, we have an appointment with an infertility urologist specialist tomorrow (we had a month-long wait to get in), so I'm hoping we'll start getting more answers soon.

Aaaand now that you all have gotten TMI on me...

I'm so glad this thread was started and is easy to locate! I had pretty much stopped posting (though I was still reading) the regular forum/threads because a lot of what I'm going through in maintenance is so different from the experiences of those actively dieting.
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Old 10-06-2011, 07:36 PM   #8  
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Teacher Lady...

It is so nice to hear from you, Natalie... I am glad this site was started also.
I am the same,if I gain it is 1-2 pounds, and then it comes right off..

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Old 10-07-2011, 04:24 PM   #9  
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My name is Cindy. I started the program about a year ago, I reached by goal weight in Jan 2011 and have been on maintenace since 2/10/11. I have never posted before but I have been following the the MRC thread all along.
I am glad to see something on maintenace. I have been doing pretty good on maintence until now, I have maybe lost my motivation or maybe I am getting bored with my food choices. I am up 4 lbs from my weight goal and it is starting to concern me. I do not know what to cook anymore. It's always the same old same old. While I was on the program I mostly used recipes out of the MRC cookbook, but since maintence I am lost. I do not use alot of the recipies anymore because they require supplements, does anyone have any suggestions for what to cook or subsitiutions for the supplements in the recipes.
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:47 PM   #10  
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Minnie me..
Nice to meet you.. Are you still going to the weigh ins? I still go twice a week. I need the accountability.. I am 5pounds under goal, and I play with
2 pounds all the time.. When I gain,I go back on my Meta Slim menu , the green one,for a few days, and that will usually take weight off, and I suggest you continue to journal in the event you stopped..

I never use the recipe book . I just cook healthy. Maybe try to make a list of what you want to have for breakfast,what you will have for lunch, a snack,etc..and supper. Here is my eating today and none of it from the cookbook.

Today I had for breakfast,2 homemade sausage patties,1slice of ww bread,with butter spray and some blueberries.Also had coffee with soy milk.

Lunch.. Had a chicken burger, left over veggies from last night, which were
roasted veggies,some strawberries

Snack when I got home from work,had an iced coffee made into a shake with diet creme soda and a small piece of baked oatmeal, and a small piece of soy cheese.

Supper.. We will have flounder, broccoli,large salad with dressing and home made pita croutons..

Later on,will have something,notsure what yet.

Now,if I gain weight on weigh in will go thru what I ate and see where I think I went off track.

Hope this helps you some, but try to stay motivated. If you have come this
far, that is wonderful,you will get the 4 pounds off.If you do go to meetings ask for help , if not we will try to keep you motivated on this forum..

Good luck to you.

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Old 10-10-2011, 01:14 PM   #11  
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Hi all you maintainers! I am interested in hearing what habits you have changed - besides what you eat. Are you finding that you think differently? Prioritize differently? What do you think is helping the most? I once read that we have to accept the fact that even in maintainance one ALWAYS has to be vigilent. That kind of depressed me at first. But I think it is probably true. For sure you cant go back to your old ways. What is working for you guys?
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Old 10-10-2011, 02:59 PM   #12  
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Originally Posted by camaswa View Post
Hi all you maintainers! I am interested in hearing what habits you have changed - besides what you eat. Are you finding that you think differently? Prioritize differently? What do you think is helping the most? I once read that we have to accept the fact that even in maintainance one ALWAYS has to be vigilent. That kind of depressed me at first. But I think it is probably true. For sure you cant go back to your old ways. What is working for you guys?
One cannot go back to their old ways, but on maintenance you are free to eat healthy and enjoy yourself.. Once you lose the weight , you will have a different attitude about yourself, that you won't let yourself slide back to old ways.... Remember in stabilization, you will learn how to add to your diet and you will be allowed so much more food and choices... I still cannot eat peanut butter without gaining, so I have omitted it for anothe time.. I enjoy the feeling I can have a glass of wine when I go out, and experience with foods, but in moderation. I had a small piece of pie when I went out one night , took my fat and carb blocker with that meal, but during the day omitted any types of breads, and less fruit. That is what center told me to do. I did not gain weight. I try something new each week, and if I gain I omit it for the time being, and go on to something else.. I can now eat cookies, some baked oatmeal, some pastry in moderation, and be fine.. I eat sensible servings.. I never bring in a bag of chips , as I know I can't stop at a few, so stay away from them, but other than that, I seem to have become disciplined.. I have disciplined myself to have a square of chocolate, vs. eating a whole box..
Consultant always asks if I have challenges for the weekend, and if I do we talk about it, and figure what I will try and what to omit from the day. It has worked for me..
I went 5 pounds under goal, so I would have some play room, and I gain 2, lose 2. Sometimes I gain for no reason, but such is life, it does come off..
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I feel good about maintenance, but I do feel I need to go in and get weighed.. I still go twice a week, but that is my choice. I may start going once a week next year, will see.

I have stopped taking all supplements except for an occasional HNS , cocoa, and the fat and carb blocker, I always keep on me. I find moderation is the key for me.. I still journal, as it is helpful if I gain to go back and examine.

My friend is going on 3 years stabilization, has kept her goal and is enjoying life. She lost 90 pounds.

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Old 10-10-2011, 06:05 PM   #13  
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That is so encouraging to hear! I hear so many more stories about people who just gained the weight back and I SOOOO don't want to go back there! Hearing about someone who has kept it off for 3 years is awesome!

I also like your common sense approach--everything in moderation! I do feel that MRC is teaching me to be more aware of what I eat and to be sensible about my choices (although I know some of the consultants would NEVER eat anything not OP, that's not real life for me!)...your approach is realistic and definitely doable!
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Old 10-12-2011, 01:13 PM   #14  
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Thanks Patzi! Really good post. Regaining is my worst fear. And I have done it more times than I want to admit...
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Old 10-14-2011, 01:54 PM   #15  
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Here is a recipe a friend of mine gave me, and I will make it.. I will only add
1/4 of the beans, as they are a big trigger for me, added in with the pumpkin, I may be asking for trouble, but who knows... I will not use the chile, and for the fat free broth, I make my own veggie broth, so I will use that.
Any recipe can be adapted to MRC maintenance so that it is healthy and we can stay pretty much on top of things and in focus. This looks like a WW recipe to me, but I will adapt to maintenance..

Recipe can be read here.

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