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exsquisit 03-13-2008 02:43 PM

Hi everyone,

Great job on all your losses! I had WI today and lost another pound, so I FINALLY got to sign the 10 pound board. I'm pretty happy about that. The counselor did tell me that the exercise was keeping me from getting 3-5 per week. So I think I'm going to try the 30 min 3 times a week and see if she know what she's talking about. Hey, it can't hurt. I have been feeling really tired lately. I was thinking it was maybe the time change, but it could be the exercise. I know I was dog tired in the bosu class yesterday.

Thanks for listening to a total strangers rants. This board is wonderful. So glad I found you all. Happy Losing!!!

maxncandy 03-13-2008 02:45 PM

As for all the questions about ketosis. I found several sites.

lowcarblisa.tripod.com/id21 dot html
www dot lowcarbohydrate.net/httblog/archives/000136 dot html

The first has info about a diet similar to MRC, but a little more restrictive and no HNS. But, I like the way they explain ketosis. Made more since to me...

Rocki 03-13-2008 02:50 PM

the stuff I got from mydietshopz had the same exact ingredients, so I'm not sure what you were looking at (what products I mean). Meemo orders from bodyandhealthessentials.com and they have great prices if you order at least 11 boxes I think and even better if you order 65+ boxes. LMK what you find and what products you saw with more sodium.


Originally Posted by HappyDaisey (Post 2098421)
I know we aren't supposed to use links in our messages - but can someone point me in the right direction for other places to get HNS? I looked at mydietshopz and found some similar drinks but they all had a lot more sodium than the ones we buy at MRC. Are those the ones people are talking about or did I not find the right ones. Can you give me names? 5 for $55 is stretching my bank account. :o

HappyDaisey 03-13-2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by rockijames (Post 2098570)
the stuff I got from mydietshopz had the same exact ingredients, so I'm not sure what you were looking at (what products I mean). Meemo orders from bodyandhealthessentials.com and they have great prices if you order at least 11 boxes I think and even better if you order 65+ boxes. LMK what you find and what products you saw with more sodium.

Thanks for the added info Rocki!!!

I might have been having a problem because I was comparing the concentrate (splenda) HNS with the ones on this website. Perhaps the powder HNS have more sodium? My HNS boxes are at home so I can't compare until tonight but if that is the case then it explains it!!

Finz 03-13-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by maxncandy (Post 2098556)
Namaste -- Finz -- Can you please send me the metaquick menu as I visit the Shalimar office as well and they don't do that particular menu.

I just sent you a PM!

bomaze 03-13-2008 03:59 PM


Also, I can't seem to find a tortilla with low enough calories so I can eat them....do you know of a brand?
Another one to try is the Flat Out Light Wrap and cut it in half. It's got a little chewier texture, so I prefer it warmed up a bit but it does come in other flavors, so it's nice for a change of pace. You could skip the eggs altogether and just have the cheese and tortilla, then you don't even need it warmed. I'm with Meemo though on the eggs - I never stopped using large eggs; however, I rarely eat more than one egg a day.

HappyDaisey 03-13-2008 04:43 PM

Wrap Info.

Originally Posted by bomaze (Post 2098678)
Another one to try is the Flat Out Light Wrap and cut it in half. It's got a little chewier texture, so I prefer it warmed up a bit but it does come in other flavors, so it's nice for a change of pace. You could skip the eggs altogether and just have the cheese and tortilla, then you don't even need it warmed. I'm with Meemo though on the eggs - I never stopped using large eggs; however, I rarely eat more than one egg a day.

Thanks for the info. Bomaze - I'll take a look at the grocery when I'm there next time. Thanks.

3monkeysmomma 03-13-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Finz (Post 2098393)
That sounds good, but (and I'm just going by my menu) I don't think you are supposed to have cottage cheese for dinner so you may want to check on that. Fine for lunch though :)

Crap I did it again, your right. uggggg!

Venvix 03-13-2008 05:51 PM

Dang!! Everyone on this board writes in as fast as weight is lost!! Awesome job on the losses, everyone! :woohoo: There's so many people to reply to that I don't want to use up an entire page worth to reply to everyone, but I'm so impressed by the awesome progress! However, I did have to reply to you, ieduc8em 'cuz I just had a very similar experience to yours!

Originally Posted by ieduc8em (Post 2097443)
Anyway, I have a dressing room story of my own. I went to buy some new pants for a picture and I decided I would take in a 14p and a 12p. I looked at those 12P and they looked awful small to me. I said if these things fit I am going to cry right here in the dressing room. They fit. I looked in the mirror and said is that me? I was so happy...I did cry.

