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3monkeysmomma 03-12-2008 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by readytobethinagain (Post 2097296)
But I didn't lose at my wi on Monday, so I was so disappointed that I almost hit that "why bother" feeling that you get just from being ridiculously moody and whiny!!
I can't help but to think that all of this is really just from my cycle being different.
SO sorry about my whining. Enough of that. Thanks for letting me vent!!!:hug:

Christie, wow you've lost 27 pounds and you started in Feb? That sounds pretty good to me. I was way moody and whiny the other day , I thought my TOM was coming but it hasn't got here yet and I don't understand why.
Congrats on only having 1 good 1 nasty mushroom! I don't know how I will handle those kind of temptations yet but I'm scared about it, I bet it is hard so good job being strong like that. 27 pounds since Feb, dang!
I truly love your hair! It is so cute, the color and the style, I love your hair.

ieduc8em 03-12-2008 09:02 PM

Golly girls...I didn't think I was off the board that long. Ya'll are burning it up. I've tried to catch up and almost have.

Way to go on all the success stories!

I hated the pig story. That is about one of the cruelest things I have heard in a while and I teach 4th graders:)

Anyway, I have a dressing room story of my own. I went to buy some new pants for a picture and I decided I would take in a 14p and a 12p. I looked at those 12P and they looked awful small to me. I said if these things fit I am going to cry right here in the dressing room. They fit. I looked in the mirror and said is that me? I was so happy...I did cry. Anyway, just wanted to share that with you friends.

I wi today and was down another 3 lbs. I felt like it was going to be a good week. I have been a little sluggish lately. My center suggested not doing any creamies (the choc mini crisps) and up my supplement to 4. Well it worked.

I hope everyone has a terrific rest of the week!

readytobethinagain 03-12-2008 09:10 PM

Thanks! I went into my hairdresser one day (who is so fantastic that I trust her completely) and I was almost in tears b/c I was so bored with it and I had had a horrible day at work and I just said "DO SOMETHING TO IT!!" And she of course, didn't let me down!

And thanks for the kind words, but in all fairness, I started MRC in Feb. I was low-carbing and lost the 7 pounds. So I've only lost 20 OP. I mean 20 is a lot...not trying to discredit myself! Everyone at the shower noticed and that was nice. My youngest sister actually made snide comments b/c she's overweight and at the rate I'm going, she will be the only overweight person to walk down the aisle at my other sister's wedding. That was pretty upsetting that she would make a negative comment. She told me not to get to skinny b/c she was looking at pics, she found one of me when I was at my thinnest and my face was sucked in! (WHICH IS NOT TRUE!!) I think it's either just been a disheartening weekend/week or I'm super sensitive for some crazy reason!

But thank you so much. I guess sometimes, I just need to be reminded.

mommato3 03-12-2008 09:37 PM

Went to wi this evening, and was only down 1/2 pound, but I was still happy because I just started TOM yesterday. Yuck! So, I was just really happy that I hadn't gained. We also took measurements today and my grand total of inches lost was 24!! That's 2 feet. I was pretty excited about that number!

readytobethinagain, my "prize" to myself when I meet my goal is to get a really cute short hair cut! Your hair is way cute, and so is blueyedangel's.

blueyedangel 03-12-2008 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by mommato3 (Post 2097510)
Went to wi this evening, and was only down 1/2 pound, but I was still happy because I just started TOM yesterday. Yuck! So, I was just really happy that I hadn't gained. We also took measurements today and my grand total of inches lost was 24!! That's 2 feet. I was pretty excited about that number!

readytobethinagain, my "prize" to myself when I meet my goal is to get a really cute short hair cut! Your hair is way cute, and so is blueyedangel's.

Well, thanks so much for the hair compliment! :hug: My story is the same as readytobethinagain actually! My hair is naturally curly, which = unruly... ;) My hairdresser is so cute & young & I trust her totally... So, one day I just said make me look hott...! That's the haircut I got. I luv it, since I have to get up so early (4:45 am) for work. It's quick & easy & fun to spice it up with color or pull a bit of the front over with a hairpin. Naturally its kinda coppery brown & I've had red & blond highlights in it, just blond, and dark lowlights.

blueyedangel 03-12-2008 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Noah Tall (Post 2095680)
Whew! I made it through yellow! And, I lost 5.5 pounds woohoo! I'm so excited to get to eat an egg tomorrow, lol.

