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Old 03-12-2015, 09:10 AM   #1  
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Default And so it begins

Been a visitor before, and actually just noticed this area of the forum, lol.

Been a while since I last visited.

I know it's fairly quiet, but thought I'd just have a little thread to post updates and stuff.

Looking to lose some weight.

I'm 42 and classed under 'obese', 5'7 and weigh 15st, I don't see myself as 'obese' 'obese' if you get my meaning.

I've actually put on around 1st over the past 9 months or so, I think having sustained a knee injury which meant I couldn't play anymore football has played it's part.

Trying to get back to football but need to strengthen my knee and also set to see physio.

Also looking to watch what I eat.

Now I'll admit it, I'm not going to be a 7 day a week dieter, the intention is to hit around 1680 calories per day (or less), however this will not include Friday or Saturday when I will let go a bit, although do intend to not go overboard.

This is only my second week, I intend to start weighing in on a Monday night at around 9pm and see how it goes, probably starting this Monday (16th March).

I've no goals or target dates, just want to see the weight drop.

Work has been a problem, as snacking was a big issue, but I have done really well, cutting out treats, basically all I have is diluting juice, some light breakfast i.e. crackers/oxo, cereal and something for lunch.

I've also bought Raspberry Ketone Capsules from Holland and Barrett, listen god knows if I've wasted my money, but I've done it now and have them, so what the heck.

Watching what I eat through the evening/night too and trying just to take a dinner and that's it.

I'll try my best and update at least once per week and it just gives me somewhere to keep a record that is 'out there'.

And so it begins..................

Last edited by dboyuk; 03-12-2015 at 09:12 AM.
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Old 03-13-2015, 11:44 PM   #2  
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Hey good luck.. Dont bother with those pills, or any pills for that matter. All they do is make your wallet skinnier. If your into apps on your cell phone, try my fitness pal. Its free, and I do not have a interest in it.
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Old 03-16-2015, 10:16 AM   #3  
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Thanks may check it out.

Yeah, the pills might have been a mistake, I've got them now, so I'll take them and see what happens and if it's going well I can see what happens further down the line when I actually don't have them.
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Old 03-17-2015, 04:11 AM   #4  
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So starting weigh-in.

15 Stone.

And now it begins.................
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Old 03-18-2015, 11:30 AM   #5  
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Starting to contemplate that I might even try out a kind of 5:2 diet route.

It would work as still sticking to the planned diet, but maybe a tuesday and thursday just going for the 'fasting' days.

Not sure if I'm trying to run before I walk, but looking at putting some foods on a list to maybe work out what could be manageable for those 2 days.

Think it's around 600 calories allowed, so if I can tie that in with the other few days (Mon, Wed and Sun) of the 1680 calories limit then hopefully that'll help.

Also possibly getting a treadmill for free, so that could come in handy.

Obviously the Fri/Sat is still a free for all, but will be more careful what I eat, and not go overboard.

Will update soon.
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Old 03-24-2015, 05:30 AM   #6  
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Well got caught up last night, so didn't do weigh-in till this morning I'm not sure how that plays with the body. But I'm bordering on saying I lost between 0.5-1lb over the past week.

Not great, but it's a start.

Think I need to get the electronic scale, as I hate trying to see the weight on the needle version.

Think I will give the 2 days of 600 calories a go, but I think I will probably just see how close I can get to it at the moment, will use the 1680 for the other days.

Sunday was a bit out so that didn't help, but not so bad a first week.

Will be interesting to see how this week goes.

Started some sit-ups in the morning, and will then try and get out and about soon, weather is quite good, so that might help, although I will need to take things easy with my knee and see how that goes. I think if I can get back to football, it will do me the world of good.
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Old 03-29-2015, 11:14 PM   #7  
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Something, that might make this a bit more manageable.

Calculate, the calories you need to lose. Set it up, so that you have a daily count, but, that includes, a set of "flex" calories, to account for the weekends!

So, lets say, you figure, for a cal count of x amount for the week to lose. So, you get x a day, but you put in reserve, some calories, to account for the weekends, or holidays, or parties or weddings or whatever!

Keep in mind, this week by week. The "flex" cals do NOT roll over!

However, this does allow for flexibility! So, having cake at a wedding or a beer with your buds! It's ok. After all it is life, and we do need to live it!
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Old 03-30-2015, 08:18 AM   #8  
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Yeah I see what you mean, and it is a good idea.

Mind you the calorie limit's I have gave myself, do allow for a buffer anyway.

Meaning if I still go over my limit for the 5 days I still will be benefiting, just slightly less than if I keep to the limit.
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Old 04-01-2015, 03:36 AM   #9  
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Think I'll need to get a digital set of scales, the needle type is rather hard to see for me.............................. and no I don't mean because my belly is sticking out, lol.

Looking at it, it seems at best another 0.5lb may have came off.

At best so far 1lb has came off since starting.

Got a new App on my phone which is letting me keep a record as opposed to doing it on the work computer which could lead to some lost calories not being noted. But it's quite good and let's me do on the spot calorie counting.

It has a step type calorie burning counter, but may not use it as when you come out the app it seems to freeze the counter so you'd need to keep resetting it all the time. I'll guess I'll just look at it as any exercise or calorie burning activities will just not be noted and be looked at as a bonus.
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Old 04-02-2015, 06:49 AM   #10  
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This week should be interesting.

Off on holiday, so will need to keep myself in some sort of order.

Not sure how the non-monitoring of my calorie intake will be with this new app if I don't record anything for a Fri/Sat. May just have to put in either my budget of 1680 or actually put in my daily allowance (believe around 2600 or thereabouts).

May start doing sit-ups and some knee exercises both before and after work now. And maybe add some light weights after work too.
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Old 04-13-2015, 05:36 AM   #11  
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Just a quick update, had my week off.

Last week's weigh-in resulted in no change.

Weigh in tonight, not sure if I'll have lost anything, although quitely confident that I will not have gained which is a bonus. I didn't go overboard, but my 1680c per day went out the window during this period.

Also been to physio about my knee, so on a recuperation programme, hopefully after the initial month I'll see a change in my knee which will allow maybe some more exercise to start.

Back to work now so looking to the 1680 cals per day again, hopefully even less. The 600cal per day (2 days p/w) might be a tad too difficult for me, but even if I get it under 1000 I'll be happy and sure see the difference over time.

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Old 04-15-2015, 03:32 AM   #12  
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As predicted no change, of that I'm happy with, considering I wasn't really working to any diet during my holiday break.

Getting into a bit of routine with the knee, so hoping if that clears up and get's at least strong enough to play footy, that should be a huge bonus for me and should make a decent difference.
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Old 04-29-2015, 09:12 AM   #13  
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Have lost around 2-3 lbs so far which is poor, but continuing with the exercises and will need to ensure I'm not snacking, have certainly cut down, but plenty of room for improvement.
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Old 09-26-2017, 01:19 AM   #14  
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Seems like this ended rather abruptly. /rollseyes

Too bad.
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Old 03-26-2021, 05:19 AM   #15  
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Come on guys, keep it up. Good job
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