I just tried on a pair of pants at TJMaxx, they were a size 10 Levi's, which I used to own a pair of Levi's in high school that I miss terribly...I looked and looked at them and shook my head and said to myself "No-freakin'-way will these fit...."..but lo and behold, they zipped right up!! I swear, I twirled and twirled around in that dressing room just *looking* at myself...I wish I had someone to hug right at that instant!! What an awesome feeling that is! I can't wait to show them off to everyone! :dance: Oh yah, I finally hit my almost-20 pound weight loss, I was within a half-pound of it! yippee!!!
Oh, and however posted on the leg cramps and how they can be prevented by eating more broccoli, you are a genius! I have been plagued by leg cramps for the last week, I could barely walk without pain, let alone go to the gym. I was about to break down and eat a banana when I read the post about broccoli, I tried that instead, and voila! No more cramps and now I can go back to the gym!
Everyone is doing awesome, and here's to another great weekend and great losses for everyone! Thanks for all of your support! :dancer:

bomaze 03-13-2008 06:54 PM

:carrot:Awesome on the size tens, Venvix! :carrot:

blueyedangel 03-13-2008 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by HappyDaisey (Post 2098196)
Congrates to all of you "losers" this week!! That is wonderful!

And readytobethinagain and blueyedangel you both look beautiful! I just recently got my hair cut short too. Not quite as short as the two of you but it is chin length. I used to have short hair in high school (you know when I was as my thinnest) but then as I got heavier and heavier I grew it out because I always thought a shorter hair cut would make my face look chubbier.

I was so wrong!!!! :o If anything my shorter hair finally makes me look like an adult. :D

Anyways - You both look beautiful - Currently eating my very very dry bread with cheese and 1 hard boiled egg. I wish there was something I could make for breakfast that was better, but I am bound by quickness. I have to make it the night before so I can throw it into my lunch box and be out the door. I don't have time to make anything in the morning......any suggestions??

:hug:Thank you HappyDaisey! You're too sweet! :)

I'm rushed at breakfast also. I nuke an egg & put it on my toast sometimes just to switch it up. Plus I can eat & drive with my little sandwich! :D

blueyedangel 03-13-2008 07:17 PM

Yesterday was my first day on the blue menu. I really was never hungry on the yellow...just missed a bit of variety. However...now my stomach actually growls! What's up with that? Why am I hungrier with this menu??? HELP

Meemo 03-13-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by HappyDaisey (Post 2098421)
I know we aren't supposed to use links in our messages - but can someone point me in the right direction for other places to get HNS? I looked at mydietshopz and found some similar drinks but they all had a lot more sodium than the ones we buy at MRC. Are those the ones people are talking about or did I not find the right ones. Can you give me names? 5 for $55 is stretching my bank account. :o

bodyandhealthessentials.com is where I've bought them.
Also you can make your own with Crystal Light (the bottled kind made with Splenda) and plain unflavored whey protein powder. The orange and the raspberry both came out pretty well, the lemonade I didn't like quite as much but it isn't undrinkable.

readytobethinagain 03-13-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by HappyDaisey (Post 2098196)
Congrates to all of you "losers" this week!! That is wonderful!

And readytobethinagain and blueyedangel you both look beautiful! I just recently got my hair cut short too. Not quite as short as the two of you but it is chin length. I used to have short hair in high school (you know when I was as my thinnest) but then as I got heavier and heavier I grew it out because I always thought a shorter hair cut would make my face look chubbier.

I was so wrong!!!! :o If anything my shorter hair finally makes me look like an adult. :D

Anyways - You both look beautiful - Currently eating my very very dry bread with cheese and 1 hard boiled egg. I wish there was something I could make for breakfast that was better, but I am bound by quickness. I have to make it the night before so I can throw it into my lunch box and be out the door. I don't have time to make anything in the morning......any suggestions??

Thanks so much!! i guess my fragile ego needed a little extra love! And I used to be the same way, thinking that short hair would make me look chubbier, but it didn't. My face did!! teehee:o

I went to wi today thinking that since I've not been feeling well and not been getting in my water b/c of that, that I would have gained or maintained, but alas, I lost a pound! And that was after breakfast ,fully clothed (sans belt and shoes of course!!!)

Thanks everyone for being so sweet and letting me rant and being nice even though I was being that way!! There isn't really anyone else that lets me do that and is still nice to me. I told my hubby last night that I'm losing my boobs and they aren't looking as nice as they were. He sighed, crawled into bed and said "You are losing weight and you are still finding stuff to complain about! I swear, you are never going to be happy with yourself!!" And I thought, yes, I am happy that I am losing weight, but the one thing that I enjoyed about being overweight was for the first time in my life, I had cleavage! And now I have to give that up?!?! I suppose I don't mind having little boobies, (or tictacs as we used to call them!) but I don't want them to be ummm...shaped (?) the way they are starting to be shaped!! Anyone else have any problems with this!?! I swear, I'm going to get a boob job!!! :devil:


Noah Tall 03-13-2008 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by blueyedangel (Post 2098931)
Yesterday was my first day on the blue menu. I really was never hungry on the yellow...just missed a bit of variety. However...now my stomach actually growls! What's up with that? Why am I hungrier with this menu??? HELP

I've noticed that too, maybe it's because the food isn't so blah and you want to eat more. When all I had to look forward to was cottage cheese and a big honkin salad, I wasn't so enthused about it. But, now I get CHICKEN!

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