Re the exercise questions, I usually exercise 5 hrs a week, pretty intensely, and then I'm also training for a 5k. I asked my center about it, and they told me just to make sure and drink all 4 of my HNS on my workout days, take lots of B vitamins, and if I was having trouble, to let them know and they could adjust my menu for me.

Yay for you! 5.5 lbs!!!:hug:

Rocki 03-12-2008 11:26 PM

HNS faves
I really love the peach mango concentrate and the pink-lemonade. I don't care much for the wildberry. The orange is okay and I really love the creamys. What I do with the creamys is whisk them in a 2 cup Tupperware bowl and then chill (usually freeze b/c I want it set quick). Yesterday I did the vanilla, froze it and then added the Canfield's choloate diet soda and some rum and coconut extracts! HMMMM, YUMMY! I find if you whisk the puddings they are MUCH better! I like the hot drinks but I mix them with coffee, I don't drink them alone. I ordered 15 boxes from mydietshopz.com and they have a mocha that was wonderful chilled (pudding/creamy). I don't like MRCs Lemon (I think it's from MRC) and I don't much care for grape so I haven't bought those.


Originally Posted by Noah Tall (Post 2097232)
So, what does everyone think of the supplements? I'd love to see recommendations of what to try and what to avoid :). So far, I've tried the grape, which is good, wildberry which is ok, chicken boullion--yeck, and the hot cocoa and choc pudding, both meh on those, but the pudding was reaaaallly lumpy.

Any faves or avoids out there?

Rocki 03-12-2008 11:34 PM

I'm so proud of you resisting temptation, but sorry for no loss. Just keep it up. I understand the moodiness, remember I cried over french fries last week! :)

Do you like the Magic Bullet? I was wondering about getting one of those but I have a food processor (that pricey one that sits on my shelf and hasn't been out of the box in more than 2 years, oh, yea Cuisanart) and a blender. Do you think the bullet works much better ?


Originally Posted by readytobethinagain (Post 2097296)
I have a bassett too! She's so darn mischevious. And NEEDY!!! But I love her!

So, I'm just getting to my two week point from my last TOM. And I'm spotting just a smidge. I have felt so crappy the past two days, that I have called out sick to work. I'm so confused! I want a normal TOM back!! My OVARIES AND UTERUS HURT!!! :mad: And I've been so tired. I started to wonder from earlier posts if I'm exercising too much. I go three to four times a week and I do cardio for about 30 minutes and then light weights for about fifteen. And I have had a horrible time with cravings. Well, not the past two days, but before that. Saturday was horrible. I could have just spent the whole day crying. BUT on the flip side, my sister's first bridal shower was Sunday and I resisted everything, but two mushrooms. And the second one was cold and I almost threw it up! I was so proud of myself (Not for the almost throwing up, but for the resisting of temptation). But I didn't lose at my wi on Monday, so I was so disappointed that I almost hit that "why bother" feeling that you get just from being ridiculously moody and whiny!!
I can't help but to think that all of this is really just from my cycle being different. Any thoughts? I've never had a horrible period before now. And the past two months have been hideous!!

Oh! And my center has been out of the hot chocolate, so I have been trying different things to quench that sweet tooth at night. Last night I took my creamy vanilla pudding and 1/2 pinapple with some ice and water and put it in the magic bullet and it was GREAT! It was almost like sherbert. The night before I did the lemon smoothy from the book (which inspired the pineapple), and the night before that I did the orange julius!! THAT WAS MY FAVORITE!!!

SO sorry about my whining. Enough of that. Thanks for letting me vent!!!:hug:

Rocki 03-12-2008 11:53 PM

Catch Up Time, Responses to Past Posts
Here's my list I've been compiling since Sunday I think.

Deb..Welcome back. I'm fairly new so I don't think I've "seen" you before. Glad you're back here with us.

Alexia..6 lbs! WOOHOO!! Way to go girl!

Angie..1 more pound, right! Good going! LMK how Vegas goes and what you do. I'm going but not 'til Labor Day (5.5 months away). I'll be done with program but I'll still be in maintenance so I'll need all the tips I can get.

Smgyorkie..Welcome back too. I'll have to go check out your pics.

Finz..YAY for the 30 lb board! That is awesome.

Keri..4 lbs, YAYYAYAYAY for you!

Kristi..Sorry to hear about your grandma. I've lost a lot of close friends and family in the last 2 years (gma, old boss, man we bought our business from, step-dad and grandpa). It's so hard esp when you're so close. Enjoy all the time you have and cherish those moments! We're here for you!

NWALoser..How'd the party go again?? I think you did pretty well. Have you WI yet?

Cargirl..120oz of H2O..OMG! How do you do it?? Our goals and weights are similar I think. I'll be watching you for inspiration! :)

Denise..I think you gave some party tips..Thanks for sharing. And the underwire bra! Too funny. I ALWAYS put on the same shorts for WI and they are huge now (they were lose to start with). I told them once my jeans weighed 1.7 lbs and they said they didn't go by that. So, I make sure to wear what I need to wear so the scale is accurate and not overinflated!:)

Angierue..Way to go on 4lbs lost. Gotchya on the taking off the jeans, but do you actually do that IN the center? How's the workout going? I go again tomorrow.

Bonnie..YAY for all those inches lost!

Goal4life..2lbs, woohoo!! Love the splena/cinnamon chips! YUM.

Nickie..2lbs, way to go! New jeans?? I have that written down. I think you got into a smaller size, right?? I'm worried about the plastic too but I did buy the steam bags. I don't use them everyday. I do use the oven and stove top more.

thistimesdifferent..transferring our identity, LOVED that thought! We really do need to change our whole thought process in order to be successful. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and not seeing much change (even though clothes are much looser) but I need to envision being that skinny (thinner) person I want/need to be! Thanks for reminding us.

Pat..How's the fat/carb blocker work for you? I've taken it a few times. Do you see a big difference when you eat out and such? I took some tonight b/c we went out to eat and I was afraid there wouldn't be good choices. I ended up having broiled catfish and steamed broccoli (brought my own melba and dressing mix for a dip), drank water and decaf coffee b/c the restaurant was freezing. I was happy with my choices and I took the pills, so I think I'll be okay.

msteacher..3.5lbs! Way to go.!

Kathy..OMG, 60 lbs! You are my hero! I would like to lose 50-60 total, so I'm so glad to see others on here losing that!

Miri..Congrats on the 10lb board! Keep it going!

Tim..yay for that 3.6 lbs!

Crystal..yes, eggs on the next menu! :)

JanT..great job getting back on track.

That's my big response update. I hope I didn't confuse anyone. I took notes late Sunday night (1am probably) and just got more time to post. I'll post a personal update below.


Rocki 03-13-2008 12:13 AM

Personal Update
I finally went to WI today. I didn't go Monday b/c my scale @ home looked very scary (the numbers looked scary, that is) and I just didn't want to be disappointed and explain why I think I gained. So, I waited until I got things back under control after my weekend away. I weighed this am @ home and it looked MUCH better. I went in around 10am and I was down 1 more pound. I'm pretty happy about that! I know I had a rough weekend but I've been 100% OP since Monday afternoon. I plan to go in Saturday for another WI and hope to be down another 2.5. I say that b/c I should be back in fat burning mode, so to speak, and I'm making sure to get all my water and HNS in and I'll be eating on track starting tomorrow:) (thanks Jewelie). I know 2.5 is a lot in 3 days, but it's a goal to reach for at least. I know I'll lose, just how much is yet to be determined.

I finally got my dijonaisse and am excited about using that and dill on fish and stuff. I have sea salt, garlic and onion powder extras to take to work so I don't have to carry my seasonings with me everywhere I go and I feel way more in control now than I have for a long time. I know it's all up to me and I KNOW I can do this.

Thanks so much for all the amazing support. I tell everyone I know about this board and all the great people here.

Good luck to all WI tomorrow.

Kristie..Hope you're feeling better. I told Stephanie and Casey to tell you "hi" for me! :) Maybe we'll meet @ the center someday.

Lori..I still haven't found the Safflower oil. I've checked 2 or 3 Publix stores and the WM supercenter the center said would have it. Our "Greenwise" sections over here are kind of limited. I'll check a few more and then I'll have to drive over there! What store did you get yours at, do you remember the location?? Mine said they had it but they did a reset and stopped selling it. Whatever! UGH.

Okay..bath and sleep now. This time change is KILLING me. I haven't gone to bed before 1am this whole week and I have to be up @ 6:15.

'Night all.

3monkeysmomma 03-13-2008 01:59 AM

Rocki! Oh you gorgeous thing! I did not recognize you at first. I love your new pic.

I had a very satisfying supper, I bought some Grill Mates Seafood Rub, then I rubbed some chicken breast with a little evoo then rubbed on the rub(not just for seafood :D), I baked 4 breasts at 350 for about 20 minutes or so. (So now I have enough for three more meals) Then sauteed some green peppers and mushrooms (made extra for later meals) Then I took a La Tortilla Factory Wrap, cut it in half because this kind was 100 calories each, kinda lightly toastes it in pan and put 2 oz cottage cheese on it then nuked few seconds, the put 4 oz chicken in it with peppers and mushrooms, the flavor of the chicken was surprisingly good and the cottage cheese took care of the dry factor, had to eat it with a fork but tha's ok. Had some steamed zucchini with it. Was good!:love:
Tomorrow I can have a diet sprite I'm excited.
My breakfast was excellent also, was getting kinda tired of the burrito so I toasted bread in a pan with pam (I like pan toast, not so dry) the added 2 oz Gouda cheese (my new favorite) to the top of the toast stuck under broiler for few seconds t melt cheese then topped with 1 scrambled egg. I could pick it up and eat it one handed, made me feel like I was having a something I wasn't suppose to.:hun:

mirihawk 03-13-2008 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by 3monkeysmomma (Post 2091819)
Oh I can't wait until my boobs stick out farther than my belly, I can't wait to get a good view of my shoes too!!

LOL oh yes, I am with you! And I can't wait till tying my shoes doesn't seem like such a CHORE!

mirihawk 03-13-2008 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by dkmd27 (Post 2092443)
I had to be my son's emergency "stand-in" date for a dinner for his work (his wife got sick at the last minute), and had to borrow a dress from her (a size 12!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG -- and it fit!!) It's been decades since I've worn a size 12 -- and sleeveless

Deb.. wow! a size 12, that is soooo exciting! Congrats.:carrot::carrot: 4 months, you have really accomplished a lot! - Miriam

readytobethinagain 03-13-2008 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by rockijames (Post 2097648)
I'm so proud of you resisting temptation, but sorry for no loss. Just keep it up. I understand the moodiness, remember I cried over french fries last week! :)

Do you like the Magic Bullet? I was wondering about getting one of those but I have a food processor (that pricey one that sits on my shelf and hasn't been out of the box in more than 2 years, oh, yea Cuisanart) and a blender. Do you think the bullet works much better ?

LOOK AT YOU!!! you look great!!!

NO!! don't waste your money! My hubby bought it a while ago and the only thing it's really good for is grinding coffee beans! I hate it for smoothies! And I'm so jealous!! I want a nice Cuisinart!!! I use a food processor for my melba toast and I would love to have a good one b/c it takes forever with my little dinky one!!!

namaste 03-13-2008 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by ieduc8em (Post 2097443)
Anyway, I have a dressing room story of my own. I went to buy some new pants for a picture and I decided I would take in a 14p and a 12p. I looked at those 12P and they looked awful small to me. I said if these things fit I am going to cry right here in the dressing room. They fit. I looked in the mirror and said is that me? I was so happy...I did cry. Anyway, just wanted to share that with you friends.

:hug: I felt like I was right there with you. I'm so happy for you. It is you, and you are amazing, beautiful, and you are so incredible! Congratulations. :hug:

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